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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1983)
national Battalion/Pags'l January 26,1 TAKE THE RIGHT STEPS TO FURNISH YOUR HOME TWIN CITY FURNITURE TWIN CITY FURNITURE AFFORDABLE LAYAWAYS ACCEPTED ONE DAY DELIVERY AREA’S LARGEST SELECTION FRIENDLY STAFF TO SERVE YOU IN-STORE FINANCING AND CREDIT DEPARTMENT 219 N. Main Varisco Building Downtown Bryan Free Parking Just North of Store VISA - Mastercard Accepted WHY GO ANYWHERE Wednesday What’s Up BUSINESS CAREER FAIR BANQUET: Tickets are on sale ($5 per person) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. now through Friday in the foyer of the A&A Building. Reservations for companies are available. A&M RUGBY CLUB:Practice and training is held every Monday through Thursday at 5 p.m. on the Main Drill Field. BRYAN HOSPITAL: Bryan Hospital is sponsoring a Car diopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) course, certified by the American Heart Association, today and Thursday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Bryan Hospital Conference Room. The course is taught by Naomi Giroux and costs 50 cents per person. POLITICAL FORUM :Sign up now for the annual trip to Washington D.C. A $200 deposit is due by Feb. 9. For more information, call 845-1515. MSC HOSPITALITY’.Today is the last day to interview for membership. Get your applications in the Hospitality cubicle in 210 MSC (SPO of fice). STUDENT GOVERNMENT (STUDENT BOOK EXCHANGE):Today is the last day to pick up books or money from the Student Book Exchange f rom 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in 210 MSC. PRE-LAW SOCIETY: Local attorneys, William R. Vance, Steve Rodgers and Gaines West, will participate in a panel discussion at 7 p.m. in 410 Rudder. CANADIAN CLUB:A new semester, new prime mini and new events will he discussed in a meeting at/p. 401 Rudder. All newcomers welcome! ABILENE HOMETOWN CLUB:Club pictureswl taken at 7:80 p.m. in the MSC Main Lounge. SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS:LiilianEhl Shell Oil will speak, plans for a conference will be ized and registration for the regional conferencewl held at a meeting at 7 p.m. in 102 Zachry. PS1 CHI (PSYCHOLOGY HONOR SOCIETY): first meeting of the semester will be held at 7 Academic Building. Old members and anyoneinten in psychology are welcome. INTRAM U R A L- R E C R E A IT ON AL S PORTS: 7i machine weight lifting clinic and guest speaker wi presented at / p.m. in 262 G. Rolhe White Coliseu Coliseum. FLORICULTURE CLUB:A general meeting withgi speaker Dr. David Reed will be held at 7 p.m. in 106P: UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL:A Candlelii Communion Service will be held at 10 p.m. at thel'nn sity Lutheran Chapel, 313 N. College Main in Coll Station. SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS:.): cussion on mini-indy car, alcohol car and upcotnint gional meeting will lx- held at 7:30 p.m. in 12/-BZacn BLACK AWARENESS:Black History Month plans he discussed in a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 308 Ruddi by Job ; Batt For the fir fexas A&M': Tuesday, the iglu where eating SMI imping. S&ut by tin inished its g; iggus wer iawking. ^■lawking hat is. : I Arnold iantledly bn ^vs back I soiilt deficit Congress considers aid 7-510 victors Arnold si: I, points on fom the lie Jobless lose health benefit rst 11 TCU ut 1 is 15 reb Mutant f; age’s of the Floriculture-Ornamental Horticulture Club Plant Sale! Saturday, Jan. 29 United Press International WASHINGTON —Congress is considering aid to the nation’s more than 5 million laid-off workers who have lost their health insurance, but budget officials warn any program will be costly. Alice Rivlin, director of the Congressional Budget Office, told a House Energy and Com merce Health subcommittee Monday, 10.7 million laid-off American workers and depen dents had no health insurance as of December. Twelve million Americans were unemployed last month, and the jobless rate was the high est since the Great Depression. Rivlin said 7.4 million of those workers had been laid off, and 5.3 million of them lost their health insurance. Health benefits usually con tinue for up to three months af ter job loss. But Rivlin said almost 70 percent of those who lost their jobs have been out of work five weeks or more, and most have exhausted extended health benefits. United Auto Workers Presi- 'AT! l Floriculture Greenhouse COMMONS Quad Lubbock St. A AA 4r '‘ T f Meld (SLAB) Lamar p.m. Qi Plant 1 Sale PL 10-2 4N? is ALPHA TAU OMEGA SPRUNG RUSH ISecM* Bust Wednesday, January 26 AIX THi: BREW YOU CAST DRINK ' i i 1 ! N| ! I • BEER WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY MEAL. (Limit 5 beers per person.) Our new menu can’t be beat and you sure can’t beat penny beer! Come on by, seven days a week, lunch or dinner, and try our juicy steaks, homemade cobbler, shis-ka-bob with wild rice, or any of our new menu items. If you haven’t tried Hoffbrau lately, you haven’t tried Hoffbrau! steaks The best thing that ever happened to beef! 317 So. College Avenue, 260-9172 Mon.-SaL, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. f$* Sim., 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m. Banquet facilities are available. dent Douglas Fraser, rep ing the labor-backed Security Action Council,fl Congress to act. Hesus requiring longer covenM l.iid-of I workersandshonTle Texas lays in insuring pew ornfiaen’s swi workers, expandingMedir.s|>place vi include the unemployedanel meet ft \idiug funds for groupiitiisday nig insurant e or a basicone-ilithe won nel ii package. ie|i best me “Literally thousand)in| 11 of 17 thousands of people amg ihe Owl poning their health care.'iptured 13 er said. vents to wit But Rivlin warned: ||Philis B “Any program forprophinauch coverage to those who art. ■ rentlv unemployed, »» public or private, woulH costly.” 11 would cost $61 current fiscal year to | Medina re health coverage) employed workers, wh “add significantly tothell deficit.” she said. The panel heard Iron | laid-of f workers who 1 their health insurance. Isaac Emerson ofYorll who lost his truck-drivingl year ago, said he cannotiT to take his twochildrenlo:| to pay the $2,300inmedki Calif, told the laid-offtvo! said in a statement/;eitiij cen lives for employers wl ployees. 845-13