Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1982)
Battalion Classifieds national HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Battalion/Page 6 July 13,1982 HELP WANTED SERVICES DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is cur rently taking applications for newspap er route carriers for summer & fall semesters. Routes take 2.Vz to 3 hours per day, with salary from 400 to 800 per month. All routes receive a gas allowance also we need soliciters for the summer & fall semester. If interest ed please call Julian McMurrey 693- 2323.sotfn HOUSTON POST are accepting applica tions for fall semester. Apply early. 846- 0396, 846-2911. 160tfn Typing and word processing 260-9137. Quality Typing 693-4264. FULL OR PART TIME 'Day Shift 'Night shift (til 10 p.m.) "Weekends 'Flexible hours to fit your schedule 'Rapid advancement 'Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 190tfn Needed college girls to work with one of the best skin care pro grams in the world. Set own hours. For free complimentary make-up and more information. Call 846-9259. issti? Male dancers needed for inter view, call 693-2818 or 696-0004., 46ttn Part Time Sales/Teach Demo Baldwin Pianos & Organs Teach Beginners Course “Play For Fun” 4 50 hourly plus small commission Sales contests, win prizes, trips, money Perfect for young lady student Fun people to work with KEyboARd POST OAK MALL College Station, TX 77840 for appointment 764-0006 GRAHAM CENTRAL STATION Needs The Best BARTENDERS WAITRESSES BAR BACKS DOOR PERSONNEL Qood pay, excellent work ing conditions. Neat ap pearance &: cheerful at titude required. Apply in person. 1600B South College Keypunching or WYLBUR 846-8022.165U6 Lesbian/Gayline 846-8022. 165t26 DISSERTATION TYPING. Fast. Low prices. 500/Page rough draft. Call 696-7002 6 p.m.-10 p.m. 163tl2 WORD-PROCESSING: Papers, theses, dissertations, Letter-perfect printing, 696- 8910. 143t30 Call Cathy for all your typing or word processing needs. 696-9550. 131tfn Typing!! Reports, THE DOUBLE. 3755. dissertations, etc. ON 331 University. 846- 178tfn I Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 ORCHESTRA BUSINESS MANAGER For Brazos Valley Symphony So ciety. Will be responsible for oper ational aspects of BVS orchestra. Will work with and accept direction from BVS orchestra conductor- artistic director. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in music; knowledge of business principles needed for orchestra operations. Orchestra playing experience pre ferred. SEND RESUME TO: Box 3673 Bryan, Texas 77805 172,3 TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 4013 Texas Ave. S. 846-5794 i65tfn FOR SALE 1981 Yamaha XT-250 motorcycle, low miles, good condition, have two, call 693- 5966. 167tU FOR RENT NOW LEASING FOR FALL&SPRING •Pool •Jacuzzi •Game room •Shuttle Bus •Cable TV •Security Guard •Large Party Room •Volley Ball Court •Basket Ball Courts Catty Cornered to Oaks Park with - Picnic Area - Trees & Gazebo Call Soon - Only A Few Leases Left 700 Dominik, College Station, Texas (713)693-0261 NEEDED: 'TV Reporter/Photographer for summer and fall. Journalism majors pre ferred. A&M students should fill out appli cation at KAMU office, M-F, 8:30 to 4:30. 20 hour work week. Apply immediate. 17216 Trailer for sale 12X60 Partially Furnished, with washer Dryer Fridg. 8,000.00 or Best offer, 823-7342. 17 H5 DALLAS THE NIGHT CLUB needs an office person. No typing. Light bookkeeping. Hours: 12-6:30 Monday- Saturday. Accounting major preferred. Call for an interview and ask for Kathy O’Brian, 693-2818 or 693-6429. 172tfn Bronica ETR- Many extras, excellent eon-, dition, $1100/offer. Call Mr. Rhodes, 845- 5611/693-2475. Leave name-phone- number. 16914 FOR LEASE ^T/VVEST V' vV BEST ATMOSPHERE IN TOWN LIKE LIVING IN A PARK We Feature:. •Interior Green Space with Creek .. Trees •Swimming Pool •Club Room •Sauna •Tennis Courts •Shuttle Bus Service •4 Distinctive Styles of Apts. 1101 Southwest Parkway College Station, Texas 77840 (713)693-0804 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NOW LEASING FOR THE SUMMER Better hurry! While they last, one and two-bedroom units available at special discounts for the 6-week summer session, starting as low as $204 per month. Excellent condition, see to appre ciate. Furnished or unfurnished. Call today. EAST GATE APARTMENTS 713/696-7380 401 Lincoln Drive East, College Station, Texas Fall Leases Now Available Wm. J. Garrett ‘47 143tfn FOR RENT WHY BOTHER WITH ELECTRICITY BILLS? At the VIKING... One check pays all your housing expenses, including top maintenance service, all electric kitchens, pool, lighted tennis courts, and security guard. Compare our summer rates today As low as S 250 Wm. J. Garrett ‘47 BILLS PAID ABUTMENTS 1601 Holleman, College Station, Texas 713/693-6716 Well kept 2 bdrm duplex washer-dryer connections fenced yard Ideal location 803A Frio Circle, 1-273-1797. 171t5 D.R. CAIN RENTAL PROPERTIES “YOU HAVE A CHOICE” Apartments-Townhomes-Duplexes 1-2 BEDROOM/FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED BRAZOS HQI^SE APARJM£!|TS 2*(T\ WeM-College Station -In Southwood Valley- HAWK TREE DUPLEXES LONGMIRE HOUSE APARTMENTS YELLOWHOUSE ST. APTS/4-PLEXES SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE 2300 Longmire-College Station -In Southwood Valley- SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE Welsh & S.W. Parkway- College Station Hawk Tree Dr.-College Station -In Southwood Valley- BRIARCREST APARTMENTS PECAN RIDGE DUPLEXES Commanche Drive Bryan-Off Booneville Rd. BRIAR OAKS TOWNHOUSES Prairie Flower Circle Bryan-Off Briarcrest Dr. WILDE OAK CIRCLE Briar Oaks Dr. Off 29th St. Bryan Apartments Duplexes; 4-Plexes Wilde Oak Circle Off 29th St.- Bryan CALL OUR RENTAL OFFICE FOR APPOINTMENT... iD.R. CAIN COMPANY-3002 S. TEXAS AV.-COLLEGE STATION Four Flexes, close to TAMU, Manuel Drive, C.S. Some units available now and August 1st. Al so leasing for fall semester 1 bed room $290 & $300/mo. 2 bedroom $380 & $390/mo. water paid; no pets 779-1613 (a.m.) or 696-0390 (after 5:00 p.m. & weekends). 172119 More bribery charges against Japanese studied Typing experienced fast, accurate, all kinds, 822-0544. 846-9707. 131tfn Typing on word processing equipment. Ex perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 159t28 Typing. Wake-up services. 823-7723.157U6 United Press International WASHINGTON — The fed eral government is investigating reports that two leading Japanese drug companies tried to buy advanced American re search on the cancer-fighting drug interferon. The Detroit News, in a report from its Washington bureau, Lawn service mowing, edging, trimming, 696-0562. 157120 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment’’ 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 FOR SALE Goats for sale. Nubians $40.00 and up, 846- 9230, nights. 172t4 Men’s aggie ring size 11, 822-4852. 172tl KZ 550 Kawasaki red bike. 98,000 miles. Black quick silver farring, $1800. Days, 779-8702; late nights, 589-2352. 172t3 LANCER SPEAKERS. Highest quality reasonable prices. Dealers needed. 693- 3721, mornings, late evenings. 17216 71 Dodge Coronet 318. $500.00, 696-2408. Fair Condition. 170t4 MEXICAN DRESSES ’New shipment arrived Sunday;] )large selection; super low prices;( ,hand choosen; all colors and^ sizes; 100% cotton; simple or or-^ Inate; short or long; hurry call 696- , 8790 TQPAY! 172134 Fraternity House for Sale. Terms, W.T. Aycock, 846-7795. ATTENTlM AGGIES 4 Diwr Chests 49.95 5 Dm Chests 59.95 Student Desks 79.95 5 PC. Dining Set 79.95 Sola Sleeper 235.00 Sola S Chair Sets 149.95 Recliners 99.95 3 PC. Coffee/eod Table 69.95 Twin Mat Sets 79.95 Foil Mat Sets 89.95 Bed Frames 15.00 TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Maria 822-5929 95tfn SPECIAL NOTICE I PARKWAY APARTMENTS 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms, 2 swimming pools, shuttle bus, laundry facilities, se curity guard. 1600 South west Parkway, 693-6540. (BRAZOS (VALLEY I GOLF I DRIVING quoted a Justice Department source as saying the inquiry be gan this month, based on re ports that Japanese business men offered amounts “well into five figures” to employees of several drug firms in the United States. It said a government trade specialist confirmed that the allegations started a federal in vestigation. The report follows last month’s disclosure of an under cover FBI operation that led to industrial espionage charges against two Japanese electronic- firms that allegedly tried to obtain illegally information on IBM technology. The News said the Justice De partment official said Japanese allegedly sought details on how to make interferon through genetic engineering. One Japanese representative also was reported to have asked several employees of American firms to smuggle newly-developed inter feron on micro-organisms out of laboratories. Interferon is a virus-blocking Litt protein believed to hold prop in the treatment of cancer, tiple sclerosis and otherdisra Americans reported Japanese overtures to exec® of their own firms, whocaftj federal authorities, the j® Department source said. T he source said thegon ment has not detemi whether there is sufficient deuce to seek criminal ini merits on attempted briben trade law charges. “The investigations hart lied strictly on interviews: surveillance,” the source: quoted as saying. A U.S. trade securityolfi identified one Japanese 6 under investigation as Mil Junji of Osaka, a majorintert on developer, the News ported. The other firm was: named because “it mightjeop di/.e the government’s case, Washington trade officials! The newspaper said ew lives in Osaka denied mint buy inteferon trade secretsil ally from employees of Ant ican firms. Missing professor prompts warning on Mexican travel United Press International BOULDER, Colo. — The wife of missing University of Colora do professor Nichols Schrock is upset her husband was not warned about the dangers of traveling Mexico’s Highway 15, the primary north-south link for several cities along the Gulf of California coast. “I’m a little angry that we didn’t have information about the lack of safety about that road,” Ruth Schrock said Sunday. Schrock, 42, vanished May 30 when he crossed the border into Mexico at Nogales, Ariz., and planned to travel Highway 15 to Mazatlan and eventually to the Autonomous University in Guadalajara where he had a summer teaching assignment. A 1976 memo from the State Department warned travelers of the ’hazards. “Since May 1976 there have been several incidents invok highway robbery and vio assault of American travelen armed bandits mostly on H way 15 near the city of (46 in die state of Sinaloa,” thep release, dated December I! said. Three U.S. citizens were led and two others were ported missing during thep vious seven months, the St Department said. The five® dents subsequently were link to several gang-like groups roamed the countryside. Schrock’s small pickuptrs duled f was found in early in June it isolated area about 50 north of Mazatlan. A teem suspect was questioned in economics professor’s appearance and pres® death, but Schrock remains® sing AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 State Department spokes® Jim Webb said Schrock’s' appearance prompted plat investigate death statistics Americans visiting Mexicoto: termine how many haved cause of foul play or in® plained circumstances Un was: Reagan and Set calls hin few w irobabl secretar Sen ings on Shultz Haig as today, ; S< tc Un WAS Helms, to attac sure to month ate sho The ly toucl perhap wood, abortio cure th decisiot Heh the deb vehicle legislati is one t continu A to Ui WAS archite Vietna: today s thede AGGIES! Douglas Jewelry 10% AGGIE DISCOUNT \ RANGE ON ALL MERCHANDISE WITH STUDENT ID (Cash Only Please) We reserve the right to limit use of this privilege. Downtown Bryan (212 N. Main) and Culpepper Plaza DIETING? Hrs: Mon-Sat 12-9 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m.-8 p.m. 2 bedroom 2 bath duplex all kitchen ap pliances w/d connections, yard maintained by owner, 2203 Crest (off Manuel Drive). $325/mo. June-July $425/mo. there after, $200 deposit, 696-7714, 693-0982. 158tfn 696-1220 I I East Bypass and Hwy. 30. ;f i Service Road Going South - ^ miles. Summer leases 2 bedroom D/a bath 4-plexes, close to campus, washer/dryer in each unit. $425/mo., 693-8685. 121tfn WANTED Even though we do not prescribe diets, we make it possible for many to enjoy a nutritious meal while they follow their doctor's orders. You will be delighted with the wide selection of low calorie, sugar free and fat free foods in the Souper Salad Area, Sbisa Dining Center Basement. Pre-leasing for fall! 2 bedroom apartments $285.00, 779-3550, 696-2038, 846-2951. 172119 PERSONALS FREE: Information. Become a legally or dained minister. Universal Life Church, Box 234-B, Bryan, Texas 77806. 169t5 CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 i«" OPEN Monday through Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM QUALITY FIRST