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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1983)
V Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED FOR RENT FULL OR PART TIME 'Day Shift 'Night shift (til 10 p.m.) 'Weekends 'Flexible hours to fit your schedule 'Rapid advancement 'Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 190tfn MINI WAREHOUSES 101 Jersey West (corner of Jersey & Wellborn across from Olsen field) THE STORAGE CENTER 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY RESTAURANT ' needs bus persons and dishwasher posi- | tions to be filled. Starting wage $4.00/hour. All shifts available week days at 3231 East 29th. 99ti0 SUBWAY A local specialty sandwich shop is seeking energetic peo ple to fill responsible positions. Work nights and late night ’til 2:30 A.M. Part-time 15-25 hours per week. Apply in per son in the Parkway Square Shopping Center, College Station. 4-plex apts. College Station. 2 bedroom, $325.00, w/d connec tions. Water paid. No pets. Vz OFF OF FIRST MONTH’S RENT ON 9 OR 12 MONTH’S LEASES. 779- 1613, M-F, 779-3162 (PM and weekends) 95t»n ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693- 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn DUPLEX CLOSE TO CAMPUS 3 bedroom at 205 Montclair. Ideal for students. Call Jane at 696- 4203. (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 76tfn IS YOUR INCOME SMALLER THAN YOUR POTENT] bock- If you’re bright, ambitious and have a strong drive to succeed, our CENTURY 21®office has career oppor ’ tunities to prove your worth. As a CENTURY 21 sales associate, you can earn up to your maximum potential. We'll give you the training you'd expect from Number 1, the Financial tools and top management support. Call us, today! DUPLEXES AND HOUSES 2 & 3 bedroom in Bryan/CS. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, carpet, drapes, fenced yard. JOE COURTNEY, INC. 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn SOUTHWEST VILLAGE One and two bedrooms available for immediate occupancy. Call 693-0804 or come by the office at 1101 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn Onfui£ I5”l JTf, Jacob Beal Real Estate, Inc. 775-9000 3211 Texas Avenue, Bryan Ask for Mike Beal /stsi CASA DEL SOL One and two bedroom apartment available for immediate occupan cy. Call 696-3455 or come by 401 Stasney in College Station. 28tfn One two bedroom very close to campus $150-$200.00. Call 846-6352 and leave message. 97tl0 NEWPORT CONDOMINIUMS: A New Class in Student living; 3 minutes from Campus; Compact, Efficient space; Securi ty; Washer/Dryer in each unit; From $399.(X); 402 Nagle, 846-8960. 82tfn % MILE FROM CAMPUS 2 bedroom 4- plex 693-9878, 693-0553. 94t20 Summer Jobs Camp Stewart for boys in Kerrville is hiring coun selors for this summer. More Infor mation, Call 846-2856 in Bryan. 100(5 Two bedroom house fenced yard, Wellborn area. 693-4070, 693-2339. 76t3l DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early 1 morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn .Appointment Secretary, part-time, eve- ' nings, $4/hour plus commission, outgoing, | personality, call Tommy 846-4751. 10H5 FOR RENT 1 Room for male graduate student, private | bath and entrance, 696-6741. 98t2 VILLA WEST APARTMENTS 3500 Pinfeather FOR RENT Efficiency $200.00. 1 Bedroom $230.00 & UP. 2 Bedroom $260.00 & UP. 'IVz miles From Campus. 'Adult Property. 'Shuttle Bus. 'No Pets Please. 99t14 NEW MINI WAREHOUSES 5x5 — $25 mo. 5x7 — $30 mo. 5x10 — $32 mo. 5x12 — $35 mo. 10x10— $45 mo. 10x15— $55 mo. 10x20 — $62 mo. 10x25— $68 mo. 10x30 — $80 mo. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 istfn WANTED UNIVERSITY ACRES COUNTRY LIVING AT REASONABLE PRICES 1 and 2 bedrooms on Cain Road off Wellborn Road. Call Jane at 696-4203 (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 76tfn CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 1tfn I need SWC tournament tickets. Call Dan 693-9312. lOltlO ]2 bedroom 1 bath house blocks from .campus, prefer married couple or co-eds, ■846-8575. 102t4 WANTED! Intramural HORSESHOE DOU BLES TOURNAMENT PARTICI PANTS! And... it’s FREE! All equipment furnished! Come to IM- REC Sports, 159 East Kyle and enter today! For more information call 845-7826. ioit7 [Spacious one bedroom w/ac, $225.00 mon., [$100.00 deposit. Call 779-4692 or 693-1984 ■available 3-15-83. 101t5 Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS in curricula of the College of Science who have not previously taken the English Proficiency Exam must take the EPE as scheduled below: BIOLOGY Departmental Curricula Tuesday, February 15 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Rm. 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula Thursday, February 24 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Rm. 113 BSBE MATHEMATICS Department Curricula Thursday, February 24 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Rm. 113 BSBE PHYSICS Department Curricula Thursday, February 24 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Rm. 146 Physics Bldg. in oraer to quality as a candidate for a degree in the College of Science, each student must demonstrate an ability to express himseif/herself in acceptable English. This requirement may be satisfied by (1) passing an examination in English composition (EPE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing English 301 at Texas A&M University with a minimum grad of "C". Any student who fails the written examination (EPE) must satisfy the English Proficiency requirement designated by his/her respective de partment. For more information and guidelines on the nature of the examination, check with the departmental advisor. BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, AND MATH majors MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE with departmental advisor. sen? etc SPECIAL NOTICE Battalion/Page 8 February 22,1983 TENNIS PLAYERS it’s finally here-the INTRAMURAL TENNIS DOUBLES TOURNA MENT! Entries will be accepted in the IM-REC Sports Office, 159 East Kyle now through Tuesday, February 22 at 7 PM. And — the best part? It’s FREE! Sign up to day! For more information call 845-7826. 96t7 Warped by Scott McCullat WRESTLERS! Participate in INTRAMURAL WRESTLING! And it's FREE! Entries open today, Monday, February 14 and close at weigh-in on Mon day, February 28 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in East Kyle Men's Locker Room 173. Wrestling prac tice will be held In Room 260 GRW from 8-10 PM on February 14-17, February 21-24 and on February 28th. For more information con tact the IM-REC Sports Office, 159 East Kyle, 845-7826. 96t11 HELP! If you were a witness to a small collision in the parking lot east of Zachry Engineering at 9:00 AM the later part of November last semester, PLEASE call 693-2611. 102t5 L.l MAKING. UNAVAILABLE TO SOME SECTIONS OF THE PUBLIC WILL NOT STOP THEM FROM SOMEHOW OBTAINING IT/THEM. &UNS e. CAFFEINE b. CONTRACEPTIVES f. SALT c. ALCOHOL a. SUGAR J. GAY COUNSELING qj THEY WILL S/MPLy TAKE THEIR CHANCES AND GO ON AS THEY ALWAYS HAVE, SHOOTING FEOFLE e. BEING GAY DRINKING AND f EATING SUGAR DRIVING AND SALT HAVING SEX DRINKING CAFFEINE iJ THE PUBLIC IS VERY PARTICULAR ABOUT WHAT'S "GOOD FOR IT," LIKE • a. GUN LAWS J. MORALITY b. DRUNK DRIVING LAWS LAWS e. SALT KND c. CAFFEINE-FREE SUGAR-FREE DRINKS FOODS ESSAY QUEST/ON: EXPLAIN 5UG6E5T AGREEA8LE TO THESE COMPLEX TOBUftl WARNINQ USE 6F AN) RfW solutions is mautom FLUNK! Now you know SERVICES TYPING 823-7723. 101140 J" Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars ^ Body Work — Painting | HALSELL MOTOR 1 COMPANY INC. \ I Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 8 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 Itfn^J United Press International BEAUMONT — Federal offi cials are locking up some down town post office lobbies at night to keep vagrants from making the public building their homes. General Services Administra tion spokesman Ken Marshall in Fort Worth said “derelicts, winos, and other undesirables” have set fires in the buildings. Because of budget cuts, fed eral security police officers were laid off, Marshall said, and the vagrants began sleeping in the lobbies. Pat Ortego, GSA superinten dent at the post office building in downtown Beaumont, said empty and broken wine bottles were found in the lobby and the the marble staircases were being used as bathrooms. In Texarkana, the uninvited guests set a bonfire, using Inter nal Revenue Service tax forms and other federal literature. Dallas loan specialist jailed on bribe charges United Press International DALLAS — More arrests may result from the investigation of Small Business Administration loan specialist Lonnie Ray Toole, who is in jail in the Rio Grande Valley on charges of accepting a bribe. Toole, a member of the SBA’s Grand Prairie office, will be arraigned later today in Brownsville before a federal magistrate. The FBI said Toole, 42, accepted a bribe from the new owner of a food-processing plant in Monte Alto, a small community in the Rio Grande Valley. He was arrested mo ments after the bribe was deli vered. The Dallas Morning News to day quoted a government source as saying federal author ities do not consider the Toole case to be an “isolated incident,” and that more arrests may fol low concerning questionable SBA loan activities. FBI agents arrested Toole Sunday in a Brownsville motel after he accepted a S200.000 bribe. The sum was supposed to en sure the transfer of a disaster loan from the former owners of the plant to its new owner. The disaster loan was to be secured by the original owners for dam- Ranlei ages resulting from HurreH “It Allen in September, 1980 where The government sourceatogethi Poole would not transfer wight c loan, which had already Mfojur c: approved, unless he go: Jstripe. 5200,000. FBI officials refused ton the food-processing planto owners. The governments i said federal officials had: investigating the casefornetH a year. Although he declined: 4- specific, he said i j / Si “Problem Pregnancy? Free pregnancy test ing and referrals. (713) 524-0548.” 188tfn Karen's Typing service, 775-6126. 67t84 TYPING 693-0389. 97(10 Typing, experienced, fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. 88tfn Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 37.55. ' t78tfh BabyfdtUfiR Avenue A’ ajxartments excel-, lent care rates reference, 846-4288. 98t3 Need your papers in a hurry? Fast. Accu rate word-processing. EastMark Executive Suites, 693-5895. 87t20 PERSONALS Typing on word processing equipment. Ex perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 86(53 GAYLINE 846-8022. 88114 ROOMMATE WANTED Female roommate 2-1 apt. on shuttle, near campus. Grad or upperclassman preferred. $150 + V2 electricity. 696-8880. I02t5 Male to share room in 2 bdm apt. $75 per mo. + Mi utilities 846-0839. 94U0 FOUND FOUND: Casey’s Laundromat black female dog with choke collar and red braided collar. Call 696-1674. 102t5 LOST LOST: Black Labrador MALE 65 lbs. “Jake”. Reward IF found Lee Wikoff, 1206 Holleman 696-3390. 102t3 FOR SALE 1973 Chevrolet Nova, $850, runs great. Call Kim, 693-4498. 102t4 1979 Yamaha 125, $495, 260-4271. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 4 Drwr Chests 44.95 5 Drwr Chests 54.95 Dresser/Mirror 94.95 5 Pc. Dining Set 69.95 Sofa Sleeper 235.00 Sofa & Chair Sets169.95 Recliners 89.95 3 Pc. Coffee/end Table 69.95 Twin Mat Sets 79,95 Full Mat Sets 88.00 Bed Frames 15.00 TEXAS TURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Marla 822-5929 95tfn officials in Dallas, and places, have been impMH Toole is being held wiitKj: bond at the Cameron Count™ in Brownsville. Iffit. ]Y regard institui stuclen latte n d a gooc South | Bu PhD. Mond; Texas I Thi lie W thems< tional time Si Rattlei The difficult part of the job search is contacting the thousands of companies that may be looking for you. Now there is a direct way to the job source! Further your career by having your profile/ resume published in this Spring’s College Edition of the KENCO RECRUITER’S GUIDE. It will reach over 3,000 southwest and Fortune 500 corporations. The Guide provides corporate recruiters with a current book of profile/resumes of graduates and undergraduates looking for full time, part time, temporary, or summer jobs. The cost to you is only $30.00! You are competing in one of the most competitive job markets in history. You owe it to yourself to be in this Spring’s College Edition of the KENCO RECRUITER’S GUIDE and increase your options and employment choices. Pick-up your profile/resume form and instructions today at. . . College Placement Center Must be mailed, by March 14th 9 1983 as roa< L St - Meyer Aggie> their s on ill. and st egperi Rattle ©KENCO RECRUITER'S GUIDE, 2100 West 18th Street. Houston, Texas 77008