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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1982)
features Battalion/Page 20 November 18, 1982 S Thursday TAMU SOCIETY FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND NEW VENTURES:The first organized meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 130 A&A Building. Practical experience in running or owning a small business or enterprise will be discussed. YOUNG DEMOCRATS OF TEXAS A&rM:Yearbook pictures will be taken and a party will be discussed in a meeting at 6:30 p.m. in 305 A&B Rudder. CLASS OF ’84 Tush ’84 — yell practice will be held at 12:01 a.m, at the Bonfire site and a dance will be held at 8 p.m. at the Hall of Fame. MSC CEPHEID VARIABLE:“The Abominable Dr. Phibes” will be shown at 7:30 p.m. and 9:45 p.m. in 601 Rudder. AGRICULT URE ECONOMICS CLUB:Jim Lockhart will discuss management in agribusiness and computer inventories in a meeting at 7:30 p.rn. in 110 Harrington. TEXAS A&M ICE HOCKEY TEAM:Fund raising and game news will be discussed in a meetingat 8 p.m. in 204B Sterling C. Evans Library. STUDENT “Y” - CHRISTI AN:Going home lor Thank sgiving next week? Don’t miss our Thanksgiving service with fellow Aggies at 7:30 p.m. in the All Faiths Chapel. This years service will present Dwight Edwards and fea ture the A&M Century Singers. THE RANGE SCIENCE DEPARTMENT:Dr. Milo Shult, extension wildlife specialist, and L. Charles Ho ward, a rancher, will speak on predators and predator control in a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 112 O&rM Building. TEXAS A&M EMERGENCY CARE TEAM .Elections will be held in an important meeting for all members at 7:30 p.m. in 308 Rudder. TEXAS A&M SWIMMING TEAM The Texas A&M men’s swimming team will swim against Indiana Lhiiversi- ty at 7 p.m. Saturday in P.L. Downs Natitorium. Come and back the Ags. THEATRE ART S PROGRAM — “CHARLEY’S AU- NT““‘Charley’s Aunt”, an 1890s rollicking Farce, will be shown tonight, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. at Rudder Theater. It’s an evening of fun for everyone. MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING SOClETI£S:A “South of the Border” Party will be held Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Elks Lodge. Beer, rnargaritas, tequila shots, munchies and lots of fun will be there for you. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL The group will meet at the University Lutheran Chapel, 315 N. College Main in College Station at 6:30 p.m. then go to the Sher wood Nursing Home to sing and visit. TEACHER EXCELLENCE AWARDS NOMINA- TIONS:Attention: Any student, who has taken or is pre sently enrolled in any Liberal Arts class! Nominations lor teaching excellence awards will be accepted now through Dec. 6. Nomination forms can be obtained at the Acade mic and A&A buildings — first floor. Let your voice be heard! FRESHMAN AGRICULTURE SOCIETY:A meeting featuring a guest speaker will be held at 6 p.m. in 103 Zachry. HOT'ARD AND MCINNIS HALL:A party will be held from 8 p.m. to midnight at the Aggieland Inn Ballroom. AH girls get in free and there will be bar drinks and free beer available. THE APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY GROUP: Dr. Bruce Dickson ol the Texas A&M anthropology depart ment will discuss aspects of the technology of the ancient Maya at 7:30 p.m. in 137 MSC. NSBE:A bake sale and resume book will be discussed in a meeting at 7 p.m. in 127B Zachry. PHI SIGMA EPSILONT'his is a Marketing and Sales management fraternity. All majors and classifications are welcome to come. ANGELINA COUNTY HOMETOWN CLUB:A dis cussion of the Christmas party will be held in a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 502 Rudder. Also, the Aggieland picture will be taken. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST:A Leadership Training Class will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 115 Kleberg. Today’s Almanac United Press International Today is Thursday, Nov. 18, the 322nd day of 1982 with 43 to follow. The moon is moving toward its first quarter. The morning stars are Mer cury, Saturn and Jupiter. The evening stars are Venus and Mars. Those born on this date are under the sign of Scorpio. American astronaut Alan Shepard was born Nov. 18, 1923. On this date in history: In 1883, the United States adopted Standard Time and set up four time zones — Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific. In 1903, Panama and the Un ited States signed a treaty for the building of the Panama Canal, linking the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In 1974, President Ford ar rived in Tokyo for a state visit on his way to a meeting with Soviet Communist Party chief Leonid Brezhnev in Vladivostok. In 1981, actor William Hol den died of injuries suf fered in a fall in his apartment in Santa Monica, Calif. A thought for the day: British playwright George Bernard Shaw said, “The test of a man or woman’s breeding is how they behave in a quarrel.” Computers may make lawyers’ work harder United Press International NEW YORK — The compu ter is creating headaches and even nightmares for the legal profession. Although it can make legal research vastly easier, the com puter is causing thousands of suits that are a difficult, if profit able, business for lawyers, said Bruce Brickman of the New York firm of Braverman & Rosen. Many of these suits have cri minal angles which may force civil laywers to practice criminal law, he said. Law firms could find them selves defendants in computer crime cases or be forced to take action as plaintiffs to protect themselves. Computer crime, a matter of a few isolated cases a few years back, now is a growing problem. Brickman said there already are at least 3,000 lawsuits pending in the country involving computer crime and computer negligence. One area of computer fraud which may hurt law firms the , most is misrepresentation in contracts by computer equip ment makers and marketers, software companies and service organizations. Brickman said many of these contracts are designed to benefit the seller, not the buyer or com puter user and are drafted to keep the seller in complete con trol. A law firm is vulnerable itself because of its vast amounts of valuable information that can be stolen or misused criminally. In addition, Brickman said, many law firms don’t realize that a computer system may require a professional operator. That means an attorney no longer will have direct access to his files and is, in ef fect, hostage to the com puter expert. See “Star Wars” (and other great movies) on your TV TONIGHT! RENT A VIDEO RECORDER & TAPE for $ 9 00 MOVIES TO GO Corner of Villa Maria & Pinfeather (inside Frozen Assets) 775-8276 846-0374 Ask about Holiday Specials! First Presbyterian Church 1100 Carter Creek Parkway, Bryan 823-8073 Dr. Robert Leslie, Pastor Barbara Ridlen, DCE SUNDAY: Worship at 8:30AM & 11:00AM Church School at 9:30 AM College Class at 9:30 AM (Bus from TAMU Krueger Dunn - 9:10 AM Northgate - 9:15 AM Youth Meeting at 5:00PM Nursery: All Events Teller 2 /^ocri=DO<riz30<rrrz>oc-TOo<—^oc=3oc=T->ocrri^ n Barfittg Supply 0 OUR MOST FAMOUS ALL COTTON SHIRT is this traditional classic ox ford cloth. Button Down Collar, Button Cuff. Made in the U.S.A. Single needle tailoring, box pleat back and locker loop. Colors: White or Blue Sizes 141/2-32 to 17V2-35 $18.50 ea. Please add Sales Tax where applicable. Add $2.00 to cover postage and handling. Order please print your name, address, city and state, zip code, shirt size color quantity VARSITY SUPPLY 2116 EAST ARAPAHO Suite 106 RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75081 =^o<=>o^^o<-— J is Cash AGGIES... There's a Teller2 — pulstt location near YOU. First City's Convenient Banking Center is located at the corner of Dominik and Puryear in College Station. Mow you can get the cash you need, whenever you need it. YOU MAY USE THESE FAMILIAR CARDS AT THE TELLER 2 - PULSE LOCATION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Anytime Quicksilver Boss Banker Dough Boy MinLBank Ready Bank Southwest Banking Card REACHING FURTHER. DOING MORE. riRSTClTY First City National Bank of Bry an Member FDIC // MSC Recreation TEA-SIPPING" CONTES! November 22 12-1:30 Rudder Fountain Come join the fun! RESTAURANT 4 SPECIALS: Seafood Delight Sizzling Beast Sizzling Hi Family Come dine with your family and friends in a relaxed all sphere with personal attention. Lunch hours: 11:00-2:00 p.m. Dinner hours: 5:00-10:00 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday Closed Sunday evening & Monday 3805 S. Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas 846-8345 United l An Israe lestilied to Minister Yi [eirut mas lorning af Commi .■chai Zip| tat the go' |efense Mi on to allot jiilitiamen aretrospet JESUS IS LORD Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship \ g , era 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Evening Worship ALDERSGATE ^ UNITED METHODIST CHURCH & f; United P COLDS FI ents, anm ized recor aunty jail ; fices in tb olations of e sheriff id. Assisi f oodwar irds wer last two v le practi |C. Parkt Bond r Tices of le Bank ■om Cc Itwood, 1 Any time’s a wild time when you add the great taste of Two Fingers... and this wild Two Fingers T-shirt! To get yours, send your name, address, style preference and size (men’s style S, M,L or women’s French cut S, M, L) along with $6.95, to: Two Fingers T-shirt Offer, 19168 Albion Rd., Strongsville, Ohio 44136. Please allow 6 weeks for delivery. Two Fingers is all it takes. i Fingers Tequila — 80 Proof. Imported & Bottled by Hiram Walker Inc. BurlinQ 31111 Cn BERKE discovered lea <i to t ] i av «’’ in hnstein. The p n !: utr on st J Calif or Jree. year >uncec l er D °na £ tely 3 " lmes a sec