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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1983)
local Battalion/Page 3 February 14, 1983 t Presnal: money problems for legislature ays an ” You by Cheryl Burke Battalion Reporter Yrtiliaailf*.State Rep. Bill Presnal said tresen; vEriday that three issues face the they art legislature this session: “Money, lv ing a money and money.” i . |fp,raPresnal, who spoke at a meet- ' ‘ ing of the Texas A&M chapter 1 of (he Texas Association of Col- enomennWg Teachers, discussed three cialscieriegislaiive issues which affect ^ht. H: college and university em- )id cat ployees: the House Joint Resolu- • ingmoriffiofn 19- the General Appropria- nonev t ' ons an<: l l he Teacher Re tirement System Fund. ■ hJR 19 is a proposed consti tutional amendment which J : would provide funds for the support of higher education and ine-freAfould restructure the Perma- cola w nent University Fund, mu gpnMPresnal is optimistic about the (hefridfiittinces for HJR 19. ithetop«" Fina,| y, ^ 19 is something 4 , s0UU everyone' is pulling together on. he said. As rar as I know, n l m mre is no dissension on the ''' y° ur maucr in the legislature. And this has all come about in the last two weeks.” ^^i^ov. Mark White also sup- Krts the bill, Presnal said. Hiite offered an emergency call ■ursday to have the bill passed into consideration quickly. Bearings on the bill were sche duled to begin today. [After 10 years of working with it (HJR 19),” Presnal said, I'm ready to put it to rest once fevita’ icgins night The award-winning pop ipera “Evita” — based on the igs-to-power life of Eva Peron, ife of former Argentine dicta- [r Juan Peron — will be per- irmed tonight through Wednesday in Rudder Audi- irium. T ickets for all three perfdrm- kices, sponsored by MSC Town fall, are still on sale at the IVfSC lox Office. Tickets are $14, $ 18 nd $22. All shows begin at H l.m. jj BThe musical, which won even Tony Awards in 1980, has jfK/ ken on Broadway for three 9K* pits and has been performed iy touring companies in the Un- HBHPed States and abroad for more (tan a year. Bfhe play — written by d im pie and Andrew Lloyd Webber f“Jesus Christ Superstar” fame -tells the story of the bewitch- J' ^ig Evita almost totally by song, 11 Ohuch like an opera. \ | O' Evita’s whirlwind history, and leplay, begins in a poor section f Argentina where she was the aughterofa poor farmer. Evita hanmosiffills her dream of moving to louston penos Aires and begins climb- ig the social ladder — largely , . 0 jjjnJ mesmerizing some of Argen- p , tja’s more influential men. Ten , J ^ e ' ws later, at the age of 27, Evita l . er ^BDV£\es Argentina’s first lady itivelKi nc j [y ie president’s consort, itors i^'piccording to some, Evita was ttually the power behind Peron thank tiro is thus a controversial Figure fation ;i!| Argentina’s past. She also illowedWed to become vice presi- 1 insuredV’ ^ ut ^ er d reani was fort when she died of cancer at .mam^ihe touring company that perform here has been audwt'lpther f or about a year and ice. pappeared in Detroit, Miami, lew Orleans, Houston and iallas. Hi r was ;i-|j ■ ures. the Shooting ccident ills boy d United Press International HOUSTON — A boy, 13, was cattle 10 Hally shot by a teenage friend ;ed me'phey and a third youngster ne of tk'Bnpted to climb up a folding so muct l B' wa y to investigate noises in was Si r P oli ce said, lietherl'v ornm Y Nash, the victim, was ome alone with two friends, , oth 12, Friday afternoon when = stole i e y heard suspicious noises in DV/n in'mattic, police said. ^htsonielInvestigators said Nash got a he wrohitol and told one of his friends wndintl ,( l re to find a second gun. -ilvdidnW 5 Nash vsms pulling down a • [yj-Hding stairway leading to the - n »’ |ic, he fell back into the armed 2War-old. Police say the gun Bio nesl ent off, wounding the youth, ■opehcfM'he teenager was rushed to a earby hospital, but he died less keep fl ip two hours later. re j n I Police said the shooting was ■=> next' lv estigated as an accident. and for all.” HJR 19 has been kept off the ballot by what Presnal called “the Prairie View problem.” The PUF is divided between the Texas A&M System and the University of Texas System. Prairie View A&M University wants part of that funding, Pre snal said. HJR 19 would provide $6 mil lion a year for 10 years to Prairie View to be taken from the avail able fund of UT, Presnal said. The General Appropriations Bill will not be ready to be placed on the floor for hearings until April, Presnal said. The bill calls for $4.2 billion — $1.5 billion less than was ex pected, Presnal said. The Teacher Retirement Sys tem Fund is vastly overfunded, Presnal said. It must be trimmed on both ends — from the state and the employees — to keep the burden of the cuts from fall ing fully on one, he said. Presnal blames the recession, which only recently has hit Texas, for the reductions in spending. “There are just so many com peting interests for a tax dollar which is steadily decreasing,” he said. The Store Worth Looking For CUSTOM SOUNDS OPEN 10-6 Mon.-Sat SWEETHEART SALEH Don’t you just love the spring? They do down at Custom Sounds/ And this year the Good Ole’ Boys have puckered up a Valentine’s Day Sale that will melt your heart! So come on by and bring your sweetheart, Custom Sounds has tremendous savings all week long! But watch out for O' r o: ‘O, O -a art'ows!. . . • • • These Deals will melt your heart! 'O'. CkOniOIMEER PL-4 One of our customers favorites! This semi automatic direct drive turntable was $160.00. %( lOO PL-5 This fully automatic turntable will steal the heart of many on au diophile! The PL-5 is simplicity it self! 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