Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1982)
HELP WANTED Student interest in working drop & add for spring. Apply in person Room 211 Heaton Hall before 15th. 69tfn Bookkeeper wanted. Needs books kept at my location. Approximately 25 hours. Ap ply at Piper's Gulf, University at Texas. 65tl0 Part-time person maintenance custodial & general care for office complex. Ideal for college student or second job. Apply in person, Cedar Creek Plaza, 1313 Briarcrest Dr. 67t5 Now hiring DELIVERY PERSONNEL. Must have own car. $3.50 + commission. 107 South College in the Skaggs Center. 47tfn INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL OFFICIALS No Experience necessary — we will train. Good Pay! Flexible hours! Contact Tom Weis in the IM-REC Sports office, 159 E. Kyle, 845-7826. 68112 DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is cur rently taking applications for newspap er route carriers for summer & fall semesters. Routes take 2'/2 to 3 hours per day, with salary from 400 to 800 per month. All routes receive a gas allowance also we need soliciters for , the summer & fall semester. If interest ed please call Julian McMurrey 693- 2323. SOtfrvf BARCELONA One and two bedroom apartments available for immediate occupan cy. Call 693-0261 or come by 700 Dominik in College Station. 29tfn FULL OR PART TIME ‘Day Shift ‘Night shift (til 10 p.m.) ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1.101 Texas 105 Dominik 19Qtfn | DOMESTIC SERVICES Hiring for Semester break and/or Spring Semester Team cleaning homes & offices Starting Salary $3.85 Travel allowance 693-1954. Dental Assistant, full-time, chairside. Ex perienced preferred. Job starts January 3rd. Contact 693-8277. 65t7 FOR RENT Sublease 1 bedroom Varsity II apt. $235/mo. + electricity, 696-8888. 69tl December Grads Houston. Greenway- Galleria area. 2 bedroom, eleetric ap pliances, carport, security gate, pool, $555.00, 764-9097, 1-781-2145. 69t6 1 bedroom furnished $320/mo., gas stove, 1 mile from campus, 5-1665, 8-5 p.m. 69t5 4-plex near campus, central air/heat, 2 bed room, 696-2803 after 4. 69t5 Duplex nice area, near campus, $200/mo. 696-2803 after 4 p.m. 69t5 Battalion Classifieds December 8, If FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE ROOMMATE WANTED SERVICES 1 bedroom 1 bath to sublease for spring semester. Furnished. $320/mo. + electrici ty. Ross. 696-2030. 69t6 HOUSTON POST are accepting applica tions for fall semester. Apply early. 846- 0396, 846-2911. 160tfn One month free rent partly furnished effi ciency, pool, laundry room, cable, water, shuttle bus route, $260, 693-1176. 69t3 Duplex for rent 2 bedroom l!/2 bath fenced backyard Good neighborhood $355 Availa ble Jan. 1 693-2804 693-4762. 68t5 DUPLEXES AND HOUSES 2 & 3 bedroom in Bryan/CS. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, carpet, drapes, fenced yard. JOE COURTNEY, INC. 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn Large 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment/$435 month. Call 693-6539 keep $200 deposit. 66t9 Size 1172 senior boots never used, best offer. Ask for Bill, 764-8804 . 6614 Rental Pianos-New pianos in stock, excel lent quality & low prices tool! Melody House Pianos, 822-2344. 64tll Computer Terminal $200 845-0600 after Noon Ask For Steve Schoolar. 68t5 Female roommate to share two bedroom apartment. $ 108/mo. plus l A utilities, 693- 3308. 69t2 TYPING 775-7017. Need to sublease furnished 1 bedroom apartment, $335/Mo. Brazos House Apart ments, Call 693-6496 or 260-5360. 68t5 1 Bedroom 1 bath $340.00, furnished. All bills apid. l A> mile from campus. 846-8959, 846-7457. 68t5 Garage apartment available January. Near A&M. Quiet No smokers. Bills paid. $250 plus AC. 696-7185 before 7:30 a.m. 68t5 Apartment for sublease, Cripple Creek Apartment #126. 2 bedroom furnished 2 bath. Must rent for spring semester on shuttle bus route, good location by laundry mat, pool and tennis courts. Phone # 693-6279. 65110 1 bedroom unfurnished near Benehley, 180, 779-0830 after 5 p.m. 6715 JANUARY RENT FREE In these new deluxe 4-plexes with fireplaces, washer/dryer, cathedral ceilings, fenced yards, & more. Call 693-8685. 63tfn SOUTHWEST VILLAGE One and two bedrooms available for immediate occupancy. Call 693-0804 or come by the office at 1101 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn Condo. 2 bedroom 1V2 bath, fireplace, fenced patio, all appliances, washer- /dryer connection, shuttle bus route, 2 miles from A&M, $490/mo., $200.00 deposit. Call Mornings, 846-3711, af ternoons, 775-7820. 6718 MINI WAREHOUSES 101 Jersey West (corner of Jersey & Wellborn across from Olsen field) THE STORAGE CENTER 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn OtotiWay apartments 1600 S.W. Parkway College Station, Texas 77840 693-6540 4 Good Reasons to Call Parkway 4. H/e will even pay your security deposit. 3 Bedroom Apts. Available now for spring. WE HAVE THE PRICES AND SIZE YOU WANT! Duplexes Near A&M 2 bedroom 1 bath On Shuttle Bus Route W/D connections Central air Carpeted Houses $325 In Bryan 3 bedroom 2 bath W/D connections Garage Recent Const. Apartments in Bryan 2 Bedroom 1 bath W/D connections Central Air/Heat Carpeted $300 c $525 ^Texas General Rroperties ' 'Property Management Division'' 1862 Greenfield Plaza Bryan, Texas 846-3726 775-0168 RED STONE Apts 2 Bed - 1 Bath SPECIAL Spring & Summer Rates $ Shuttle Bus — Shopping Center Call: Lisa — 696-1848 O N —L I N E Property Managers 779-8620 — 775-7376 PROPERTY MANAGERS 775-7370 65110 r O N —L I N E Natalie 1-1 Bryan $ 299 Casa Verde 2-1 1 /2 College Station 425 Cambridge 1-1 College Station 299 Forrest Bend 1 2-1 Bryan 395 Forrest Bend II 2-1 Bryan 375 Red Stone 2-1 College Station CALL LISA 696-1848 299 SPRING & SUMMER SPECIAL 779-8620 775-7376 775-7370 65t10 RENT SLASHED Spacious two bedroom 1 1 / 2 bath four-plex with washer and dryer, close to campus. Large kitchen, walk-in closets, large deck in rear. 693-8685. sotfn Brick Duplex, 2 bdrm. 2 bath, Kitchen appliances and drapes furnished, W/D con nections. Close to Campus and Shopping Centers. $375/month. 696-7714 or 693- 0982. 43tfn 1-2 bedroom apartments $125.00-$285.00, 779-3559, 696-2038. 65tl0 NEW MINI WAREHOUSES 5x5 — $25 mo. 5x7 — $30 mo. 5x10 — $32 mo. 5x12 — $35 mo. 10x10 — $45 mo. 10x15 — $55 mo. 10x20 — $62 mo. 10x25 — $68 mo. 10x30 — $80 mo. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693- 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn “Warm bodies wanted-Hot tubs furnish ed.” Best prices on ski trips. Call Dirk, 693-6637 or Randy, 775-6384. 48t22 Need female to share one bedroom unit in Village on the Creek condominiums w/d, fireplace, $250 + Vi electricity. Call Rachel, 846-3265. 69t5 Flying F Typing service, report!, typing, $2.00/pg„ 846-2506. TYPING. All Kinds. 846-0132. Cay/Lesbian Line 846-8022. CHEAP FURNITURE selling two reclin- ers one loveseat kitchen table mattress box- springs frame Call before Saturday 11th 693-0204, 696-3883. ' 68t4 FLOOR SPEAKERS, like new-, 200 Watts $175 or Best 696-8514. 68t3 CASA DEL SOL One and two bedroom apartment available for immediate occupan cy. Call 696-3455 or come by 401 Stasney in College Station. 28tfn LOST NEED Two roommates for spring. 3 bedroom 2 bath Sundance Apartment. $217.50/mo./1/4 util ities. Good location. Call Sherrie or Kitty, 693-3200. 6912 Call Sue for all your typing processing needs. 696-9550. Typing experienced, fasl, kinds, 822-0544, 846-9707. WORD PROCESSING; Fast, reasonable, 846-6200. TYPING, Dissertations, reporlg Executive Secretarial Senim 3785. 7l| —— FOUND: Large breed puppy, 693-7317. 69t3 SERVICES LOST: Ladies gold Sieko watch. Broken band, cracked face. $50.(X) Reward. Ask for Charles, 693-5364. 65t5 University Bookstore now o film service for as little as $299b; c-41 print film. TYPING 823-4579. Karen's Typing service, 775-6126. 67t84 LOST: Ladies gold Pulsar watch. Reward. Ask for Kathy. 693-4780. 67t4 Alterations Repairs and Custom Clothing done in my home Call Pam 693-6538.64119 For the Cadillac in typing, Worl( ing is it. Check our prices AND:; ty. 775-3523. Taos Apartments 1 bed 1 bath Furnished Studio Apartment $335/MO 696-1436. 64t8 FREE Receive a color TV when you lease this duplex. Darling 2 bedroom w/compartmented bath, all appliances, washer & dryer furnished, $495.00. Only 4 units available, 696-1242 or 764-8246, 260-6992 Heather or Ray. 64111 2 bedroom 1 bath, wooded 4-plex. W/D connections, near shuttle bus in Bryan. 2 miles from campus, 2nd floor, $340/mo. 693-7761 af ternoons & evenings. 69t5 Reward $35. Lost Siamese cat female, blue point, around Boonville Road. Phone 260- 1249. 67t5 FOR LEASE 1 bedroom 1 bath. Willowick. Overlooks pool, $295/mo. 696-8817 or 693-1325. 69t5 Furnished, efficiency apartment at Treehouse II. Available January 1st, $350 plus electricity, 764-8947. 69t3 Sublease for spring. 1 bedroom furnished studio apartment. Gardenia Apartments. Call 693-4516. 69t7 Sublease Spring Semester 2bdrm 2bth $455/mo. Sausalito #94 696-6246. 68t5 EASTMARK Expanding your consulting business next year? Individual offices, includes receptionist. Short term leases. EastMark Executive Suites, 693-5895. 64t11 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cais Body Work — P HALSELL M( COMPANY I SE Dodge Sales and Service Sinct'S 1411 Texas Ave. 823-811! ig!l Repc DOUBI ING. 823- Still have papers due ; can still do them, processing, fast si 693-5895. jlem Pi eg nd referra ING- Wo 6:00, 775 .'d stride Sublease 1 bedroom 1 bath new carpet, shuttle bus, Sausalito, big closets, $380/mo. Call 693-2184 anytime. 67t5 SPECIAL NOTICE FOR SALE Danish Lounger L/R 2 couches-corner table w/matching chair, $250.00, 693-0314 after 6 p.m. 6915 Gold proof and old U.S. silver coins, low price, 693-5676. 69t5 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Park way Circle, brand new, $455/mo., bus stop. Ask for Bill, 764-8804 ee.a Good deal ’71 Chevy Caprice, good work car, runs terrific, must sell, AM/FM stereo, asking $500, 696-2431. 69t5 SAVE 30% to 50% Diamonds 1/10 CT and UP. Great for Aggie and Engagement rings. All fine gold jewelry and rings available. Call Kelly 696- 7673 or Carrie 764-8733. 69t3 1 bedroom fully furnished apt. Su per nice for one or two people. Lease for spring semester. Availa ble from December 3rd on. (Ear lier the better). On shuttle bus route. Call anytime 693-2261. 69t6 Siamese Kittens. Perfectly Adorable Pets. $25. 775-6342 Evenings. Surprise Some one For Christmas. 68t2 1975 Camaro Rally Sport, excellent condi tion 779-3057 after 5 p.m. 65t5 1972 Opel G.T., $900.00 or best offer, evenings, 693-2597. 66t5 Patio home 717 Lincoln, five blocks from A&M on shuttle bus route. 1100 square feet. 2 bedroom 2 bath, fire place. Full kitchen & W/D connections. No bills. Deposit required. Minimum lease: 6 months, $550/mo., available February 1st. 696-3754 or 779-0554. 69tfn ATTENTION AGRICULTURE MAJORS ,. ASHF Interested in ANIMAL PRODUCTION FIELD STUDY TRIP COURSE 3731 E. A meeting of all students interested in going on the Anitip* Science Animal Production Field Study Trip (AnSc. 40) from January 9 (noon) through January 15th (Satur«^“ night), 1982, will be held Thursday night, December! i|Ikv Fleet Room 115, Kleberg Center. If you are interested int this tour course (AnSc. 400A, 2 credit hours) and fiavsL filled out a form, please come by Room 129 Kleberg and out a form now. If you cannot be at the meeting, | Howard Hesby (845-7616) and let us know that you stillp to go. Those of you not registered for the course cant course for credit following trip. The tour visits 34 dfc Texas Animal Production units sheep, cattle and! BIG SNAKE! 13 foot PYTHON. Valuable, make offer. 696-8514. 66t5 ROOMMATE WANTED 1973 Peugoet 504 SW, gasoline, automatic, 846-1990, $800 or best offer after 5 p. m. 67t5 Rattan couch, $150, twin bed 696-9444.6614 MALE roommate' needed 3 bedroom bath, own bedroom, $155 rent, $25 util ities, Pasada del Ray behind Aggieland Inn. Call 693-5676. ’ 69t5 itzz ranches-purebred and commercial and feedlots or stoc 1 cattle units, swine farms, horse breeding and traininglarr wildlife and catfish clinics, Al studs and embryo clinics. Please contact Howard Hesby for more information. AL large s addles ar inds will t iprox. 100: aats. Son Action, an^ dies, Son- dies. Also Several fu dies. All ac yr. written Now you can say you re home. The magic of Copperfield. It begins in the trees. By the ponds. On the rolling hills. It’s a breeze. A sunray. A raindrop. It’s the land. And the dream. And the promise. Copperfield. It’s a new design for a Bryan-College Station real estate development. There are 550 acres of single family, multi family and commercial lots. As you drive through the entrance, wide boulevards tell you that neighborhoods are carefully planned, each unique yet unified, reflecting the beauty of the land. When you come to Copperfield, you’re home. employment ® ,s 'ty dial 8 Empioymer ,lv e Action. Texas A- BRIARCREST \ ^ DRIVE \ D Z ITsi] < [ \\ OrMOPtfie/r/' co < ] % £ UNIVERSITY DRIVE \ J 1735 Briarcrest Drive / Suite 110 / Bryan, TX 77801 7 (713) 775-2300 | Development financing by Unitedbank College Station N.A. i>FFlC bl!? e5,er In r no reft, •nedemic ■