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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1982)
features eti Battalion/Page 12 November 17,11 Warped by Scott McCullaDre Now you know United Press International For years scientists have used computer models to predict the behavior of fires. Until recently, the efforts involved hypothetical fires. But that’s now changing. Leonard Copper, an en gineer at the National Bureau of Standards Center For Fire Re search in Maryland, used data from controlled fires to calculate how long prison inmates could remain safe in their cells. Copper built four prototype cells based on maximum secur ity cell plans. The cells differed only in the doors: bars or solid slab with windows. He found that with good door ventilation, cell fires burned faster. STUDENTS OF A<j M: UH OMGEKUS OCCURANCE. /5 AGIN UH GO\N' ON HERB. ON THI5A CA/APU5, AND YOU OU&HTA DO SOMETHIN' ABOUT IT. I’M A TALKI/V' ABOUT THE LINES OUTSIDEUH RUPDER GALLERY WHERE THE'i'REUH REGISTERIN' STUDENTS, AND VAIL ARE TAKI/V' IT LYIN' DOWN, or STAHDIN' (in line) for IT! N0\N IT'S BAD ENOUGH W£ NAFTA REGISTER BEIN' BORN, AND OUR CAR5 AND DOGS AND OUR 51 RES AN' EVEN FOR THE DRAFT, BUT REGISTERIN' STUDENTS FOR CLASSES IS TUST GONNA LEAD TO.. COMMMIStA, ok e WORSE, GUN CONTROL! THIS IS THE SORT OF THAT LEAD TO THE FALLo ROME. WE G0TTA..(WH WHAT HArPENW mmn (continued fr Tally Vi( lodia, he sail said, the coun ation poses pr leadership. IThey have 1 "fection of wo deal with dc was not Brezhnev USC doctor concerned lost of the ! Istic proble The Soviet stagnant fo •improveme 'idered by a < rce, fiscal diffn Riga welfare jus outlays fo fJFUs/ntahfif Video craze questioned lipment. Dr Claude H us specialist ir jrtment, emp Hestic problei lew era of c 3/™ ate c&ta&adi/ e/rtM&t/ a&emf dde a?^ne€^^/' ./St, <u// Cl/ /t'H //&/ United Press International Are video games hazardous to children’s health — as the na tion’s Surgeon General C. Everett Koop said in Pittsburgh? It depends, authorities say. Even Koop, a Philadelphia pediatrician, later made it plain he was expressing a personal opinion that was not based on scientific evidence. NOTICE Look for our ad in Thurs Battalion Larry <SP Swede 693-6030 That clarification came after the National Coin Machine In stitute accused Koop of making a “rash and unthinking, thinly veiled bid for media exposure” that might damage “a legitimate and important industry, one of the few where employment re mains high.” Concerned experts say the trouble with criticizing video games is that there is no nice, neat body of research that can provide answers to questions ab out the effect of the games on developing children and adoles cents. Since video games came on the scene almost out of nowhere, they have not been around long ft OiViCB $MA(B WARM UP TO BONFIRE WITH Willie Nelson FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19 G. ROLLIE WHITE 8:00 p.m. TICKETS: TO, Ml 50 , M2 MSC BOX OFFICE 845 1234 /fihi M2Z msL For Christmas! 20% OFF ALL LOOSE DIAMONDS SET IN AGGIE RINGS THIS WEEK! Layaways ClTNE jiwELRy) Charges Formerly Cowarts Jewelry All Major Credit Cards Accepted 415 UNIVERSITY 846-5816 enough to have been studied sci entifically. They are tucked into candy stores near schools, sprawled in huge arcades, make money lor activities on college campuses, gobble quarters in bars, and almost everywhere have estab lished a beachhead in homes and even hospitals. Most concern about video games stems from concern over the unknown long-range ef fect on kids who become video game addicts. A report at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics last month claimed this is happening and some kids skip school to keep playing. The report from Dr. 11. James Holroyd, University of Southern California “technolo gy abuse” specialist and profes sor of pediatrics, said some chil dren finance their play with snitched quarters. Holroyd defines “technology abuse” as the misuse of video games, wearable stereos, televi sion and cars. The La Canada, Calif., pedia trician said he documented re ports from Gamblers Anonym ous that greatly disturb him when he thinks of kids hooked on video games — the newest possible Victims of “technology abuse." Holroyd said the GA studies show those who get into the worst trouble gambling were hooked on pinball machines in adolescence. The time that addicted kids spend before video game sets — in arcades or in their homes — upsets Holroyd. ■t the Soviet The youngsters are ojjfAd States, social interaction,schoolandRvVe’ve got c erase -—main threadsinthejland theirs ; i it of an adolescent’s lilt , rs ; Hill said, said. 'Rimetoreassi Holroyd predicted Ikkifieneed to gi kids have a good chanceolwRie same.” ing up as stunted adults.( Hill said he f will not be fully developei ftoved relati (Tills , intellectually, emotionAs is a redi and perhaps not esen plivsitf rhetoric fron — due to tradingofTsportsaRevels of U.S exercise time for long, dailuEWhat positt nde/.vous with the videogjmRrnment will On the lower lesehil FeiiP tlarge extent, vania Station in New YorUtpcenes pow kids outside a huge video pH arcade intercept commuted I beg for quarters. -I l T"* r " Should these kids bf(kL4.X C school? II they don’t geti quarters by begging, is a ri|H the next step? Are tb addicted? Hi ■ Not l , United Press I EI.LYS.La.- Ken’s Automotive 421 S. Main — Bryan 822-2823 "A Complete Automotive Service Center” * Brakes McPherson Tune-Ups Clutches i Struts Front End Parts Replacement Air Conditioning Service All American Cars Datsun-Honda Toyota (Master Card & VISA Accepted) LADIES’ DOUGLAS JEWELRY 15% STUDENT DISCOUNT WITH CURRENT AStM ID (REPAIRS HOT IPICLUDED) Keepsake Registered Diamond Rings PULSAR SEIKO, BULOVA & CROTOH WATCHES AGGIE JEWELRY USE YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT TO PURCHASE A DIAMOND FOR YOUR CLASS RING (ANE LET US SET IT FOR YOU) AMD 212 H. Main AMD Culpepper Plaza Downtown Bryan College Station 822-3119 693-0677 MC VISA DINNERS CLUB AM EXPRESS LAYAWAYS INVITED This scene is not rare ont on the electronic gamescaat In Fast Bernard,Texas,Mi Ann Leveridge, presidentoflRells frozen a National 1’TA. says truancyfeunusual enoi ed to video games is a natMiceyou'd expei wide phenomenon. Rle unincor ‘Fservwhere I go peopletptv in Louisi about video games," she saliundreds of “ flies ve caused some |®fy trip to Kelly lems." Res away on: Leveridge has been iii S to buy a states over the past lo monilfeleJuice — f and concern over video gaiilproof alcohc comes from every where,djka — and Ca said. T he PTA board she hates like a canc adopted a position statemeiilHcreme de c video games. Bnilk. “The PTA is concerned nyiKellys Wil-Ma the increasing number ol vidRres these ar game sites which may have Inks, such as adverse effect on many otlR with 151 young people who I'reqiiilna drink such establishments," therepH begins. ... “Initial studies have stw that game sites are often ind« proximity to schools. In nffl cases there is not adequate trol of access by school-agedil dreii during school hourswl compounds the problem school absenteeism and truant' “Where little or no stipem sion exists, drug-selling, tin use, drinking, gambling creased gang activities and otl« such behaviors may he seen “Where there is diligent pervision and adequate light®! however, the interest of thee# tomers centers on the gatiiesj • Rub Wicl CHOICE -¥‘-¥-¥"¥”¥-¥“¥-¥-¥-¥-¥"¥-¥-¥ i -¥-¥-iWF-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥-+Y | l Stale Date Time: 7:3 jjtace: PI; 8< DANCE 'After 'the ZCU Game ^ ‘iiii l %xigU$ of CohmOu? 'tfoIC $ljperson 43/ coxntCe. 'SpotisoreJ (rtf Class of'33 * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * + * * * * Begins with Yell Practice at Bonfire s lte Midnight Nov. 17 Ends with Push Dance at Hall of Fame 8 T2 pm Nov. 18 T **********££ g ******