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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1982)
national Battalion/Pagel November 17, Shuttle proves satellite launch WHAT'S HAPPENING AT NR. GATTI'S EVERYDAY MON. THRU FRI. ★ Lunch Buffet 11-1:30 ★ Happy Hour 4:40-7 ★ Cartoons on the Big Screen 5-7 ★ Current Movies on the Big Screen 7 p.m. MONDAY NIGHT if Special Dinner Buffet TUESDAY NIGHT ★ All the Spaghetti you can eat WEDNESDAY NIGHT ★ Deep Dish Special — *1°° Off THURSDAY NIGHT ★ ESPN Fight Night on the Big Screen United Press International EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. — Living up to their “we deliver” motto, four astronauts flew the space shuttle to a smooth landing at dawn Tuesday after a $250 million mission that proved the Col umbia can launch satellites. Vance Brand, Robert Over- myer, Joseph Allen and William Lenoir landedjust eight minutes after the sun rose over the Mo jave Desert 60 miles north of Los Angeles. Thirty-five minutes after landing, the world’s first four- man spaceship crew climbed out of the Columbia smiling and shaking hands with awaiting officials. Then they strolled around the winged spaceship and looked it over. The space freighter, flying a flawless course back from orbit, broke through thin clouds and touched down at 6:33 a.m. Cali- Floriculture-Ornamental Horticulture Club Plant Sale! Saturday, Nov. 20 Floriculture Greenhouse fornia time (8:33 a.m. CST) for an impressive conclusion to its fifth orbital flight. “Hey, Roy, are we down now?” asked co-pilot Overmyer, suggesting the landing was so smooth he couldn’t feel it. “Absolutely, it was beautiful, and you certainly lived up to your motto this flight,” replied Roy Bridges in Houston. “Wel come home.” The only big disappointment of the mission was Monday’s cancellation of a two-man space- walk. That raised questions ab out the shuttle’s new spacewalk ing gear. The Columbia, which now has traveled more than 10 mil lion miles in space, was directed to the 15,000-f oot-long concrete runway used for its July 4 land ing because the long, broad, normally dry lakebed runways were muddy from recent rains. It came to a stop in the middle of the runway, with plenty of un used rollout space ahead. A NASA spokesman said a cursory examination of the black and white rocketplane found it in good shape, with no apparent damage to its glassy in sulation tiles. The ship, protected from the fiery re-entry heat by those tiles, slowed from more than 17,000 mph to the landing speed of an airliner in less than an hour. NOTICE Does your ORR <2? TSA rep-l resentative really work for] you? Gail Larry & Swede 693-6030 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. <5 COMMONS Quad Lubbock St. Held (SLAB) Lamar Pick Up and Sales < ^7JK>££ ! Quality Diamonds at Discount Prices SPECIALIZING IN SIZES FOR AGGIE RINGS Mens: .12 ct. stone from s 100 Womens: .04 ct. stone from $ 45 OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE All Stones Above Average Quality CALL MARK 696-9600 ARE YOU UNHAPPY with your apartment or dorm? Do you have problems with parking? Bugs? Maintenance? Are you paying too much? Why not consider Brookwood Apartments? Brookwood has brand new two-bedroom, two-bath apartments with washer-dryer connections, available now. Each 920 sq. ft. apartment includes: • On shuttle bus route • Large Closets • New kitchen appliances • Ample parking • Security guard • Full time maintenance staff • Choice of carpet colors • Metal doors with deadbolt locks Only $ 395 per month 1601 Valley View (Beside K-Mart) January Leases Available (Reserve Your Prize Now) FREE-LIMITED TIME!! Take your choice of a Recliner, Shotgun or Microwave with a 6 month lease! Nikko12Ga. Shotgun Automatic or Pump, Walnut Stock, vent rib, blue finish. Microwave WMtlrvghouse Model 600, temperature pro be, timer, incremental power setting, removable glass tray, microwave cookbook. Recliner Beautiful wallaway recliner. Your choice of long-wearing Herculon or brown vinyl cover ing. For a limited time you can get reduced rent and a free prize! Call 846-3726 weekdays or 696-2465 weekends. Leasing office open 9-5 Saturdays and 12-5 Sundays. General Properties, Inc “Property Management Division’’ 1862 Greenfield Plaza Bryan, Texas 77801 Draft registration law ruled invalid United Press International LOS ANGELES — A feder al judge ruled the nation’s Selective Service registration law was invalid because the 1980 presidential order rein stituting draft registration was enacted nine days too early. U.S. District Judge Terry Hatter made his ruling Mon day in dismissing charges against David Wayte, 21, who had refused to register for the draft. A crowd of Wayte’s sup porters packing the cour troom burst into applause at the end of the hearing. Justice Department attor neys immediately said they would appeal the entire deci sion to the 9th Gircuit Court of Appeals. Hatter agreed with a de fense motion the government waited just 21 days instead of the legally required 30 days from the time the registration law was published in the Fed eral Register in July 1980 to the time it took effect. The judge also cited the Reagan administration’s re fusal to let def ense lawyers see White House and Pentagon documents and question pres idential counselor Edwin Meese as reasons for throwing out the charges. “T his court does not agree with the government that con tention statements made by President Carter at I he time he issued Presidential Procla mation 4771 amounted to a clearly articulated and legally sufficient waiver of the notice and comment requirement,” he said. Hatter said he realizdl ruling would have a" spread effect” on the Sets Service registration butsj “justice compels the t grant defendant’s motioul Both the registration] and selective prosecutioJ ings could jeopard® j cases against several i young men who contendll were singled out for pros tion because they pufl proclaimed their oppt to draft registration. “This is not an easy ii Hatter said. “It involve^ personal liberties, hi the three major brandiel government.” The judge’s 37-pageoj ion also rejected a merit claim of executive] vilege. Price Index rises slighdy in October United Press International WASHINGTON — Whole sale prices were pushed up in October by the cost of 1983 model-year cars but otherwise were mostly unchanged, private, analysts say. After falling 0.1 percent in September, the third monthly decline this year, the govern ment’s measure of wholesale prices had been expected to climb about 0.4 percent to 0.6 percent during October, analysts said. The Labor Department pub lished its official measure of October’s Producer Price Index at 7:30 a.m. T uesday. “There’s not a whole lot of inflation around,” said econom ist Donald Ratajczak of Georgia State University. Except for the difference be tween discounted 1982 auto prices to dealers in September and the greater cost of new 1983 models picked up in the govern ment’s data collection process in October, “the numbers I’m look ing at indicate declining infla tion,” Ratajczak said. Evans Economics — a forecast firm subsidiary of McMahan, Brafman, Morgan & Co. — pre dicted a 0.6 percent increase. Another key economic statis tic, industrial production for October, was expected to show further deterioration in factory output, which has declined dur ing nearly every month of the recession. That figure, too, was published Tuesday. The Producer Price Index also doubles as an economic sta tistic because prices often firm LONE STAR NECKS in 12 Oz. Non-Returnable Bottles up during a recovery. But if the increase inOo prices was mostly bet* automobile prices, there be no evidence of such inen economic demand. And the most sensitive the index — the partt with raw materials—isex[i to show another month) dining prices. Economic raw materials prices climb in anticipation of as nomic recovery. “There could be a turm near future but it’s not her economist Ratajczak said The economic uncer showed up on Wall Street! day, where stocks plunge the second consecutive stt Investors, worried thatl dine in short-term intereit may have leveled off, cash on profits from Wall Street toric rally. The relatively slow tradit dicated the selling press® not extreme, however The Dow Jones industif erage, which plunged points Friday, droppedan 18.49 to 1,021.43. Thed watched average, which 1 1.86 points overall Iasi! has dropped 44.06 points hitting an all-time higl 1,065.49 on Nov. 3. LESLIE NIELSEN IRA LEVIN S DEATHTRAP AN ABSOLUTE KNOCKOUT’ Walter Kerr, N.Y. Times A Paramount Theatre Production John M. Bernardoni. Executive Producer Presented by MSC Town Hall/Broadway Sun., November 21,1982 at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium Tickets: Zone II s 9 50 Zone III J 8 5fl For more information call the MSC Box Office 845-1234