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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1982)
Ktiil^tncr on ;d an a” »—•- ' ! Vit=>m in that wav h ^r~r~i 11 I Page 6 Yell BR'.h;) leaders le \ | I n I & Juniors compete for rookie positions Todd Kronshage accounting Spring “Stand united, that’s the Aggie theme. We’re the twelfth man on the team.” To preserve the unity of the twelfth man, is a yell leader’s ma jor goal. Being a motivated per son and willing to give that 110 percent, 1 feel that I could be a contributing factor in achieving this goal. I am an active member of the Corp of Cadets, but above all, a member of the Aggie fami ly. A family who is bound by the powerful “Spirit of Aggieland.” Jeff Crofton industrial distribution Tyler Ever since I came to Texas A&M I have had a strong desire to be a yell leader, and I feel that I possess the quafctte* required of a yell leader to represent our University and uphold the Uni-; versity’s standards of pride, spir it and traditions. Presently, I am a sub chairman for the upcoming Fish Camp ‘82. I believe this respon sibility will be a great asset to me if I am chosen as junior yell lead er. I am a member of the Corps of Cadets and an active member in the Corps public relations committee, Class of ’84 council, and First Baptist Church, Col lege Station. 1 feel that these positions have prepared me for the task of representing you, the student body, as junior yell leader. I seek the position of junior yell leader because, as I stated above, I have a desire to work with other people and to repre sent you. Being in the Corps, I have had the opportunity to view past yell leaders on a regu lar basis. I have seen the tremen dous schedule demanded of them, and I am prepared to give all the time necessary to do my job well. As your candidate for junior yell leader, I will represent you not only at football and basket ball games, but also at University functions and special events. I believe the key to being a good student leader is that he shows consideration and courtesy to all and that he maintains a good attitude at all times. I intend to uphold the pride and spirit of this University as junior yell leader and I would appreciate your vote on March 30-31. Joey Garrett building construction Houston I’m a sophomore member of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets. I feel my qualifications for a yell leader position include my enor mous pride and knowledge of Texas A&M’s heritage and tra ditions; my personality, which enables me to associate and to work well with others; and my leadership ability gained from the Corps of Cadets. I feel a yell leader should be a leader on and off campus by set ting examples through his ac tions. In my eyes, the yell leaders this year have done an outstand ing job by cleaning up the yell practices and promoting Aggie spirit. The Aggie spirit is the thing that drives our athletic teams to win, but it is also what strengthens the unique friend ship among Aggie students. It is my hope that I will be elected junior yell leader so that I may be an organizing part of the spirit of the Twelfth Man. Chris Gribble petroleum engineering Dallas Howdy Ags! It’s election time again, and that means it’s time to start considering exactly how you, the student, want your Uni versity to be represented. I say this mainly because it really is your choice. You are responsible for the people who are elected to office. It’s your vote. I would challenge you to meet as many candidates as possible, so you can get a broad spectrum of who you want to represent you in each facet of this great Univer sity. I am running for yell leader. I consider this to be one of the most honorable positions attain able on campus. A yell leader conveys a sense of spirit for the entire student body. I am ex tremely enthusiastic about the prospect of representing you at Texas A&M or away. I have nev er before held an of fice at this University, so I guess my qualifi cations are limited in that re spect. However, my enthusiasm is in no way limited, and I believe that enthusiasm is a prime -re quisite for the position which I seek. I know a considerable amount about Texas A&M Uni versity, past and present, and would love for everyone to share in such knowledge. No other university on earth has as much Mark Edwards leader Kevin Goodwin retary Rick Lanicek — president Judith Marcotte dent for student services John Zylks — Class of ‘85 presi dent. No students filed for graduate student council positions. - junior ) — OCA sec- Class of 84 vice presi- heritage as does A&M, and one should not pass up the oppor tunity to become involved in it. Finally, I would welcome the opportunity to get to know you. My goal is to talk with as many people as possible so that you can get to know me, and make your choice from there. If I cannot talk with you personally, lace to face, then I would urge you to call me. and we can chat. My belief is that if you know all about me — my personality, motivations, etc. — then you can make your choice based on fact, not notion. I wish the best of luck to all other can didates, and extend my invita tion to you also. May the best men win! Ernest Lizcano en vironmen tal design Houston At the present moment I do not hold a leadership position. However, 1 was chairman of an MSC committee. The committee was the Committee for the Awareness of the Mexican American Culture. In the past 1 have participated in the Fresh man Drill Team. I am also a member of the Corps of Cadets and hold two positions there. I am an Assistant Squad Leader and I am the Operations Cor poral. Another organization that I am a member of is the Rudder Ranger Company. My reasons for applying for the position of yell leader are several. To begin with, I would like to say that Texas A&M is a proud University with many famed traditions. I enjoy this University and all that it has to offer. I certainly clo not intend to let an opportunity such as this one pass me by. I want to experi ence as much as I can f rom all of the Aggie traditions. 1 also enjoy motivating people and seeing them united and cheering for a common cause. I have never had am experi ence as a yell leader so 1 am not familiar with the inside charac teristics of being a veil leader. However. 1 do know that the job a veil leader performs is a verv important one. A yell leader is by all sembl ance a representative of Texas A&M University and helj/s not only to motivate others behind a comon cause, but also helj/s others to enjoy a good football or basketball game and forget their troubles for a while. Yell leaders should inspire others, abide by traditions and helj) others become more joyful by exemplif ying cheerfulness and exuberance. Steve Lovelace biomedical science San Antonio The role of yell leader is one that places great responsibility upon the person in that role. He has to rejnesent the University at all sports functions, and bis actions reflect upon Texas A&M. I believe that I am capable of undertaking the responsibil ity and duties inherent in beinga yell leader. 1 have the dedication necessary to devote as much time as needed to the position. Besides the responsibility and dedication, a yell leader must have great pride and love for Texas A&M. I feel that I have the Spirit of Aggieland and I hope to be able to demonstrate it as yell leader. I believe that no other university can compare with Texas A&M in spirit, friendliness, and tradition. The traditions of this University are one of its main foundations, and as yell leader I would also like to encourage more Aggies to parti cipate in our traditions so that they will actually become stron ger in future years. My final reason for desiring to be yell leader is that I wish to represent Texas A&M and its student body in the best jjossible way. If I can just imj/ress one person enough so that he thinks of Aggieland when the subject of quality universities is discus sed, if I can just convince an un decided high school student that T exas A&M is the place for him. and if 1 can make just a small contribution to the Aggie Spirit, then I would consider my time as yell leader to be highlv suc cessful.