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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1983)
Page 14/The Battalion/Wednesday, March 30, 1983 Corps (continued from page 1) seem to notice me even more.” But she says: “There are some days I would give almost any thing to be able to get up in the morning and put on a normal dress and high heels.” Sperandio, who has been in the Corps for four years, says attitudes about women in the Corps have changed during the past few years. “When I was a freshman, the general attitude was that no woman belonged in the Corps,” she says. “But now attitudes are beginning to change and the men in the Corps are working more and more with the women. DOUGLAS JEWELRY 15% STUDENT DISCOUNT WITH CURRENT AStM ID (REPAIRS HOT INCLUDED) Keepsake Registered Diamond Rings PULSAR, SEIKO, BULOVA &: CROTON WATCHES AGGIE JEWELRY USE YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT TO PURCHASE A DIAMOND EOR YOUR CLASS RING (AND LET US SET IT FOR YOU) 212 M. Main AND Culpepper Plaza Downtown Bryan College Station 822-3119 693-0677 MC VISA DINNERS CLUB AM EXPRESS LAYAWAYS INVITED “Women in the Corps need to realize that things are not going to change overnight. The Corps was all male until 1974 and it’s going to take time for women to work their way up.” Enrollment in the Corps for women has dropped during the past two years, but Sperandio says she thinks it will rise during the next few years. “H owever, I don’t see women’s enrollment in the Corps at A&M increasing until more women get higher posi tions here,” she says. Tomorrow: Corps traditions. INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS kinko's copies 201 College Main 846-8721 3 minute service no appointment suitable for passports • visas resumes • and more! What’s Up Wednesday TEXAS A&M SPORTS CAR CLUB: A special Aggiecross dis cussion is scheduled for 8:30 p.m. in 410 Rudder. PRE-VET SOCIETY:Qualifications and supply applications for Pre-Vet Society Scholarship will be discussed at 7 p.m. in 410 Rudder. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS Bible study is scheduled for 6 p.m. at St. Mary’s Student Center. The New man club will meet at 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church for the dramatization of the Stations of the Cross. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPELS midweek Candle light Communion Service, with a reading of the Passion Story, is scheduled for 10 p.m. at the University Lutheran Chapel, 315 N. College Main, C.S. TENEBRAE SERVICES service focusingon the light of Christ in our world of darkness is scheduled for 6 p.m. at the Canter bury House. SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS:Natkmal SAE President John Colyer will speak on “Lubrication” at 7:30 p.m. in 203 Zachry. UN IVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPELS Passover Seder (re servations requested before 5 p.m. today) is scheduled for 6 p.m. at the University Lutheran Chapel, 315. N. College Main, C.S. BUSINESS STUDENT COUNCIL:Tickets for the Apnl “Spring Fever” picnic are on sale now until April Satthe.^ Building foyer. Admission is $4 per person. ASSOCIATION OF STUDENT EDUCATORS (ASE) ne Lanbert, regional director for ATPE, will speak on All philosophy at 7 p.m. in 367 EDTC. OFF CAMPUS CENTER:“Moving Off Campus” prograj scheduled for 7 p.m. at the Commons Lounge. Thinkin moving off campus this fall? The Off Campus Center will spt on housing, roommates and leases to help you. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATIONS Fair of International Week will feature foods from parts of the world at 6:30 p.m. on the second floor Ml Admission is $8 per person. 76 No. Thursday MSC OPERA & PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETY:Anyone interested in applying for membership must attend either a meeting tonight or Thursday at 7 p.m. in 510 Rudder. For more information, contact Cheryl Burke at 845-1515. CENTURY SINGERS OF TEXAS A&M UNIVERS1- TY:An Easter Concert is scheduled at 7:30 p.m. in the MSC Main Lounge. MSC BLACK AWARENESS:Upcoming events and projects will be discussed at 7 p.m. in 507-A/B Rudder. PEER ADVISOR PROGRAM:Get involved this summer and have lots of fun! Apply now for the Peer Advisor Program. Applications are available in 108 YMCA. For more informa tion, call 845-5826. Unitec LOS ANG met Unit) edium-ran •esident Re e initiative lost his po ies of the MSC AGGIE CINEMA:“The King and I” will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Rudder Theater. Admission is $ 1.50 with a Texas A&M LD. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST:Dr. Walter Bradle speak on “Bible Study Methods” at 7:30 p.m. in 113 Kleixi TAMU ICEHOCKEY TEAM: Off-season functions will bei cussed at 8 p.m. on the second floor of Sterling Evans Libn Attendance is mandatory. ULTRALIGHT FLYING ORGANIZATIONS meeu»| scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in 501 Rudder. A fly-in, scheduled! April 17, will be discussed and finalized. New membersj anyone interested are welcome. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION:Holy TM mass of the Lord’s Supper is scheduled for 7:30 Mary’s Church. MSC OPERA & PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETYiAm ing is scheduled for 7 p.m. in 510 Rudder. Anyoneinterestej applying for membership who didn’t attend Wednesday’sm ing must attend. For more information, contact Cheryl Butii 845-1515. INTERNATIONAL S 11 DIM S ASSOCIATION:^ International Week. A Fashion and Talent Show is schedij ulinue ol for 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. :| pinistrath lifted to tb taking the If you have an item for “What’s Up,” you can fill outanotici l |Ur0 | Room 216 Reed McDonald at least two days in advanceof* activity. No items are accepted by phone. 62 Reagan, hi what has b r between lifornia W long-awaiti adlockat tl jr table in ( In a bro; Lap Tl 30 05 ’ECaHJja 'SSSTaNV N63VB T£J 'SAlril'Jld 3/ ±OIT 0S1V 51 11 '4LMQQ-TO 1SJ/J * DC LOST o H O ft l Z O M o //$$ presented by MSC CEPHEID o yj-TH E CREXTURE $100 VARIABLE Thur. Mar. 31, 1983 7:30 & 9:45 PM Rudder 601 rs A CH IME.Sn "TTH~AT?rem VTSTl XHE LOOK m G AT IT R tGUT SSJ ‘Friend sets teen on fire’ lissiles on in begin in Igree to di United Press International STONY POINT, New York — A teenager poured gasoline on himself at a party Tuesday and then dared a friend to set him on fire, police said. The ‘friend’ allegedly took him up on the dare. Detective Sgt. William Franks said James Sabolik, 17, is in cri tical condition at Nyack Hospital after bein^set on fire. Sabolik College of Business SPRING FEVER” Picnic i ▼ * * * * Gnlimited Beer & Soft Drinks with $ 4 00 admission Sunday, April 10 1 p.m.-6 p.m Tickets on Sale — A&A Foyer March 30-April 8 MUSIC SOFTBALL FOOD VOLLEYBALL 0. * * * * * "^Slight! Ladies Ladies Admitted Free ¥ * * * ctnd Drink Free bar drinks Free draft beer Free win© 7:00-9:00 250 draft beer for men in the gameroom J(1600 S. College 779-6529 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ & ORGANIZED GAMES COMPETITION BETWEEN MAJORS I I I I I I J had second and third degree burns on his face, chest and arms. Franks said that witnesses at the party told police Sabolik poured gasoline on himself and then dared Anthony Aiello, also 17, to set him on fire. Aiello allegedly took his friend up on the dare shortly after midnight. Others at the party immediately tried to put out the flames. Aiello was arraigni charges of first degree and reckless endangermeni was remanded tojailinliti S5,()()() bail. About six teenagers wet the party, which police said at Sabolik’s home. His fai Reagan the d lissiles the' In heatet w propot li [jam in tl lirces neg rew a ne' ifting the n rheads - tl was believed to have been house at the time of the ini hut did not witness thebuni iti Mt Unplanned Pregnancy! You Have More Than One Choice Call 1-800-292-5713 (Toll Free) Professional, Confidential Counseling , Buckner Counseling Services es Posting o Its has 1: oblems w pi« h tabu The res bight. Tl tiled to ednesdas Student table to g ecomput |it) this mi ogram. “I haver jr,” const jiw the ] lorning. Kane c wnbuttl after Radio V J cked th 'les north iwn Wedt fThis T-shirt offer can’t be topped i i i i i I i i I i i I I l I K. Order now! This red & white T-shirt, for men and women, is made of 50% combed cotton and 50% polyester, styled with three athletic stripes on the raglan sleeves. Please send a check or money order for $4.95 per T-shirt (no cash, please) to: Seagram’s 7 Crown T-shirt Offer P.O.Box 725, Dept. 249 Lubbock, Texas 79491 Name, College, Address, State -Zip, Adult sizes only. Specify quantitv. T-shirt @ $4.95 ea., S M L -u 1 OQ A M U- ’ ^ TAMB44 1 ill l yo 03 ^ Iwl I vi Offer expires January 31,1984 No purchase neceUalTNpw TT - , Amour »t Enclosed $_ • ^ ^ ^JJ^sjdent^ad^B^o^sales tax. Please allow am 6 weeks for shipment