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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1982)
Wm 11, 1982 Page 5 The Store Worth Looking For sd as a o i'ton said, offenders ro less tha are than turn jail, and thti i minimumoll i of $500. TSU iand set or show SOUNDS OPEN 10-6 Mon.-Sat ■ns because® on’t makeap said. “Orinj defendani ced sententt rivin; en tai One of the best college jazz lands in the nation, the North exas State 1 O’clock Lab can setajfBjp^ w i|] perform tonight at 8 il sentence!ij,j n Rudder Auditorium, than six mo® jhe group has played at ■ exas A&M the past several pars. This year the band will erform selections composed by jell-known jazz musicians and (y students in the band. The band will play “Au Pri- jave” by Dizzy Gillespie, “Birds |i Flight” by Mario Cruz and "Hello and Goodbye” by Bob rookmeyer. | The 1 O’Clock Lab Band, di- I Icted by K. Neil Slater, is the 1 barge, likeap: top band among NTSC’s nine , Newtonsailazz bands. In 1975, it became Bie first collegiate big band to be e offenders ■ominated for a Grammy award a no less thaily the National Academy of Re- irethanlwo)|icording Arts and Sciences, ail or for« Five trumpet players, five no more {B-ombonists, five saxophonists, a fender alsottMiano player, a bass player, a tate penitemiBrummer, a guitarist and a per- fiveyeaisBussionist make up the band, and members come to NTSC om as far away as Winnipeg, anada, and as near as Forth /orth. Tickets for the performance, hich is sponsored by the MSC rts Committee, are available at tie MSC Box Office for $5. NOVEMBER'S “WE’VE GONE WILD” SALEH They've hired a neio good oCe hoy dozvn at Custom Sounds and they're goping zvidd over it! Trices are incredihhy smashed in this zvUdest of ivild ceCehrations! So come on hy Custom Sounds today and take advantage of these ivifd savings. Sind meet Tfiea %phison, the nezvest good oCe hoy at Custom Sounds! OftmOIXMEOT PL-2 rve yearn and imprii j[h capacityii o get ajun them up to ‘A case in»ii rbably go 10 me involvinji hich The Pioneer PL-2 is one of the most popu lar turntables we sell. One reason is that this is a semi automatic belt drive turnta ble ... by Pioneer, and this weeks price is really wild! Wildly S< Priced 7 s far-reachiitj utiful campaij ideas perffi ainds and change,” V d a lot of W rat doesn’t hj re first Now you know United Press International The first telephone in a pri- atehome was installed on April 1877, in Somerville, Mass., in i !e home of manufacturer jharles Williams Jr. Williams to have a line run to his Efice in Boston so there would j some place to call. irazos County TOPPER! 775-TIPS CT-7R This cassette deck has it all! It's computer controlled with 3 direct drive motors and auto reverse. And with Dolby too! Reg. $450.00. wi.d. 8 3*© 00 Acculab P (continued from pagel) But he isn’t the only one look- ; jg for help. John Box, food stamp super- sdrofthe financial service divi- cin of the Departmen t of Hu- lan Resources, said the de- Keep Am and for financial help and its is an effosljod stamps has increased, amountoflit “Many of the people we gel m construe® equently have fluctuating in- dumpsters it jines,” he said. “The first place >f the litterald :ey come to is here. They need :ome fromp mething to eat.” out of car® In January, 875 households ®pen trucksli [ B raz0 s County w'ere using ■om plastictn rod stamps and 77 new house- )rn before f olds applied for food stamps, pick them! ast month 856 households ere using food stamps, but the three pri® ura ^ er new households ap- ■r Vance si lying for food stamps went up feel it is aim 1 139 . nearl y double the they hard mount requests since rship, she 8 in uary. mow some# 3ox sa ‘d he couldn’t make a t up, theyd# rect correlation between un- ttering,shew n pl°y ment an d die increase in already is|ri ema nd for food stamps, but he t think a make a logical assumption ticed she salP lat ^ tw0 were re l ate d. Whether the two are related |r not, the people in Bryan- Station are being fected by unemployment. With 850 households subsist- on or recieving food stamps nd 3,000 people unemployed [ ’snot hard to see that there is a roblem. With the shutdown of L. Atlas Bradford Industries, I le decrease of oil production pities in Burleson County ad a nationwide increase in the nemployment rate to double igit figures (the first since Bryan-College Station is leling it. So how do people cope when iejobs disappear? Many don’t, the statistics show, they turn icrime or suicide to solve their lonetary problems. But some on’t give up. ^ ;The young oilfielder is one ™ (ch person who keeps right on illing with the punches, no latter how hard they hit. “I guess I’m making it,” he lid somberly. “But it’s hard; it’s Ming harder all the time. If I da solution I wouldn’t be sit- nghere. I guess I’m just trying get by, trying my best, just like jenbody else.” Nikko pH NR-800 This digital quartz AM/FM stereo re ceiver comes complete with mem ory preset tuning for 6 AM and 6 FM stations. It also has push button auto/manual tuning, and two tape monitors. Reg. $520.00. Wildly Priced X 9 V AGO ND-500 A super cassette deck. The ND- 500 comes with Cue-Review, Dolby noise reduction, output level control, and soft touch controls. Reg. $240.00. Now Only 5 1 79°° 379 • n n Q e 440’s The top-of-the-Iine Acculab 440 might well be called “The Great Receiver.” Thl* luxury speak er offer* performance so amazingly realistic you’ll look around to make sure your not actu ally listening to a live performance! Reg. $250.00 S THIS WEEK 159! ' WILD DEALS - 59002 75 uKhttAleUantfl dUtfit&l gjt+uuood S9200 ep SL7 watiAfdtanttmf d4<}it<U s 4£9 00 W 00 CSS Sp*ak*M 25°/o $ fryoo m Sail m NJJta W500 UU SUu* UvuttaLU iwe y.w to" / w to PU; uhJi duaUt call! PianseA. fyumt JCoculUuj. No*u in Stack SUmMuood oompUU aamota contact ijfitam Kmtuuood 5100 fyulltf auto diaaot daio» tuHntaUa 'UWialmmaa s / ^bama Sftaakaai /*2 paicad hB'X tioiie deduction! Bantp CxfumdaOi CltaOanc* Paictd Audio Control 10 hand t J fTt^QO oquatifi. tuitti. iutiionic ptUa O'SnlUoan Stiuta CatUnstl! Packs. All Reduced! SttoUuood Catunot luitk $ <4 d®® top! 2 <ftaU. dooai » S S699OO $79900 $229°0 Sony Walkman 0J Sanyo MQ-30 pnul itoaoo witk AMlPM oaMotto . . . . $109°° $ 7900 KENWOOD KX-50 This Kenwood caasette deck comes with 2 heads, Dolby Noise Reduction, LED peak meters to see what your hearing, and soft touch controls to pamper you! Reg. $250.00. *1 39° 8 «hii 220 s This Acculab speaker performs like most speakers twice its size and price. The 10 inch woofer helps! Reg. $160.00. THIS WEEK DC-20 For those of you on the go; take your stereo system with you! This DC-20 mini component system has every thing. It s wild! Reg. $900.00. s 549 90 ’ —- liiii am. vT| VT- ililJlllll TEAC-V45 Miscellaneous Items S-9400 S Sherwood A super stereo casseKe deck by TEACI It comes with sod touch controls. LED record, and peak level display meters and Dolby noise reduction. Reg. $240.00. Wild priced! An outstanding buy! This AM/FM digital receiver has 50 watts per channel! Reg. $460.00 and one of our fa vorites. On Sale S 999 99 m -92 A 3 way speaker system that deliv ers an outstanding listening experi ence and unbeatable value. Reg. $359/ea. *179/.. &TDK sa C90 MAXELL UDXLII C90 Only %m99 each ^ Incredibly Wild Savings on Audio Equipment! JENSEN' SOI NN I \H<IK MOKOS R-401 The Jensen R-401 Is one of out best selling car stereos. It comes complete with separate bass and treble controls! Reg. $260.00. Wildly s m ffcdfcOO Priced * 1 fPfP ^KENWOOD f .. ctx±a...9.s.t KRC-511 An AM/FM In ash cassette stereo with digital scan, bass & treble. Dolby and Kenwoods unique cassette stand by feature! Super buy at $329.00. s 399 99 ■JENSEN- SOI Mi I \HOK M OKU S J __ dr J-1065 TRIAXI These Trias I 6x9 speakers come with a 20 oz. magnet and SO watt/channel capacity A all time favorite! s; * J9 00 / P t. M * ETCETERA! - ! FT-C36. This Sanyo comes complete with CASS AM/FM and anto reverse. A snper stereo for those with Imports! Reg. $140.00. % 99 99 BLOWOUT All Piano** SfXtakaM. 25% 0^ and Mo*a! j anion $2037 6*,9 Goa*. 99 90 watti. *99 fx*. Maqnadifno 40 watt 2 way. mini Ito*. IpoakoM . . ’99 p*. jot Soundi $£51, 40 watt, 5 Land equatiyo* ’ 59*’ Sanya JLiyk Powo* in (talk witk Loll, PioLU, tbotly. ) 199 9> Sanya 6n9 *1\iwx. SpoakoAi ’ 69 9 ’ J UKP-5200 This mini cassette deck with AM/FM stereo, music search. 5 station preset A auto replay/eject ts a super wild buy! NOW *I49* 5 . Come on By and Check Out These Incredible Savings and the Newest Good Ole Boy! 3800A Old College Rd. Next to Triangle Bowl 846-5803 S. COLLEGE TEXAS AAM UNIVERSITY CUSTOM \ § sounds \ OPEN >- l Si \ MON.-SAT. = TRIANGLE • \ 10-6 g BOWL I CO UEGE WELLBORN ROAD 846-5803