The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1982, Image 4

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November 1:
{Around town
Economist receives Wagner award
Dr. Jack Harris, assistant research economist with the
Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M, has been
named recipient of a top award given by the American
Institute of Real Estate Appraisers.
Harris will receive the Percy and Betty Wagner Award,
which is granted annually for outstanding contributions to
appraisal theory, in San Francisco on Sunday.
Harris’ article, “Dynamic Nature of Highest and Best
Use,” which he co-authored with Dr. Nicholas Ordway, asso
ciate professor of finance and real estate at the University of
Texas at Arlington, earned the pair a plaque and $500 each.
The article appeared inthejuly 1981 issue of The Appraisal
Photo exhibition to open Tuesday
The Arts Council of Brazos Valley and the College of
Architecture and Environmental Design are sponsoring
“America’s Architectural Heritage,” a major photographic
exhibition of outstanding examples of architecture in Amer
ica from the 12th century to the mid-1970s. The exhibit will
open Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. with a lecture by Emily White-
side, Austin and Galveston preservation consultant, at the
Langford Architectural Gallery.
“America’s Architectural Heritage” will have a selection
of 234 black-and-white photographs gathered by the Smith
sonian Institution in collaboration with noted architect, au
thor and photographer, G.E. Kidder Smith.
A reception will be held by the Citizens for Historic
Preservation following the lecture Tuesday in the exhibit
Architecture students will be selling posters on campus
made from one of the pictures in the exhibit.
Prairie View A&M to hold SPAC
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) at Prairie View A&M University is planning a Stu
dent Professional Awareness Conference (SPAC) for Nov.
11 for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
SPAC is aimed at issues confronting young engineers that
are not specifically addressed by prescribed courses in the
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program.
Topics include ethics, professionalism, social implications of
technology, career choises, pensions and perks, changing
jobs, tenure, even finding jobs and writing resumes.
For those interested in attending, the cost is $2.50 for
IEEE student members, $7.50 for non-IEEE student mem
bers, $10.00 for IEEE members and $15.00 for non-IEEE
members. Send your name (and title), mailing address, tele
phone number and check (made payable to IEEE Inc.) to
do IEEE-SPAC Student Branch Counselor
P.O. Box 2687
Prairie View, TX 77445
Class of ’86 sponsors logo contest
The Class of ’86 is having a logo contest. Entries in the
logo contest must be appropiate for a T-shirt, show class
spirit and represent the class as best as possible.
The entry deadline is Nov. 18 and entries will be judged
by the freshmen class officers.
The winner will receive either two 50-yard line tickets to
the TCU game or dinner for two at an as-yet undetermined
A general class meeting will be held Nov. 8 for freshmen
interested in entering the contest. For more information
contact Cassel at 260-3250; Brad Winn at 260-3250, Robert
Shepart at 260-4968 or Laura Zeigler at 260-0232.
Teaching assistants receive awards
Eighteen graduate teaching assistants here have received
excellence awards from a grant by the AMOCO Foundation.
Each award includes a $200 prize and a certificate.
The students are: Leonard S. Miller of Austin; Michael
Matthews of Longview; Gary Don Robbins and Duane
McVay, both of Houston; Vivek D. Wagle of India; Jose G.
Arguello Jr. of Port Neches; Trevor D. Smith of England;
Mark Steven Scnitzer, Jeffrey Lee Miller, Robert G. Walter
Jr. and Janice Green, all of Dallas; G. David McDaniel of
Sealy; Daniel W. Ortman of San Antonio; Mark Sybert of
Argyle; and Debra Terry Gray, Terry Morris, Rifat Ullah
and Chin-Ping Fan, all of College Station.
If you have an announcement or interesting item to submit
for this column, come by The Battlion office in 216 Reed
McDonald or call Tracey Taylor at 845-2611.
Candidates sell image in ads
by Susan Dittman
Battalion Staff
The use of advertising in poli
tical campaigns is nothing new.
Political posters and slogans
have been around as long as
elections themselves.
But until the present genera
tion, the political advertisements
were mainly intended to familia
rize voters with the candidate’s
name, not to fashion public im
With the emergence of televi
sion, however, candidates now
are concerned more with the im
age that is refiected on the televi
sion screen in the living rooms of
millions of voters.
William Strong, a speech
communications lecturer at
Texas A&M and former consul
tant to President Reagan’s
media adviser, Peter H. Dailey,
said a candidate’s image is the
basis on which people vote.
“Television has made people
focus on the visual,” he said, “so
candidates must appear visually
Strong said political advertis
ing is like marketing a product.
“The ads are trying to com
municate the credibility of the
candidate,” he said.
Like product marketing, the
candidates’ advisers must come
up with the right marketing mix
to reach the broadest possible
spectrum of voters.
Included in the advertising
area of the marketing mix is
packaging — a combination of
personality traits and positions
that will appeal to voters.
“The most powerful way to
sell yourself is with charisma,”
Strong said.
He said style and charisma
first became apparent to voters
during the Kennedy-Nixon tele
vised presidential debates.
Kennedy had a nice tan, wore
makeup and had color and Hair,
Strong said, while Nixon
appeared tired and worn-out.
Joe Buser, of Joe Buser and
Associates, a Bryan advertising
agency that handles political
counseling, said the popular im
age for a candidate to have in
this year’s campaign is to look
young and energetic.
“Candidates still want to look
like a young John Kennedy,” he
George Christian, political
consultant for U.S. Sen. Lloyd
Bentsen and Lt. Gov. Bill Hob
by, said the popular image for
candidates is to appear con
cerned for the people.
“The more successful candi
dates this year are the ones who
show concern,” he said. “People
are looking for candidates who
can solve problems."
Christian said the campaigns
he is involved in are very issue-
“(Jim) Collins (Bentsen’s
opponent in the U.S. senatorial
race) and Bentsen are emphasiz
ing issues such as social security
in their advertising,” he said.
Strong said that Collins, in his
commercials, is trying to identify
his style with Texans by using
the slogan, “Jim Collins — a
senator who will vote like a
But, he said: “I think he’s mis
sing his mark.”
By using the “good ole boy”
who slams the hood of a pickup
truck and asks, “W'here is Nicar
agua, anyway?,” Strong said Col
lins is appealing to the rough
neck type of voter.
“And roughnecks typically
don’t vote,” he said.
Strong said he doesn’t think
that type of political advertising
is “a significant support base on
which to win a senatorial elec
In the race for governor be
tween incumbent Bill Clements
and his opponent Mark White,
Strong said he thinks White has
better commercials.
“Clements is a bit abrasive,”
he said. “Being mad doesn’t
make people believe you.”
Strong said the issue in the
political advertisements of both
gubernatorial candidates is
whether the governor has the
ability to control utility rates.
White says the governor has
the power to control the rates
and Clements says the governor
does not have that power.
Eventually the outcome will
be based on who people believe
on the issue, Strong said.
Buser said the so-called nega
tive advertisements being done
by both Clements and White are
“In my view it will keep peo
ple from the polls,” he said.
Christian said there is a lot of
negative advertising in politics
and it offends a lot of people.
But, he said, “It has been
going on in politics as long as
there’s been politics.”
Christian said he thinks Cle
ments and White turned to
negative advertising, making ac
cusations about the other, be
cause the race is a close one.
“One is the challenger and
one has to defend himself,"
Christian said. “The challenger
usually has to give a reason for
voting the person out of of lice."
Strong said he ik
ments is right in ■
White’s accusations on!
ties issue.
“But he shouldn't*
.. . by Bever
time on every little if. ' Battal
said. “If you spend all >lany pe a ()I)
answering what dieot , senK . nts f
saying, all youdoisgiw es ()f news
its to the accusation."rtio,, camp
The most importat f orni nevv v
teristics of political ad ,. on j j rm t y,e
Strong said, are daht) Qi en D ror -
itv and repetition. , Bryan-(
Lack of repetition*! ^ sa i t i so
where Jimmy Canr a t he effect
wrong in campaignmjjer|endorse
re-election in 1980, l% a tional ele
Strong said Carterl»“]j think pe
170 different televisiuge [up thei
which was too manv )Se (nation;
only had about 20. j.
Christian said tclevisi “We might
most effective medium 3a ct on loc
during a campaign, fi ll is and lessei
radio and newspapers, judgeship*
“Candidates try tobQromgoole
around newscasts bewt for the pj
people who watch thtididate whe
more inclined to vote (hint sways p
pie who don’t,” he said. BE
Coordinating board
OKs land purchase
‘We just a
Ehe editor
rle — consi
ler, editor,
ws Candida
es and the
ich candid
rsed, he sar
‘We give ou
les and the
ry out the
Valerie Martin’s
Gallery of Dance Arts
Registration Nov. 3 8-8:30 p.m.
Classes start Wed. Nov. 3
at 8:30 p.m.
Call for more information
107 Dowling Rd.
by Rebeca Zimmermann
Battalion Staff
Lite purchase of five acres of
Texas A&M
ampus — to
Thursday by
ing board foi
Texas A&M
tancellor for
said the purch-
rerall plan to
ral field re-
has been
used for new
vest campus.
n i ne purchase of 20 acres
x three months ago and 56 acres
o about five months ago also was
8 part of the replacement plan, he
The five acres of land, owned
by Alvin Houston, are adjacent
to the College of Veterinary
Medicine near the F & B Road.
Freeman said the University will
not immediately take possession
of all five acres, but three acres
will be acquired soon.
In other action, the coordi
nating board unanimously
adopted a recommendation that
Texas A&M and the University
of Texas wait until the Perma
nent University Fund con
troversy is settled before re
questing money for construc
tion projects. The controversy
concerns the availability of p ( ., _
manent f unds for cons;
at other Texas universitf
The Legislature appnj
money for constructiot
United Pre
jciis. bin tin-bo.inl isaslNEW YOR]
Legislature to wait unlilM newspap
ers and voters decide MjBbecome
hind will be adminisii% )r ding to (
fore providing hinds' The reseat
A&M and U I h it (oil' ier-city grai
projects. Richmond
Lexas A&M Lniuiiool studei
Galveston had plannedco.
quest approximatelyN 1 Both stu<
lor const ruction of a ne# ent, year-ri
at the hoard's meeting It wspapers a|
but subsequently witlidb pignificat
request. nt interest
current evi
! «- .?l < F lvel y-
S ... a-ruj
= tluitl *to
= B«IU'
This Christmas season, journey through time to a 15th
century English village. Browse through the Merchants 7
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MSC Main Ballroom
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Tickets go on sale November 1st in the MSC Box Office
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Thousands put
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Advertising in The Battaliof
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