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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1982)
local / state Battalion^ November 1,! : GOP fights to continue growth Texas vote crucial to Reagan United Press International AUSTIN —Gov. William Cle ments’ election four years ago broke a 100-year Democratic Party stranglehold on Texas, but the Democrats hope to shove the upstart Republicans back a few rungs on the ladder in Tues day’s crucial general election. Meanwhile, the Republicans want to continue the upward swing they began with the elec tion of Clements — the first GOP governor since Recon struction — and nourished with President Reagan’s victory in 1980. The outcome of the races for governor and U.S. Senate in an agriculture commissioner, a state treasurer, a comptroller, a land commissioner, a railroad commissioner, a member of the state Supreme Court and Court Texas could be a key to Reagan’s re-election chances in 1984 since Republicans Clements and sena torial candidate, Rep. Jim Col lins, are strong supporters. Voters also will elect U.S. House members, a lieutenant governor, an attorney general, “Legal training and courtroom practice in the Rules of Civil Pro cedure and Evidence are increas ingly necessary as the Texas Legislature increases the jurisdic tions of Texas JP courts. I am a licensed, practicing attorney — my opponent is not!’’ “The Democrats are working harder for a lot of different reasons. One is 1978; one is Bill Clements, his policies, his personality. ” — Joe Gagen, the executive di rector of the state Democratic Party tive director of the state Demo cratic Party told UPI. “One is 1978; one is Bill Clements, his policies, his personality. “A lot of people sat home and saw Bill Clements elected in 1978 and a lot of people sat home in 1980 and watched Ronald Reagan elected,” he said. “They feel bad about it and want to undo it.” Not since 1976, Cagen says, have the Democrats been more unified and organized in Texas. But Chet Upham, chairman of the state Republican Party, predicts Tuesday’s election will transform Texas into a true two- ;office in the party system. of Criminal Appeals and 182 members of the Legislature. Also on the ballot will be six proposed new amendments to the state Constitution. The Republicans have spent a lot of money — about $ 10 mil lion — to re-elect Clements, but the Democrats say Attorney General Mark White will make it up through hard work and by turning out traditional Demo cratic voters. “The Democrats are working harder for a lot of different reasons,” Joe Cagen, the execu- “I’m satisfied we’re going to make some good gains in this election,” he said. “In traveling around the rural parts of this state, I’ve talked to a lot of old- time conservative Democrats, and there’s going to be an awful lot of switching.” The Senate matchup be tween Democratic Sen. Lloyd Bentsen and Collins is impor tant, but the governor’s race is viewed by most as the key race in Tuesday’s election. If White wins, Gagen says, “It puts the Republicans on the backburner. “It would mean they’ve lost the most prestigious otfic state and that makes a differ ence in raising money and re cruiting candidates. “It would make a difference in the 1984 presidential elec tions and it means about 12,000 patronage appointments for a four-year term,” he said. The governor’s race is consi dered by most a toss-up that could hinge on the number of people who vote. The estimate of voter turnout has ranged from as low as 38 percent to as high as 48 percent. Secretary of State David Dean, using an analysis of past elections, has predicted the turnout will be 42 percent or ab out 2.5 million Texas voters. White has disputed Dean’s prediction. “I think you’ll find we’re going to have one of the biggest voter turnouts in Texas history,” he said. “People are mad as the devil at Bill Clements.” But Upham, who predicts a turnout of 39 or 40 percent, says it does not matter how many people vote. “I’m predicting we’re going to win anyway,” he said. “Most of the people who turn out and vote are Republicans and con servatives.” IUSTICE OF THE Precinct 7, P'ace 2- Paid political advertisement Hugh Lindsay Campaign Committee, Wesley Hall, treasurer. MSC Camera Committee F.AIX PHOTO CONTEST Entries open Nov. 1, 82 and close Nov. 5, 82 at 4 p.m. in tlie MSC Lobby. Cost is $2.00 per print. Prints will be judged Sat. Nov. 6, 82. For more info call Bill 260-1958. Country muskfot scholar to talkit . A well-known authority on country music and its impact on society will speak tonight at 7:30 in 115 Kleberg Center. Dr. Bill C. Malone, scholar of cultural history and South ern music, will speak on “Country Music and the Myth of the Southwest.” Malone is a professor at Tulane Universi ty in New Orleans and has written several books on coun try music, including “Country Music, U.S.A.” Malone also has annotated anti produced albums for Smithsonian Collection Country Music and theli Life Series of Country II; to be released next year Malone is the thirdspt, in this year’s J. MiltonX Lecture Series, which foe on Texas history. Thesoi sponsored by the Depart! of History in recognitio: the achievements of Nj who is a former headol history department and professor emeritus of hm by El; Rep More layi tation, t udgets, at on from lean the < me jobs at ity is get tit More t acancies st 1 trend in ! Joyment, lent mane aid. 1 T he tig lust rated I orter to tal on insanity plea ib vacanci here were onklerica ompared ndj 34 n pen at the McGuir ewer vac; Stuart Taylor, the reporter for The New York Times who covered the John Hinckley trial, will speak here tonight on “The Hinckley Trial: Who’s Crazy Now?” The program, which starts at 8 in Rudder Auditorium, is being sponsored by MSC Great Issues. Admission is free. In the presentation, Taylor lumber o will speak on the insanr oinmun * l > using the Hinckley (asf; Utc * ( i nvn ( illustration of how itisi 0l ^ lated and why it shouldbt con lished or reformed. rs ’ " e sa 1 avloi is .i ^laduaieolP^ 111 ^ lo vard Law School andistlit ,u i an< 111 advisor and top legal conr^S 0,1 " 1 den. fo. I he New York I ° neexa A reception will lx lr 0 JP etlt10 Taylor aftei the presenu:. " a va 145 Memorial Student Ca? 0 ** attrac tsual mu DPS cracks down . wenty pe ib, in coni ations tha p. RayS tor for i on drunk drivers:li£ United Press International HOUSTON — Law officers issued 363 tickets to motorists in southwest Houston Friday and Saturday, a Department of Pub lic Safety trooper said. The tickets were part of a crackdown aimed at reducing the number of fatal accidents caused by drunk drivers. DPS Trooper Jim Garrett said a total of 363 charges were filed, including 275 traf fic viola tions, 56 drunk driving citations and other miscellaneous ^^■e said charges. md low t “I feel like it was pretrisftd. cessful. We had no ale “It s the related accidents in tbvithin the that I’m aware of . If we The curr vent that, we re ahead > game," Garrett said. Garrett said the crac was the fourth in a series enforcement efforts by; f orce/comprised of mot 60 officers from the County Sheriff’s Degai the DPS, and polite merits in the Houston art - R.e; lei SHRIMPARAMA MONDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHT United P AUSTIN ging fro erly, mar ; state eagan Rai ent Reaga “Reagar titor, only cater.” th< a two-mi $5.95 FRIED SHRIMP pment ; ar the C wntown / OUR REGULAR $7.95 Platter with all the trimmings AGGIE OWNED AND OPERATED CLASS ’60 HILL ^SEAFOOD V RESTAURANT] The prot ^publican suppor Iministrati' “Clement lock get hi jirhood,” tl The ma kt ion wide j lies” that l: Id has sprt jmp-out ra One mat |>, said, “I t J “They cot liy better,” |e don’t car lior people EAST 29th AT CARTER CREEK AGRICULTURALISTS . . . You're Needed All Over the World. United Pi CARROL] ining the c illision that ill take seve 'al investig tulty radio ave contrib The crash ay when a ante from ( pproaching Ask Pence Corps volunteers why rheir agriculture degrees orfotf n( \ a Cessna bockgrounds ore needed in developing notions. Ask them how Ting off fr< rheir knowledge of crops, livestock production, form mechanicsojj-port. beekeeping methods help alleviate hunger, increase personal , J.O. John income ond develop technical skills. They'll rell you of the ransportati rewords of seeing direct results of rheir efforts. They'll rell you on Worth Pence Corps is rhe roughest job you’ll ever love. iqniry said etermined Recruiters on Campus Tues .-Thurs. , Nov.mission Iron 2-4 SENIORS/GRADS: Sign up now for a n ‘end^nd u interview PLACEMENT OFFICE - 10th Floor The p ilo Rudder Tower equested econds bef t'as told to i PEACE CORPS cend to 2, aid. “So far as