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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1983)
Thursday, May 5, 1983/The Bat+aIion/Page 3 Planning body meets tonight The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will meet tonight at 7 p.m. at City Hall. The commission will consider the granting of a permit to build a church between Arizona and Phoenix streets. The application is in the name of the Rev. M.E. Wells for the Christ Holy Mis sionary Baptist Church. The commission also will re view parking lot plans for the College Station Business Center at the intersection of F.M. 2818 and Longmire Drive, the East- mark Office/Service Center on Eastmark Drive and the Jade Garden Restaurant in the Brent wood Shopping Center. Vandiver and Company staff photo by Mike Davis President Frank E. Vandiver, Dr. Gordon P. Eaton (center), provost and vice president for academic affairs, and Claude Davis (right). professor of building construction, take a short break during the regents’ tour of the College of Architecture on Wednesday. faculty Senate elects -emporary speaker ^ « by Leigh-Ellen Clark I I". Battalion Reporter I v|he Texas A&M University ralty Senate held its first rang Wednesday night — 25 after it was first en- j(ioned. * ' In 1957 when faculty mem- Ktook the idea of a faculty Be to University President , rl Rudder, Rudder said he re- ' . ,yed his orders from the Texas cM Board of Regents and the med By would receive their [list lets from him. )• B 1 ' 5 y ear l ^ e Facult y Senate ' frier fame a reality. hearBhancellor Arthur G. Han- shortii? a id th e senate was formed ilenJ rve t ^ ie facult y at Texas was hB-hrough the faculty senate, 1 n ' : faculty will be more viable in cal yBdecision-making process,” radjrInsen , pbrresident Frank E. Vandiver called the new senate a “miles tone in the ongoing annals of the University. “The University is a market place of ideas,” he said. “No con cept is sacred, all solutions are debatable.” Carl Shafer, a senate steering committee member, said the 85 senators average 16.2 years of teaching and 89 percent of the members are tenured, he said. After deliberation, the senate voted Mel Dodd, senator from the Sterling C. Evans Library, as temporary speaker. The senate will hold a busi ness meeting May 11 to elect a permanent speaker and to appoint two committees. One committee will be a by-laws com mittee and the second will be a personnel and budget com mittee. The by-laws committee will formulate the operational rules of the senate. The personnel and budget committee will de termine the allocation of its $40,000 budget, Walter Buen- ger. Liberal Arts senator and a member of the steering commit tee said. A committee to ease the tran sition from the Academic Coun cil to the Faculty Senate was dis cussed, but not approved. The Academic Council will be re named the Academic Adminis trative Council and will deal with administrative concerns and the senate will review University wide policies concerning faculty and students. - im n©ir Miller 12-Pack Bottles iTEEAfl © 1982 Cibco Importing Co.. Inc./The Woodland*. Te*a» 77380 Schaefer & $•! 62 Schaefer Light Six Pack Lone Star Longnecks $029 Case Open Monday-Saturday 9 til Midnight! (Specials good thru Sat., May 7) 3611 S. College 846-6635 )€€P COLLINS jcwcIrvfmAkcn me The spirit of Jeep Collins can clearly be seen in the jewelry he designs and crafts. A quiet forcefulness wrought from purpose transcends to the creations. Collins, in turn, has been hewn from the Texas Hill Country he knows so well. Each is paradoxical-simple as sunlight; complex as the hawk’s wing. Jeep has a country boy heart and an eye cultivated for the arts. The metals he uses-copper, bronze, brass and silver-make his handcrafted jewelry sur prisingly affordable for gift giving. Graduation Designs Expressly for THE hristma STORE "The Store for All Seasons" Harvey Road/College Station/696-6986 SALE next cl etiring faculty o be honored iersat ty lint ride, r phot t othet I ) therf by Ronnie Crocker Battalion Staff inner honoring 13 retiring .. Jty members will be held inrsday at 6:30 p.m. at the arcrest Country Club, w will Albert J. Druce, from the copif 1 Wal Engineering Depart- wliid it, and James F. Peirce, of e coit English Department, will be tored as the people who have I enhere the longest of all those be. >upof' ;h otic :e call' s \vM nuffll nored at the annual dinner. Also honored will be Dr. d L. Gunn of the large nal medicine and surgery irtment, Roy C. Pledger of Department of Environ- al Design, retired last Au- ■St and the industrial |ering department’s Charles Gilmore, effective July 1. Gil more will retire with the fewest years, eight, spent at Texas A&M. Other faculty members retir ing include: Dr. Archie I. Flowers, Veter inary Public Health. Dr. Andrew H. Layman, Civil Engineering. Theodore A. Noyes, Mechanic al Engineering. John C. Ramge, Large Animal Medicine and Surgery. Dr. William M. Romane, Large Animal Medicine and Surgery. Dr. Jack R. Runkles, Soil and Crop Sciences and Texas Water Resources Institute. Charles H. Yeates, Agricultural Education. Leslie L. Palmer, Health and Physical Education. n r Sony Televisions Retail Cost Sale • KV I22R 12” Remote 610 00 457 00 439 00 • KV 1515 15” Color 530°° 397°° 379 00 • KV 9400 9” Color 530°° 390°° 379°° • TV 715 7” B&W 200°° I43 00 I39 00 • TV 415 4” B&W 200°° ISO 00 I48 00 BOSE CAR SYSTEM 4 speakers & 100 watt amp Reg 470°° SALE 289 00 CRC car deck Reg 550°° SALE 285 00 itftolen bust found fn Beutel fountain A bronze bust of Dr. Thomas tanald, a founder of the as Transportation Institute, recovered Tuesday night in fountain by the A.P. Beutel iBlth Center. The bust was ions L n f rorn fifty, floor of the tfdert [demic and Agency Building it $ iveen 10:30 p.m. Friday and ■ stro ( h 2W fficers Jem* Mr.^ 1 : lpof l ene>f o it it easef 1 ion 9:30 a.m. Saturday. The solid bronze bust, which weighs about 200 pounds, is valued at approximately $4,000. The bust and a plexi-glass case, which also was stolen, had been located on a pedestal in the hallway near the offices of the Texas Transportation Institute. * \ STEREO EQUIPMENT RECEIVERS & AMPS Reg Sale CASSETTE DECK Reg Sale • LUX M120 amp 120 watts 700°° 48 9 o« • Nakamichi 480 420 00 3I9 00 • Sony FX 1010 650°° 399 00 SPEAKERS Reg Sale 389°° pr 1 99°° pr TURNTABLES Reg Sale • Boston A150 Oak 5SO 00 pr • Technics SL-6 Linear 300°° I99 00 • B&O S-45 400°° pr • JVC LA 10 Semi 1 io 00 79 00 ^ A 1 - ■ i 1 1 . iiilillilfciifc llllllllll MOTHER S DAY SPECIAL Permanents, Oil Manacure, Facial All for $ 55 WITH THIS COUPON Appointment Necessary f ""N VIDEO RECORDERS RETAIL SALE • JVC 7300 VHS ii so 00 599 00 • NEC 734 BETA 700°° 449 00 4 > Call 260-9030 > 4403 S. Texas test 0 ' \lext to Lubys ' . MANY MORE ITEMS AT COST. LOOK FOR THE STARS. i! a JC8? LIMITED QUANTITIES 'W0[d)G1® TV SATELLITES