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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1983)
HEl KXIS takin jte c stars. ay, w lonth mce mme sase PAPA 9 S 509 Univ. Dr. (next to Alfredo’s) 846-4066 need ^ersit CH ,000 ::aii ewsl Shift shift tend Die hi i ad\ ier e St extra SO Ap S0-1 KVH BIG “CHEESE** PAPA LARGE 16" PIZZA Any Additional Item $ I 2S SUPER “BIG PAPA** I 6" of pepperoni, ham, green peppers, onions, fresh mushrooms,' extha cheese (jalapenos on request) PAPA’S BIG VEGETARIAN *B so 16" of green peppers, olives, onions, fresh mushrooms, extra cheese (jalapenos on request) Pizza to go — drive thru window — or eat at Alfredo’s next door. GET THE BEST — FOR LESS! PIZZA BY THE SLICE AVAILABLE PLENTY OF PARKING AVAILABLE IN FRONT * BACK Tex? national Battalion/Page 10 February 4,1983 Warped by Scott McCullar A LOCAL FAMILY PLANNING CLIWIC ANNOUNCED TODAY A N'iAJOR COMPUTER SCREW-UP. DUE TO A RECENT FEDERAL REGULATION, THE PARENTS OF MINORS ASKING FOR PIRTH CONTROL DEVICES WERE 5UPP0S5ED TO BE NOTIFIED. BUT INSTEAD THE COMPUTER HAD CLINIC OFFICIALS N0TIF1IHG THE N\lNOR CHILDREN OF ANY PARENTS REQUESTING BIRTH CONTROL DEVICES FR0IA THE PARTIALLY FEDERALLY-FUNDED CLINIC, A MIX-UP WHICH CAUSED MORE THAN ONE PREGNANT PAUSE YES, SHE'S HERE RIGHT NOW AND SHE’S REQUESTING A BIRTH CONTROL DEVICE. 7ES...UH-HUH, OKAY.... ...YOUR DAUGHTER SAYS YOU'RE A SLUT, AND YOU SHOULD DENY THOSE URGES LIKE ANY MORAL PERSON WOULD DO. OH, MOTHER, HOW COULD YOU? I'M SHOCKED* I HAVE TO FIND Ml FROM A CLINIC, OF ALL TW6S, THAT MY PARENTS ARE FOOLING around! have you no shame? WHAT WILL MY GRANDPARENTS SAY? R Brazos County Cl STOPPER: 775-TIPS E ; RY /u FH i re 5tro RY to RY to pe y jm iag< n <J, G< v*- Fast Free Delivery 846-3768 or 846-7751 Competition says 30 minute delivery or $ 5 OFF Chanello's says 25 minute delivery of FREE! (Campus deliveries only) If not Delivered within 25 Minutes get your Pizza FREE! OFFER GOOD OH CAMPUS DELIVERIES OMLY! 846-3768 or 846-7751 Pepperoni, Gr. Beef, Gr. Pepper, Sausage, Ham, Bk. Olive, Onion, Mushroom, Jalapeno, Anchovy, Gr. Olive. 12" 16" 20" Cheese 4.55 6.95 12.25 Ad. Item .95 1.40 1.85 Thick Crust .95 1.40 1.85 Supreme 8.30 11.25 16.10 Favorite 8.30 11.25 16.10 Led II & Two men charged in giant U.S. theft by Fi United Press International NEW YORK — A guard who told police he had been hand cuffed during an $11 million armored car company robbery and an accounting student de scribed as the guard’s associate, were charged in the largest cash theft in U.S. history. The FBI said it was looking for at least two other suspects in the Dec. 12 theft from the Sen try Armored Car Courier Corp. FBI officials said they hoped to recover “most or all of the cash.” Christos Potamitis, 24, of Queens, arrested Wednesday on a vacation in San Juan, Puerto Rico, was the only guard on duty at the time of the heist. George Legakis, 21, of Brooklyn, an accounting major at Wagner College on Staten Is land, was an associate of Potami tis, said Lee Faster, assistant di rector of the FBI in New York. Legakis was arrested Tuesday in New York. Both were charged with bank larceny. Potamitis was arrested at a Holiday Inn in San Juan where he was vacationing. Legakis, who worked as a part-time cook at his father’s Queens diner, was arrested Tuesday night at FBI headquar ters in New York. The suspect, a Canadian has lived in New York for years, was arraigned in a l District Court in Manhatti Wednesday and held on 51: While demorial hip offe: he othei ad but pon gra Eric P< list bit by ng with acks. A lered sev uaily sigi hilt Comr But Ge al’s 31-6 am in 1 million bail. A hearing was« , , ill. 8 khere h lor feb. 14. Uthough game ■tent from "'ntrJr Assistant U.S. Attorney Block said in court that on night of the theft, _ watching from her window neff? ()ne S( Sentry s offices saw a manent the building through an el door operated from the patcher’s office where Potami was supposedly watching tel sion. Smoker ulcers found less than non-smokers Thus, trn into iccomes nior atl ship offer Jniversin ys had to n the d< airof hij ollege lif And no l-foot-6-ii ege has! een all tl United Press International BOSTON — According to a seven-nation survey, non- smokers are three times more likely to have painful ulcers of the colon than are smokers, but doctors warned against taking up smoking to prevent the dis ease. The results of interviews of more than 70,000 people con ducted by the Boston Collabora tive Drug Surveillance Program were published Thursday in the New England Journal of Medi cine. According to the study, the risk was even lower in men and heavy smokers than in women and light smokers. There was no difference found in the number of cases of the disease among nonsmokers compared to former smokers. Doctors refused, however, to say nicotine actually protects a person from developing ulcera tive colitis, painful ulcers of the colon characterized by bloody diarrhea. Even if smoking helps reduce the risk, there is much stronger >r somec evidence smoking contribute)! ne offer other diseases “that are mot ligh scho common and more lethal ip “When ulcerative colitis,” said acctmrpanying editorial. “1 see no possibility whateit that the overwhelming balanwh against tobacco would beov come,” w rote Dr. John C.Bi HI. He said there were thou! of possible explanations for findings, many of which arejd as implausible as “the not that cigarette smoking prevail the disease.” icttys salt erview T our guar ree of tl ey Park< ere goir ther was own, I k to stay aft (XKVIIIYAT Y\! Pizza Delivery Now Pizza 'Hut NORTHGATE Introducing Speedy 30 Minute Delivery FAST and FREE from your Northgate Pizza Hut® restaurant TRY US! Call 260-9060 Sunday-Thursday 5:00 p.m.-12 midnight — Friday 5:00-1 a.m. Saturday 11:00 a.m.-1 a.m. — Sunday 11:00 a.m.-12 midnight Limited Delivery Area Northgate and A&M Campus • WiLJ^L,UlVliL ““ $2.00 OFF ANY LARGE 15“ PIZZA OR $1.00 OFF ANY MEDIUM 13” PIZZA LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PIZZA EXP. FEB. 9, 1983 501 UNIVERSITY DR. <® TAUBER PH. 260-9060 go OFF -Hut. 4 C Mon Fri.-;