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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1982)
Texas A&M The Battalion Sports March 29, 1982 Page 9 herrill ready for start of spring football drills iy Frank L. Christlieb practice every clay. We ll spend a ball is just an added plus to see if we can adapt to the all the support you can. I think if what their need by Frank L. Christlieb Sports Editor I Jackie Sherrill has his team’s ring workouts planned to per son. I Every aspect of the Texas s' spring training drills, ich begin Tuesday afternoon |6, has been mapped out as if t of the elaborate scheme of a iterful strategist. I But 20 days of spring training the Texas A&M football i will be work and nothing for Sherrill, his new assis ts and the football squad. Texas A&M coach and liletic director says he can’t (jit to get a first glimpse of his ' team. “I’m really anxious to get Ijrted,” he said. “I’m kind of kcited about seeing the players erform in pads to see if they hve enough to adapt to what ere going to try to do with iem. I “They’ve been in an off- on program consisting of lie weight training and the run- ling program, which was open [tall students. It was like an en hance (program). “There are four phases,” herrill said. “One is that you ant your off-season program i be tougher than the spring hd the spring tougher than the 1 practice and your fall prac- Ice tougher than the season. \ think an asset I ha ve is be able to relate to [layers and get to know tem and to get their inCidence. They’re |ere for a lot of reasons her than to play foot- and if everything jse around them is in per, and it’s suppor- reand they’re... doing le things that a college udent is supposed to hjoyand do, then play- Ig football is just an pded plus to them. ” — forrill. Jackie Sherrill ties, will end the 20-drill period- Among those scheduled to attend the game are New Orleans Saints coach O.A. “Bum” Phillips and Alabama coach Paul “Bear” Bryant, as well as former Texas A&M athletes Charlie Krueger, Ed Hargett, Pat Thomas, Curtis Dickey, Lester Hayes, Mike Mosley and Ed Simonini. Sherrill describes his team’s spring training as a time find out how much the team can prog ress and adapt to the new system he and his assistants have brought to Texas A&M. “We’ll start (each workout) with punting for 10 minutes,” he said, “then we’ll go through flex and stretch. We’ll go through approximately 40 minutes of technique, then 30 minutes of what we call ‘outside,’ which is the offensive backs and receiv ers throwing the ball against the defensive linebackers and backs. “We’ll go into team (drills) for 20 or 30 minutes, and then we ll go into goal-line (defense) for 10 minutes. That’ll be a standard practice every day. We’ll spend a lot of time on techniques and a lot of time on the offensive line and pass protection. “Probably the biggest part of spring training will be how much the players can adapt and how much the offensive line can adapt and progress ... how much they can understand and master their techniques,” Sherrill said. Sherrill said that after watch ing films of the 1981 Aggies, he’s been most impressed with quar terback Gary Kubiak, as well as receivers Don Jones, Mark Lewis, Jimmy l eal and Jimmie Williams. Texas A&M returns a solid base upon which to build the 1982 team, including nine offensive starters, eight defen sive starters and 50 lettermen. However, Sherrill says, he won’t rely on returning experience to win a Southwest Conference championship next season. “If it’s a young team and you’re 11-1, then that’s one thing,” he said. “If it’s a young team and you’re 6-5, then that’s something else.” “Having the returning star ters is good if they were 12-0, but they were 6-5. That’s like saying you’ve got a great house, but it doesn’t have any air condition ing, it doesn't have a shower and it doesn’t have water.” Sherrill says that, in the midst of the hectic schedule during his first 10 . weeks here, he’s had plenty of time to get to know his players. “I think an asset I have is to be able to relate to players and get to know them ... and to get their confidence,” he said. “They're here for a lot -of reasons other than to play football, and if ev erything else around them is in order, and it’s supportive and they’re ... doing the things that a college student is supposed to enjoy and do, then playing fbot- ust like Tuesday’s practice had :tter be tougher than a game or ou’re in trouble.” Slatting Tuesday, the Aggies 1 practice in full gear for four iys a week during the next Five kteks. An alumni game May 1 at |p.m., featuring several former lexas A&M football players and professional football personali- Beginners', Advanced & Super'Advanced Country-Western Dance Classes! Beginners start April 2 Advanced starts April 8 Super Advanced April 6 $12 Person c; 693-8215 693-4236 822-2222 Classes taught at Texas Hall of Fame — Stay and dance free after class! cp'-' io*' Your feet are going to love what's going on in here! Feet don’t like to wear shoes But they love RocSports ecause RocSports have a Walk Support System that gives your heel and arch perfect support. As well as a genuine Vibram ^ sole that rolls forward as your feet step forward And RocSports are extraordinarily light o you don t have to lug around , any excess weignt Put your teet into RocSports. They Jfe. \ may never want to wear another ball is just an added plus to them. “Football is tough, and if all the other things are falling on them, football’s a lot tougher. You try not to let that happen. That’s why you try to get to know each one of them. If you “Probably the biggest part of spring training will be how much the players can adapt and how much the offensive line can adapt and prog ress ... how much they can understand and master their techni ques.” — Texas A&M football coach and athletic director Jackie Sherrill. get to know them and relate to them, then it helps you under stand them. “I’m really impressed with the attitudes of the players,” Sherrill said. “We asked them to come back early off their semester break, and we did it for two reasons. One is that I wanted to make sure that they were back going to class at 8 that (Monday) morning. The other reason was that I wanted to see how much self-discipline they have. It’s really just testing them more than anything else.” Sherrill said he hopes to effec tively use the talents of Kubiak and running backs Johnny Hec tor and Earnest Jackson. “We’ll run the ball and add the throwing to it,” he said. “That’s what we’re kind of ex cited about. “I’m increasingly impressed with the skill people. We don’t have an overabundance of them, but I’m impressed with the defensive people. Our offensive linemen have great attitudes, but we need more size. “The spring will be a time to see if we can adapt to the changes we’d like to make and if the players have the ability to make them,” Sherrill said. And who wouldn’t under stand Sherrill’s straight and sim ple coaching philosophy? “When you’re on the field, you’re there to work,” he said. “You enjoy yourself, but it’s full speed, you don’t hold back and you get after it. “The only time you raise your voice is when you have to. Hope fully, you don’t have to raise your voice very much. I think it’s important that you, as a head coach, do your job before you get on the field, which means that everybody knows what they’re doing and they’re aware of it. “You turn your coaches loose,” Sherrill said, “and you let them coach. If things need to be corrected, you correct them and go about your business.” Football, however, hasn’t been Sherrill’s only concern during the past two and a half months. The former Pittsburgh coach has been tending to his duties as athletic director by looking into the Athletic Depart ment’s immediate needs and possible improvements. “You want to sit back and analyze the situation and help everybody that you can,” Sher rill said. “You want to give them all the support you can. I think if what their needs are, then you you do that and sit hack and see See SHERRILL page 12 SCHMALTZ’S 2 FOR 1! Any Two Sandwiches For The Price of One! 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