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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1982)
schulMAN~£ THEATRES 775- 2002 ’ 775 2468 g. 29th. - 2463 7:25-9:55 CHARIOTS OFFIREpo } , '^Jurnler OM^icturPdl < • • • tJLJt C-t rJLA.*-*-*-*.» - 7:20 9:40 SWORD and the SORCERER * * * tTzVs-m* ’ \M’ .. v Yim. Julie Andrews/James Gamer 7:25 9:35 THE AMATEUR John Savage Christopher Plummer Martha Keller 7:20 9:40 RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK SKYWAY TWIN 822-3300/2000E. 29th EAST 7:30 „ SILENT RAGE 10:25 NICE DREAMS WEST 8:30 FORBIDDEN WORLD 10:15 BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS Scholar, CAMPUS THEATRE oooooooooooo ooooooooooooot 846-6512 LAST NIGHT All Tickets Tonight $ J50 Only RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP [Rl 12 COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES. II STARTING TOMORROW alittle HE’S TRYING TO BE FAITHFUL, AND FAILING HILARIOUSLY. by Rebeca Zimmermann Battalion Staff The Texas A&M University Association of Former Students has honored 85 students for academic excellence and out standing contributions to stu dent life. “This ceremony is an effort to recognize some of A&M’s finest,” Ken Johnson, 1981-82 student body president, said at the ceremony Wednesday night. Two types of awards were presented to students: the Gathright Scholar Awards and the Buck Weirus Spirit Award. Gathright Awards were pre sented to 33 students. High achievement in academics is the basis for this award, said Dr. John J. Koldus III, vice presi dent for student services. James Jeter, assistant execu tive director of the Association of Former Students, said the award went to the sophomore, junior and senior student with the highest GPR in each college. The Buck Weirus Spirit Award was created to honor Richard “Buck” Weirus, dire ctor emeritus of the Association of Former Students. This award, presented to 52 students, recognizes high achievement in extracurricular activities which contribute to student life. Five freshmen, 10 sopho mores, 15 juniors, 20 seniors and two graduate students re ceived this award. MANOR EAST The oddest team on the squad and the funniest cops in America, A Paramount Picture m THEY ARE SOMETHING MORE THAN LOVERS WHO ARE ABOUT TO BECOME SOMETHING LESS THAN HUMAN. 7:20 9:45 College of Veterinary Medicine Teresa Ann Wilczynski, a senior biomedical science major from College Station; Michelle Butler, junior biome dical science major from Dallas; Kathryn E. Kern, a sophomore biomedical science major from Dallas. College of Agriculture Matthew C. Cole, a senior flor iculture major from Argyle; George T. Boozalis, junior biochemistry major from Lake Jackson; Gretchen R. Poetschke, a soph omore biochemistry major from Carrollton. College of Business Adminis tration Susan J. Woodruff, a senior accounting major from Hous ton; Ellen L. Perkins, a junior accounting major from San Antonio; Lisa L. Powell, a sophomore accounting major from Houston. College of Education Theresa A. Lawrence, a senior educational curriculum and in struction major from Lufkin; >2 00 at theatres with • MON.-FRI. all shows betore 6 PM Senior Citizens Price $2 00 all time; - Age 65 & over with ID IT yyJN 12 00 isi 30 Mm. limiLDOtyiiifl, itt Cinema 3 764-0616 ^ Quest TODAY - , 1*20 FOR f IRE3:20 5:20 rst 7:30 9:30 ‘“aRD WEEK fRicho/id Ttoyol Some Kind off Hero TODAY 1:50 3:45 5:40 7:35 9:45 A PARAMOUNT fSl PICTURE *3J RDW EEK ★ TODAY 1:00 3:15 5:30 christophirtuevi 7-45 IQ'OO OTAW CANNON 3RD WEEK DEATH TRAPal MtCHAIL CAINE [ 846-6714 Skaggs Center You’D be glad you camel TODAY 7:40 9:55 “TAPS”(PG) TONIGHT 7:45 ONLY! “SOUTHERN COMFORT”(R) 9:45 ONLY! Margaret L. Foster, a junior health education major from Hurst; Wendy Roberts, a sophomore educational curriculum and in struction major from Kountze. College of Geosciences Jay N. Vogt, a senior geology major from Pasadena; Kelley E. Carlson, a junior geophysics major from Elgin; Andrew F. Lubrano, a sopho more geophysics major from Fort Worth. College of Liberal Arts Michael A. Dover, a senior eco nomics major from Huntsville; Phyllis T. Henderson, a junior journalism major from Nevada, Tex.; Tran L. Lackey, a sophomore political science major from Portland. College of Medicine Randall Urban, fourth-year medical student from Victoria; Gregory Godwin, third-year medical student from Gordon- ville; Joe Mantheiy, second-year medical student from the Dallas/ Fort Worth area. College of Science Gordon D. Reed, a senior biolo gy major from Richardson; Dina R. Villarreal, a junior pre- med major from Kingwood; Robert W. Fowler, a sopho more biology major from Irving. College of Architecture and Environmental Design Mark F. Schultz, a senior build ing construction major from Tyler; Robert A. Hartin, a junior en vironmental design major from Vernon; Heather A. Kirk, a sophomore environmental design major from Springfield, Va. College of Engineering Laurie J. Scarborough, a senior computing science major from Arlington; William M. Brown, a junior mechanical engineering major from Houston; Jeremy N. Wiersig, a sopho more chemical engineering ma jor from Bryan. College of Veterinary Medi cine Jay Hoffman, a second-year veterinary medicine student from Victoria; William R. Harlin, a third-year student from Christoval; John Hill, a fourth-year stu dent. Buck Weirus Spirit Awards: Freshmen Diane F. Baumbach, a general studies major from Bryan; Teresa A. Brashear, a bioche mistry major from DeSoto; Keith E. Carmichael, a business major from Wharton; Darrell R. Pickard, a psycholo gy major from San Antonio; Hubert G. Swartzwelder, a pet roleum engineering major from roleum engineering Duncanville. Sophomore Clifford B. Brown, a biomedic al science major from Richard son; Barbara A. Brunner, an accounting major from Hous ton; Christopher C. Duncan, an en vironmental design major from Columbia, Md.; John A. Dungan, a business management major from McKinney; Gregory L. Hawkins, a civil en gineering major from Friend swood ; Roger K. Joseph, a finance ma jor From Hamilton; Judith A. Marcotte, a pet roleum engineering major fro Wichita Falls; Karen M. Snow, an industrial distribution major from Dallas; I. Ika Todorovic, a political sci- ence/pre-law major from Col lege Station; L. Nicole Williams, a finance major from Derby, Kan. Junior Jeffrey G. Anthony, a comput ing science major from DeSoto; Kathy D. Bartholomew, an animal science major from Amarillo; Lynda D. Beard, an educational curriculum and instruction ma jor from Bryan; Jeffrey D. Bissey, a chemical engineering major from Katy; Martha Beth Castenson, a health education major from SCHOOL OF MEDICINE • CIFAS UNIVERSITY • “CLASSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH” The University is jocated in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Our Medical Program Is tailored after the traditional U.S. Model of Medical Education and is fully accredited. OPENINGS AVAILABLE “Our school is listed in Vol. 35, No. 4 of the WHO chronicle published by the World Health Organization.” For Mom' Information and A|>|>licn!inh Form please write to Clf AS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DF AN OF ADMISSIONS 1?870 WHITTIFR Bl VD , SUIT! 11 • WHITTIF R, C ALIf 90K0? Bryan; Dale L. Collins, anti major from the' Melissa L. Cosper,a"niJ distribution major mT by Scott A. Hall, a pre-mT Batta from Fort Worth; Texans h; James W. Harris, aa jon’t like th< ral educatiaon maj/ew minutes Beeville; Ik )me ^ e Diana L. HoradanuSEsean hers major from Katy; hat tf you Tom R. Joseph, an ap[ ou " see a * economics major fnnL;:R eseart ^ ton; ■ologist’s James A. Reed, a ir f ;oni|>iled a engineering major feM Dena R. Villarreal, a Inv major from KinewoodJ^ A. Dale Whittaker, tural engineering RiaiHK'GI ( Taylor; Ct-V Michael E. Wolff,ana, ral engineering majorfr Dime Box. Seniors i James R. Bond Jr., aH Un . ted major from Baytown; Charles Kelly Castlek^g,^ j ur i an agronomy major frM I ges 0 f' Jackson; uloilfiek Douglas W. Dedeker, M i xia) ’ s m agement major from D-j, U r t i n g bi Lilli K. Dollinger, a n^Lountri mics major from BeauuMfoiny co David K. Gillespie,aniaP|x) 0 cume major from Bryan; su it in Hoi Brent N. Gunter, an at ja, Crawf ence major from MuloILf Houstor John M. Hardin,amaiii::f 0 |- paymei major from Houston; jeanos in tl James H. HughesThe inv accounting major froni4 s the firs Christy M. Jackson, a q U :| V und ence technology majo:® r rupt 1 Houston; provides c J. Ken Johnson, anagrtlcompanies economics major from jertgage in doches; Herseas. Brenda L. Jones, abiolwi Crawfo jor from Austin; Bvestigati Venita Leigh McCelloatlbm loreig nalism major from Gil® ment sayii David S. Moyer, a coErgascompr science major from Sanf^Jce won nio; She state Raymond D. Noah Jr.,i proper pa agement major from Rfl “As a r son; Hiled pui Timothy J. Ryan, anagrci its Ament ral economics major fromii cbmpetitt ton; Hiift its Joseph Terence Smith, aiBower av cultural education majoti States,” t Rosebud; |saicl. Lauren A. Snyder, a Theco and fisheries sciences i and the from Bryan; Hadinves James M. Thatcher, anaf .and four tural economics major ftrawforc Edwardsville, Ill.; IboiUracts Sue Anne Vito, a political^'- “Despi ce major from Austin; Hted den Glinn H. White Jr., a faf major from Dallas. Graduate student Tracy Wayne Cox, a bus? administration student Dallas; Cynthia Ann Lee, aneduca al administration student Houston. M S C A^GIE C INE M/\ PRESENTS 8:45 INVASION OF THE BEE GIRLS 10:15 CARS THAT EAT PEOPLE 11:45 TRUCK STOP WOMEN 1:15 THE FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS 3:05 EVIL BRAIN FROM OUTER SPACE 5 MOVIES FOR 500 SATURDAY 8 P.M. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP FREE! AUDITORIUM