Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1982)
pcxmc CHlKCSC R£STJ;URa«T ALL V OL CAN EAT 9 Chinese Dishes $3.98 Sunday Evening Buffet _ All you can eat from 6-8 p.m. Football Special $3.50 Texas > 8. College OPEN DAILY: 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 1313 S. College Ave. 822-7661 * Manor East if state Battalion/Page 8 October 15, 1982 J Mall jf MANOR EAST III Midnight Shows Friday & Saturday ERASER HEAD & HEAVY METAL & XANADU 9 A.M.-9 P.M. MON.-SAT. OPEN SUNDAY 10-6 GIBSON’S nntfti vwu alvvrt* pi#i int qloi run lloo • IBSON’S PRICES GOOD THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Please Note: Available in LONGS Union made in U.S.A. SINCE 1889 canhantt Rugged as the men who wear them BROWN DUCK ZIPPER BAG INSULATED COVERALL Reg. *68" *59" NOW BROWN DUCK PILE LINED VEST Reg. s 20 99 HOW BROWN DOCK BLANKET LINED COAT Reg. s 42" $ 38 88 NOW Free Beer • Live Band Casino Games • Prizes BENEFITING THE BOYS’ CLUB OF BRYAN Sigma Alpha Epsilon PRESENTS Paddy Murphy All-University CASINO NIGHT OCT. 16 a 8-12 P.M. a BRAZOS PAVILLION TICKETS $ 5 00 ( $ 6 00 AT DOOR), AVAILABLE AT HASTINGS, BOTHERS, R. RUSH, OR FROM ANY SAE MEMBER. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THOSE WHO HAVE ALREADY CON TRIBUTED PRIZES: TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT THE EVENT: ZALES • CONWAY’S • HASTINGS • BOTHERS • R. RUSH • CHAMPS • ROXZ • CAMELOT RECORDS • DAVID SCHEL- LENBERGER’S • TEC’S • JACKIE SHER RILL AND THE TEXAS A&M FOOTBALL TEAM • BENNIGAN’S • FOCUS PHOTO • THE STADIUM • ATHLETE’S FOOT • OLD SOUTH RESTAURANT • OTHER PRIZES INCLUDE COLOR TV • STEREO COMPO NENT • MANY MORE. we car “If are tal lure is fitly, tremei one of * Win iuptcy 11 bill ■ Full being’ $xtens reasot: nizati( tier ret than a He preser annou A last bit of summer Wednesday’s winds were put to an en joyable use by George Krejci in the Post Oak Mall parking lot. Krejci, a sopho more mechanical engineering student from Plano, prefers wind-surfing (on water) to wind-skating, but he said this was good practice — and good fun. agreei we do He dons i Hostage back home, ready to work again United Press International HOUSTON — Renaldo Fran- ceschi says his more than five months as a captive of the Kur dish rebels in Iraq left him with a longing for Chinese food, but no need for a vacation. Franceschi, a contracts mana ger in the Houston office of Cal gary-based Atco Lad., was reunited with his wife and two daughters Wednesday at Inter continental Airport. He said he was ready to return to work Monday. “I don’t need a vacation,” Franceschi, 40, said about his company’s urging that he take som time off. “I feel very well. I was treated very well. I just didn’t like their food.” “He’s a very strong person,” Atco spokesman Richard Strachan said. “He told the pres ident of the company he wanted to go to work Monday.” The president of the companv urged him to take some time off. His wife Millie teased, “He’s a ham. He’s loving this.” Frances chi told reporters one of the first things he wanted was Chinese food. The Puerto Rican-born ex ecutive, who normally carries I5l pounds on his 5-7 frame, lost 25 pounds during his cap tivity. “He looks thin," Mrs. Fran ceschi said. “But he looks better than I expected. Give us a cou ple of months and we’ll have him fattened up.” Franceschi asked, “Are you happy to see Papito?” as he embraced his wife and his two daughters, Casandra, 11. and Tatiana, 9, after stepping off the plane from Calgary. “It was their decision^ Strachan said of the family's de termination to await i t.inciy chi’s return at their home |a Katy, near Houston. Franceschi and another A employee, Guy Boisvert, 23 Montreal were captured bv dish rebels lighting for theiriji dependence from Iraq on Maf 2, while they were in Iraq loti few days to help install a ho>p|i- al. Boisvert was released Sejn) Franceschi was released two weeks ago with the help of the Iranian and Swiss governments, but Strachan said the family, on advice from the State Depart ment and other hostages' fami lies, chose to wait at home for him to arrive. Atco had inquired at the State Department on its experience with the stress of the Iranian hostages w ho were suddenly re turned home, and the hostages’ families themselves gave Mrs. Franceschi support, she said. Franceschi sjvoke Oct 3 will) his wife by telephone fr® Tehran for the first time sma his capture. He returned hom| through Switzerland and Cai da for debriefing, men checks and rest. « "I think they (the Kurds) tfqt finally convinced of the fact iW I had done nothing wronaj Franceschi said. “1 had w violated any law. I was notj spy. Atco makes prefabricafl buildings and the Iraqi govern ment contracted to have fl hospital built in not them Iraa One- button easy! ■ Rapid sequence motorized 8000 CsmGTS film advance ■ Take a flash picture every 1 ’A seconds ■ Built-in self-timer ■ Special close-up lens setting ■ Digital quartz alarm clock ■ Fits in the palm of your hand ■ Full Five-Year Warranty on camera and ULTRALIFE Energy Source.* THE REMARKABLE KODAK tfsc Snly RT$ 1 42 95 Includes 2 discs ol KOOACOLOR HR Disc Film 'Ask us for details on Kodak s Full Five-Year Warranty It your camera doesn t work wrth normal care, return it to us. and Kodak will repair it without charge Kodak 1C \HI I \S l i t 14 CENTER. INC. 01 University Dr. • College Station,Texas 77840 • 713/846-5415