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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1982)
state Battalion/Page 5 March 30, 1982 """ Warped By Scott McCullar OflE OF LAST WEEK'S £V£/VT5: BKIGHT PLAYS SO/^E y^ORE H/TH HIS AjM BOARD GA/AE... MOVE 1 SPACE-, FIRE. AV OFFICIAL, m3 SPACES, HIRE A COACH--) THE REGEHTS CONSIDER THE PROPOSAL THAT WOULD PUT THE HILTOH RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROtA THE /VEWLY RENOVATED RA/AAPA INN. THIS WOULD G/VE GUESTS //V EACH HOTEL A WONDERFUL VIEW OF 3 GAS STATIONS AND EACH OTHER. THEY THEN -DECIDE TO TRY FOR AN /NOUSTRIAL PARK AT AiN. SURPR\SLyCOLLE&E STATION CITT PLANNERS. CfAATBE IT'LL HAVE AN ASTROLIFT RIDE AND SEVERAL LOG FLUKES Too) AND THEN, AFTER THEIR ALETlN^ THE REGENTS LEAVE THEIR CONFERENCE ROOK IN THEIR USUAL FASHIOAJ. f (puff, puff,) ( NO COMMENT. Court refuses to halt redistricting plan )U(M) lorn- :ls to mill- lia|>- used Held Career women suffering Stress linked to jaw ache enii)d ) revii teiisii lie i;t Hell li Imnijj ing. ii .ue sm United Press International PHILADELPHIA — Dental urgeons say that at least 10 mil- ion Americans — most com monly career women — suffer torn a stress disorder of the jaw Joint that can cause many physic- il problems. Eight hundred doctors at a veekend convention of the American Association of Oral md Maxillofacial Surgeons con- luded that clenching of the eeth can overload the joint, his can cause headaches, an in- ibility to open and close the nouth properly, painful click- ng, locking of jaws and ringing n the ears. The joint is known clinically as the temporomandibular joint and it moves each time the jaw moves. “The hyperactivity of the jaw muscle is related to stress,” said conference moderator Dr. M. Franklin Dolwick, an associate professor and coordinator of re search at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Texas Health Science Center. “Some people react to stress with ulcers or high blood press ure and some grind their teeth. “The constant clenching of the jaw causes fatigue of the muscle that can cause tension headaches over the temples. In the long term it can cause dis ease in the muscle, degenerative joint disease or disk displace ment.” Dolwick said 5 percent of the population suffer from TMJ disorders that need medical attention. A profile of TMJ sufferers shows that they are usually women, 20 to 40 years old, who are competitive, upper-middle class, have trouble coping with stress and are self-reliant. The doctors said they have also noted a marked upswing among career women with TMJ symp toms. TMJ symptoms can be headaches, facial pain, locked jaws and ringing in the ears. “Depending upon the cause and severity of the problem, treatment can be medication, re laxation therapy or surgery.” Dolwick said new technology has helped greatly in diagnosing TMJ problems. One device can be used to re cord muscle contractions of the jaw that correlate with specific occurrences such as the appear ance of a feared boss. He said pinpointing the cause of tension is vital to avoid surgery and stress control prog rams can teach patients to relax jaw muscles through biofeed back and special exercises. United Press International AUSTIN — The U.S. Sup reme Court Monday denied a request that it halt implementa tion of a court-ordered redis tricting plan for Texas House and Senate seats and delay the May primary and November general election. Without comment, the jus tices turned down the request made by the Associated Republi cans of Texas, an Austin-based group challenging the constitu tionality of legislative redistrict ing plans drawn by the three- judge federal panel. ART had hoped to halt im plementation of the plans at least until its appeal on the merits of the case was heard by the court. Patricia Hill, a Dallas attorney representing ART, said the appeal of the case could still be heard, but that it appeared elec- drawn by the Legislative Redis- tions would be held under the plan handed down by the judges. The districts drawn by the federal panel are similar to those tricting Board, hut later invali dated by the U.S. J ustice Depart ment under the Voting Rights Act. Judge denies money owed plaintiff influenced decision & m -TIPvi •e lUIK' s \va iMmJ u iik'l ol tl* United Press International DALLAS — A state district dge, accused of conflict of in rest after ruling in favor of a usinessman to whom he owed 42,000, says his f inancial obli- ition did not influence his deci- on in the civil suit. JudgeJoe B. Burnett last year anted Dallas insurance mil- snaire John Abdnor a perma- ent injunction against District I Attorney Henry Wade, June 3, es wa 981 — prohibiting the district letvin ,tor ney from seeking the sychiatric records of Abdnor’s • iiem [,n ’"’ho was charged with mur- W i er and planned a defense of assd 1san 'D- radi" Abdnor’s son was convicted murder and sentenced to life ^prisonment last October. I he Dallas Morning News re tried Sunday that while Bur- was acting as judge in the t'vsuit, Abdnor’s company was ll*4 <,ldin g nine overdue notes >|)|k rRned by Burnett. Burnett said he did not con fer his financial obligation to bdnor a conflict of interest, °r did he let it influence his ‘jjfg Iki J I don’t think it was a problem I uJ ro "i either of the litigants' J^ndpoint," Burnett said. iS(i iJ Although looking back, I manf lou ld have (disqualified) mv- s Judges have human frailties = st like anybody else. I made = he (mistake) by letting Abdnor jE ,e lp me financially. But it’s done S n( J I can’t do anything about it.” E However, Wade, who said he 5 ,as unaware of the debt Burnett S Abdnor until recently, j§ 1K ^ the circumstances reinforce S belief that Burnett was S as ed in his ruling. S There's no question there is S ^°nfliaof interest if you hear a S ^ involving a close associate S F Personal friend.” Wade said. E Code of Judicial Conduct states that a judge should withdraw from a case in which the judge has a financial interest in the subject matter in controversy or in a party to the proceeding. Burnett excused himself from the case in February. Burnett said he borrowed $28,000 from Abdnor’s insur ance company and allowed Abdnor to co-sign two bank loans in 1974 when he was re establishing his law practice af ter losing an election. Abdnor paid the $ 14,461 balance on one of the bank loans he had co signed after Burnett defaulted. Abdnor noted that the loans were made when Burnett was off the bench. schulmaWS THEATRES 775- 2468 2002 E. 29th- 775 2463 7:25 S:25 ROBSN HOOD Walt Disney 7:35* 9:55 “ * * *' ON GOLDEN ^ w. POND AJ umber One Picture ol fheY ear’’ 7:30 9:35 GREAT WHITE James Franciscus 7:20 9:40 ARTHUR Dudley Moore/Liza Minelli 1 RICHARD PRYOR Live On The Sunsei Strip 7:20 9:40 RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK one potato, COUPON 25C off any entree coupon. | two potato. ° ood tl " Apr " 30 102 Church St. College Station 846-0720 Each Bite an EDUCATION in NUTRITION “O O 7 Days ■ Week 11 a.m.-IO p m. AH our potaotes are Ph. 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