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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1983)
Page 4/The Battalion/Tuesday, June 14, 1983 Mentally disturbed mail shot officer, police say G United Press International DALLAS — A mentally dis turbed man smashed dishes in a violent demand for breakfast, then shot a policeman who re sponded to his mother’s call for help before being arrested, police said Monday. The suspect, Israel Morales, 33, was arrested after a four- hour standoff with scores of policemen. After an unsuccess ful attempt at negotiations, police saturated the house with tear gas which started a fire. The injured policeman, Tommy Gates, 37, suffered a stomach wound and was in the intensive care unit at Parkland Memorial Hospital in fair condition Monday. Morales was treated for a minor wound to the shoulder and was jailed. Authorities said at- he would be charged with tempted capital murder. His mother, who said Morales had a history of mental disturbances, said she called police after he demanded break fast Sunday morning, then be came unusually violent and be gan smashing dishes. Morales was smoked out of his parents’ home where Gates had gone around 9 a.m. CDT to answer the call at Morales’ pa rents’ home, a police spokesman said. After a four-hour standoff, law officers used gun shots and tear gas to drive Morales out of the home. His parents were re leased before snots were fired. Morales was arrested after he fled the house to avoid the gas and a fire sparked by gas cannis- lobbed into the structure. Although he had beenim ^‘ted rr vestigators were unsure tiff': ‘ , received the wound. pect fired three times £ P do J es , ei1 officer, and the officerfn«ig Monday shots back,” a spokes® H e g ed u ma , “We’re not sure ifthetftlBrf 1 on T him or not.” inud at a G. ■j.S. distri Detectives said they McDonald to no motive for the (eek that Du ters which left Gates withi. iop managi wound to the stomach, uttitter Mic Eld be tr Six weeks ago Officerfc^jness Baker was shot several!:: [ c Bnde, 4b, run over by a van.Twt ;ia i s G f the c in his death werecornerec® to begii Arkansas farmhouseandi lonv could b rently committed suicidt® (; g r i(]e i; than be arrested. )rs sa y dirt c . . filch caused Since then, seven , ,. . have been shot by Dallasp^J 0 ' ^ lV( ■own for; Six have died. staff photo by Eric Evan Lee Udder amazement New law being upheld for Arkansas migrants erl Original ■ for the iret co-del Iges rang! ■piracy, (plosives an Stephanie Palmer, 2, of Bryan, pets a Jersey cow at the Post Oak Mall’s 2nd Annual Milking Contest. All of the cows used were from Texas A&M. The funds from the milk-a-thon were donated to Brazos County Crime Stoppers. Mayor Pro-tem Pies Turner, of Bryan, was the winner of the contest milking 120 ounces of milk in three minutes. He received a trophy for his efforts. WE SPECIALIZE IN STUDENT TYPING WHEN SPEED, FORMAT, AND ACCURACY ARE VITAL... Call Us: BUSINESS 6c COMMUNICATION SERVICES 100 West Brookside • Bryan, Texas 77801 Man stabbed to death in parking place fight United Press International DALLAS — A man was stab bed to death Sunday night in an argument over a parking space, police said Monday. Officers said Allan Ray Robinson, 22, was stabbed in the heart during a front-yard argu ment. Authorities were looking for a suspect, 25, who escaped on foot. Witnesses told police that Robinson and the suspect argued over a parking space at Juanita Craft Park, where a Jamaican folk music concert was held. DID YOU KNOW?? You can walk to the SOUPER SALAD | within a few minutes for the greatest! soups in Texas. You may pick and® choose your own salad from the twen-1 ty-six foot salad bar with great condi-1 United Press International HERMITAGE, Ark. — A new law requiring safe housing and minimum wage for migrant workers will be enforced for the migrants who spend only a few weeks picking tomatoes in southern Arkansas, a Labor De partment official said. Conflicts in past summers have led to charges of assault and slavery, then to investiga tions by the Labor Department, the FBI and the U.S. Border Patrol. “The new law is aimed at pro tecting the migrant worker, and it states the people responsible are the farm labor contractors, not the growers or the unions,” said Bennett Wood, assistant area director for the Labor De partment. The contractors find farm workers and direct them to the farms where pickers are needed. Under the law, they must regis ter with the government and provide worker protections. The Migrant and Seasonal Workers Protection Act says the workers must be presented all relevant information concern ing working conditions, wages, benefits and housing, if it is pro vided, in a language they can understand — usually Spanish. The housing must pass in spection by a government agen cy. Farm labor contractors must also make sure their vehicles meet passenger safety standards and are covered by transporpn- surance. About 250 people in the tomato industry attended a meeting at Hermitage in March to learn about the new law. “We’ll spend considerable time educating all concerned,” Iri :or Wood said. “Education forcement will beourpn activities this year.” The new law will not some Arkansas farms, erupts family-owned fai personally solicit their and small farms. “Approximately 90;« of Arkansas farms are V ru7 i,ed /Tt: owned, so a lot of thenniBy . ify for exemptions," Wo,:l ds and 1 “We foresee possible nt j? in areas with farmers vB. 0 ' sas a 1 more than 500 man-dJI a 1° employ a labor contract I,,.! e ' The law also does not# 6 was a contractors who worbM e ^ a > 1 . sl miles of their homes, pB ,. ° U1 all their actions withintiB ldlvai sa and work less than 13*4 ai( ? VV<1 the season. • ■ of icial That way, area res,, ’i 11 ? last ( v act as temporary con' n ™ 0,( eis Wood said. ■nent. In an eleve Police are watching trucker arrested in poison deaths Bed into i Natur; lice Wednt merits and dressings. WALK AND SAVE To the Sbisa Basement OPEN Monday through Friday 10:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m. QUALITY FIRST I I //i '/r I United Press International STEPHENVILLE — Author ities Monday were closely watch ing a truck driver, 33, in the pro cess of divorcing his wife and was being held in the poisoning deaths of his two children. Delbert L. Black was being held in lieu of $200,000 bond. He was charged with fatally poisoning his son Richard, 5, and daughter Amy, 8, an Erath County Sheriffs Department spokesman said. son. “But he has a history of trying to pull things off, and we’re not going to take any chan ces.We’re keeping a close watch on him.” Black took his chldren last Friday night to a house near his rural mobile home, 4 miles north of Hico in central Texas, Erath Counts Justice of the Peace Sarah Miller said. He told the people “he thought his chil dren were poisoned,” she said. Authorities were concerned Black might try to commit suicide during his incarceration. “He hasn’t said much, and we haven’t had any trouble,” said Erath County Sheriffs Depart ment spokesman Jerry Fergu- The two occupants of the house took the children to the Hico hospital where their mother worked as a technician. They were dead on arrival. On Saturday, law officers said they found a can of cyanide-based in sect poison in a trailer and a mix ture of the poison, suga syrup nearby. Miller said Black andhij were in the process of obi a divorce. She said ithJ understanding that BladB United Pr threatened to poison thfiwPA 1 A - dren. Persis Black was spotted andl®;’ 70, is gunpoint by a workerauHF one in just outside Hico, 90■fational c southwest of Dallas, untll§2,500 let ers arrived, Hamilton ® l ' ons on Sheriff Cecil Proctor said > die “Everybody knew him i? 1 Netwo area. The fellow recognffl [prises tl and knew we were loot | collectec him,” Proctor said. K nw ' de ' Proctor said Black tvaM Phe natioi bond in adjoining ° County for allegedly ass4p8 r essiona his wife. ' BpSunda ^ount at cl UBWAV • 1*11 ■-budget’ Tiremen save two children r suchas from blaze in San Antonio (minimum OF SWsiPW14HE5) MEATBALL-PEPPER-CHEESE -— PR ESSE C? HAM-CHEESE BCJILEP ham-cheese -Z^ 14. PEPPEREP BEEF-CHEESE 15. PEPPEREP BEEF- CHEESE-SALAMI Ba?ILEP HAM-CHEESE-SALAMI — BOILEP HAM-CHEESE-CAfiCCCTLO-Z 22 SALAMI - CHELESE. 1<S, CtPRN BEEF- CHEESE 17. PEPPER&NI-CHEESE 1fi>. PASTRAMI SALAMt-CHEESE-CARPCOLLO—2^ 1<2>. ALL CHEESE 20, "EVERY STOP on the SUBWAY" 2 l, PIZZA SU5 22. BBC? SANDWICH /r ABOUT OUR SALADS P/SEYE-CHEESE roast beef-cheese REUBEM ON RYE — “TURKEY- CHEESE- TURKEY-CHEESE- HAM PEPPERED BEEF 225 3S2 o\3. 2 4g MP HOT DOSS* United Press International SAN ANTONIO — A fire at a west side housing project early Monday injured four people, in cluding a boy, 1, and girl, 4, re scued by firemen who entered the burning building and car ried them to safety. Fire department district chief Charles Angelini said the fire was discovered in one unit of the Manchaca Homes Housing Pro ject at about 3 a.m. Monday. Alvino Castillo Sr., 38, and his son Oscar Castillo, 12, were listed in good condition at Medical Center Hospital suffer ing from burns and smoke in halation. Another son, Alvino Castillo Jr., 1, and a niece, Lisa Darnell, 5, were listed in poor condition with severe burns and smoke inhalation. Angelini credited Capt. Gil bert Zepeda with saving the in fant and fire-fighter Gerald Fos ter with rescuing thepR Castillo’s wife, Joseph the fire started when a H the bedroom ceiling bi ignited some curtains. Angelini said invest were looking at a closed well as the light as a[ cause. Officials estimated d ;: at $ 10,000 to the struct# 11 $3,000 to the contents. f&Exma dufixv ^Shin Care for Men & Women MONO S Salis EU * CALL: 3^-3233 PEUVERtes - S PM 'TILL CLOSING FREE BROW SHAPING W/ SKIN CARE TREATMENT Offer expires Saturday, June is. (OTHER SERVICES AVAILABLE) Treatments by Appointment 707 Shopping Village 693-5909 Cranes returnif to U.S. United Press InlernaW^ BIG PINEY, Wyo, dangered whooping craj ! returning to willow mea®; the foothills of not" Wyoming. About 77 crane* counted this year in tb ( wild flock, which mig^ 1( tween the Gulf of Me^ 8 Corpus Christi and the Wood Buffalo Park str^ the Northwest Tetf 1 Alberta border in Cana^ Three of the bird 1 chosen the Green River of Wyoming for their ho#' summer. Scientists this spring f 28 whooper eggs in ^ crane nests at Gray’s Lab tional Wildlife Refugee 1 1, and nine have hatched' Barney, refuge manager recently. The refugeisin east Idaho. U) FRIG BR FILE