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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1982)
local Battalion/Page 3 November 18, 1982 other simj new the only cor] >een invojj :it. But I’m ;se same cl is event entimesat se of mam i Texas water eing discussed by Lynn Falco « Battalion Reporter Leading state authorities [re meeting in Rudder Tower day to discuss water prob- ■ms in a two-day “Water for »ve\er, scnB' exas ” conference sponsored in the An ly the Texas Water Resoui ces ihowingpi Institute. terans,Ail State authorities will dis liked them | uss planning, financing, tilv I bcE understanding and managing 6 If the dwindling Texas water roarhed » in .Preparation for the 1 Hnl i ext l e g* s i at i ve session in 1 my naa | anuar y. Governor-elect 1 hesemen! Ilark White was scheduled to ie apprea peak at 11:30 today on isobviousis he importance of water re- rans haveli ources. ,’s general Institute director Jack R. rvolvenra ^ un ^ es sa '^ l ^ at w * l h l l ie rapid population growth in r | Texas, officials are becoming )Wonefal [oncerned about whether or e I act rems 10t state w in have adequ- iese men i Ite water supplies to meet its were called syneeds. ar thesacnfi I “Education is part of the Lirageead iroblem.’l he said. “People your appro 'hould be more aware of a nganyonei i * 10 A r . t ^ e ' . . •, •tnam fori A1 [ hou g h the ^exas water :upply is not extremely low ii propen /et| 0 ff lc i a | s must start to de- I continueit /elop water supplies for the Abigstepi /ear 2000 and beyond, Runk- x responsM es said. Water researchers tctiongroK mnmda ing /najorfiBpi U have to look into other sources for funds because federal sup port is diminishing, he added. “We need to look into con serving water and using it more effectively, and develop any additional supplies that we can,” Rankles said. Ruth Schaffer, a Texas A&M sociologist, said wasted water is a big problem. A lot of water is not reused in irri gated agriculture when it runs off the land. There is also waste in every day activities, Schaffer said. “When you get a drink of wa ter, do you take the first glass of water you fill up?” Another waste source is leaks in main pipelines under ground, she noted. “Dallas is the only city that has a computer system to de termine when there is a leak in one of its pipes,” she said. “All other large cities waste one- third to one-half of their wa ter this way.” Schaffer has been studying leadership, power and deci sion-making. She is interested in the shortage because, she said, it’s easy to study leaders when they’re involved in a survival issue such as water control. aperton urges hergy efficiency by David Johnson Battalion Staff Americans must become pore efficient energy users and nust diversify their energy purees in the future, State Senator Kent Caperton said here Wednesday night. Many states are encouraging iomeowners to install energy- laving improvements by offer- tig them tax credits, guaranteed pans or grants to help defray lie costs of the improvements, “aperton said. Caperton’s speech in Rudder Tower was sponsored by MSC nlitical Forum and the Texas Ak-M Renewable Natural Re- lources Association. Water resources also will be a roblem in coming decades, raperton said. He said he is trying to inform ;he public about the problem mtl develop a workable plan for he entire state that is acceptable p Texans in drier West Texas, swell as to those in the rainier ast. s for the si st year, in 6 ority with l ■ govern!® rressive met a security S :cently,“If' will be info ur creditf 1 ■ir frustraW ve can’t ov< > willcontfol ■ of years, lion arrivS PD mayha'i ?rry Add passion to your punch with Everclear 190 proof grain alcohol. EVERCLEAR T SHIRT DEFER 100% cotton. It’s purple with red and white EVERCLEAR logo Only $ 4 95 Please s Everclear Purple Passionate” T-Shirts tor a total at S Mo slate residents add - Send money order or use your MasterCard Visa Accl * ^ Expires ; Clty/State_ Signature.. if good tn US only C SG approves teacher evaluation forms by Beverly Hamilton Battalion Staff Student senators approved a proposal Wednesday recom mending that the Texas A&M professor evaluation forms be standardized in all courses taught by tenure candidates or tenured members of the faculty. The proposal recommends that the evaluations be national ly recognized forms, be adminis tered once a semester and the results be made available to the faculty and administration. The evaluation should be funded through students’ semesterly fees at a cost not to exceed 50 cents per course, according to the proposal. Student senators also gave unanimous support to a recom mendation to operate seven shuttle buses before and after home football games starting in Fall 1983. The director of bus opera tions will take the recommenda tion to the University adminis tration for approval, Chip Heath, engineering senator, said. The operation cost of the buses will be about $700 and could be covered by selling home game shuttle passes for $1.50 or by spreading the cost over the current price of shuttle passes, Heath said. Caperton said that the Public Utilities Commission controver sy between governor-elect Mark White and incumbent Gov. Wil liam Clements during the recent election came about because the commission was “captured” by pro-utility commissioners that didn’t represent the people’s point of view during rate- increase hearings. Caperton, a native of nearby Caldwell, was student body pres ident at Texas A&M, vice- president of the student union and a member of the student senate. He graduated cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in fi nance in 1971, and he later re- cieved his law degree from the University of Texas at Austin. Caperton was appointed judge of the Bryan Municipal Court in 1977 and served there until January 1980 when he res igned to run for state senator in the fifth senatorial district, which includes Bryan-College Station and Texas A&M. The Store Worth Looking For CUSTOM ryT.l..;.'X=:=: OPEN 10-6 Mon.-Sat “WHAT ? SHERWOOD RECEIVERS FOR ONLY *19°°?” That’s right! This week the Good Ole Boys are giving away Sherwood receivers for *19°° when you buy a set of Acculab 340’s or 480’s series speakers at regular price! But why the surprised look? Custom Sounds always offers the most incredible savings on home and auto equipment! YOUR CHOICE! LAY-A-WAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 8 Sherwood s-92oocp This is a Super Stereo Receiver! It features 27 watts per Channel, Touch Lock Tuning and Digital Read Out! We usually sell it for $280.00. . . . WHEN YOU BUY 2 Acculab 340’s! This 12 inch, 3 way speaker system can be compared to with systems costing twice as much. And it’s an Acculab! That means dura- ^ * I 99/ C a. h Numork EQ-2100 Nl EQ-2500 This Pro quality 6 band stereo graphic equalizer will Improve the sound of every component In your system at a very reasonable price! The wooden side panels look fantastic. Only * i 09 » For professional sound, the EQ-2500. It has unlimited freedom of sound variations and 10 bands. It also looks slick In the wooden side panels. What? •nly * 189 •• OR TURNTABLES / SHERWOOD’S S-9400CP The S-9400CP featuring 50 watts/channel & digital readout, is one of Sherwood’s finest AM/FM stereo receiver and it’s one of our biggest sellers at $46000 - a ONLY $ 19 DOLLARS! WHEN YOU BUY TWO 480’s FROM ACCULAB. This is the Top-of-the-Line in Acculab Speakers called "The Great Deceiver.” This 12 inch, sway speaker gives one the feeling of being at a live performance! “ o % ^KENWOOD KD-5100 This fully automatic direct drive turntable also has full electron control. A super buy for Christ mas Reg. $360.00. Now Only S 119 99 NIKKO NP-500 this Week This auto return turntable is belt driven. One of our 995F customers favorites! Reg. $130.00. 199/, each TEAC V-35 This TEAC stereo cassette deck features Dolby noise reduction and soft touch controls at a low, low price. Reg. $220.00. Now S 119 90 M * k ODRIOIXieOT UKP-5200 This mini cassette deck with AM/FM stereo, music search, 5 station preset & auto replay/eject Is a super wild buy! 140* FT-C36. This Sanyo comes complete with CASS AM/FM and auto reverse. A super stereo for those with Imports! Reg. $140.00. BLOWOUT 109 •• JET SOUNDS iiiitt.i This JS-51 stereo equalizer with 5 bands is one of our long time favor ites. Don’t turn your system on with out It! SCAOS CUSTOM A Sherwood receiver for $19! That’s the best deal since we bought Manhattan from the Indians! S. COLLEGE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY CUSTOM \ Q SOUNDS \ OPEN >- I ±J \ MON.-SAT. s TRIANGLE • \ 10-6 iu BOWL V - C>LO 3 C °U£ Ge WELLBORN ROAD 3800A Old College Rd. Next to Triangle Bowl 846-5803 846-5803