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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1982)
lion/Page 2 '18, 1982 local Battalion/Page 3 April 8, 1982 v 's clearly m a$ej v <Hers’ prefer^ ()ll Ri'essionalel vllt ‘n the hopei end wiihilid either, a Wail 10,1 gave theDfl ' ;|( 1 nationallv.' had Folklore beliefs cause medical differences widened translates nit Sen nt's e (’OP faces mipromise u • ln Reagan’s J ! ‘ n ’e been deteii ) l ) as the reces ai public conftl nistration and 'o be a Rep; “ss as well, by Chris Hunley Battalion Reporter The difference between merican medical practices and those practices of other puntries is folklore beliefs, a [cholar from the University of ialifornia at Los Angeles said Wednesday. Dr. Wayland D. Hand said vat in some European and sian countries the powers of a shaman, a person similar to an American Indian medicine •'man, are believed to be heal ing. He said the shaman is be lieved to be the only one in communication with the gods. Hand discussed Indian medicine men, faith healers and herb medicine as a part of folklore and its relationship to American and European medicine during a graduate lecture. Some Indians believe the powers of healing inherent in medicine men are passed on through sons and the powers cannot be picked up by any one else. Twins are particular ly favored as healers, especial ly when there is a twin whose sibling has died. In other Indian tribes, it is believed deformed children or children with strange markings are healers. Cultures that believe. in faith healing believe this pow er is a gift given to deserving people, he said. They also be lieve because it is a gift from a god, it should be given freely, where as in other medical practices, the medicine men are paid by either money or barter. Hand is emeritus professor of German and folklore at UCLA and was the first American to win the Giuseppi Pitre International Folklore Prize. He has chaired the UCLA Conference on Amer ican Folk Medicine and has served as president of the American Folklore Society and the California Folklore Society. Hand is on the Board of Trustees of the American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress and has served as chairman of the board. In 1972, he is Knight First Class of the Order of the Lion of Finland. id the envira e miles inaJ ■t e serious tali in NovemW is whether iIk iiken k showed RepB lion in their.bT" '"‘‘i 01 ' S5Ut ' Dr. Melvin Friedman, a Texas ■itional defer AkM geology professor, will e inflation Ini take over as the associate dean of some justifia Mioscienqes effective Sept. 1. n to be worltklThe Texas A&M University Sys- , And whenil ftern Board of Regents’ selection was announced March 31. ■ Friedman, a faculty member for 15 years, has served as dire- Upr of both the University’s Center for Tectonophysics and Earth Resources Institute, the point th housed in the College of Geosci- ie-duck Presi ences. ■ In addition, he coordinated activities of the Undergraduate Fellows phase of the University’s Program for seven Bars. Undergraduate Fellows, who must by definition be • among the top scholars at Texas A&M, may receive six credit Stirs for supervised research during their senior year. [The appointment of Fried- m, a graduate of Rutgers and Ice Universities, fills a vacancy t by the resignation of Associ ate Dean John Handin, who has ^assumed part-time teaching and research duties. Campus Names Texas A&M Professor John E. Flipse, a pioneer in the develop ment of deep-sea mining tech nology, has been elected to the National Academy of En gineering. Flipse’s election to the presti gious academy by his peers is the highest professional honor that can be given to an engineer and recognizes * his outstanding leadership in marine mineral re source exploration, research and development. A professor of civil and ocean engineering since 1978, Flipse is the former president of Deepsea Ventures, a private firm which was instrumental in developing the technology to gather miner al-laden nodules from the bot tom of the Pacific Ocean. The firm uses a giant vacuum-like device to lift manganese, iron, copper and cobalt ore from the ocean floor. A 33-year-old Texas A&M building construction major is the first woman to receive a $5,000 graduate scholarship ,ocal donations being taken or Paris tornado victims Donations of food, clothing, Brniture and money to help the ■friado victims in Paris, Texas, ^■11 be accepted from 8 a.m. to 8 ^■m. today and Friday at the Mjeutral Baptist Church of ^■•yan on 600 South Coulter. ■ Local radio station W LAW is Sponsoring the drive and will send three trucks to Paris Satur day morning to deliver the col lected items. The town of 25,000, 90 miles northeast of Dallas, was devas tated Friday by a tornado. Eight people died and damage esti mates range from $35 million to $50 million. City officials have filed for federal disaster relief aid. The Salvation Army has more than 330 volunteers in Paris to help the tornado vic tims. A spokesman for the Salva tion Army said the most needed items are cash, clothing, infant supplies, canned goods, bed ding, cooking utensils and furni ture. Aggieland Stage Race Sim., April 11 11 a.m. Texas A&M Campus See Bicycle Racing at its Best Sunday, start ing in front of the Animal Pavilion on Spence Street. This race is sanctioned by the Texas A&M Cy cling Team Sponsored by Lowenbrau and The United Way. All Proceeds Will Be Donated To the United Way. during -, r holiday ^reSld-W', .per full ^□titled e* 1 = dispatch -other mat 0 UNITED WAY 60 winners in photo contest Salon ’82 ‘big success’ by Pam Baldwin Battalion Reporter More than 60 people walked away with honors from this year’s spring photo contest, the chairman of the contest said. Salon ’82 — sponsored by the MSC Camera Committee — was a big success, with more than 200 students entering photos, Jimmy Jones said. Students from Texas A&M University, the University of Texas, East Texas State Univer sity and Odessa College partici pated in the contest. Scientist to discuss big-bang theory from the Associated General Contrators Education and Re search Foundation. Janet M. Townes, of Grena da, Miss., received the Saul Horowitz Jr. Memorial Gradu ate Award from the Washing ton-based non-profit organiza tion committed to improving construction through research and educational development programs. One of only two win ners of the graduate scholarship this year, Townes plans to pur sue a master’s degree in con struction management at Texas A&M next year. The presentations were made at the organization’s annual meeting in Houston in March and were among $130,000 in scholarships — the largest scho larship commitment — awarded by the foundation. Also during the convention, H.C. Heldenfels, a Corpus Christi contractor, was installed as president of the Associated General Contractors of Amer- by Charlotte Boyd Battalion Reporter Dr. David N. Scnramm, pro fessor at the University of Chica go, will speak tonight on “The Origin of the Universe — The Big-Bang” at 8 p.m. in 301 Rud der Tower. Schramm, a theoretical astrophysicist, will try to explain the cosmological theories of the universes’ origins. A massive explosion, refer red to as the big-bang theory, attempts to explain the existence of all galaxies and planets associ ated with the universe, said Dr. R. E. Tribble, Head of the Phy sics Department. The big-bang theory explains how the universe began from a bundle of energy and ex panded, Tribble said. The ener gy began cooling off, he said, and formed many different types of matter in the cooling stages. The big bang represents ex pansion of a tight bundle of energy into planets, particles and matter, he said. The explosion is dated be tween 8 and 13 million years ago. The original temperature of the universe was as high as 10 billion degrees and the original composition was pure hyd rogen. In the beginning stages of expansion, some of the hyd rogen was converted into helium by fusion. Hydrogen and helium in the oldest stars is being used as a test of the big- bang theory. Schramm’s speech is spon sored by the University Lecture Series. The best of show grand prize was awarded to Steve Wilson, from East Texas State Universi ty. Two other Fast Texas stu dents received the next highest honors. Greg Kopriva was awarded best of show color and Brian Coates received best of show black and white. Roberto Degaspera, of Texas A&M, took the second place best of show color, and Steve Bovee, from Odessa College, took second place best of show black and white. The grand prize was a Braun 2000 side-mounted strobe, which is a professional level flash for cameras. Other prizes included a free 11 x 14 photo enlargement by Kodak, an Ilford XP-1 black and white photo processing kit and $50 cash prizes. Preliminary judging took place Saturday. The photos were graded on a point system, ranging from zero to 100. The photos were judged on subject matter, composition, tone quality, and contrast. The photos are displayed in the art gallery in the Memorial Student Center. Now You Know United Press International A shower requires about half as much hot water as a bath. r * A':;:.'' SPECIAL SHOWING by Caroline Large Stock Tues. April 13 Weds. April 14 Thurs. April 15 Wide Selection 1 P.M.-8 P.M. 10 A.M.-8 P.M. 10 A.M.-8 P.M. Holiday Inn of College Station 1503 S. Texas Ave. — Suite 100 693-1736 — Ext. 100 Y’ALL COME B reak lunchtime boredom with an old-fashioned BREAK AT SWENSEN’S. Our menu is full of old-fashioned lunchtime delights that are a break from the usual. And our special coupons give you another break. So when it’s time for lunch, make the break to Swensen’s. Your wallet will appreciate it as much as you will. America's favorite old-fashioned ice cream parlor. 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