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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1983)
El Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED FOR LEASE id\ it H In High Technology Electronics, One company stands above the rest... Patio home 717 Lincoln, five blocks from A&M on shuttle bus route. 1100 square feet. 2 bedroom 2 bath, fire place. Full kitchen & W/D connections. No bills. Deposit required. Minimum lease: 6 months, $550/mo., available February 1st. 696-3754 or 779-0554. 69tfn Our history as a pioneer of major technologi cal innovations such as satellite and tele communications, electronic and micropro cessor-based control systems have reshaped the world. Motorola professionals enjoy front line participation in the development of new products, support systems and technologies that afford continued challenge and career advancement. We offer outstanding career prospects to individuals with Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D.s in the following fields: Our representatives will be interviewing on campus on February 1 3, 1 98 3. Contact yourCollege Placement Office to schedule an appointment, or send your resume to: Electrical Engineering Computer Science Director, Corporate Staffing MOTOROLA INC. Corporate Offices 1 303 E. Algonquin Road Schaumburg, IL 60196 An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Quality and productivity through employee participation in management. When Is Your Selling •4t< No Secret' At All? WHEN OVER 30,000 PEOPLE READ IT IN ' THE BATTALION gof iomefhing to tell . we ll get your mes soge across! And our big readership guarantees you lots of prospects! 845-2611 WANTED MOTOFIOLA //VC. Chairside Dental Assistant full time, expe- rienee necessary, 693-827 <. H9t.5 DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn CAR STEREO Wanted full and part-time salesman and installers for new aggressive car stereo store. Great opportunity send your name and any qualifica tions you have to P.O. Box 4783. Bryan, Texas 77805. HURRY! 8915 CRUISE SHIP JOBS! $14"$28,000 a year. Caribbean, Hawaii, world. Call Cruiseworld for guide, direc tory, newsletter. 1(916) 973-1111 ext. TAM. 80t 17 FOR SALE WEDDING SET Vi et. round solitaire diamond and matching band. Appraised value $800. Make offer, 260-7872. 9115 FOR RENT Harlev Sportser 1980 excellent condition, 4000 miles, 775-6436, 775-3088. 92U0 NEWPORT CONDOMINIUMS: A New Class in Student living; 3 minutes from Campus; Compact, Efficient space; Securi ty; Washer/Dryer in each unit; From $399.00; 402 Nagle, 846-8960. 82tfn Wanted: Responsible party to assume monthly payments on spinet/console piano. Can be seen locally. Write; (include phone number) Credit Manager, P.O. Box 478 Lockhart, Tx 78644-0478. 92t7 CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 1 «" ROOMMATE WANTED Two bedroom house fenced yard, Wellborn area. 693-4070, 693-2339. 76t31 1973 Spitfire immaculate condition, $3200, 260-3940. 92t4 “Female roommate wanted through May ’83. New apartment building, $175 month includes utilities. 512-655-4655.” 91t5 Unfurnished apts. $200-$300/month, 822- 3251. 88t5 ar FULL OR PART TIME *Day Shift 'Night shift (til 10 p.m.) 'Weekends 'Flexible hours to fit your schedule 'Rapid advancement 'Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Sr/an College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik i90tfn UNIVERSITY ACRES COUNTRY LIVING AT REASONABLE PRICES 1 and 2 bedrooms on Cain Road off Wellborn Road. Call Jane at 696-4203 (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 76tfn SUMMER JOB CAMP COUNSELOR Working with physically and mentally handicapped near Dallas. Most openings for men. Representatives on campus February 21st. For in formation and advance appli cation write Camp Soroptim- ist, 7411 Hines Place, Suite 123, Dallas, TX 75235 or call (214) 634-7500. DUPLEXES AND HOUSES 2 & 3 bedroom in Bryan/CS. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, carpet, drapes, fenced yard. JOE COURTNEY, INC. 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn southwest village One and two bedrooms available for immediate occupancy. Call 693-0804 or come by the office at 1101 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn IS YOUR INCOME SMALLER THAN fOUR POTENTIAL? If you’re bright, ambitious and rave a strong drive to succeed, our CENTURY 21®office has career oppor- unities to prove your worth. As a ; CENTURY 21 sales associate, you can jam up to your maximum potential. Ye'll give you the training you'd expect rom Number 1, the financial tools and op management support. Call us, today! Qntuifc- 21 Irrn 4. Jacob Beal Real Estate, Inc. 775-9000 3211 Texas Avenue, Bryan Ask for Mike Beal yetai DUPLEX CLOSE TO CAMPUS 3 bedroom at 205 Montclair. Ideal for students. Call Jane at 696- 4203. (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 76tfn FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 4 Drwr Chests 44.95 5 Drwr Chests 54.95 Dresser/Mirror 94.95 5 Pc. Dining Set 69.95 Sofa Sleeper 235.00 Sofa & Chair Sets169.95 Recliners 89.95 3 Pc. Coffee/end Table 69.95 Twin Mat Sets 79.95 Full Mat Sets 88.00 Bed Frames 15.00 TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Maria 822-5929 M/F 2 bedroom duplex newer $ 190/mo. + 775-3766. 91t5 SPECIAL NOTICE An Intramural Pre-Season Softball Tournament will be held February 10- 13. This tournament is sponsored by the TAMU Sports Officials Association. Entries will be taken at the IM-REC Sports Office on Monday, January 31 through Tuesday, February 8th. $5.00 entry fee per team. Entries are limited so register early. 87t6 ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES Veterinary Graduates Order your announcements/invita tions NOW! MSC Student Finance Center, Room 217, MSC. Mon.- Fri. 8 AM-4 PM. LAST DAY Tues day, February 8, 1983! ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693- 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn Beautiful Vi carat diamond solitaire, Yellow ■ gold. Size 5. Never worn. $600 new yours for $390, 260-4271. ’ 90tC SERVICES Need your papers in a hurry? Fast. Accu rate word-processing. EastMark Executive Suites, 693-5895. 87t20 BUS PASS REFUNDS Bus passes will be refunded at 103 Rudder. They will be pro rated. No refunds after Feb ruary 11th. 84112 MINI WAREHOUSES 101 Jersey West (corner of Jersey & Wellborn across from Olsen field) THE STORAGE CENTER 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn GAYLINE 846-8022. 88tl4 Typing on word processing equipment. Ex perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 86153 TYPING-693-0389. 86tl0 Try your luck in the INTRAMURAL FREE THROW SHOOTING CON TEST tonight! Entries will be taken throughout the contest. Just bring your Student/Recreation ID to the Main Floor of G. Rollie White from 7-9 p.m. See you there! For more information call the IM-REC Sports Office at 845- 7826. 92ti Fairview, College Station walk to A&M. 2 bedroom home. Ap pliances, fenced back yard, ga rage. $400.00 a month. Jacob Be al Realty, 823-5469. sot 10 Typing, experienced, fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. 88tfn “Problem Pregnancy? Free pregnancy test ing and referrals. (713) 524-0548.” 188tfn SERVICES The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is cur- ! rently taking applications for newspap er route earners for summer & fall semesters. Routes take 2V2 to 3 hours per day, with salary from 400 to 800 ( per month. All routes receive a gas| allowance also we need soliciters for the summer & fall semester. If interest- led please call Julian McMurrey 693- 2323. — —~ SOtfrtf Softball teams to sign up for Intra mural Softball. $20.00 entry fee must accompany all team entries. Sign up early to get the best choice of times! Enter today at the IM-REC Sports Office, 159 E. Ky le. For further info, call 845-7826. 87t6 Part-time maintenance man needed. Experience desired. Transportation and tools neces sary. Salary depending on experi ence. Approx. 25 hours weekly. Some Saturdays. Cal! Terri at Jacob Beai Realty 823-5469. 89120 CASA DEL SOL One and two bedroom apartment available for immediate occupan cy. Call 696-3455 or come by 401 Stasney in College Station. 28Hn Service For All 1 Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. 823-81 iplimentary Mary Kay leary, 693-0104. Com_ McCleary facial. Diane 78t20 llfn Karen’s Typing service, 775-6126. 67t84 OFFICIAL NOTICE NEW MINI WAREHOUSES 5x5 — $25 mo. 5x7 — $30 mo. 5x10 — $32 mo. 5x12 — $35 mo. 10x10— $45 mo. 10x15— $55 mo. 10x20 — $62 mo. 10x25— $68 mo. 10x30— $80 mo. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 INTERURBAN EATING HOUSE needs bus/dish help, M-F during the day. Apply between 2-4 p.m. 846-8742. 90t4 - FOR SALE OVERSEAS JOBS - Summer/year round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia. All fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free information. Write IJC Box 52-TX-4 Corona Del Mar, CA. 92625. 85tll 1980 Suzuki TS-185 2800 miles, condition. Cal) Mike 260-4360. excellent 90t5 Left handed Guild Guitar like brand new, 764-9443. 88U0 OFFICIAL NOTICE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS in curricula of the College of Science who have not previously taken the English Proficiency Exam must take the EPE as scheduled below: BIOLOGY Departmental Curricula Tuesday, February 15 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Rm. 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula Thursday, February 24 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Rm. 113 BSBE MATHEMATICS Department Curricula Thursday, February 24 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Rm. 113 BSBE PHYSICS Department Curricula national Battalion/Page 8 February 8,1983 Reagan brass defend ’84 budget to media United Press International WASH INGTON — President Reagan’s top officials are prom oting his fiscal 1984 budget as one that will bring economic re covery by curbing federal de ficits and putting 1 million un employed Americans back to work. Budget director David Stock- man said Sunday that the spend ing plans for 1984 and future years will put. a lid on the de ficits. lion unemployed Americans back to work and provide another 500,000 summer jobs for youths. “Americans would rather have jobs than cash assistance, and it’s essential that we help the unemployed regain their jobs,” he said. »• Appearing on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Stockman said there is a lot of underlying evidence the economy has turned around. But he warned, “We are threatened by huge out-year de ficits that will abort the re covery.” He said a job voucher prog ram included in Reagan's budget proposal would create as many as 800,000 jobs; a plan to pay subminimum wages to teenagers will give up to 500,000 youths work this summer, and a $240 million program to retrain displaced workers will put another 100,000 people back to work. He defended Reagan’s plans to continue a massive military buildup, and spoke out against repealing the third-year tax cut due this summer, stressing they cannot be held responsible for the $ 189 billion deficit projected in the spending plan. Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan, in an interview in U.S. News and World Report, said the budget will put nearly 1 mil- Donovan said although Reagan has proposed a $1.9 bil lion extension of unemployed insurance benefits, his chief aim is to put Americans back to work and that only can be done through economic growth. “In a very important way. the administration has already attacked unemployment by doing all the difficult things that Ronald Reagan said he would do: work to stop the hemorrhag ing in the budget, lower interest rates, reduce unnecessary reg ulation and so on," Donovan said. Stockman, asked about the nation’s 11.4 million unem ployed, said, “The best thing we can do is achieve a modest recov ery” by following Reagan’s pre scription. Stockman denied the red ink swirling through Washington }s a result of the failure of Reagan’s supply-side economic policies. The immediate problem, Stockman said, was created by major unanticipated develop ments — a recession longer and deeper than predicted; sharply lower inflation, which cut gov ernment revenues; high interest rates that jacked up the cost of bankrolling the national debt; and failure of Congress to cut domestic spending as much as Reagan wanted. The $848.5 billion 1981 spending plan sent to Congress last week forecasts high deficits into the near future, what Stock- man and others fiscal aficiona dos call the “out years." Based on the administration’s projec tions, the deficit in 1987 will still be $117 billion. Lucky developer may get U.S. rent rip-off United Press International WASHINGTON — A private developer may get a $ 1.5 million rent windfall at taxpayers’ ex pense because the firm with drew an option for extra office space for the U.S. Information Agency. The withdrawal came just days before the agency de cided it needed more room in its new quarters. The developer, a partnership headed by the Donohoe Con struction Co., then was able to nearly double its price in what some General Services Adminis tration officials are calling an embarrassing government blunder. The officials also want to know if Donohoe may have obtained advance knowledge of the added space needs because one of its negotiators, Richard Gaskins, is a retired GSA leasing official. GSA officials, several of whom have worked closely with Gaskins in the past, failed to ex ercise the option at $16 a square foot before leasing the rest of the Donohoe-built building last Oct. 1. When USIA director Charles Wick, a confidant of President Reagan, requested an additional 11,250 square feet for a first- floor library, Donohoe raised its price for the ground-floor retail space to $29.35 a square foot. Over 10 years, the rent differ ence for the extra space would total nearly $1.5 million. One GSA real estate official said privately that if the failure to exercise the option for the added space “wasn’t planned, it was awfully poor judgment on the part of GSA,” which should have had a better fix on the space needs. Richard Haase, commission er of GSA’s Public Buildings Service, told UPI he will only accept the extra space at the ori- nnal could force USIA to look else where for added space after of dollars to CINEMA I & II SKAGGS CENTER 846-6714 ginal price. But that decision spending millions move into the building to con solidate its quarters. In the case of the new quar ters for the USIA, the govern ment chose not to conduct conv petitive bidding before signing! 10-year, $57 million lease witji Donohoe for the bulk of tht nine-story structure. One GSA official called the lease a “high pressure deni' rushed because White House aides Michael Deaver and Edwin Meese were aiding Wick in pushing the consolidation ol LISIA’s scattered offices. Gaskins and a Donohoe vice president, William Walsh III denied knowing about USIAi added space needs before with drawing the $16 option on Oct 6, 1982, five days after the least took effect, locking the govern ment into the rest of the build ing. Government officials in sisted they did not divulge suck information to the company. Grad jars hydr Ni an U Unit NEW ' The Dark Crystal 7:45-8:45 ‘SWEET SIXTEEN” (R) 7:50-9:50 Chief Justice ash CINEMA III POST OAK MALL 764-0616 Share the Magic! “E.T.,The Extra-Terrestrial' 7:15 9:30 (PQ) Dustin Hoffman “TOOTSIE” (PQ) • 7:25-9:44 Nick Notts “4$ HOURS” <R) 5:00-10:00 for a new court on is con historian In tl newsstan I magazin* presiden tional s< events at his recer Prod begin th reported “We’ University Bookstore now offers 24 hour film service for as little as $2.99 for 12 exp. c-41 print film. 42tfn Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-' 3755. 178tfn SCHULMAN J THEATRES $1 off adult tickets 1st Matinee Sat. & Sun. Mon.-Famlly Night Sch. 6 Tue.-Famlty Night M.E. Ill Tue.-Family Night M.E ^CRuCmAFI * * * * * * * 2000 E. 29th * BEST FRIEN if Burt Reynolds 7:20-0: Thursday, February 24 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Rm. 146 Physics Bldg tn order to quality as a candidate for a degree in the College of Science, each student must demonstrate an ability to express himseif/herself in acceptable English. This requirement may be satisfied by (1) passing an examination in English composition (EPE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing English 301 at Texas A&M University with a minimum grad of “C". Any student who fails the written examination (EPE) must satisfy the English Proficiency requirement designated by his/her respective de partment. For more information and guidelines on the nature of the examination, check with the departmental advisor. BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, AND MATH majors MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE with departmental advisor. 88U7 * TIMERIDER 1 X THE ENTITY J + 7:20-8:40 X- Now you know :40 FIRST BLOOD 7:15-0:30 WITHOUT ATRACE 7:20-9:40 5 THE VERDICT J * SaVANAH SMILES —zafraa J ATOR J 7k- (Dolby) Miles O’Keefe * 3+ 7:15-9:30 * 1 MANOR EAST III J J Manor E. Mall 823-8300* * THE MAN FROM 2 J SNOWY RIVER * * United Press International NEW ORLEANS — Arguing that the quality of American jus tice is at stake, Chief Justice Warren Burger is asking Con gress to create a new federal court to decide some of the Sup reme Court’s cases. Burger said the flow of cases is so overwhelming that the Sup reme Court is threatened with a “breakdown of the system, or of some of the justices.” But patch- work remedies cannot solve the problem, he said. “It is the most important sing le, immediate problem facing the judicial branch,” he said. Denying he was “crying wolf,” the nation’s top judge re commended setting up a tem porary panel of judges to settle conflicting rulings among the circuit courts of appeal, and perhaps disputes over federal statutes. Justice Sandra Day O’Con nor, like Burger, addressing the American Bar Association’s annual mid-winter meeting Sunday, made a similar proposal for a new court. “There is no one single, per manent solution,” O’Connor said. “Each time the court’s case load increases, congressional ac tion is necessary to make some significant change in the court’s jurisdiction or its procedures to reduce the numbers. It’s been 58 the last years since changes.” Burger’s proposal, madei» his annual State of thejudiciai' address, was the first endorse merit he has made of such ana jor change to reduce the court! case burden, a topic thatfighiol the nine justices have spokenal out publicly since last summer A senior justice departmert official, reacting to Burger! suggestion, said the courtconU “solve a lot of its own by not writing so many ions.” Many justices also writ! separate opinions agreeing»' disagreeing with the main deel sion in a case. But Burger maintains {iu f damental changes are needed! 1 give “proper time for veflectior preserve the traditional quail’ of decisions, and avoid a bread down of the system.” Burger says the “tidal wart of cases coming to the court' more than 4,000 last term-"* continue to increase toasn# as 9,000 a year. Cases arebecoif ing increasingly complex afd the justices are turning outl^ percent more opinions tin 1 they were 30 years ago. Under Burger’s new court would be createi five years and could be ten# ated by Congress, which hasflf ated other specialized fedetf courts. the idea biograpl tape, in majoi . page, an than Ric the cen , Jonathai .don groi In thi , servative m ent, sa keted to and vid< , and Eur Aitkei i ceive a s tributior The fori be reach 7:25-9:45 TRIP