Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1982)
Battalion Classifieds Battalion/^ May 6,1| HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT INTERURBAN EATING HOUSE is now hiring for BARTENDERS. Both day and night shifts. Skilled and qualified only, please. Apply 505 University Dr. 148t5 Babysitter needed in our home to care for 9 mo. old during day. Experience preferred. Please bring references. Call after 5:30 p.m., 693-2794. 148t4 Sales $200-300 week this summer & part- time during school. Training program. Car necessary. Call for interview (713) 367- 1833. 148t5 Bargain! 2 bedroom apartments. Almost new, $285.00, 779-3550, 696-2038, 846- 2951. 140tl4 "New Plex" 2 bedroom bath, walking dis tance TAMU, washer dryer, $425/mo. (512) 327-4722. 146t7 SUMMER STUDENT WORK FOR RENT PROGRAM V2 Apt. or Full Apt. Programs Apt. & Ranch Duties Visit Courtyard Apt. For Details Stallings Dr. at University Oaks at Hwy. 30 693-2772. ug Clerical help-Career Opportunity-Typing required-insurance and/or Financial expe rience helpful-Salary commensorate with experience, 779-0911. I48t6 Ladies clothing. CHARLI’S help needed. Apply in person, 696-9626. 148tfh 1 bedroom garage apartment $175 month, $175 deposit. Near downtown Bryan, 779- 9480. 148t4 4 spaces available in nice house near cam pus, $110/mo. 779-9219. 148t8 WANTED: Part-time cashier. Hours flex ible, three weekends/month, 20-25 hours week. Wellborn area, 693-6669 Now hiring for summer FARMER’S MAR KET BAKERY-DELI. Hours 5-10 p.m. 3 days a week no Sundays. Restaurant expe rience desired. Start $3.65/hour 2700 Texas Ave., Bryan, 779-6428. 138tfn NOW HIRING for the College Station MCDONALD’S' All Shifts Starting Salary $3 85 Apply at 801 University Drive /V\ McDonald's Nobody Can Do It Like McDonald’s Can!® i48t3 'fan* inti; Needs reliable part-time WAIT RESSES. Approximately 15-20 hours a week. Apply in person. 413 Texas Ave. i 4 7t3 CENARE ITALIAN RESTAURANT Now hiring for the summer. Part-time CASHIERS. Day WAITERS and WAITRESSES. Apply between 2-5 M-F 404 - University Dr. uattn Now hiring busboys. Apply between 2 p.m.-5 p.m. at 404 University Drive East. U4tfn Waitresses needed immediately YESTER DAY’S 4421 S. Texas Ave. 846-2625. Apply 12-4. 147t5 Summer help wanted. Full and part-time. Apply at Piper’s Gulf. Texas at Universi ty. 146t8 INTERURBAN needs HOSTESSES for day time shift Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 11:00-2:00. Please apply between 2:00-4:00, 505 University Suite 307. 125tfn Immediate opening part-time position in local radio station. On air voice and depen dability a must. 779-1587 E.O.E. 143t7 INCREDIBLE INCOME. GROUND FLOOR NO COMPETI TION. $5000 monthly. Potential details. 3440 Livingston Lane, Carrollton, Texas 75007. 14815 Now accepting applications for part-time weekend & evening shifts. Apply in person only. 100 South Texas Ave. I22tfn Schlotzsky’s Now accepting applications for full-time day and part- time evening and weekend shifts. Apply in person only. Must be 18 years old, 100 S. Texas Ave. The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently taking appli cations for newspaper route carriers for summer & fall semesters. Routes take 2\2 to 3 hours per day, with salary from 400 to 800 per month. All routes receive a gas allowance also we need solicitors for the summer & fall semester. If interested please call Julian McMur- rey 693-2323. 50tfn Electric Cowboy Now hiring WAITRESS AND HOSTESS. Full and part-time. Apply in, person. 8ttn Live one block from North- gate in a brand new apart ment. $250/month. Call 846-2726, available now. 14714 One bedroom furnished-new, two blocks from campus rent for summer or longer, $280/mo., 846-6907. 14815 Three bedroom 1 bath house in older part Bryan. CA/H $400 month, $400 deposit. 779-9480. 148t4 Summer leases 2 bedroom li/2 bath 4-pIexes, close to campus, washer/dryer in each unit. $425/mo., 693-8685. 12Itfn Yamaha ('la.ssic/Flaraenco|(i® Tom 696-9458. K 1980 Yamaha XS-1100, eittM' Call 696-6298. ! Arbor Square Apartments now leasing one ; and two bedroom furnished for summer and year round leases. 693-3701, 1700 SW Parkway. 105t48 New Fourplex. 2 bedroom IVi bath. Ap pliances. Washer/dryer. Call Jane 696- 4203. (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 118tfn 1980 Yamaha 01 Moped, tion, $330, 693-4178. 1981 Yamaha XS-400 oil| ’ $1200, call after 7:00, M# University Acres Apartments- country liv-. ing at reasonable prices. Call Jane at 696- 4203 (Joe Courtney, Inc.). 80tfn Must sell 1975 Honda TOT' tion. $450.00, Gabriel, ffltes PARKWAY APARTMENTS 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms, 2 swim ming pools, shuttle bus, laun dry facilities, security guard. 1600 Southwest Parkway, 693-6540. 39t(n SUMMER APARTMENT new two bed room furnished, fenced backyard, ceiling fans mile from campus, neat responsible girls only, 693-8040. 147t5 Mobile home for sale or rent. Two bed room, washer and dryer, peaceful location. Call Denice, 693-4204. 143t7 '75 Buick Skyhawk, goodk# needs new engine. $300ori«“ 2657. TWII cir GOL IQRIVI ) RANI Two bedroom duplex 309 Foch, $275.00. Available May 15th, 696-2985. 144t7 4-Plex For Rent! Luxury studio 4-plexes for rent, less than one year old, 2 large bedrooms, 1 ’/a bath, standard kitch en appliances including frost free refrigerator, utility room with washer and dryer. Off-street park ing on shuttle-bus route. 460 plus utilities. (Special summer rate of $440/month) 696-2595. 133120 3-C BAR-B-Q Culpepper Plaza Now Hiring DISHWASHERS, CASHIERS, HOSTESSES, SERVING-LINE WORKERS. Apply between 9-11 and 2-4. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. FULL OR PART TIME *Day Shift "Night shift (til 10 p.m.) "Weekends "Flexible hours to fit your schedule "Rapid advancement "Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. * 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 190tfn PART-TIME HELP WANTED. Grapevine personality. 696 3411. E.O.E. 107tfn DOMESTIC SERVICES TEAM CLEANING Homes & Offices Flexible Hours $085 Starting Salary plus travel allowance 693-1954 Start your summer job now mak ing between $3.75 and $5.00 per hour plus as much as $26.00 per week travel. Call HOME CARE SERVICES at 846-7759. If you have phone, transportation & wil lingness to work hard. 128tfn College Students earn big money this summer in the B/CS area. Our company has openings for 8 full and 6 part-time students from Ap ril 22 thru August 30th. For Service, Sales, Deliveries and Ad vertising work. Our lowest paid student earned $921.00 per month last summer plus bonuses and incentives. Car helpful. Apply | in person at ELECTROLUX 2707 S. College, Bryan, Texas between 8:30-9:30 a.m. only Tuesday-Saturday. 140(16 redstone apartments 2 Bdrm. 1 Ba. 4 plexes W/D conn, unfurn. Summer rates. Preleasing for fall. Special 12 mo. discount starting at $325. 696-1848 CASA BLANCA 4110 College Main 12 Month Special 2 students-2 bdrms. & 285/mo. UNFURN. $335/mo. FURN. 846-1413. Honda CB350 1976 askintjH able. Call 260-6795 in alt | 7:30 p.m. * Must sell 1976 HondaCKi $600. 260-0990. Ask for ll/ 35 mm Koniea camera, © 'I 115!) » Hrs Sui — if Eas Sofa and love seat, J5 a’Aervlr center, $20. 10 point diamond, free seta Aggie ring, $115, 260-SkI j ’76 Mercury Cougar XRI tion, full power, AM/FMqJ I loaded 67000 miles, must 1096. I R( SUMMER DISCOUNT AVAILABLE Three Bedroom 2 bath 4-plex w/all appliances washer/dryer furnish ed. Close to TAMU and Post Oak Mall. $475/mth. 775-5757. 136(17 ATTENTION Gllu ^Mexican dresses tail : Female Ronth. V $46-9001 i- Female i ^rcolors only. $25.00.1 ^693-4002 after SflwLg "4Corder. „ •' ^ ^ v. •Bummer 'laundry 1981 VW Rabbit, A/C, 4ip{jjjjB3-228l stereo cassette, tinted glas Positions available as a camp leader/instructor with the Houston Independent School District’s Out door Education Center on Lake Livingston. A natural opportunity for those wanting to work with chil dren in an outdoor setting. Inter view will be Thursday, May 6 at the university placement center in Rudder Hall. 131120 FOR RENT U-Lock-It storages Hwy. 6 South. Call 693- 2339 between 8 a.m.-6 p.m. 149t5 2 bedroom house on Vi acre lot with fenced backyard. Access to pool located in Well born. Call 693-2339 between 8 a.m.-6 p.m. 149t5 11* Free May rent. If you sublease till August. One bedroom furnished apartment w/yard, A/C, no pets, $220/mo., 846-9022. 149t5 Male dancers needed for inter view, call 693-2818 or 696-0004. ■ - 46ttn! —— ’-rr DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and" future Houston post routes. Early, morning hours. Papers rolled by (machine. $200-$750/mqnth. i - 846-2911 696-8032 24tf " H House for summer quiet near campus. Graduate couple preferred, 846-0454.147t7 New apartments that offer total freedom from the sterotyped apartment lifestyle previously available. • 2 & 3 bedroom units with 2 baths • Excellent location, close to A&M and on the Shuttle Bus route • Hot tub, swimming pool, and clubhouse with fireplace • Security systems composed of professional patrol service, dead bolts, prewiring for optional alarm systems and well-lighted parking and common areas • Balconies or private patios on each unit • Professionally landscaped and maintained • Beautiful Austin Stone exteriors • Frost-free refrigerator • Continuous-cleaning oven • Dishwasher and disposal • Walk-in pantry with washer and dryer connections • Washateria and controlled playground • Parking for over two cars per unit NOW PRE-LEASING FOR FALL. PARKWAY CIRCLE apartments 401 Southwest Parkway • 696-6909 13 , FOR SALE |J- ^—UJ11U -UILI Jimm III mi I ATTENTION AGGIES . 4 Drwr Chests 44.95 5 Diwr Chests 54.95 I Student Desks 79.95 S PC. Dining Set 79.95 Sola Sleeper 235.00 Sola & Chair Sets 149.95 Recliners 99.95 | 3 PC. Coflee/end Table 69.95 ' Twin Mat Sets 79 95 Full Mat Sets 89.95 Bed Frames 15.00 TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Maria 822-5929 95ttn 37 Highway, 27 city, Riml$ ee(1 fen 3421. 2 lath co 3/mo. ] 1978 Datsun 200SX, greil regular, 693-7994. 1170CC Kawasaki trick 4 .ampus. $2000 firm, 779-6785. 3700' Bell Tour Star motorcycltrfeCraduati Sanyo AM/FM portable cwtf^Houston brand new, $85 each, 84M4 1979 Kawasaki KZ650 5700 perfect condition, 260-2401,' WANTED WANTED: The Uncommon your gold, silver & class ri prices paid. 775-3760 3219Is! : Typing- able rate CASH FOR OLD) Class rings, wedding nags, 1 jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond f Town & Country Shown;; pall Catl ivord pro 7P1NG 3731 E. 29th StJ 846-4708 typing! 1 THE D 8755. YPINC LWORD- SPECIAL NOT i.dissertati 1910. free Gfi p257, 84! typing kinds, 82 Izods 100% cotton shirts retail $26.00 on sale $22.00 at Greyhound Parking Lot. May 8, 1:00-6:00 p.m. 149t2 Subaru 1977 DL, A/C, radio, good tires, good condition, 30MPG/Hwy., $2685.149t3 TRS80 MICROCOMPUTER, level 2, 48K, 2 disk drives, U/L case, CPM, new- dos80, with IBM selectric. Also TI59. Call Syd 693-2835 evenings. 149t3 1980 Yamaha XT500, $1200, 846-7802.14912 Earn $290 a month just by working two nights (5 pm-2 am) a week, (more hours available) at Der Wien- erschnitzel. Apply in Person 501 S. Texas Ave. Bryan between 9:30am-11am weekdays. " Livingston furniture and desk. Best offer by Saturday 5-8, 696-6474. 14912 >y d®818 SUMMER AND FALL Designed specially lor students •1 Bdrm and 2 Bdrm with 2 Full Baths •Kitchen appliances •Carpets and drapes •All electric •Swimming pool •Laundry room •Cable TV hook-ups SPECIAL RATES FOR SUMMER AND 12-MONTH (Also 9-mth leases available.) For Leasing Information Call: Scott Zetak 693-8850 Evenings 693-8345 D.R. CAIN RENTAL PROPERTIES 141,,n 1980 Suzuki GS450L, like new, low miles, fairing extras, 260-4201. 14913 Hospital bed complete with side rails, mattress, trapeze bar, like new! $300.00, 846-6659. 14915 SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTIO GRADUAT1 SENIORS I Typing ( 822-054. IF YOU HAVE DERED A 1982 A LAND AND WILLi BE ATTENDING NEXT FALL AND* . TO HAVE IT MAILE: | R C YOU, PLEASE SI0 : | /j THE STUDENTf | , LIGATIONS OFFI | oodg, ROOM 216 MCDONALD BLDG. 1 PAY A $3.50 MAlip FEE ALONG YOUR FORWARC ADDRESS SO Y(f AGGIELAND CAlif' MAILED TO YOU* FALL WHEN THEY: RIVE. 'All kin als, di on oi Fast s Busin GRAHAM CENTRAL STATION Hires The Best e Waitresses e Bartenders • Bar Backs e Door Personnel Good Pay, Excellent Working Conditions. Neat and Willing to Work. Ap ply in person. 140110 1600B South College DELIVERY Part-Time • Pianos/Organs • ( + ) 7.50 hourly • Average 75.00 weekly • Mileage for your truck • Flexible hours For appointment 764-0006 KEyboARd Center Inc. POST OAK MALL College Station, TX 77840 148tln FOUR-FLEXES NEW IN SOUTHWOOD VALLEY CALL FOR INSPECTION •All Electric •Wallpaper, carpet •Water Bill Paid •Washer/Dryer connections ►Professionally Decorated 2 Bdrm. 1 Bath 949 sq. ft. S 425 unt. $200 DEPOSIT Mon-Sat 693-8850 Evenings 693-8345 D.R. CAIN RENTAL PROPERTIES 3002 South Texas College Station 2 Bdrm. IVfc Bath 1070 sq. ft. S 460 unt. $200 DEPOSIT MW ATTENTION SUMMER AND VET. MED. GRADUATES OF TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Subleas< hvo bee 8335. Begin ordering your announcements/invilatic Monday, May 3, 1982 Summei hath f u pliances to camp Barcelor two bee for sunn 693-026: (Before the break — especially you who will not lx campus the first session) 2BF| partrr Ldry patio, minui A nil $450 1242 2 b e , plian necti on i 696- ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO-ORDER YOltf GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS Room 217. MSC 8:00 AM-4.00 PM MONDAY — FRIDAY MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER LAST DAY TO ORDER — JUNE 11, 1982