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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1982)
national Lincoln-Mercury coigar killed after attacking child on neck United Press International PITTSBURGH — The Lin coln-Mercury cougar was shot to death Saturday after the animal attacked and seriously injured a 9-year-old boy during an auto mobile show. Police said the 130-pound uma, named Tom-Tom, was eing led on a leash through the back door of the David L. Lawr ence Convention Center by its owner, Bob Steele of Florida, shortly before the attack on James Seals of suburban Upper Saint Clair. The cat, whose fierce roar highlighted Lincoln-Mercury promotions across the country as well as a national television commercial, was to be part of the car company’s display at the show. Steele said he noticed some boys running nearby as he opened the door and warned security guards around him to “watch that boy.” He said Seals seemed to “ruriwht under him (the cougar).” Police said boy never touched the an^al, but the animal reacted by r abbing him around the neck n d pinning him to the floor, busing to let g°- Eyewitnesses tcj police Steele and other bysnders be gan kicking the anirif and hit ting it with a stick in, fruitless attempt to free the b^ Steele reportedly jiyped on Monday Night Madness Sit back and enjoy the evening with a hot, delicious pizza delivered right to your door! Monday Night Madness Special A Hot 16” Pepperoni and Mushroom Pizza With Two 32 oz. Pepsis. $000 only W Fast... Hot... Free Delivery! Offer Good Mon., Feb. 15 Only 846-7785 the animal and tried to pry its jaws open. When that failed, an off-duty police officer standing nearby shot the cougar to death. “If people hadn’t gathered around and kicked the animal, I could have gotten him to let go,” said a shaken Steele, who added it was the first injury he had in 10 years of training dangerous animals. “They only made things a lot worse.” As police officer Arthur Banze fired the shot that killed the cougar, he was attacked by two of the animal’s trainers who were arrested. Seals was taken to Allegheny General Hospital, where he was listed in serious condition. A hospital spokeswoman said the child was bitten and clawed “in the neck area,” but refused to elaborate on the extent of the injuries. PAC MAN FEVER ymptoms include sweaty alms, inability to study, id the nagging tendency 1 call your roommate Cly- d Only known cure is to re ularly play. PAC MAN” tAMES fyafate- IDRTHGATE & CJLPEPPER SHAPE THE FUTURE OF ENERGY TECHNOLOGY It is a tall order. Yet, it is a challenge that must be met. Our future as an industrial society depends on our ability to find more efficient ways to use our limited fuel resources. At Fluor, we are working hard to find the answers. For over 60 years, we have helped the energy industries by designing and building modern refining, petrochemical, chemical and natural gas facilities. During that time, Fluor engineers have been in the forefront of energy related technology. At present, we are applying new methodology in the extraction of oil from tar sands and shale, coal gasification and the refining of high sulphur feedstocks. This is a challenging, exciting time for engineers who are interested in solving complex problems. Graduates with a degree in Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical, or Civil Engineering or Building Construction or Computer Sciences are invited to help us shape the future of energy technology. For complete career information, talk to our campus recruiter or write: Houston Division College Relations 4620 N. Braeswood Houston, Texas 77096 CAMPUS INTERVIEWS March 1,1982 FLUOR We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H/V Battalion/Page!| February 15, College tuition costs | ^ keep pace with cars United Press International NEW YORK — A $50,000 tab for a college education at the higher- priced private schools soon will wallop thousands of American budgets. A United Press Interna tional survey showed Satur day that some tuitions will hit $12,000 a year in the 1982-83 school year. If the prices keep going up the cost of four years of col lege will be more than $50,000 by 1985 at the most expensive schools. For bargain hunters, there are the state universities such as those in Texas — heavily subsidized by state funds — where the appropriation per student in a public university is $4,354. The cost to the student is $4 a credit or $120 for a full load of 30 credits during the school year. The state appropriations E er student at the public col- :ges in the nation range from a high of $ 12,712 in Alaska to a low of $ 1,943 in New Hamp shire. At many other state univer sities, increases are expected due to state budget cutbacks, said James Trulove, editor of “Memo to College Presidents” put out by the American Asso ciation of State Colleges and Universities. In the academic stratos- E here, meanwhile, all-time igh bills in the $12,000 ball park are projected mostly at the expensive private schools such as Yale University and Stanford University. There are dozens of such schools across America. The figure for four years covers tuition, room and board and miscellaneous ex penses. It’s not at hear officials tell ill tion paid by the stiij from one-third toontij the actual cost of insltj Along the higherei trail, there is thisoldsj The tuition pattoljj at private schools! has kept pace withthtfj a Chevrolet — the r size one. The formula chei The new tuition ailj example, will be Bruce MacDonald aid Motors Corp. in Mich., was asked whaill a Chevrolet that woulfl He settled onaf A four-door Impalij $8,300. Inflation and redti income due to )RPS 7:30 jrHEE how . fcRAEl CIA' at7:J )RE1 V banq LB A p.m. tMU giviiy ulatk nistration cuts are two lar reasons for tht| charges. Career Orientation Seminar Bechtel invites all interested Computer Science, Business/Math/Electrical Engi neering (with emphasis in Computer Sci ence) and Telecommunications students to attend a Career Orientation Seminar: Wednesday, February 17 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Rudder Tower Room 504 Representatives will discuss career op portunities in Bechtel’s Information Ser vices Group: • Engineering & Business Applications Programmers •Systems Programmers •User Support Specialists • Telecommunications Specialists • Office Systems Specialists Refreshments will be served. For more information, please contact your Career Planning & Placement Office. Immigr; suspects murdl in United Press In LOS ANGELES -I leased the picture oil the suspect in Turkish diplomatanij public to help arrest: Police Chief Danli Thursday investigatt Krikor “KoKo” Sal Lebanese-Armenian rant, was one of t)it| who riddled Turkis General KemalAril bullets two weeks i is we (HE 1 [ peop Vtti jcoun (ber [ p.m. iRP: I p.m. ‘lIVl I of th< [the l lE 1 peaci ILLE ! Arm jcenu lUniv (BER [depa )GU |F- m - Bechtel and People. We GrowTogether. An Affirmative Action. Equal Opportunity Employer intersection. Cates said there i| lions Saliba was wiisl Sassounian, 19, chij murder in the cas morning of the Jan,j nation. Saliba andS live in the same Pasadil borhood. Cates said Saliba,! job in a bank shortly!! assassination, is 5-f« 165 pounds, and hasil black hair and a motif said it is possible Sal his appearance. The Justice Comal the Armenian Genoo pledges to avenge t the-century massacttjj lion Armenians byl claimed respbnsibfi murder. Itisnotkno»| is a member of theg Sassounian, beinglj out bail, pleaded mi murder charges afteil ly being identified! lineup as one of thtl who shot into thedipkf wise Cafeteria Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting! Each Daily Special Only $2.19 PlusTij “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.NI. to 1:30 P.WI. — 4:00 P.M. to iXA !spe; | pm AMI f Phy I in 2 |ILL Ru< Mo, fHE will MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of One Vegetable hll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea Mexican Fiesta Dinner Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas w chili Mexican Rice Patio Style Pinto Beans Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter WEDNESDAY | EVENING SPECI Chicken Fried! w cream Whipped Potatoesi’| Choice of one o Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread aei| Coffee or 1 J" THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing — Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FOR YOUR PROTECTION OUR PERSONNEL HAVE HEALTH CARDS. FRIDiY EVENING SPECIAL breaded fish FILET y TARTAR SAJCE ColtSlaw Hush uppies Choiceof one vegejble Roll or Corn Bead & Butter Tea or toffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL Yankee Pot Roast (Texas Salad) Mashed Potato w gravy Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SUNDAY SPff NOON and EVfi roast TURKEYo Served will Cranberry Sat# Cornbread Dress’ Roll or Corn Bread ' Coffee c Giblet Grav| ( And your choice^ 1 One veg (“Quality First”I