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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1982)
national Battalion/Page 13 February 19, 1982 Weather halts rescue attempt ;dit i the West the Soii currency ly. ■ ’ Soviet by bam rtain “noi >ducts in 'mobiles, q provide ovieteai St, but tilt! | rt the Soty f iv real ecoj irnt M Rippling rifles photo by Rose Delano embers of the Ross Volunteers practice the drill they will perform at Mardi Gras on Tuesday. There will be 110 members making the trip to New Orleans. vhere, he credit ply only toil ent contwf ptions ta : administi e any cum totheSoiitl problems:? dealing n L - it hasbeec' ach U.S,si5 eans to end Medicine prescribe for elderly: with caution United Press International NEW YORK •Some older n „ anSKf wople take and possess so many iv the Ull t * lat they are mini- ( 5 () , pharmacies, and a specialist says is in the si means doctors must use ex- |tta caution when prescribing chnology^tranquilizers and other mind- nentbyl'i anecting drugs ror the elderly. Soviet Ui 1 by a Dec om Prcsidt :s sey sffsnit Hi fttfCHtf Elderly patients often take several medications simul taneously, which can lead to altered drug effect,” Dr. Carl Salzman of Boston, told fellow doctors in ajournal of the Amer ican Psychiatric Association. | “As the physical health and independent status of an older person declines, the number of drugs taken usually increases,” Salzman said. “This combina tion of failing health, aging body and multiple drug prescriptions may contribute to alterations in drug effect. “Practicing clinicians must be aware of these alterations and adjust their prescription of psychotropic drugs accord- | ‘"gly.” He made these other points about tranquilizers and other psychotropic drugs: • they usually will take longer to work in an older patient, will stay longer in the body, and often will produce a greater effect per milligram dosage than they would in a younger person • delayed onset of action can be caused by slower absorption and distribution of the drug Salzman suggested that be fore prescribing the drugs to elderly patients, doctors: • remember that psychotro pic drugs usually have a pro longed and heightened effect on the aging body • determine all medications an older patient is taking before prescribing a psychotropic drug. This includes self- prescribed drugs (borrowed or old pills), medications from other physicians, and over-the- counter preparations. It**** United Press International ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland Ice-encrusted ships sailed into port bearing some of the dead crew members from a sunken oil rig and Soviet ship while other vessels braved the Atlantic’s latest storm Thursday in search of more victims. By Wednesday, 19 bodies had been recovered from the rig that sank Monday and another 20 from the Soviet freighter Mekhanik Tarasov that fol lowed it to the bottom Tuesday. Two supply ships, carrying the bodies of two victims, ar rived at St. John’s harbor Wednesday where a temporary morgue has been set up in a waterfront warehouse. Several other ships with 37 more bodies aboard, continued the search for more of the 117 victims facing snow, high winds and stormy seas. The five ship survivors were aboard a Canadian Coast Guard ship that was not planning to re turn to port immediately be cause the survivors were in ex cellent health and required no medical attention, a spokesman said. Mobil Oil spokesman William Grisdale said the firm will send two one-man Mantis submarines to search for the wreckage of the Ocean Ranger oil rig as soon as the storm lets up. In Ottawa, Energy Minister Marc Lalonde said two remain ing rigs operating close to where the Ocean Ranger sank would be towed to Newfoundland for safety checks when the weather improved. Grisdale said an inspection would show why the 30,000-ton rig tipped and sank in a storm far less severe than others it had weathered. The fleet of search ships was battered during the night by the • conduct a careful, complete assessment of the patient’s phy sical health before drug treat ment begins. Salzman reminded doctors that any older patient who is re ceiving a psychotropic drug and who appears restless, agitated, confused, forgetful or depress ed may have psychotropic drug toxicity. Drug dosages should be reduced or the drug should be discontinued before another drug is added to the regimen. w^TWrE o F=»TICA1^ Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired 216 N. MAIN BRYAN 822-6105 Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. JUAREZ TEQUILA TEQUILA TEQUILA TEQUILA Ken’s Automotive 421 S. Main — Bryan 822-2823 "A Complete Automotive Service Center” • Tune-Ups • Brakes • Clutches • McPherson Struts • Front End Parts Replacement • Standard Transmission Repairs All American Cars VW-Datsun-Honda Toyota (Master Card & VISA Accepted) GOLD OH SILVER IMPORTED & BOTTLED BY TEQUILA JALISCO S.A. ST. LOUIS, MO. 80 PROOF second storm this week to ravage the oil fields, 170 miles southeast of St. John’s. Aircraft were cal led back from the search be cause of the dangerous condi tions. Several inches of ice on parts of one of the supply ships that arrived in St. John’s under scored the severity of the weather. A spokesman for the sunken rigs’ operator, Mobil Oil Canada Ltd., said the two smaller rigs suspended their operations when the Ocean Ranger de veloped the list that led to its sinking. One of the rigs, the SEDCO 706, was on charter to Mobil from the South East Drilling Co. of Houston. The other, the Zapata Ugland, was on lease from the Zapata Off Shore Drill ing Co. of Houston. The government of New foundland set Friday as a day of mourning for the lost Ocean Ranger crewmen. It was the first such commemoration in a pro vince where seafaring disasters have been common for cen turies. Who's drawing you? County Seat’s drawing you to the new store in Post Oak Mall! If we draw your name, our professional caricaturist will draw your face and we’ll give you 50% off any purchase. Come in and register. New drawing every hour. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 19, 20.11 a.m.—8 p.m. COUNTY SEAT STORES For the best in casual clothes for guys, gals and kids, just direct your feet to the County Seat. © 1982 CSSI TONIGHT Rice Broocks RUSSIA, ISRAEL & THE MIDDLE EAST: What does the Bible say? Could this be the last generation? Seminar in Room #601 Rudder Tues. Feb. 16 through Sat. Feb. 20 • FREE ADMISSION • Weekend Entertainment NEW FLU TREATMENT STUDY If you catch the flu, you may be eligible to join the study. Participants will receive up to $112.00. Requirements - Flu symptoms with fever - Must come to the Health Center for evaluation within 24 hours of onset of illness - No other major health problems - Be willing to stay in Health Center 3 days If Interested - Come to Health Center for evalua tion and more information as soon as your Flu begins (Flu doctors are there days, nights and weekends) Friday Uncle Walt’s Band bluegrass Saturday Tom Solomon and Julia Scott 3 cover progressive renaissance $1 50 1 cover Next Week David Buckland folk, jazz & blues Colorado recording artist $050 cover Backstage 319 University Dr. (Northgate) 846-1861