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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1983)
Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED >. Part-Time |lf you play but have not ^taught you may still be Iqualified. GUITAR TEACHER Acoustics KcyboARc! For 764-0006 * Cf m JLUUll Inc. POST OAK MALL College Station, TX 77840 NO JOB? NO APARTMENT? We have both for the right couple. We are looking for an energetic couple to be the on- sight management team for a 54 unit condominium/apart ment property. The position vwould require a 40 hr. work ^week by the wife and approxi mately 10 hours by the hus band. 3-bedroom, 2 bath apartment + salary. For ap pointment call Diane Janac at 846-5741. 7711 o The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is cur-' rently taking applications for newspap er route carriers for summer & fall ■ semesters. Routes take 2Vz to 3 hours .per day, with salary from 400 to 800, ,*per month. All routes receive a gasj ]allowance also we need soliciters for C.the summer & fall semester, if interest- 4ed please call Julian McMurrey 693- 2323. — — SOttnf Start the New Year off right by earning extra money. Sell AVON and enjoy the profits. For more information call 696-0751. 76110 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL OFFICIALS No Experience necessary — we will train. Good Pay! Flexible hours! Contact Tom Weis in the IM-REC Sports office, 159 E. Kyle, 845-7826. 1 68t12 SALES/DEMO EZ Play Organs Some Piano Part Time Fun Job For Appointment 764-0006 KeyboARci Center r S/ ii in nl Inc. POST OAK MALL College Station. TX 77840 Part-time cashier and counter help. Flexible hours. Apply in person between 10 & 11 and 2-4. 201 Dominik. 76t5 Part-time daytime and evening positions. Cleaning offices availa ble now to industrious, reliable students with phone, transporta tion and references. Home Care Services, 846-7759. 76t10 DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early' morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn DALLAS the nite club Now Hiring all positions. Call 693-2818 for appointment. 78t3 ^jpacher needed for nursery school. Must have degree-also student to clean. 846- 5571. 78tfn CRUISE SHIP JOBS! jji(l4-$28,000 a year. Caribbean, Hawaii, jfltorld. Call Cruiseworld for guide, direc- ^>ry, newsletter. 1(916) 973-1111 ext. JAM. 80tl7 HELP WANTED FOR RENT FULL OR PART TIME •Day Shift •Night shift (til 10 p.m.) •Weekends •Flexible hours to fit your schedule •Rapid advancement 'Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik I90tfn JANUARY RENT FREE In these new deluxe 4-plexes with fireplaces, washer/dryer, cathedral ceilings, fenced yards, & more. Call 69j3-8685. 63tfn Duplex for rent. 2 bedroom 1 bath all appliance book-ups. $300 month, $200 de posit. Contact Peggy or Bernice, Apex Realty, 693-4455. 75t7 TEXAS RESEARCH an oil and gas firm needs young, attractive person for typing 5 days a week for morning job. Must Type at least 50wpm. Pays $4.00 pr/hr. Contact Carolyn at 846-9730. 77t5 Storage 10x20, $22 up, 693-2339. 76t31 Very nice two bedroom apartment, $285.00. Two bedroom house, $500.00, 779-3550, 696-2038. 75tll FOR RENT DUPLEXES AND HOUSES 2 & 3 bedroom in Bryan/CS. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, carpet, drapes, fenced yard. JOE COURTNEY, INC. 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn STUDIO APT. on shuttle bus route, cul-de-sac backs up to Bee Creek Park, lots of trees. 1BR/1BA, deck off living room. $300/rent $200/security deposit. Available now. 80t11 DUPLEX CLOSE TO CAMPUS 3 bedroom at 205 Montclair. Idea! for students. Call Jane at 696- 4203. (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 76tfn Fairview, College Station walk to A&M. 2 bedroom home. Ap pliances, fenced back yard, ga rage. $400.00 a month. Jacob Be al Realty, 823-5469. 80110 MINI WAREHOUSES 101 Jersey West (corner of Jersey & Wellborn across from Olsen field) THE STORAGE CENTER 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn 4-plex apts. College Station. Large 1 bedroom, $260.00/Large 2 bedroom, $325.00, w/d connec tions. Water paid. No pets. Vz OFF OF FIRST MONTH’S RENT ON 9 or 12 MONTH LEASES. 779-1613, M-F, 779-3162 (PM. and weekends). /sue Spacious 1 and 2 bedroom apts. Also, 2 bedroom studios. Conve nient to campus. Call or come by Investor Real Estate, 305 East 33rd, Bryan, 779-3656. 75112 NEW MINI WAREHOUSES 5x5 — 5x7 — 5x10 — 5x12 — 10x10 — 10x15 — 10x20 — 10x25 — 10x30 — $25 mo. $30 mo. $32 mo. $35 mo. $45 mo. $55 mo. $62 mo. $68 mo. $80 mo. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 iBtfn CASA DEL SOL One and two bedroom apartment available for immediate occupan cy. Call 696-3455 or come by 401 Stasney in College Station. 28tfn ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693- 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn SOUTHWEST VILLAGE One and two bedrooms available for immediate occupancy. Call 693-0804 or come by the office at 1101 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn RENT SLASHED Spacious two bedroom 1 1 / 2 bath four-plex with washer and dryer, close to campus. Large kitchen, walk-in closets, large deck in rear. 693-8685. aotfn treehouse apartments Now Leasing For Summer & Fall Furnished & Unfurnished Efficiency 1 & 2 BR Treehouse Wellborn 205 Jersey W. College Station 696-5707 Campus HELP WANTED DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE. Jacob Beal Real Estate, Inc. 775-9000 3211 Texas Avenue, Bryan Ask for Mike Beal UNIVERSITY ACRES COUNTRY LIVING AT REASONABLE PRICES 1 and 2 bedrooms on Cain Road off Wellborn Road. Call Jane at 696-4203 (Joe Courtney, Inc.) - 76tfn state Battel ion% January 21 LOST Two bedroom house fenced yard. Wellborn area. 693-4070, 693-2339. 76t31 LOST: My book money in white envelope on campus. REWARD. 845-4603. 80t2 2 bedroom apartment one block from cam pus. $205.00 per month for sublease, 846- 5378. 7814 SERVICES Karen’s Typing service, 775-6126. 67t84 Alterations Repairs and Custom Clothing done in my home Call Pam 693-6538.64tl9 Complimentary Mary Kay facial. Diane McCleary, 693-0104. ‘ 78120 Papers due already? Word processing, fast turn-around, reasonable. 10% discount through January 31. EastMark Executive Suites, 693-5895. 78t9 Service For All 1 Kneissl skis, hook N77 bindings with ski brakes, poles, 693-9789. 80t5 Chrysler Corp. Cars / Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. [ Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 E 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 Typing! 1 Repprts, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-’ 3755. I78tfh FREE APARTMENT LOCATOR SERVICE • Apartments • Duplexes • Houses • Fourplexes • Townhouses Now leasing for summer and fall. Special sum mer rates now available. Walking & biking dis tance to T.A.M.U. HOMEFINDER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 696-1006 1055 S. Texas C.S. “Problem Pregnancy? Free pregnancy test ing and referrals. (713) 524-0548." 188tfh University Bookstore now offers 24 hour film service for as little as $2.99 for 12 exp. c-41 print film. 42tfn FOR LEASE Sublease furnished efficiency Country Place Apts. Linda, 260-9253 after 4:00, 846-9161. 79t5 Patio home 717 Lincoln, five blocks from A&M on shuttle bus route. 1100 square feet. 2 bedroom 2 bath, fire place. Full kitchen & W/D connections. No bills. Deposit required. Minimum lease: 6 months, $550/mo., available February 1st. 696-3754 or 779-0554. 69tfn FOR SALE ’78 Telecaster, excellent condition, $550 or best offer, 775-5834. 7915 TS-O Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired BRYAN 216 N. Main 799-2786 Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 8-1 COLLEGE STATION 8008 Post Oak Mall.. 764-0010 Mon.-Sat. 10-9 p.m. Texas State se Of^ticae a; Since 1935. Brazos County Couch, Early-American style. Very com fortable. Cushions need re-covering. $30.00 823-5155. 79t2 FURNITURE 2 waterbeds, 2 desks, kitchen ap pliances, chairs, lamps, 2 dres sers, bookshelves, etc. Must sell everything 1517B Pineridge. All weekend. 79t2 STOPPER! 776-TIPS FOR SALE Peavey Musician with phase, 6 band equalizer, 400 watts, $500, 764-8431. 7615 FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 4 Drwr Chests 44.95 5 Drwr Chests 54.95 Dresser/Mirror 94.95 5 Pc. Dining Set 69.95 Sofa Sleeper 235.00 Sofa & Chair Setsl 69.95 Recliners 89.95 3 Pc. Coffee/end Table 69.95 Twin Mat Sets 79.95 Full Mat Sets 88.00 Bed Frames 15.00 TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Maria U22-5929 Delta 88, ’71, $599 or best offer, 845-1671 or 693-7741. 76t5 5 piece dinette set. Fair'condition, $40, 693-7454. 7813 1976 Mustang P.S., P.B., air conditioning, 4-speed, Hatchback, 260-3396. 78t5 Final close out used furniture, dishes, misc. Bargain Bam 3 miles, TAMU, FM 60W, 846-3457. 76t5 Must sell. Micom 2001. 817/756-6679. 79t2 Twin bed with headboard, $65. Call 775- 8503. 78t4 1968 Mustang Fastbaek, $2100, OBO, 260- 7277. 79t8 ’76 Plymouth Sport maroon/white, $1400, 696-0180. 79t5 ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate needed. Large house. Own room. $200/month. More information call 845-5269 or 779-0533 p.m. 78t5 Female roommate $150/month -i- Elec tricity. Own room & bath. New. 846- 2851. 79ts M/F roommate. Newer, furnished $200 00 + 775-3766. 79t5 WANTED CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out cold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 ittn SPECIAL NOTICE MISC. i r WANT BETTER GRADES? Change the quality of your reading and study methods. READING EFFICIENCY a non-credit course SECTIONS MEET TTH 9:30 or MW 12:00 $60 FEE INCLUDES COURSE MATERIAL REGI STER NOW IN Classes begin January 24th The Reading Lab Texas A&M 718 Harrington COUPON IL O o m Emilio’s U1 Greek Italian o Cuisine "Ot Post Oak Mall o The very best ' Tl sandwiches, salads, meals, Deli items. Coupon expires Jan. 31, 1983 Tl 7614 ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES Veterinary Graduates Order your announcements/invita tions NOW! MSC Student Finance Center, Room 217, MSC. Mon- Fn. 8 AM-4 PM. LAST DAY Tues day, February 8, 1983! Hispanic first in House United Press International AUSTIN — The appoint ment of a Corpus Christi legisla tor as the first Mexican Amer ican speaker pro-tem in the his tory of the Texas House repre sents a step toward “political and social equality,” a Hispanic lead er said. Democratic Rep. Hugo Ber- langa was appointed Wednes day by House Speaker Crib Lewis, D-Fort Worth. Ruben Bonilla, former na tional president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, praised the appointment as a major step for Mexican Amer icans. “This appointment repre sents an accelerated race for so cial and political equality,” Bonilla said. The post of speaker pro-tem traditionally has been ceremo nial, but Lewis said Berlanga would have a larger role and would serve as his “right hand man.” “He will take a more* role m the decision mat« ihis House than amjjM A rr pm-tem ever has,” Lew,* 4* ^ “Make no mistake, itrH me that this appointmeni^E', iheliisi HispanicmemkoB by Joh history of the House, hM Bam appointment of HugoBt’ A vear a S°> iKti based nil itiK tall itaro alwi i onsidei .ii Belief whe 1 ew is cailed Beil.mga heir South’ of honor, integrity and chedule and gence who works well v 4-1J. fellow members and haseBrhose leU their respect.” nofe than Sc Berlanga, 34, said he,jH vers ‘ t y’ wot k (losely with Lewis toll' sto °^. ^ an atmosphere of teami to®d for “tim the House. md they stooi “ Together we will jSjp 5 ’ A&M energetically to promote|l|T* lose c * a ) thiei economic mnHiimnMd he SML prosperity for all Tem Jrobably l h e said. tqiiad in the six-vear na ^ es man y nace when t, Berlanga, a veteran, has served on Die I ■ and Means, N.itutal R t sFMJ on 1 * 1( and Flec tions conimittcttHy^ 161 ?. e iollie \\ lute I it7:30 p.m., i D.IT Vletcalf said iny other S> logfight. Two old hospitals merge in Temple s , o United Press International TEMPLE — In a move that caps nearly 100 years of cooper ation, Scott & White Memorial Ken’s Automotive (Q Q. 0) GC 421 S. Main — Bryan 822-2823 "A Complete Automotive Service Center" • Tune-Ups „ D . • Clutches Brakes • Front End Parts Replacement • Standard Transmission Repairs E Hospital has acquired Saa Memorial Hospital, oa announced Tuesday. Scott White will lea Santa Ke Memorial fad avoid duplication of sch| said Don Nelson, direct* public affairs for Scott & I® Scott & White, a M b y Franl< facility, opened in 16Q " d - Batt I cl( llllY, CIIJv IICU III IVvLSjH i Ft Mcn 1 onal,al40.W®t ,n "8 ,h * began in 1891. Cgpe womer All American Cars Datsun-Honda Toyota 33 o ■o O) 10% Discount with Student I.D. (Master Card & VISA Accepted) Uliferri Rapp i “Actually we haveimer lineup m the two institutions,'Iknventor wot “T here is a task force tbrainchild. been set up. The institutr -Using seve lieve that through the pro Harters throt amalgamation the ranjjO season, health care programsodBthe court, at the Santa Fe facilinaren’tmeshinp expanded.” would have 1 Ontheoth Under the termsol ofherteamm f per, dec ided Monday, 1> tunity to star ities will retain their if’:out of 29, fre: names. waited for h McDonalds After the TAMU basketba| game, bring your basketb! tickets to McDonald’s®fouj order of regular sizl FRENCH FRIES. m McDonald’s ® Bryan/College Station SKI WINTER PARK COLORADO MARCH 11-14 COST: $200 plus 6 meals (price inclu^j transportation, lodging, ski ren^l lift tickets, and 6 meals) TRANSPORTATION: chartered bus LODGING: YMCA of the Rockies (I* 5 "] type accommodations) $50 deposit (NON-REFUNDABli) RESERVATIONS CLOSE FEB. 4!!!! 76t17 tist Stiirl^ r in [ ormat: i on and reservations come by dent Un ion, 201 N. Main (behind Loupots)