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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1982)
state / national Battalion/Pfi June 16,® lobby ERA backers in Illinois, cite poll United Press International SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Equal Rights Amendments supporters went into an informal lobbying session with state officials in Chi cago Tuesday encouraged by a poll showing more than 60 per cent of Illinois’ voters favor the ERA. Republican Gov. James R. Thompson, Democratic Chica go Mayor Jane Byrne and Democratic Senate President Philip Rock were scheduled to attend the Chicago meeting, which was organized by leaders of ERA Illinois. GOP House Speaker George Ryan and other ERA opponents were not in vited. The survey, released Monday by Louis Harris and Associates Inc., showed 62 percent of 801 adults polled at random sup ported the ERA after hearing arguments for and against it. ERA Illinois officials said the poll will provide ammunition for discussion at their session. “I think it’s very encourag ing,” said Edna Schade, presi dent of the group. “Any statistic we can find that there is support will give everyone courage.” Seven women entering the fifth week of their fast for the ERA asked Vice President George Bush, the highest- ranking Republican to back the ERA, to meet with them to rally support for their cause. However, a spokeswoman for the vice president said Bush’s schedule does not permit him to travel to Springfield by Sunday and the administration’s anti- ERA stand makes a meeting af ter Sunday unlikely. Bush supported the amend ment as it was orginally worded, but he did not back the exten on Illinois as crucial to passing the amendment by the June 30 ratification deadline. Three more states are needed in order for the ERA to become law. Harris said the Illinois survey was commissioned by KNOW Inc., an educational and infor mational organization that con centrates on women’s issues. The survey said 64 percent of those polled favored the ERA after hearing the wording of the amendment. Twenty-six per cent were opposed and 10 per cent were listed as unsure. Border patrolmen forced sex on two Mexicans, soldier says United Press International EL PASO — A soldier has testified that two U.S. Border Patrol officers forced two Mexican women to have sex with them under threat of arresting him and another sol dier. William E. Ward, a private at Fort Bliss at the time of the alleged Oct. 18, 1980, inci dent, said Monday that he and the other soldier had smug gled the two women across the border to have pizza with them at a friend’s apartment when they were arrested. Border patrolmen David M. Davila and Robert M. Jac ques are charged with three federal counts of obstruction of justice and falsification of official reports. Ward said he and Warren C. Palmer were with the women — Alicia Ortiz and Norma Munoz-Pro — in a bar on the Mexican side of the border when they decided to cross the border women at first werels he said. He said he learned the day that theoffa the women to Davila mem and forced sea on them under a tins the officers wouldcai ble for their bovine® lilt® ROE Su EPIS for He SAJI 50 SCI 1 ■ ' tin SUM the pu MORE RED H01S ROUND ERA supporters have focused Blue Cross loses UT account United Press International DALLAS — Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Texas officials said Tuesday they do not believe the loss of the firm’s second-largest account — the University of Texas System — will substantial ly hurt the insurer’s finances. “UT is a valuable contract be cause of its size and prestige, and we’re certainly sorry to see it go but economically, this won’t have much effect on us,” Blue Cross President John D. Melton said. Melton said the UT System contract, which was won by low bidder Aetna Life and Casualty Co. for $44.3 million, had been a money-loser for Blue Cross. “We bid the best bid we thought we could live with.,” he said. He said the Blue Cross bid was about $400,000 over the Aetna Life and Casualty Co. bid. Melton and state insurance officials denied a rumor that Blue Cross had filed for bank ruptcy. “Let me assure you that is not correct,” William Daves, chair man of the state Insurance Board said. The Texas Farm Bureau, with 50,000 health contracts, en ded its relationship with Blue Cross last October after 37 years. Since then, Blue Cross has lost some of its more prominent customers, including DuPont Co., the Dallas Independent School District and A.H. Belo Corp. Blue Cross announced about two weeks ago that it was with drawing from its arrangement with the Alamo Health Mainte nance Organization in San Antonio because it was a money- loser. 4 ■SIRLOIN SIEAKH Beef Loin Lb. , PREMIUM /GROUND BE SAVE MONEY WITH OUR SUPER SAVERSI MACARONI & CHEESE SAVE 47' ON 3 PKGS.I 7.25 Oz.l Pkgs. For Safeway Quality, It's Fresh! CAMPBELL'S CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP RED I HOT | PRICEI . Crum c.. Mushrotf SAVE I7 C ON 3 CANS! Ken’s Automotive 421 S. Main — Bryan 822-2823 "A Complete Automotive Service Center" * Brakes McPherson • Tune-Ups o Clutches * Struts • Front End Parts Replacement o Air Conditioning Service CRUSHED WHEAT BREAD JRoundtop or Sandwich PERT A SHAMPOO ® COPYRIGHT 1982, SAFEWAY STORE, INC. PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY THRU SUNDAY, JUNE 17-20, 1982 IN BRYAN, C.S. Normal/Dry or Oily SAVE $1 30, 15 Oz. Btl. RIGHTS I# VISIT YOUR FRIEMDL Y SA FEW A Y PHARMA C Y! Pharmacies to serve you and your family in South East Et South Central Texas! 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