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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1983)
e attalionfj state Battalion/Page 7 February 2, 1983 White's first bill to close loophole 1 United Press International ■ AUSTIN — Aides to Gov. Mark White shy the first piece of legislation he signs into law will be a bill to close a ttgal loophole that threatens Bi cost the state $100 million in revenue. I On a nearly unanimous vote Monday, the Texas ■ouse passed emergency legislation aimed at closing a Hiophole in laws used to reg elate the way Texas sells mineral rights on state- dwned lands. I Since 1939, Texas has Hsed sealed, competitive Bids to sell mineral rights, parlicularly For oil and gas. Such lease sales annually merate millions of dollars sVate revenues, but, according to Land Commissioner Garry Mauro, an Arlington lawyer, John Foster, discovered and used an antiquated statute that-allowed developers to get around the bidding pro cess by filing “prospector permits.” A prospector permit, Mauro said, allowed a per son to pay a $2 filing fee for the right to look for oil and gas on specified tracts of state land. If a discovery w'as made, the prospector was obligated only to pay the state a $2 bonus for each acre of land leased and a one-eighth share of oil royal ties. In contrast, leases made under the sealed-bid process routinely yield bonuses of $ 10 to $40 an acre and royal ties ranging from one-fifth to one-third of production. “Had others (besides Fos ter) been able to take advan tage of this loophole in our laws, it could have been dis astrous and cost the state millions of dollars in lost oil and gas revenues,” said the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Tati San- tiesteban, D-El Paso. Foster’s company stands to make $5 million more on the Eastland tract than they would have had they used the sealed-bid method, Mauro said. The Senate passed the same bill last week and White is expected to sign it in the next few days. Foster and his company, West Texas Minerals Inc., were the only parties who tried to utilize the prospec tor permits, Mauro said. White to fight drugs with laws, more agents I Rt-ITT theatres oiuaeru uisc. . WITn IU ! Tues. All seats $2.00 I CINEMA I & II SKAGGS CENTER 846-6714 The Dark Crystal United Press International AUSTIN — Gov. Mark White Tuesday promised tougher laws and additional drug agents to perpetuate and expand the Tex ans’ War on Drugs program during his administration. White, speaking to the first Texans’ War on Drugs Youth Leadership Conference, urged several hundred youths from across the state to open another front in the battle against drug usage and trafficking by build ing and exerting peer pressure against narcotics abuse in their schools and communities. The governor repeated his stated intention to increase the Department of Public Safety’s narcotics division squad beyond its current 169 agents. He also indicated that the use of federal military forces to combat drug trafficking may become more of a factor in the future. “We now have the ability to utilize military forces, military radar, military air surveillance,” White said. He said he will seek a mix of stronger laws and increased en forcement personnel as the best method of combatting “the mul- ti-billion-dollar nightmare” of drug abuse and trafficking. “It does absolutely no good to pass a law' and not have it en forced,” White said. White indicated he will work more to expand the laws enacted during Clements’ administra tion than change them. “My predecessor and I dis agreed on many issues, but one we did agree on is the war on drugs,” White said. 7:45-9:45 Richard Pryor “THE TOY” (PQ) 7:30-9:50 CINEMA III POST OAK MALL 764-0616 Share the Magic! ‘E.T.,The Extra-Terrestrial' 7:15 9:30 (PQ) Dustin Hoffman “TOOTSIE” (PQ) 7:29-0:44 Nick Nolle “48 HOURS” (R) 8:00-10:00 M S C. Man’s phone call leads to arrest ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ R United Press International ^JUSTIN —? A man who tele- 7® phoned policis Monday to in- j Jilin whether they had a war rant for him on bank robbery ■rges was arrested a few' hours later at a motel, authorities said rgesday. ^Kary Faubion, 31, of Freder- —icksburg, w r as charged with ihoto by ind ravated robbery in the Jan. 5 holdup of the Gibraltar Savings |||.oan Association in northwest Austin, Lt. Olan Kelly said, senior# hie is in the Austin city jail U a unii urt( * er $75,000 bond. ~ IlFaubion was arrested after a Hn telephoned the Travis Bunty Sheriffs of fice, wanting to know if they had a warrant for i for bank robbery. He would say wheTe he w r as. Authorities then received a that the suspect might be in le Oak Hill area southwest of ?• Sheriffs office spokesman Curtis Weeks said Deputy Sher iff James Scroggins stopped at a motel on U.S. 290 southwest of Austin Monday night and found that Faubion had checked in at 9:30 p.m. Since the suspect had earlier threatened to “shoot it out” with police, Weeks said Scroggins cal led in three other officers and broke into the room. He said Faubion did not resist arrest. Kelly said a man w'ho identi fied himself as Faubion called Austin police earlier and said he planned to surrender at 8 a.m. Faubion was charged in a heist in w'hich a bandit placed a package said to contain a bomb on the bank counter. He was given an undisclosed amount of cash and left. J SCHULMAN THEATRES $1 off adult tickets 1 st Matinee Sat & Sun Mon-family^night Sch 6 ^Tue4amilyjriigh^ *SCHULMAN 6 7 f 2000 E. 9th 775-2466 * * * * * > * * * ★ BEST FRIENDS Burt Reynolds 7:20 - 9:40 * * +r * ★ FIRST BLOOD 7:15-9:30 STILL OF THE NIGHT 7:25 9:401 * * * - * * * “ * * * * * *• * * * *- * * ★ THE VERDICT 7:25 - 9:55 SAVANAH SMILES 7:15-9:25 ATOR (Dolby) Miles O’Keef 7:15-9:30 * * -* * * * * * >4 * > Thursday, Feb 3, $1.50 MSC room 224 4ju 7:30 & 9:45 _ I”— — «QT m wan »o. Cejas' presented by MSC Cepheid Variable AQgi^cinema, presents Wed. Feb. 2 7:30 p.m. 601 Rudder (co-sponsored w/MSC Black Awareness) STAR WARS Fri. & Sat. Feb. 4 & 5 7:30 & 9:45 p.m.Theater (co-sponsored with MSC Cepheid Variable) PG REVENGE OF THE PINK PANTHER Fri. & Sat. Theater Only Midnight PG $1.50 w/TAMU I.D. Advance tickets at MSC Box Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30-4:30 Also 45 min. before showtime. ustin. t MANOR EAST 111$ £ Manor E. Mall 823-830(f** J THE MAN FROM * £ SNOWY RIVER * + 7:25-9:45 * TIME RIDER 7:30-9:50 * NOW yOUl knOW I Kiss ME goodbye J , , . .X Sally Fields T >ress International sand. Even the largest and £ 7;aL-aiW J tge meteor, though brightest meteors, known as ^ Jniv CAMPUS 6512* isible in the night fireballs, rarely exceed the size ^ ThaTTancK" + r g e,. tha a grain of of a pea. t**^miTl**% I United Press International |The average meteor, though brilliantly visible in the night skv, is no larger tha a grain of BEER COLLEGE SURVIVAL THERE’S GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY! DRAFT WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY MEAL. (Limit 5 beers per person.) Our new menu can’t be beat and you sure can’t beat penny beer! Come on by, seven days a week, lunch or dinner, and try our juicy steaks, homemade cobbler, shis-ka-bob with wild rice, or any of our new menu items. If you haven’t tried Hoffbrau lately, you haven’t tried Hoffbrau! steaks c> The best thing that ever happened to beef! 317 So. 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