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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1983)
age 8/The Battalion/Wednesday, March 23, 1983 state Klan member apposes march United Press International HOUSTON — Gene Fisher irried the Ku Klux Klan ban- er in its fight to keep illegal iens from working in Texas ut he won’t be at an April 2 Ian march. Fisher on Monday de- ounced the planned rally and arade as lacking a purpose ich as protesting the illegal lien labor force. “To march somewhere or to old a rally to protest something aecific — to target something ke illegal immigration or illegal liens — and to use your draw- .ig card to inform the public of n event that is happening, then bu accomplish something,” isher said. Fisher has recruited about 50 lembers to his white supremist roup, which is opposed to the fiainline KKK group run by Im- Turista’ relief drug developed United Press International HOUSTON — Tourists who pend much of their Latin American excursions running or a toilet may be heartened by esearchers’ success in treating urista,. commonly called diar- hea. Researchers at the University »f Texas Health Science Center lave developed the antibiotic TMP-SMX, which is now being ailed one of the best drugs vailable for treating diarrhea. An estimated two-thirds of all ourists suffer from diarrhea vhen traveling in Mexico and other Latin American countries. Researchers looked for resist ance to the antibiotic among bac teria in 30 foods obtained in Mexico. Although results showed that some organisms in foods in Mexico are indeed re sistant to the drug, Wood noted that none of those found resis tant were disease-causing bac teria. A larger potential problem is the development of resistance among a traveler’s own normal bacteria while taking an antibio tic to prevent diarrhea. Air union official will face charges United Press International HOUSTON — A federal udge denied a request to dis- niss an indictment against the emaining former official of the J rofessional Air Traffic Con- rollers Organization, who faces criminal charges for engaging in in illegal strike against the gov ernment. TAM MaUal $oclia% presents: // i HYPNOSIS FEARS, FALLACIES, FACTS" by Bill McKay — Law Enforcement & Security Training Division, (Texas A&M University) Rudder, Rm. 302 Sunday March 27, 1983 2:00-4:00 p.m. j $2 Nonmembers $1 Members Pay admission at the door. perial Wizard James Stanfield, he said. Fisher claims Stanfield’s group will invite anyone willing to wear a robe to be part of his organization, and that is counter productive. Several groups opposed to the Klan have urged Houston City Council to stop the march to avoid a threatened repeat of vio lence that accompanied a Klan march in Austin last month. A group known as the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee has been urging people opposed to racism to come out and stop the march. “We know that thousands of people will be out on April 2 to say that the Klan has no right to march in this or any other com munity so we say, ‘Death to the Klan,”’ said spokeswoman Alli son Dorsey. Richard Hoover, former president of the 400-member PATCO local in Houston Inter continental Airport, said Mon day the charges should be dis missed because he was the victim of selective prosection. He said he was indicted because he was a union officer. Cop held in off-duty shooting Varp= United Press International EL PASO — An El Paso man who was shot in the head — allegedly by an off-duty police man — had his hands behind him on the ground at the time of the incident, two witnesses said. Officer David Martinez, 30, a five-year veteran of the El Paso Police Department, has been re lieved of duty with pay pending a grand jury investigation of the fatal shooting. The victim, Jose Luis Aguilera, 31, was pronounced dead at the scene, a service sta tion in east El Paso. James Byler, a witness, said that he and his fiance saw the two men fighting in the service station parking lot. Byler said the victim did not move after the gunshot and had both hands on the ground. Employees of the service sta- ald p< tion told police the men drove up to the station in separate cars at about 10 p.m. Saturday and began arguing and fighting. According to police the fight stemmed from a minor auto mobile accident between Aguil- er and Martinez a few blocks trom the gas station. Kenny O’Brien, a station attendant on duty, said he noticed a gun tucked in the officer’s pants. Another em ployee, who asked that he not be identified, said he saw a gun fall from the officer’s pants. Police Chief Bill Rodriguez said although Martinez was off duty at the time of the incident, it is mandatory that i officers carry revolven tinez had a snub-nosed l>er pistol the night shooting. Findings ofthepolken gation will be turnedme grand jury on Thursday! guez said. Legal fight: Donor privacy upset j United Press International DES MOINES, Iowa —Care lessness by the University of Iowa in revealing the existence of Mrs. X created the legal battle surrounding an anonymous potential bone marrow donor, lawyers for cancer victim Wil liam Head said. Head, 26, of Louranger, La., wants the high court to affirm a March 7 decision by Iowa City Judge Vern Robinson. It ordered the University of Iowa to contact the unknown Califor nia woman a third time to tell her that a transplant operation could save a life. Attorneys representing Head and the Iowa Attorney General’s office, which is arguing the uni versity’s side, filed final written arguments Monday with the Iowa Supreme Court. Chief Justice Ward Reynold- son has stayed Robinson’s order until the full court can make a final ruling on the matter, prob ably this week. The woman earlier said no to a form letter asking if she would be interested in future in letting bone be taken from her body to aid a cancer victim. The landmark case pits one man’s battle for life against medical ethics. motherapy in a Houston clinic, argues that Mrs. X’s privacy already had been disrupted when he called the University of Iowa hospital earlier this year asking for a possible bone mar row donor. argued sending anotht would maintain the v privacy while giving hr ‘MlBlfllt'nMI Deputy Attorney General Brent Appel said it is possible the University of Iowa will take the case to the U.S. Supreme Court if the state court hands down an adverse opinion. Head, undergoing che- In violation of university rules, an employee, Mary Anne Fyfe, fed Head’s data into a com puter and told him a perfect match was on file, namely Mrs. X. Tom Riley, Head’s attorney. indication that hercont could lie crucial to survival. Head argues the m Mrs. X is not proteettd emptions to the state oj cords law which coven and hospital records. 1 even if the unknowndi covered by the openrecoi the Iowa City judge did li thorny to order limited United wash i: :dStates b ierifor ^ nring ■ •viets arn .idy says. The st u >n colt 1 ie iged in c« From 1 :o||e hav ivs to dat MAKI KltOOH YOUR.. HIADQUARTERS CANDY o zmmm FROZEN jS mm Ti [^(KROGER BRANDsjS COST CUTTER \SANPWICH COOKIES L 79* KROGER BLEND OE FIVE. GRAPE A APPLE JUICE . 79* BUY ONE...GET ONE w . Al FREE Jg; U OZ. LOAF COUNTRY OVEN HEARTH^ f COCKTAIL Z' ^ RYE BREAD BUY ONE 1* OZ. LOAF AT REGULAR PRICE...GET Yb ONE 14 OZ. LOAF FREE. Grapefruit Juice . .49 e avond/le French Fries . . . ?bag 59* BIRDS!YE CAULIFLOWER W/CHEESE OR Broccoli W/CHEESE. . . 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