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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1982)
uauanuiiii, July 22 ( ite state / national Battalion/Page 7 July 22, 1982 ■ss Internalii — A 'otball coi: I with p® ijuana plat County t ittrged lerbrand, felony poi. He was! nd, a eacherat! iol, wastt t as hen nts onlanl; St of 111 ny, justs® eriff Dear. approxii er 3 feetn om two I s'eal, suptt el Valle W istrict,saiili i would It brand. t wait to stf i of the lon’t thin at this tit i session an! hildren." JSURANCf AGGIES: :orge Web surance Gra ge 823! Scott McCuiiar^ Columbia’s fifth flight will be a host of firsts ,LEN mobile dillac onda SERVICI ;atisfacta equipment exas Ave, -3516 9 For All Corp. Cat ; — Paini L MOTOR NY INC, OLD GOL rings, wornni ond Roof Shopping Cetf h St., 4708 at 12-9 pi D.m.-S 1220 aiKtHwy.1 olng So# »?■ 1 SUMMER SOFTi nnounceme- picked up I* in the ,ry, room H ANNOUNCE ale, first coh; •sday, jdent Fitiar ; 17 MSCb# clock ad. Students cements al 171 Convertibles coming out Chrysler changing image United Press International ST. LOUIS — The rebirth of the convertible is symbolic of Chrysler Corporation’s attempts to bury its reputation for build ing a stodgy, unexciting auto. “The old image was old peo ple and four-door cars,” said Warren Gieselman, a Chrysler- Plymouth dealer in St. Louis. They’ve done a lot to change that perception. Now they’re attracting young people.” Although American auto sales are at an all-time low, Chrysler is finding a market for its sporty convertibles. The de mand is great enough that em ployees at the company’s assem bly plant in suburban Fenton are working overtime for the re mainder of the 1982 model year. The plant has been produc ing about 250 convertibles a day since April, and the cars now account for more than 50 per cent of the production output. Tom McAlear of Chrysler’s sales divison in St. Louis says the rebirth of the convertible came about after a series of studies showed there was a demand for them. “The combination of front- wheel drive and the gas mileage made them marketable,” he said. “We have been able to pro ject enough volume to make it profitable.” Convertibles had been a mainstay of the auto industry until they gradually dis appeared in the early 1970s. Chrysler had not offered a rag- top since 1971. The decline was blamed on several factors — the cars were said to be noisy, leaky, unsafe rattletraps. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208, which came out in 1972 and set criteria for occu pant safety during crashes, play ed a major role in the disappear ance. The negative publicity that accompanied the legislation affected sales enough to even tually halt production. McAlear said the convertible market also had been “over saturated,” and agreed that wind noise played a role because of the emergence of the car stereo. He conceded that past con vertibles rattled and leaked be cause the auto manufacturers li terally cut the tops off regular models to make them. He said Chrysler now is using a different design and structure to produce the convertibles. “We’re not just taking a LeBaron and Dodge 400 and cutting the tops off,” he said. “We’ve restructured the wind shield, put a strength beam down the middle of the car and reinforced the body with extra metal. Mom not bitter at kidnapper United Press International GALVESTON — The mother of a week-old infant kid napped within hours of her birth said she holds no bitterness toward the suspect whose uncle returned the child to author ities, and who has disappeared. Carolyn Haynes, 17, of Beaumont, was reunited Tues day with her child, Christina Lynn Lewis Haynes, after a Houston minister delivered the infant to the Galveston police station. The Rev. Elmer Ray Smith said his niece, Jacklin Smith, 23, admitted to posing as a nurse in order to abduct the infant July 13. Authorities traveled to Hous- No need to avoid meat: profs United Press International LUBBOCK — A National Academy of Science report that linked meat to cancer risks was unfair, and Americans need not reduce the amount of meat in their diets, say researchers at Texas Tech University. Animal science professors Robert A. Long, C. Boyd Ram sey and Leland F. Tribble said they disagreed with the recent NAS report, which criticized the quantity of meat in the human diet. “According to the National Center for Health Statistics, sto mach and rectal cancers are down since 1900,” Long said. “At the same time, the U.S. De partment of Agrculture finds that meat consumption, particu larly beef, veal and poultry, is up.” Long, Ramsey and Boyd said the NAS report, which linked meat consumption to the risk of cancer, failed to offer conclusive evidence that supported recom mendations that Americans cut down on meat. Ramsey maintains the in crease in animal fat is up just 9 percent, with vegetable fat con sumption up 50 percent and vegetable shortening and mar garine fats up 41 percent. ton before dawn Tuesday and confiscated baby bottles and diapers from a residence where the suspect, 23, lived with a cousin for three days after the abduction. The cousin, Albert Johnson III of Houston, said the woman stayed at his house for three days and he at first believed the child was hers. Elmer Smith said a sketch of the abductor looked like his niece, and the getaway car being described sounded like his sta tion wagon, so he confronted his niece. “She explained to me she had two girls,” he said. “She said one of them had been sold for be tween $20,000 and $30,000 to the black market.” “We feel like we have con quered the problem,” he said. “We’ve had no complaints or re calls.” Auto safety experts agree the new design has helped elimi- mate some of the danger prob lems. Wayne Young, manager of the Auto Club of Missouri’s diagnostic center, says the rein forced windshield has made it possible for the convertibles to pass safety tests. “They have finally overcome the barrier with the main wind shield structure built to with stand the roll-overs,” said Young. A spokesman for the Vehicle Safety Standards Division of the National Highway Traffic Safe ty Administration in Washing ton said convertibles have to meet the same safety standards as other cars. “A belted occupant is not that bad off,” he said. If safety is no longer a prob lem, price might be for some potential buyers. The LeBaron Mark Cross edition, which fea tures a leather interior, lists at $14,900. The LeBaron highline convertible, which has a stan dard interior, has a suggested retail price of $12,500. McAlear said the LeBaron Mark Cross editions are the best sellers. COPIES 2V2< kinko's copies “Sales are going great,” he said. “Families with two wage earners are buying them for second cars. “A lot of people who are usually GM and Ford buyers are coming in because those dealers don’t have anything comparable to offer.” United Press International SPACE CENTER, Houston — The next scheduled launch of the space shuttle Columbia Nov. 11 will begin a flight of firsts, including the first four-man crew and the initial journey through space for three mem bers of that crew. Mission Commander Vance Brand said Tuesday he will be joined on the flight by co-pilot Robert Overmyer and mission specialists Joe Allen and Bill Lenoir. It will be the first space flight for Overmyer, Allen and Lenoir, all pi whom have been waiting since the late 1960s. Brand, 51, flew the Russian- American Apollo-Soyuz mission in 1975. “We’re all thrilled to be next ip to bat,” Brand told a pre- flight news conference. Overmyer, 46, is a Marine colonel. Allen, 45, is a former physics researcher at Yale and the University of Washington. Lenoir, 43, is a former Mas sachusetts Institute of Technol ogy engineering professor. Flight plans call for a host of possible firsts including: a space- S2.00 1st 30 mins first feature Senior Citizens Price S2.00 all time -Age 65 * over with ID Student Price S2.00 Fri only with Student ID • M5C SUMMER FILM SERIES- to I College Main 840-8 711 Sale Price July 19-31 Only Showtime 8:45 : :*v Gate Opens 8:00 ‘g? TAMU Students w/LD $ .75 x’x:; Non-students $1.50 Children 7-12 $1.00 Children 6 & under, free 'x# | LAST CHANCE July 22-28 Thursday Star Trek — The Motion Picture BODY HEAT A.v the temperature rises, the suspense begins. R A LADD COMPANY RELEASE O Sunday Monday Tuesday Friday/Saturday Dumbo Live & Let Die Life of Brian ^ magical movie is .JJI'irn IN A CLASS BY ITSELF” 1500 Horvey Rood 764-0616| T ,ME MAGAZINE He is ofroid 12:30-2:50-5:10-7:30-9:50 HELD OVER ,, 7TH WEEK! he IS alone EX m A UNIVERSAL PICTURE the Extra- Terrestrial BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! a 1:55 4:30 7:00 9:30 12:40-3:00-5:20-7:40-10:00 HELD OVER ONE MORE WEEK! “They’re here.” IT KNOWS WHAT SCARES you POLTERGEIST® & CINEMA l&ll Skaggs center 846-6714 HELD OVER 2ND WEEK! 1:45-3:45 5:45 7:45-9:35 Ace Hunter is the Ultimate Super Hero! m=m mi 20th CENTURY-FOX FILMS 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:35-9:45 «**<♦>*" > : XVvArttb :’rouL^o,HO«PI : 'U. VoONf suggktid‘<s5>-; ''' . L 'Ml AMA1«0M1AN 103 -J, NE Eieu/O* PrAtczr .WtVE fthKTT ScrttnBffr, J<CX8 StMWUi, :r, ‘JOOLAS “AEVUt I A PARAMOUNT RCliK j PUTT CINEMA I & II SKAGGS CENTER KTAM MIDNIGHT SHOWS FRI. & SAT. “FM” (R) “ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW” (R) walk from the shuttle by Allen and Lenoir; a cross-wind or automatic pilot landing at Ed wards Air Force Base, Calif.; and a launch with the shuttle’s ejection seats disabled. However, the prime goal of the mission will be launching 10- foot-tall 6,000-pound commer cial satellites for Satellite Busi ness Systems and Canadian- based Telesat. The companies have paid $8 million each for the service, a reduced rate because they are the first. The two satellites will spring from the payload bay and 45 mi nutes later, after Overmyer has backed Columbia 8 to 10 miles away, a new solid rocket called a Fay load Assist Module will fire the satellites into geosynchro nous orbit 23,000 miles out from Earth. The mission could last five or six days after launch from Flor ida’s Kennedy Space Center, the astronauts said. If the spacewalk occurs, Allen and Lenoir will test the shuttle suit and its life sup port backpack in the cargo bay. The Columbia will accomo date Lenoir, riding in a seat already in place between the commander and co-pilot seats, and Allen riding in a seat instal led in the mid-deck. Educational Center TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 For Information About Other Centers In More Than 105 Major US Cities & Abroad 707 Texas Ave. 301-C In Dallas: 11617 N. Central Expressway IT’S NOT TOO LATE Class scheduled to begin Aug. 3 Call 696-3196 for details MANOR EAST 3 THEATRES MANOR EAST MALL 823-8300 KENNY ROGERS is Brewster Bailor. SPECIAL SNEAK PREVIEW FRIDAY NIGHT AT 9:30 NO MAT TER HOW MANY GOOD MOVIES YOU SEE THIS SUMMER, YOU MUST SEE “AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN” BECAUSE WE FEEL THAT THIS ONE WILL STAND OUT AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT IT. WE’RE HAVING A SNEAK PREVIEW TOMORROW AT 9:30 AFTER THE 7:20 SECRET OF NIMH. MATINEES DAILY — AMPLE PARKING eyes and beyond your wildest dreams. DOLBY STERjiJ Keep an eye out for the funniest movie about growing up ever made! 2:45 5:05 9:45 You’ll be glad you came! V: & « b! SNEAK PREVIEW FRIDAY AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN