Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1981)
THE BATTALION Page 3 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1981 .ocal who has lean: ree jeers ter iversity itself e events, all learning hristmas lifficult to kennel space find in B-CS e to learnani j\ ERICA KRENNERICH Battalion Reporter Dg and cat owners who want to their pets in town for the Bays may have to search for a |el in the Bryan-College Sta- |area with available space. was hooked before Thank ing for the Christmas holi- J” said Helen Snyder, owner | the Blue Valley Cattery in i. She said she can board ab le to 35 cats. Other busy times [during Texas A&M Universi- aspring break and before the |ersity’s summer session be- shc said. | Most of the kennels take and er reservations, especially for lays and other peak times. Anita Harper, owner of Har per’s Tonkawa Kennels, said she has facilities for about 50 animals. She said her kennel is booked for the Christmas holidays, and that some pet owners made reserva tions six to eight months in adv ance. Nancy Stricklin of the Aggie- land Kennels said she has enough space to board about 50 dogs but was booked by Nov. 1 for the Christmas holidays. Prices for boarding a pet vary, but generally range from $2.50 to $4 per day. Snyder, who boards cats, charges $2.50 per night for a cat. Harper boards dogs and cats. She charges $3.50 to $4 for a dog. \isty test tradition Pizza sales booming V; Bv SANDRA KAY GARY Battalion Staff ring finals week, students’ ;hts turn to formulas, facts, e — and food. And if the i in area pizza deliveries is Indication, pizza is one of the popular finals-week foods. Stanley Lyons, manager of lino’s Pizza in Bryan, said: es eat more pizza while they for finals than anybody else nation. We have 530 stores the nation and at the end of eek with our two stores in in and College Station, we ll finked in the top 10 as far as sales.” John Sanchez, assistant mana- j of Domino’s Pizza in College , said: “Naturally when stu dents are up late studying, they get hungry and order pizza.” Terry E)erringer, an employee of Chanello’s Pizza in College Sta tion, said business Sunday was heavier than usual and that work ers expect the trend to continue. However, other area pizza mer chants have noticed little change in their sales this week. Bill Lee, manager of Pizza Express, said his store has been “a little bit busier, but nothing too unusual.” With all the extra pizza being ordered, more help is needed this week in area pizza stores. Derringer said Chanello’s has placed ads in local papers to hire extra help during the finals rush. Dale DeShazo, a Domino’s de livery man, said the store doesn’t hire more people to work during finals, but schedules more regular employees during the week. Your Danskin Headquarters Manor East Mall 779-6718 •n archil: | □me of flif throwii# into thel^ floors. 1 ■ering tbff hiding Pr 1 lusttli#' sickens $ Good Things in Small Packages jod, we rf ‘ intellig^. y ought cipate in Let’s clfl bird Feeders All styles 4 sizes Here are a few samples from our large selection of small Christmas gifts. Choose from these or dozens of other great Christmas ideas •••• at prices ranging from^I to ^20 "%r Airline flights possible for pets, if weather okay, animal healthy By JUDY ALLS Battalion Reporter Concerned pet owners who are flying home for the holidays may find taking their pets with them is no problem, provided certain con ditions are met. A person traveling with a pet from Houston Intercontinental Airport can simply buy a pet ticket from most airlines and cage the pet, Jane Williams of Eastern air lines said. She suggested that the pet’s reservation be made several days in advance. Some smaller pets, such as miniature poodles and cats, may be taken on the plane with the passenger, but must be kept in a cage. Larger animals are flown in the baggage compartment, Wil liams said. If a pet is to travel alone, Aero air freight will take the pet by truck from College Station to Houston Intercontinental, or meet the animal in Houston and bring it back to College Station, Mike Heritage of Aero said. An animal traveling alone from Houston Intercontinental also can travel by air freight, but certain stipulations must first be met. A health certificate no older than 10 days must be submitted to the airline, and it is suggested that the veterinarian signing the certi ficate recommend whether the animal be sedated, Weatherford said. If, at the final destination, the temperature at the airport termin al dock is less than 45 degrees or more than 95 degrees, animals will not be allowed to travel. Also, an animal cannot be kept on the dock for more than four hours, and will be sent to a kennel if it is not picked up within that time. The animal’s cage also must be ventilated on two-thirds of the outer surface, have handles and allow the dog to sit, lie, stand and turn. Heritage said. “The trip must be done in the most humane manner, and we usually find out the animal’s name so that the driver and animal can build a rapport while traveling,” Heritage said. Price depends on the size of the dog. Snyder said she asks pet owners to bring one of the pet’s favorite toys with them. She feeds her boarders their usual food on their familiar schedule, she said. Most kennels have both indoor and outdoor facilities. Many ken nels require proof of the animal’s inoculations, an emergency num ber and veterinarian’s name. Snyder said Texas A&M stu dents own about half of the boar ders she will have for the Christ mas holidays. “If people care enough about an animal to want to house it and take care of it, then it’s a service I can render,” she said. ut^OfX U&i ttt fM Kt. ^otd... 14 Kt. ifetlou* <foH 'tOfiA itsiacGtei. 40.0°° 14 Kt. ifalLuu- tfoltt. fi<d- iittad tfiacalet. 2.7O 00 iamond Room 3731 E. 29th 846-4708 - Bryan 707 Shopping Village ■i i 693-7444—— College Station Nature Calendars imp Colorful 0> f^>ag Animals 4 Toys* Zippared - Fire Engine ,taxi or VW Juggling Cubes /magnetic.backgammon In beautiful + instruct ion book in compact carrying case Nordic patterns Earth Provision i;o. I05 846-8794 9.500% 30-89 days rate adjusted daily $1,000 minimum BRAZOS Investors Account THESE OBLIGATIONS ARE NOT SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OR DEPOSITS AND ARE NOT INSURED BY THE FED ERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION. 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