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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1982)
national Canadian workers nix Chrysler offer United Press International DETROIT — Striking Cana dian auto workers rejected a Chrysler Corp. wage-hike prop osal and said it isn’t enough to convince them to settle their month-long strike by Chrysler Chairman Lee lacocca’s Tues day deadline. UAW President Douglas Fraser said counter-offers were to be made in both the United States and Canada on Tuesday to wage-increase offers made by Chrysler late Monday. Fraser said the offer made to U.S. workers didn’t meet UAW objectives, but could be used as a base for discussion. But Canadian union bargain ers speedily rejected the auto maker’s bid outright and said it was so unacceptable that chances for a settlement before midweek appeared dim. “It comes nowhere close to what it will take to reach a settle ment,” Canadian UAW Director Robert White said of the wage offer. “We are literally miles apart. If they think the workers will cave in for this proposal, Chrysler has misread the situa tion.” A settlement must be reached to meet a deadline set by lacoc- ca, who said the 9,600 striking Canadians had to be back on the job by next Monday for produc tion to start up again for Christmas. The contract dispute has to be resolved to allow for a period of explanation and a Canadian ratification vote. Unless that is accomplished, Chrysler has Get Your Xerox Copies at Northgate Above Farmer’s Market Inexpensive, High Quality Copies We Specialize In REPORTS and DISSERTATIONS Also: Self-service copying, typing, reductions and enlargements, binding, resume writing, editing, business cords, wedding invita tions, stationery and many other services. One stop service for reports and dissertations. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University 846-3755 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-IO p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. vowed to farm out the struck Canadian work to U.S. facilities. The company offers came in late afternoon main-table bar gaining sessions that followed a day of subcommittee meetings on non-economic issues. Fraser said the offer covering 43,000 U.S. workers, while slim, is better than the company’s ori ginal contract rejected by work ers in October. That pact was turned down because it tied in creases in pay to future Chrysler profits. The U.S. offer also is for two years, Fraser said. The union originally had wanted a one- year contract covering economic issues because of the uncertainty surrounding the future of Chrysler and the auto industry. A two-year pact benefits Chrysler in that it can plan what its labor costs will be over a lon ger period of time. U.S. workers have been work ing under an extension of their old contract. 1 L Ji*pf>y~ ‘Holidays Help Light the Spirit of Christmas in the Hearts of the Brazos Valley The Brazos Valley Rehab. Center and Alpha Phi Omega present the COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE WITH CURRENT A&M ID (REPAIRS NOT INCLUDED) Keepsake Registered Diamond Rings PULSAR SEIKO, BULOVA CROTON WATCHES AGGIE JEWELRY USE YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT TO PURCHASE A DIAMOND FOR YOUR CLASS RING (ANE LET US SET IT FOR YOU) 212 M. Main AHD Culpepper Plaza Downtown Bryan College Station 822-3119 693-0677 MC VISA Did PIERS CLUB AM EXPRESS LAYAWAYS IMVITED 40 Foot native Cedar Located at corner of Texas and University GOING SHOPPING? Check the ads in The Battalion for the best buys! MIC n About 15 protestors pH the Frayser Drive-in btj temporary restraining' against the theater wasi Monday night by Cii j Court | udge Joseph Dal( A spokesman forTesi tional Theaters, the Dalis that owns the drive-in, s company had facedsiniiln problems in the past, W been successful in fighw' in court. One of the gripes ciP protestors was the theaw 1 agement’s lack of conp who views films shown* drive-in theater screen, Ken Robinson, a homeowner, complaint his children could see- rated films from their lie- window, even thougha )! special lights around the! 1 are supposed to discount paying viewers. Groups of teen-ag on a knoll near the watch the films on wed The soundtrack from il! f: can be picked up on by vehicles driving pastil 11 ter, the protest leaders' “We are going to push get the thing altogether,” Robinson think this restraining^ step in the right direct* it’s far short of satisfy* 1 ? Your contribution of $10 or more will be represented by a light on the tree. More than 2500 will glow in honor or memory of special people, groups, or businesses. Contributions help the Rehab. Center continue serving the public schools with health screening and clinics. I enclose $ as a donation to the Rehab. Center. I understand each contribution of $10 or more will be represented by a light on the Community Christmas Tree. I want to honor or memorialize (please cross out one) the following: My name is: Phone Number: Address: Thank You. Brazos Valley Rehabilitation Center, 3300 East 29th. Street, Bryan, Texas 77801 You may mail completed forms or return them to the APO cubicle In the Student Programs Office 216 MSC. ‘Hapry Holidays AIPIPILIICaVYIICNS it IPIEPIfTP/H 4JVA1LABLE EEC. I MSC 21C OLE EEC. 4 IT’S CCMING... _4$*MSC SAi l! I>