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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1982)
The national ZEPHYR CLUB THURSDAY: THIS THURSDAY & EVERY THURSDAY LONG ISLAND ICE TEA ^1 5 ° AH Night Woods tone — Hwy, 30 Reagan: Vote hope, not fear United Press International WASHINGTON — President Reagan is urging Americans to be hopeful, not fearful in next Tuesday’s election, which is shaping up as a test of his fiscal policies. During the next six days, Reagan will spread a message of optimism across the country, seeking to dispel thoughts of economic despair that could mean defeat for Republicans. Reagan departs Thursday for a two-day campaign swing through Wyoming, Mont., New, Utah and N.M. to stump for GOP Senate candidates, several of whom are in tighter races than they had anticipated. With the National Republi can Committee picking up the bill, Reagan is to appear on na tional television Sunday and Monday in a final pitch for Re publican candidates. Aides contend Reagan has campaigned where he could be most effective. In choosing the West, they selected the area where he is most popular and will not hurt GOP candidates. There was no such danger Tuesday, when Reagan flew to North Carolina, a bastion of conservatism, to campaign for all 11 GOP congressional candi dates on the state ticket. Reagan s»t the tone of his fin al campaigt push during his 2'/'-hour visi to Raleigh, where he stood sidt-by-side with the state’s two conservative senators, Jesse Helms aid John Hast, and accused his crib s of undermin ing economic recovery for poli tical gain. Reagan coined a new slogan for the last days of he campaign at a GOP rally be 1 ore several thousand Republicans who gave him a wild ovation or his arrival but were more subdued in their response to his remans. “When you’re in tint voting booth next Tuesday,” ie said, “vote your hopes, not your fears.” Reagan charged his critics harp about high unemployment while ignoring progress made in reducing interest rates, infla tion, taxes and the rate of gov ernment spending. And he ascribed political mo tives to their arguments that his economic policies have failed. "The real truth is our critics are playing with the people’s fears, trying to scare them into believing that things will get worse so their own political for tunes will get lielter,” he said. “The picture of fear and de spair that they plantonik work evening blues-;1 picture of America Ti was, not where she’s added. Since the unemplowj gures came out Oct. 8,1 September’s rate atapod 1 lepression high of Itil c cut. Reagan has send] slu ed of economic »| might Ixslster his argil nation is headed foriwl Tuesday, he hailedr'l port showing the inllffl m September was ooM cent, which if maintaindl produce the lowest raitlt sear since 1972. E-Systems continues the tradition of the world’s great problem solvers. Recognized with Archimedes and Newton as one of the three greatest mathematicians, Karl Gauss also pioneered math in astronomy, gravitation, elec tricity and magnetism. E-Systems engineers are continuing in his foot steps today. They are pioneering technology and solving some of the world’s toughest problems in electronic transmission and signal-reception in an interference and noise background using basic Gaussian concepts. E-Systems “pioneer ing” in communications, data, antenna, intelligence and reconnaissance proj ects results in systems that are often the first-of-a-kind in the world. For a reprint of the Gauss illustration and information on career op portunities with E-Systems in Texas, Florida, Indi ana, Utah or Virginia, write: Lloyd K. Lauderdale, V.P.— Research and Engineering, E-Systems, Corporate FJeadquarters, P.0. Box 226030, Dallas, Texas 75266. E-SYSTEMS The problem solvers. An equal opportunity employer M/F, H. V Lethal compound detected: EPA ’lax’ United Press International WASHINGTON — Dioxin, one of the most dangerous man made chemical compounds and a key ingredient of the Vietnam- era defoliant Agent Orange, now is believed present in 25 to 50 sites in Missouri — posing a major, longterm health concern. The Reagan administration is studying the problem, but Wednesday a non-profit group released internal Environmen tal Protection Agency docu ments and claimed the agency is considering a response so lax it is “repugnant." The memos released by the Environmental Defense Fund indicate EPA is considering cleanup actions that would leave the cancer-causing agent in the soil at levels 1 (),()<)<) to 1 ()(),()()() times higher than the cleanup levels of the much publicized toxic waste site at Love Canal in New York. An EPA of ficial wrote in one memo that such a high level would amount to using humans as “guinea pigs." . “We’re still assessing how se- ftnis it is,” Rita Lavelle, assistant Pi’A administrator, said. The problem only reached het desk six or seven weeks ago. No decision has been made on cleanup levels and whether it is an emergency priority, she said. “Tvo weeks ago," Byron Nel son, chief EPA spokesman, said. “EPA s’arted a sampling prog ram in several areas in Missouri and at tins time we are not pre pared to make any decision on levels of dioxin." He said studying various op tions is “standard practice in the agency and it should not be an indication of where a dioxin level will be set.” But one EPA option memo released by the EDF suggested a stringent cleanup level be used in preliminary actions, saying the advantages of such a move “allows preparation of public for possible change it> policy." EPA officials said that 12 pounds of dioxin. — minute amounts of which nuf be lethal — ha.\e been traced \qat least 14 HUMANE SOCIETY OF BRAZOS COUNTY (g* j* HALLOWEEN BENEFIT DANCE a Music by 43) LONE STAR BRAND '©SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 8-12 P.M. © © TEXAS HALL OF FAME © KlrfYIJ A LIVE REMOTE — There to cover all of the fun iffc w sit m c ) and excitement. $100 Prize for the best “Animal Costume” 'Hi $3 per person, costume not necessary. Missouri sites, indudini horse arenas, a reside® outside St. Louis and ■H j dal” sites. EPA sources said (l»t| l>ern confirmed at ani® th esc “potential" sites. Federal and state have yet to account for IS pounds of the d whie h was mixed inlol! gallons of waste oil and around the state by an api l\ unwitting privatesaM oper ator a decadeagoill (ials confirm they protf l>e trying to trace then dioxin for years, becais] trucker cannot rememke he disposed of all then! Toxicologists say diw been linked to skin disea# carriages, birth defects, damage and cancer, fc American Medical As* Journal said last mon# finitive human stud* needed. Thousands of Vietnai ans exposed to Agent have filed lawsuits alle| suffered skin conditio* damage, degenerativei including cancer or It (li en with birth defects.— Some of the soil u* from the arenas wasp landfill in a residential sion in the St. Louissuis Imperial. EPA officials, white suits and rubbed now are taking samples) site. EPA sources told if sampling already hasds trace levels of dioxin tti® ment of Romaine Cretl miles from the resident The creek flows Meramec River, which is* a source of drinking wan None of the MissoP have been included in Ed tial list of 160 priority si* will receive emergencytk f unding under the Sli Superfund legislation^ Congress in 1980. ‘TFeel the luxury . . . Warm water running through your hair. Cleansing. Massaging. Gentle suds rinsed out, leaving a soft, sweet scent. Now, the cut. Crisp. Precise. Fresh. Perfect. Feel the luxury at. . . 707 Texas Avenue 696-6933 Culpepper Plaza 693-0607