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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1982)
0Vlft2atti national T/?e Bes^ Pizza In Town! Honest. Battalion/Page 12 May 6,1982 WE DELIVER 846-3412 Vietnam vet, ‘a victim of stress,’ Mr. Gatti's Pizzamat AFTER 5 P.M. — MIN. $5.00 ORDER found innocent of shooting boss United Press International MARKHAM, Ill. — A Viet- £luxe Sloped Culpepper Plaza Summer Classics Bass® takes summer comfort one step further with Sunjuns. Dependable comfort on suede- wrapped cushion insoles. Classic styles in leather or canvas. Other styles available. $31.00 to $33.00. nam veteran, who claimed the sights and sounds of his auto- factory job triggered decade-old memories of combat, was found innocent by reason of insanity in the attempted slaying of his boss. A jury deliberated for two days before returning the ver dict Tuesday in the trial of Jearl Wood, 31, who was described by defense psychiatrists as a victim of delayed stress — unable to forget the horrors of the Viet nam War and not responsible for his actions. “The most important thing that came out of the trial is the exposure of a post-traumatic stress disorder, which affects a half-million veterans,” said Pe ter Erlinder, one of Wood’s attorneys. Wood had been charged with attempted murder, aggravated battery and armed violence in the Aug. 22, 1980, shooting of his foreman, Cecil Herrel, at a Ford assembly plant. Wood still faces a June 7 psychiatric examination and hearing before a judge. During the trial, defense attorneys contended sights and sounds in the factory triggered Wood’s memories of combat and provoked the shooting. Jurors said later that the na ture of the Vietnam War itself never played a factor in deliber ations. “No doubt the shooting was terrible, but that wasn’t what we were trying to decide,’’jury fore man Leonard Harsy said. “The only issue was whether he, Jearl, was sane at the time of the shooting.” factory noises were com and not sufficient to tcj combat memories. He Wood suffered from not than normal job-related *4 In closing arguments, Lerner, an assistant Cook ty state’s attorney, said Woo VVASH?!' tentionally shot Herrel be^ n truc tli a I/-a'i ti c/»nt mmUIBE the foreman had sent him ^L.., ce are when Wood supposedly amt ian at work drunk. Dr. Gilbert Bogen, a prosecu tion psychiatrist, contended the ;o an agre company 5 Wood left the factory,v Union on his car and got a .45-calibf:B0,OOO woi tol, returned and shot Henthreatened the back, the prosecutionUPS pi about 6 mil Georgia town forced to cancel armadillo Olympics; no critters The announced ‘B2 United Press International NAHUNTA, Ga. — Nahun- ta’s annual homage to the athle tic prowess of the armadillo, re plete with events like the broad jump and 30-meter dash, has been canceled due to a shortage of contenders. The 1982 Armadillo Olym pics — a rite of spring in south east Georgia for the past three years — was to have taken place Saturday. But the armadillo Weekend population in Brantley County has dwindled, and experts say they are too rare to catch. “The armadillos could not have disappeared at a more in convenient time,” said Troy Wainright, president of the Brantley County Future Far mers of America who sponsor the event. “We have football in the fall, basketball in winter, track in the spring and the grand finale is the armadillo roundup,” Huey Ham, founder of the competi tion, said. Ham said at this time in 1981, about 20,000 of the varmints were in the county, compared to 4,000 this year. “We had some really severe weather down here for about three or four days in January,” he said. “These are tropical-type animals. They can’t handle cold weather over a long period of time. 1 guess they all froze to death.” Armadillos are relative new comers to Georgia. Ham said they have been in the area for five to six years, having mi grated north from Florida. At that time, Ham said the locals established an annual armadillo barbecue that even- DO tually evolved inti wildlif e supper— indudinjf/"* becued bear, possum, boan- ’ key, quail and shark —Hr [ X by the Armadillo Olympiad “A lot of people are realii appointed,” Ham said, united armadillos) are just so thiJ bern ^ couldn’t get them in tirae1m> s want to i an li ihem 18g^; tzer i an) fore the competition, thenK| s p 0 iitK them loose af terwards. Afe|£ nnS yi var them would die if held inaJBjbik’s cul ity for a week to 10 days." pf jr a i t h r Ham said they hope them lawyer, wa tion will be carried on againfc f)wer f u | , year, but only if the popuk j|[ a po i iti( has replenished itself. Reagan na Bern last I 1 She was Entertainment Thursday King’s English Band Friday & Saturday Reagan expected today to announce support for prayer in school Delaware ( several loc 1972, befo land. But pc also meanl I “I’m in ing from tl The wo is putting 1 li" , * t ' s ^ cube,” she The wo Lyle Lovett $ 1 25 cover $ 2 00 cover United Press Internationa] WASHINGTON —The 100- plus guests President Reagan in vited to a Rose Garden cere mony today are expecting him to fulfill a campaign promise and call for a constitutional amendment to put prayer back in public schools. Backstage 319 University Dr. (Morthgate) 846-1861 Evangelist Jerry Falwell, head of the Moral Majority, said Tuesday it was his understand ing Reagan is going to propose a constitutional amendment to authorize voluntary group prayer in public schools. According to published re ports, White House staff mem bers are drafting an amendment for the president to introduce. “We would give it our wholehearted support — as long as the key word is voluntary,” said Falwell, who is among those We wrote the book on free delivery... —' $1,150 ...and it’s been a best seller for over 20 years. The story? It begins with your phone call and ends at your door with a hot, delicious pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less. Fast, Free Delivery Store Address Phone: 000-0000 1504 Holleman, C.S 693-2335 4407 Texas, Bryan 260-9020 Off any 12 Domino’s Pizza is critically acclaimed as the #1 source for fast, free delivery. Check us out. 4-item or more pizza. One coupon per pizza. Fast, Free Delivery. Expires 5/16/82 invited to the ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer. The size of the group called into the flower-filled garden just outside the Oval Office signals the importance Reagan places on the event. Gatherings there normally are limited to a few dozen people. Reagan was outspoken dur ing his campaign against court decisions that banned prayer in public schools, and in recent appearances has again picked up that thenie. His campaign rhetoric was successful in wooing religious groups into his camp and he acted last month to deliver on another of his promises by urging Congress to approve tui tion tax credits for parents whose children attend private schools, which are often church- related. White House officials refused Tuesday to announce the names of anyone invited to the event. “He’s going to greet a bunch of invited people — interested in prayer,” said Morton Blackwell, a special assistant in the office of public liaison. cube inclu “It’s premature tosiy^ the president is going to doB.^ eyer say. In one of its most controu P . sial decisions, the Suprd Court ruled in 1962 that red '* n rr . . , _ At horn of an official state prayer motheran public school pupils is an "esti .ljij iishment of religion" forbid® , , V by the First Amendment tol T- ’ • Constitution. ^ som) In a follow-up ruling in I-J Daught the high court said statesk French-sp not reejuire students to readf an d son V ble passages or recite the Lc- imernatio Prayer at the start of eacHscll Henry, 1 day, even if individual stud: school in may be excused. “Someti The latest school prayeri whelmed tion by the court came in J® ing,” Whii ary, when the justices upfe Her col decision overturning pressed b Louisiana law that would ll some say let children start each schoolij that of at with a voluntary prayer. than a sea Reagan Proposals for sclioj t husiastic sponsored prayer have gait/ “The S new currency with the entflj ca ted que ence of a Republican majorit) c j es an d I the Senate and the so-calledr< task of gious right as a major polii factor. cargo shorts Our standard six pocket ^nort has become a classic! 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