Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1981)
m le !)f plaque in main lounge emay] reafsti urestlii an mia decisia edtlel Him utit HR ocal THE BATTALION FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1981 Page 3 ouncil approves placement PERFECT TIMING By NANCY WEATHERLEY Battalion Staff MSC Council members Thurs- or I yapproved the placement of the bident’s Association plaque on south wall of the main lounge, not the north wall as originally aposed. Council members debated at ;th the current proliferation of iques in the main lounge, such the President Endowed Scho- 5 plaques; the large size of the (bot-3-inch-by-15-foot-3-inch que, which could take away the living room atmosphere of the main lounge; and the lack of an over-all plan allowing for the addi tion of more plaques. Council President Doug Dede- ker said a spokesman for the De velopment Office, which is com missioning the $30,000 plaque, came to the Building Studies Committee meeting to determine the students’ reaction to the plaque. Technically, the Development Office is not required to go to the Council, but could go directly to the President’s Office, he said. Some Council members said they were against putting the pla que against the north wall because it would remove from the wall the china collection donated by Hugo C. Heldenfels, which members claimed was conducive to the lounge atmosphere. However, Jim Reynolds, dire ctor of the MSC, asked the Coun cil if they really thought the atmosphere, which he said couldn’t be harmed by anything, was more important than the ideals behind the Development Office’s wish to honor those indi viduals, corporations and founda tions of the Presidents Association that had contributed vast amounts of money to the University and the MSC. Just when you’re looking for an expensive looking watch that isn't, along comes Ricoh. Ricoh has a brand new line of elegant quartz analog watches at affordable prices. And they’re avail able in dress and sports styles for men and women. So come in and see for yourself why Ricoh is the watch to watch for. Members were also against the main lounge turning into a “tro phy room.” But the passed motion satisfied the members on this issue because the plaques on the south wall will have to be re moved. jookout, lock up when leaving Crime could crinkle cheer By ELI JONES Battalion Reporter hoppers carrying more money I usual and people leaving le for the holidays are ex- to push the College Station ndenti rate upward during this istmas season, a city police :er says. dost burglaries are committed veen 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., Lt. ney Kapella of the College Sta- Police Department said. He advises people to keep their Christmas presents in the closet, out of burglars’ sight and to take anything portable of value with them when leaving home for the holidays. “The main thing, of course, is people should take extra time to check and double-check to see that they lock their house when they leave,” Kapella advised. “A good security system consisting of dead bolt locks and timers for the lights is always a good invest ment.” Putting timers on lights, and leaving a radio on gives the appearance of someone being home. Strong locks that can keep a burglar out for only a few minutes will also deter burglars. “Another safety tip, especially for students, is to ask those stu dents who stay on campus during the holidays to watch their apart ments while they are gone,” the Jroup rides for holidays reated for cycling safety idinghome on a motorcyle for holidays can be both danger- iland boring, but a Texas A&M Sorcycle club can make the trip Cfe fe^ and more enjoyable. |The club is taking names, e numbers and home town gs of all interested motorcyl- Jso that riders from the same can travel together on the Club member Rolf Butter said the list will be posted in the Memorial Student Center near the Hitching Post, a board where students sign up to share rides in cars. “The main reason we are doing this is because it is very boring to travel a long distance by yourself, ” Butter said. “Also, with the traffic so busy over the holidays, motor cycles can be recognized easier in groups instead of by themselves. " Even though the Highway Companion Program was created for the Christmas holidays, the service is planned to be extended throughout the year for anyone in terested in traveling on weekends or other school holidays. All interested students can call Butter at 696-1731. All Time Favorite Christmas Gifts Visit oar store this l iason i select from J*/ 1 Spectrarc gifts of proven design * lasting quality. hanging prism, 0 #for your own jpT:-# private rainbow Sweaters ) u !f Choose from fine all wool oral! iJ cotton sweaters in classic styles Shirts Texas coolweather shirts of flannel, wool,£ chamois cloth Aladdin Lamps brilliance soft white light. Bunting lightweight warm, even when wet. jackets, vests,* pants Down Vests finest quality I007o prime goose down filled-and you don’t pay any more Down Booties two of the nicest things ^you can do in beautiful muted plaids*? solids for men and women Binoculars Swift, Pen tax, Bushnell, and Zeiss, best selection in town Fleece Moccasins cushion your feet in the naturally fluffy softness of genuine lamb shearling. Flannel Wight shirts Old fashioned comfort* warmth for those long winter nights. for cold feet. Swiss Army Knives Atoolchest in your 25 models We have all these favorites + dozens of exciting new gift ideas for children 4 adults. e Earth Provision Co. 105 Boyett 846-8794 officer said. In spite of the expected in crease in burglary attempts, police protection will not be in creased in College Station. “We are not putting out any extra police officers, but we are trying to inform the public and local businesses about ways to pro tect themselves, ” Kapella said. “If people just learn to eliminate the opportunity, crime will be elimin ated. ” The Diamond Gallery 404 University Center RICOH WHEN TIME COUNTS, LET US DO THE COUNTING. vE* •A* si; nL* •T* # T % *T* *T* •T'* *T* •T* 'T* •T' •T'* 'T* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 44 GO FOR IT... with MSC OUTDOOR RECREATION Cross Country Skiing Keystone, Colorado January 2-10, 1982 Includes: 5 days instruction (skis, boots, poles) 6 nights lodging 16 meals transportation Payment due at Secretary’s Island (By 12/16/81) 216 MSC * * * * * * * * * * •X* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 44 •x- -x- -x- •x- * **************************************************** ***^: