Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1982)
HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA MONEY? Set your own hours. Sell Avon. (Must be 18 or over). Call now, 696-0751 . 18418 FULL OR PART TIME 'Day Shift 'Night shift (til 10 p.m.) 'Weekends 'Flexible hours to fit your schedule 'Rapid advancement 'Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik isotfn Part time/full time Work with other students team cleaning homes Starting salary $3.85 Travel allowance Very Flexible hours. Domestic < Services > —; 693-1954 GRAHAM CENTRAL STATION Needs The Best ★ BARTENDERS ★ WAITRESSES ★ DOORMEN ★ CASHIERS/HOSTESSES ★ D.J.S ★ BARRACKS ★ BAR MANAGERS ★ ADVERTISING/PROMO TIONS ASSISTANT — Credentials Required * SECRETARY/BOOKKEEPER 3ood pay, opportunity for advancement Meat appearance and cheerful attitude re quired. Apply In person 1-2 p.m. dally, o make appointment for interview. Oraham Central Station, 1600 South College Ave. AA ■McDonald's in College Station offers • Good Starting Wages • Liberal Food Policy • Performance Reviews • Excellent Working Conditions Apply In Person 2 p.m.-5 p.m. 801 University Drive and 2420 Texas Ave.iaate Battalion Classifieds Battalion/Page 6 it - September 1, If ' HELP WANTED Full-part-time Archie’s Taco Bell. Apply at 3901 S. Texas, Bryan. It? Full-time receptionist at THAT PLACE II. Call 693-0607. 184tfn Salesperson needed, experienced pre ferred. Apply in person, Charli’s, 707 Tex as Ave., College Station, 696-9626. 189t4 MARKETING REP needed to sell SKI & BEACH TRIPS. Earn CASH & FREE vacations. You must be dynamic & outgoing. Call 312-871-1070 or write SUN & SKI ADVENTURES, 2256 N. Clark, Chicago, ILL. 60614. 1t2 TECS, A new restaurant formerly Rosewood Junction in Culpepper Plaza, now taking applications. All positions. Apply in person. Ask for Greg. lasts THE GREENERY Is interviewing for the following position: ‘LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS (Starting pay $4.00 per hour) The Greenery is located at 4303 Texas Ave. Next to Luby’s Cafeteria. its SWENSEN’S COOKS/DISHWASHERS Now Hiring For Fall Semester. Competitive Compensation Plan. Apply in Person At: Culpepper Plaza, C.S. 190t4 Male dancers needed for inter view, call 693-2818 or 696-0004.« 46tfni The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is cur rently taking applications for newspap er route carriers for summer & fall semesters. Routes take 2V2 to 3 hours per day, with salary from 400 to 800 per month. All routes receive a gas allowance also we need soliciters for the summer & fall semester. If interest ed please call Julian McMurrey 693- 2323.• SOtfn HELP WANTED Experienced GRILLCOOKS, WAITRESSES & DISHWASHERS. Apply in person SAMBO’S 1045 Texas Ave., C.S. 190tfn Now accepting applications for waitresses. Call for an interview. 693-2818 or 693-6429. 181tfn Part-time help wanted. Grapevine personality. 696-3411 eoe DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn HELP WANTED FOR SALE SERVICES FOR LEASE Wait people, bus people and cooks. Pays well. Apply in person. 2404 S. Texas Ave., C.S., OLD SOUTH RESTAURANT. It3 Manager or manager trainee position now open for someone willing to learn. Apply in person at PIZZA INN, 413 Texas Ave. Ask for Mr. Marshall. 190t3 ’80 VW Scirocco, like new, $6500, 693- 1155. H5 Guitar teacher, part-time. Must be able to read music. LANGE MUSIC COMPANY, 822-2334. 189t5 10-speed bicycle for sale; good condition, new tires, $60.00, 693-7083. 189t5 1980 Suzuki GS1100L, child of divorce- Must Go! $3000, 779-9121, 845-8230.189tl0 CONSCIENTIOUS CLEANERS with transportation, phone & job references, I start at $3.75 per hour, travel compensa- 1 tion, paid vacations & flexible hours at HOME CARE SERVICES, 846-7750. ' 178tfn Students interested in learning taxidermy work, inquire at Palermo Taxidermy. We will be taking two or three students this semester. Phone 846-0141 or come by 3600AA Old College Road. 190t5 FOR SALE; ’66 Chevrolet Caprice, Power, A.C., 696-9677 ask for David. 189t5 "The New Sunshine Laundry” "Student” sit back and relax let us wash for you! Wash, dry and fold one day service. TV and AC, 3815 E. 29th, 846-9983. 189110 O’Brien 66’ Freestyle ski with case. Sofa and loveseat. Pam, 696-3555. 4-9 p.m. 113 Experienced electronics technician. Must be able to repair Audio amplifiers. Part- time day work. LANGE MUSIC COM PANY 822-2334. 18915 ’79 Vette. Mint condition, 20,000 miles. 79-6265 after 5:00 p.m. 18915 Dryer, sofa bed, others, 696-7683. 188t5 HOUSTON POST are accepting applica tions for fall semester. Apply early. 846- 0396, 846-2911. 160tfn Twin bed for sale. Good condition. Call 775-2399. 19015 FOR RENT Honey local, $4.50 quart, 846-1106. 19016 NORTHGATE BARBER SHOP Located at Northgate business area. Open 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Regular hair-cuts, layer cuts & styles. Call 846-3494 are just come by. 18912 Part-time help needed, 4:30-7:30, Monday- Saturday. Apply Stephenson Chiropractic Center, 1313 Briarcrest, Cedar Creek Pla za, Bryan. 189tfn 2 bedroom apartment near campus, unfur nished, $375, furnished, $395, 779-3656, nights, 846-0454. 18815 Buy & sell good used furniture, antiques, dishes, misc. 3 miles TAMU on Hwy. 60 W., 846-3457. 18417 Rampart condos for lease. 1/1 units and 4/2 ‘/z units. For leasing information, call 846- 8014. 18516 Miyata 912, 221/2, cost $500, 4 months ago, immaculate, $300, 846-6882. 18815 Nurse shoes size 4V&, 5-3660. 19013 Four Flexes, close to TAMU, Manuel Drive, C.S. Some units available now and August 1 st. Al so leasing for fall semester 1 bed room $290 & $300/mo. 2 bedroom $380 & $390/mo. water paid; no pets 779-1613 (a.m.) or 696-0390 (after 5:00 p.m. & weekends). 172119 Honda 750 Custom, Maroon, 1980, 1600 miles. Mint condition. Extras! 779-7766 or 822-4948. 19015 Ladies 3-speed bike, 26-inch. $75.00, 693- 7617. 19015 TI-59 calculator good price, John, 260- 6305. H7 MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER BARBER SHOP Located in lower level at MSC. Open Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m., six barbers, appointment ac cepted or just come by. Regu lar hair-cuts, styles & layer cuts. 846-0629. 18912 njPam APARTMENTS] 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms, 2 swimming pools, shuttle laundry facilities, security guard. 1600 Southwest?^ way, 693-6540. SPECIAL NOTICE PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Dissertations, Theses, Term Papers. Re sumes, Etc. Call Dianne, 846-0132. 189t2q HEALTH INSURANCE 1 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS 1 Bedroom, 1 bath duplex. Fenc ed. Utilities paid. $350/mo. for 1 person. $375 for 2. Ellen-846- 7753 or 846-0916. 189tfn 4-PLEX FOR RENT Luxury studio 4-plex for rent, 2 large bedrooms, 1 !4 bath, spa cious kitchen with standard appliances including frost-free refrigerator, utility room with washer and dryer, on shuttle bus route. $450/month. 696- 3693. 18813 HEALTH INSURANCE DEPENDENT COVERAGE Substantial savings for bene fits and rates. Call 822-2774. 18714 “Problem Pregnancy? Free pregnancy test ing and referrals. (713) 524-0548." 188tfn Call Cathy for all your typing or word processing needs. 696-9550. 131 tin Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University. 846- 3755. 178tfh Quality Typing 693-4264. 163126 Typing experienced, fast, accurate, all kinds, 822-0544, 846-9707. IMtfn PERSONALS “Problem Pregnancy? Free pregnancy test ing and referrals. (713) 524-0548.” 188tfn FINANCIAL AID! We guarantee to find scholarships, grants you’re eligible to re ceive. Application materials-$1.00. Finan cial Aid Finder, Box 1053-CX, Fairfield, IA 52556. 18915 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars I Body Work — Painting ■ HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. f| Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 S 1411 Texas Ave 823-8111 LOST WANTED COMPUTER TERMINALS: Jf Rent one now and get part of De- 4-cember free. Prices are $45 and! 2-seat option for current Town hall concert series, 779-7766 or 822-4948. 18815 Car Ramp, Tuesday, 24 east, Navasota. Call Toni, 696-4306, evenings. 4'$65 per month. Terminals pro-jx 4-vided by ZZYP. Call Jana today at T *693-5295. 18916 £ WANTED: ME 461 and 459 solution manuels, $100.00 each, Jim 693-7644. It5 SPECIAL NOTICE NEED $ TO FINISH COLLEGE?? The National Scholarship Re search Center can help solve your problem. Let our vast com puterized data banks match you with your share of the available $3,000,000,000 (MUCH OF WHICH GOES UNUSED!!) of fered annually in financial aid to college students. We guarantee to match you with five to twenty-five sources of financial aid for which you are qualified or we will refund your processing fee in full. For the complete information package send a large self-addressed stamped envelope to: NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP RESEARCH CENTER DRAWER T-21 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77844 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★-AF Fourplex apartment for rent, 2 bedrooms, 1V2 baths, washer and dryer, fenced patio; 2801-A Longmire, on shuttle bus route. $450/month, no pets. 696- 5549. ms CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 1 «" SERVICES Babysitting in home. Experienced sitter- mother. Half-days preferred. Available for football games, 846-0194. It3 Brand new duplexes for rent; 2 bedroom, 2 baths, fireplace, w/d connections, fenced yards, on Navarro, one block from shuttlebus route. 696-5549. Library research citations. 846-4263. 19014 Work-study typist needed: Good typing and proofing skills required. $4.00/hr. Call Dr. Zey-Ferrell at 845-4944 or 845-4043 or come to 309D Academic. ’ 18915 ATTENTION ALL RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Check your boxes for a copy of the 1983 Aggie- land yearbook contract. If for some reason your organization has not received a contract and your group wishes to be included in the Aggieland, contact our office at 845-2681 or 845-2611. Alter natively, a representative of your group may drop by our office, RM 0012 in the basement of the Reed McDonald Building and pick up a contract. Teacher needed for nursery school. Must have degree also aide & cleaning help. 846- 5571. 190tfn NOW LEASING FOR FALLASPRING •Pool •Jacuzzi •Game room •Shuttle Bus •Cable TV •Security Guard •Large Party Room •Volley Ball Court •Basket Ball Courts Catty Cornered to Oaks Park with - Picnic Area - Trees & Gazebo Call Soon • Only A Few Leases Left 700 Dominik, College Station, Texas (713)693-0261 WANT TO LEARN MORE EFFICIENT STRATEGIES FOR READING? Take the EDO READING EFFICIENCY COURSE For more Information Call 845-7140 or come by 718 Harrington Tower. 18816 Schlotzsky’s Now hiring for full-time day, part-time evening & weekend & full-time baker. Apply in person only at 100 South Texas Ave. Must be at least 18 years old. 181 tin SALES/DEMO • Part-Time • Demo Baldwin Pianos/Organs • No Need to Play like a Pro • Fun Job • Perfect for Student lady to work with young lady Co-Worker FOR KcyboARd • Center APPOINTMENT Sfr nmu Inc. 764-0006 WHY BOTHER WITH ELECTRICITY BILLS? At the VIKING... One check pays all your housing expenses, including top maintenance service, all electric kitchens, pool, lighted tennis courts, and security guard. Compare our summer rates today As low as $ 250 Wm. J. Garrett ‘47 BILLS PAID ,APARTMENTS 1601 Holleman, College Station, Texas 713/693-6716 ATTENTION AGGIELAND STAFF MEMBERS The first staff meeting will be Thursday September 2 in the Aggieland office at 7 p.m. Staff members are also urged to call the Aggieland office as soon as possible to inform us of any new phone num ber. Aggieland office 845-2681, 845-2682. 18816 Available Sept. 20, 2 bedroom Condo. deck, pool, IV2 bath, $500/mo. Call 775- 3658. 18915 FOR SALE Maserati engined Citroen SM. Sunroof, 37,000 miles. $8,600. 775-0345. It8 FOR SALE ’78 PU truck, Chevy, only 34,000 miles, power B/S/Door/Window, V2 MAKE OFFER ton, diesel-excellent gas saver! On ’75 Like new, dark brown, pretty, one Ford Station Wagon owner, $4495, firm, 693-8265, ask ’78 Ford LTD Station Wagon for Tom M. 846-2919. 115 19012 ATTENTION DECEMBER GRADUATES OF TAMU ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO-ORDER YOUR GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS ROOM 217. MSC 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER MONDAY — FRIDAY Begin Sept. 1, 1982 — LAST DAY, Sept. 30, 1982 1122 12 -M tunohad maMthom*.2D oaraaltwKa* LOI37 OakForMM Kssnak Tap Road JJ00 OOmordipue maty, and pai Tw paopM maammO (Coao^p Sunon) w et7 77*-1217 « t!) laMar 5 00 p m ) / f ■ 2 brdroom. 1 bath studio, i Uai ; campus, w/d connrctioiM, bn >; $290 OO a month. Furnished. l or ask for Lrads at 846-4701. | JOB OPPORTUNI1 I 1 I d 1 , a i • a * For employment information « ItlK Univdfvty dial 8a5 4444 24 fcxfliHDQrn.S Equal Empsoyrnant Opportirty* . mailvo Action jU St‘II1 Texas A&M Univers* (cente David IN ess IWillia ROOMMATE WAV Student roommate needed, I Female roommate needed, owal 9150.00 p/month + utilities. for Jolvnn. evening*. 7759290 4239 Male roommate to share hoi Brvan. Call 775-3444 after 4. - OFFICIAL NOTICE Unit , WJST -if Insur. OFFICIAL NOTICE TO TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY STUDENT'S a . inct ind In the past, certain infon T i n()l e ^ has been made public by < A&M University as a sew _ fr students, families and otherM 11C a< ested individuals. B 5 °* ; Under the "Family Educaf 41 *’’ Rights and Privacy Act of iskcd foi the following directory inforr/hai woi may be made public unlesion in a student desires to withhold i/enues. this information. R j-j, Student's name, address, |» rovt , phone listing, date and p/| 4 Y birth, major field of study, ptfvJ pation in officially recognizee/ ’ e tivities and sports, dates of P a ' ance, degrees and awar<i :or a Hi ceived, parking permit irffOallasd tion, and the most recent prei?r in Sa educational agency or insft| attended by the student. Any student wishing to wilf! this information should fill oef person, the appropriate available to all students at the : gistrar’s Office, no later tl»| p.m., Tuesday, September 1982. ATTENTION PSYCHOL MAJORS! Are you interested in obi some work experience relate!: your major? Two part time! one full time CO-OP positions available at Greenleaf Hospital in Bryan. Theseposs are restricted to males. Forfi , information come by 420 Hat 1 , ton or call 845-7814. Interested in LAW SCHOOL? some experience first. A position is available in I this fall semester. Fees funded if you already registt 1 Act NOW. Come by 420 Had ton or call 845-7814. SPECIAL NOTICE A&M Field Hockey Club Practices Monday-Thursdaf p.m. till 6:30 on Cain Field I pool). Everyone (men and'*®' 1 en) invited. For information pi 1 a * Phebe 779-0431 after 7 p.m* welcome new players! /? ^ 1 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is] standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516