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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1982)
national Battalion/Page 9 August 18, 1982 Warped By Scott McCullar Famiii 3AMP AGE) fRUCTOfls! a l. Bryan 4503 •A-L0T_ ty Oaks,Cs| ■1987 Y/j^ mGH TECH ~& RADIALS BRAZOS TIRE SERVICE AN AGGIE OWNED BUSINESS SINCE 1952 J. N. HOLMGREEN CLASS OF ’44 R. J. HOLMGREEN CLASS OF ’47 MIKE A. HOLMGREEN-MANAGER-CLASS OF 77 2707 TEXAS AVE. BRYAN 823-0551 . 822-1425 THAT COMES TO $1.0* SIR, (LET'S SEE) OUT OF A $5... "X HMrt, GOSH, I'M JUST ABOUT OUT OF PENNIES, UH... A Oig M DO YOU HAVE H- CENTS? SORRY, l DON'T GIVE CHANGE. 7 Minister’s son objects to draft United Press International ROANOKE, Va. — A minis ter’s son says his faith in God would protect him in court Tuesday against federal author ities prosecuting him on charges of disobeying the draft registra tion law. Enten Eller, 20, an honor stu dent and the son of a Brethren minister refused to register for the draft because he believes military service opposes the teachings of Jesus Christ. Eller’s attorney, Art Strick land, said the young pacifist did MON 0UI <z I'YAIT tCT. • • m. 85* HOLiJif COKE SPRITE OR TAB $«39 nor. CAN 1101. I » • K0. I APPLE JUICE 69 s 1.1 LB. •AO MARXES BEEF A MAN Burrltos .3»o* *1 ( DOWN VFLAKE JUMBO Waffles MORTON MINI Cream Pies KROOER Cob Corn 3*io z, l Uo' •l 19 10 OZ.ll CANS ) IRY SPECIALS I CHILLID nPops V& UR DOUM.I DUTCH ilate Bar ^o: Ks TEXSUN HALF OAL. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE C 74* 46 OZ, CAN rmillr HALF *0 19 • iniiK* •••••••• oal. ■ ROGER: COFFEE $189 CHAR- BATHROOM COAL TISSUE $|«* KROOER (BREAD AMERICAN SAND WIG SINGLES BAGS nor. MO. 1MCT. •OX $|69 MIATO* Rib Eye Steaks lb. *4** U.». CHOICE BEEF BONELEES Round Tip Steaks lb *3 m U.S. CHOICE BEEF BOUND BONE Shoulder Roasts lb. ’I** "GENUINE*' ANT SIZE PKO. Ground Chuck lb.*2” WILSON "n% FAT FREE" BONELESS Half Hams lb. *2 a ECKRICH REGULAR OR BEEF ' Smoked Sausage lb. *2 S9 f NOLLY FARMS GRADE A FAMILY PAK FRYER THIGHS OR Drumsticks lr.*1 17 U.S. CHOICE AMERICAN Leg-O-Lamb lb.*2 5 * FRESH PORK BUTT RO ASTS OR Pork Steak li. , 1 49 ARMOUR Sliced Bacon , .%kg. , 2 49 COUNTRY CLUB IMPORTED Sliced Ham .\£o *l" JIMMY DEAN FRESH (1 LRS. ’4.17) Pork Sausage !‘£>u*2” KKRICH JUMBO REEF OR .Cheese Franks ’.‘So ‘I” CANNED HAM $E99 5 LB. Cj 3 LB. CAN I. CAN *».•* SERVE -N SAVE ASST. VARIETIES Lunchmeats HOZ. • PKO. IUVE MAINS LOBSTERS UP TO VA LBS $ 4! 8 JUMBO (OVER 1 ’/> LBS.) Lobsters .lb. $ 6** M/41 COUNT HEADLESS Gulf Shrimp NEW (NOLAND STONE Crab Claws ls *3" STUFFED Sole Fillets ‘.“•I” COST CNBHIB ALTH & BIAUTY AIOS^^H {TOjeSI 3 gjk Swbw Formula Aloe Veto i ggrgj* HoirCoreSyflem JOJOBA SHAMPOO VOUR CHOICE WITH EACH PURCHASE OF IS OZ. ST. IVES ALOE VERA OR IS OZ. JOJOBA SHAMPOO...RECIEVE FREE ONE IS OZ. ST. IVES ALOE VERA OR IS I OZ. JOJOBA CONDITIONER. SUM DIODORANT l.S OZ. ROLL-ON OR lOZ. SOLID YOUR CHOICE ANTI-PERSPIRANT *1 5* HBAD A SHOULDIRS SHAMPOO toz. LIQUID OR 4 OZ. TUBE PH 11 OZ. BTL. stick -JO— MINNIN ANTI-PIRSPIRANT STICK 1.5 OZ. SIZE BAND-AID plastic ja strips/^ FAMILY PACK BAND AID BOX OFM PLAYTKX HANDSAVIR LATEX OLOVES o.J. SOZ. BTL. Beouty Lotion *1.09 "NEW SEA BREEZE FACIAL CLEANSERS OR 40z Facial Scrub *1.99 CAMERA *FHM DEFT. NEW KODAMATIC 960 INSTANT CAMERA Get HO 00 Off...On The Spot! 'ell give you '1E.M off the purchase srlce...on the so glvo you '1S.M off tho purchase price...on tho spotll Just coma In anJ ask for demonstration of tho groat now I KedainatlcTMtM Instant Comoro. DEMO BONUS »59” *l® ## TOUR SPECIAL PRICE COSMETICS & FRACyRANCES CDVIRDIRL PDOmSIONAL PINCIL "LAUREN** 1/S OZ. SIZE Cologne Spray . “PIERRE CARDIN" 1 OZ. SIZE Cologne. LID BRUSH • • • • • I not want a legal defense, a con stitutional challenge based on religious freedom. Instead, the straight-A mathematics and physics major wanted to make his own explanation of his stand, citing the Bible. “He said to me, ‘I really can’t lose’ — to the extent he is doing what he thinks is right.” Strick land said. “He’s pretty prepared for the worst.” “He is his own defense,” Strickland said. “Basically I’m just going to argue you shouldn’t convict someone who is so sincere in his religious faith,” the attorney said. Federal attorneys decided to prosecute Eller as an example to the estimated 500,000 other draft-age men who have failed to obey the registration law, risk ing the threat of a five-year pris on term and $10,000 fine. Four other young men were also indicted around the nation from a list of approximately 200 targeted for eventual prosecu tion by the Justice Department. In Vista, Calif., Benjamin H. Sasway, 21, a political science major at Humboldt State Uni versity who was indicted in San Diego June 30 for not register ing, was to appear at a pre-trial motion hearing Tuesday. He pleaded innocent to the lone count of felonious non registration. Eller refused to register be cause of the biblical command ment against killing, saying, “The U.S. government has asked me to do something God would not have me do.” Assistant U.S. Attorney Mon ty Tucker, who is prosecuting, refused comment before the trial. Church officials and FBI agents were called to testify on opposite sides in U.S. District Court. Religious and anti-draft groups planned a vigil outside the courthouse, and federal marshals reserved three rows of courtroom seats for reporters. Though there is no draft, fed eral law requires all young men to register with Selective Service when they become 18. Eller’s father, the Rev. Ver- nard Eller, an educator and theologian from LaVerne, Calif., registered as a conscien tious objector in World War II, but failed a pre-induction phy sical. The author of several pacifist books including “King Jesus’ Manual of Arms,” the elder Eller has said he supports his son’s decision. The Brethren Church, with a membership of about 170,000, has preached against military service for nearly 300 years. Church members have endured torture and imprisonment rather than violate the pacifist teachings of Christ, a spokes man for the church said. Now You Know United Press Internationa New Haven, Conn, lunch counter owner Louis Lassen is credited with inventing the hamburger in 1900. The cus- AGGIES! Douglas Jewelry ; 10% AGGIE DISCOUNT ON ALL MERCHANDISE WITH STUDENT ID (Cash Only Please) We reserve the right to limit use of this privilege. Downtown Bryan (212 N. Main) and Culpepper Plaza x Wednesday Night Nuts & Bolts Night Girls get Nuts Guys get Bolts Find your fit and win a free drink each. Drinks 2 for 1 till 10 p.m. > J DaUas night Club in the Duex Chene Complex Behind K-Mart, College Station 693-2818 7” tomers at “Louis’ Lunch” were presented with broiled ground beef served between two slices of toast.