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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1982)
national Battalion/Page September 1,1S n Warehouse Savings of up to We need room! And chances are, your room needs our carpet. Choose from a large selection of affordable carpet, in a mountain of colors and styles including quality Cabin Crafts®Carpets. Bring room measurements and save now. Cabin Crafts Carpets, one of the nicest things for your home. Dorm Rugs — Remnants Roll Balances 2840 Pinfeather in Bryan (Next to The cowboy) 779-8885 WAREHOUSE STORE! Bergman remembered A^arp by fellow actors, fans WHERE'! FOR THE United Press International HOLLYWOOD — Ingrid Bergman was part of a vanishing Hollywood era of superstars who outlived most of her con temporaries, but those who worked with her and those who only saw her films remember her as a classic. Bergman, the freshfaced Swedish actress whose powerful screen performances and tem pestuous private life made news for 35 years, died of cancer Sun day on her 67th birthday, but her performances in such films as “Casablanca,” “For Whom The Bell Tolls” and “Gaslight” will live on. Gary Cooper, her co-star in “For Whom the Bell Tolls,” Humphrey Bogart, her lover in “Casablanca,” and Bing Crosby, who played her priest in “The Delivers Free... Fresh! Fast! Hot Pizza! Plus Free Cokes! Call Now 846-3768 846-7751 We Guarantee 30- Minute Delivery Service! Bells of St. Marys,” are dead — as are many of her directors, in cluding Alfred Hitchcock and Michael Curtiz. Bergman spent little time in Hollywood, preferring to live in Europe and eventually in London. As a result, few of today’s stars knew Bergman personally. One who did is Leonard Nimoy, of “Star Trek” fame, who star red with the three-time Oscar winner in the 1981 television movie “Golda,” her final acting role. “Working with Ingrid was a special experience," Nimoy said. “She was obviously sick and in pain while we were working. “But she gave no sign and refused to let her pain affect her work. I developed enormous re spect for her as a person and talent. She was a marvelous lady and actress. She had great ener gy, charm and a wonderful sense of herself.” Nimoy said he spoke to the actress last month on a trip to London and added, “She had asked her doctors to take her off the medication because it made her sick and she didn’t want to spend the little time she had left feeling ill.” Actor Yossi Graber, who played Moshe Dayan in “Golda,” said Bergman knew her death was near when filming the tele vision movie. “She didn’t say the word can cer or anything, but said, ‘I’m extremely ill and hope I can make the movie’,” Graber said. Ailing Joseph Gotten, who appeared in two movies with the actress, said: “Miss Bergman was one of those gifted people who come along now and then. I consider myself privileged to have work ed with her in “UnderC corn” and ‘‘Gaslight.’’ “Certainly she has ns place in the history of i: pictures for all timeandi remembered during mr time as a personal fnendr a great actress.” Cary Grant, stricken: news of her death, refui comment. "She certainly putu; tastic fight against this disease,” Henreid said, a great gal, an enormous for all the good things.- profession and a dearpenj work with.” tne In New York, Liv 11 who starred with Ber^ her last film, "Autumn! for Swedish director iJ He i 14 11 i.i M VI id. 'I can onhjfi: United I w ill mourn her. She n., RESEAR< very proud to In- a woIM^kK, N.C •eatment I Reporter granted stay after refusing to testify iho was ft irough coi larched d( submachi illing one ig anothe imself. The attai lentified b United Press International BILLERICA, Mass. — A newspaper reporter, sentenced to 90 days in jail for contempt of court for refusing to divulge in formation from a one-time mur der suspect, was given a last- minute, 24-hour reprieve so he can take his case to the federal courts. Boston Herald American re porter Paul Corsetti was ordered Monday by Norfolk Su perior Court Judge Robert A. Barton to immediately begin serving a 90-day contempt sent ence at the Middlesex House of Correction in Billerica. But his attorney, Thomas C. Troy, appealed to the Mas sachusetts Supreme Court and was given a 24-hour stay to seek a federal court appeal. Barton’s rejection Monday of motions by Troy to revoke or revise the sentence or delay it for one week pending appeals fol lowed a recommendation by the state Advisory Board on Par dons against clemency. The pardons panel recom mended Gov. Edward J. King deny Corsetti’s plea for a par don. Corsetti argued he was within in his First Amendment rights and disclosure of the in formation would have an adverse effect on t he free flow' of information. Corsetti refused to testify in court about interviews he had with Edward R. Kopacz Jr., who allegedly confessetl to him he shot and killed gay hustler Cur tis Dale Barbre in Lowell in Feb ruary 1978. Kopacz was later acquitted by a jury. In an article published under his byline in the Herald Amer- ican De< 15, 1‘.)79. G»y, 39, v named k< >|>.u / .»'> one of^Bsault oi people involved in the B^fcer em| murder. 1 he other twowflWkverv, w identified. ad served Corsetti refused a dietnam, fb order to testify, saving tuck, exd promised Kopacz he woi ighway p: er testify. : Hch and Mid arking b Distric t Attorney I hotna'^ 1 C ^ SI nan. who prosecuted t**™ 1 * 16 !.>i the state, -.ud Avei mom could have stgniiita||ggm affected the outcomt Kopacz’s murder trial. But Troy, Corsetti’s irgued the pardons should accept his contw a 1 reach rejected by the Supreme Court, that then ter had a right to protect fidential information told bv a source. YOUR #1 FREE DELIVERY PIZZA PLACE 846-3768 846-7751 ar ^ # M-TH 4 P.M.-1 A M. Fr. 4 P.M.-2 A.M. SAT. 11 A.M.-2 A M. SUN. 11 A.M.-12 MID. We Accept All Competitor’s Coupons PLEASE ONE COUPON PER PIZZA BONUS COUPON $ A 00 OFF ANY BONUS COUPON $000 OFF ANY 12" PIZZA TWO ITEMS OR MORE NOT VALID DURING ANY OTHER SPECIAL OFFER. ONE COUPON PER PIZZA 16" PIZZA TWO ITEMS OR MORE NOT VALID DURING ANY OTHE : SPECIAL OFFER. ONE COUPON PER PIZZA BONUS COUPON BONUS COUPON”* 00 OFF any 20" PIZZA i$ 2 ITEMS OR MORE NOT VALID DURING ANY OTHER* SPECIAL OFFER. ONE COUPON PER PIZZA | OO OFF THE PRICE 0 w w YOUR PIZZA IF YOUR PIZZA IS NOT RECEIVED WITHIN 30 MINUTES OF ORDERING! 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