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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1981)
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1981 Page 7 State / National Clji A Perfect 10!? Staff photo by Colin Valentine Maybe she is, maybe she isn’t — but at any rate, Rene Rogers is getting the latest hair and makeup styling by Jesse Liscano of Courtea’s. The styling was sponsored by the MSC Hospitality Committee in order to promote the new fall hair and makeup styles. Rogers, who is a fashion model for the Hospitality Committee, was one of the models who received hair and makeup jobs by Liscano yesterday afternoon. Congressman bombs funding MX;, wants defense cuts pm United Press International L' WASHINGTON — The chair- || m of the House Appropriations | efense subcommittee proposed i le elimination of funding for the f d bomber and the MX missile I londay. I Rep. Joseph Addabbo, D-N.Y., H toposed the cuts as part of an [, 11.2 billion package of defense Auctions designed to help hold [ own the projected budget de- [ c *ts. Addabbo’s cuts would be in tldition to $7 billion in reductions Hjj reposed by the administration. S-**' Senate Appropriations Com- littee Chairman Mark Hatfield, l-Ore., recently offered his own I package of proposed budget cuts, rat Hatfield’s plan would spare the B-l and MX programs. Addabbo ui'ged the members of his subcommittee to examine his «kage and said they would meet Igain today to decide whether to Morse the plan or proceed to a line-by-line review of the defense appropriation bill for 1982. In recommending elimination of the B-l and MX weapons sys tems, Addabbo said there are bet ter ways to do both jobs, including development of an advanced tech nology bomber and further de velopment of the Trident missile submarine program. Home and Auto Stereo Equipment / .<? <£■ A® 4c' The Best Prices in Town! £ & 4? A- .O ,o ^ •V' Woodstone Audio 913 Harvey Rd. College Station 693-4423 ALPHA PHI OMEGA FOOTBALL MUMS! * * * * 3f 3f 3f 3f * Jf * * 3f FREE DELIVERY on campus & to two off campus dist. centers MANY STYLES & PRICES On Sale MSC, Commons, Sbisa * 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.y^ Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday . APO... WE DELIVER!!- * * * * * Dallas lead levels high, tests say United Press International DALLAS — Independent laboratory tests showed abnormal ly high lead levels in the hair sam ples of 75 Dallas residents who live near three lead smelters. In addition, more than half of the people sampled had lead levels in excess of 50 parts per mil lion, compared to the norm of 4 to 11 ppm. “The levels offer pretty good evidence of elevated lead levels (in residents) around the smel ters,” said Dr. James C. Garriott, chief toxicologist at the Dallas County Institute of Forensic Sci ences. Dr. Robert E. Jervis, chairman of research for the University of Toronto, said: “Even if you sample 100 people, even in one of them, you should not expect anything above 50 ppm. If you do, it’s a sign of some contamination. ” Jervis said hair lead levels in excess of 100 ppm are a signal that a person should seek medical aid. The most contaminated hair sample was that of a 13-year-old girl living near the RSR Corp. lead smelter. The federally approved laboratory results revealed the lead level in her hair was 246 ppm — more than 22 times the level established as a norm for the Dal las area, the newspaper reported. Her mother said the 5-foot-2, 58-pound girl suffers from loss of appetite, vomiting, headaches, irritability, arm pains and be havioral changes — all symptoms of lead contamination, according to numerous studies. Among other findings: — The average for all samples was 68 ppm, compared to the norm of 4-11 ppm. — Elevated levels of cancer- causing cadmium — as high as 10.4 ppm — were found in 65 resi dents. The laboratory established an average cadmium level for Dal las residents of 0.3 to 1.1 ppm. — More than half of those tested had high calcium levels in their hair. The U.S. Environmental Pro tection Agency and the Dallas En vironmental Services Department discovered high levels of lead in the soil of some residences, play grounds and other locations near the three smelters. Lead levels were as high as 90 times the levels some medical experts say can re sult in adverse health effects, in cluding brain damage in children. More than 10,000 residents who live within a 2-mile radius of the smelters have been tested in a city-sponsored blood testing prog ram. Initial results have shown ab out one percent are suffering from lead toxicity. In addition, the Baylor College of Dentistry is analyzing the teeth of children who live near the smel ters, a test considered perhaps the most accurate indicator of the body’s lead content. THrmeilthOK GETYOUR BIG SCHOOL FULL OF YOUR FAVORITE DRINK! Oh boy, school colors and the or school mascot and everything, right there on your very own dishwasher-safe, giant plastic cup At this price you can collect a whole // / set. «. ' MEXICAN-STYLE FAMILY RESTAURANTS 614 VILLA MARIA EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE — CALL JOE AT 822-2183 Right now, you’re probably in a career frenzy. Who wouldn’t be with so many options, so many people giving you well- intentioned advice. Do you feel like you’re running around in circles, with time gaining fast? Slow down, take a deep breath, and consider the options logically. NL Industries is a very logical option. We’re a diversified Fortune 200 company with major divisions in oilfield equipment, petroleum services, chemicals, and metals. The work we do is absorbing and very important in today’s economy. We’re involved in areas of rapid growth and development with unlimited opportunities for talented professionals. Now doesn’t that include just about everything on your list? If you’re graduating in: INDUSTRIAL/ELECTRICALf MECHANICAL ENGINEERING we would like to visit with you in person when our representatives are on your campus Tuesday & Wednesday Nov, 10-11. Register at your campus career placement office, or send us your resume if our visit is inconvenient for you. And, don’t worry, you’ll make the right decision if you just take the time to think things through carefully. We hope that you decide on NL Industries. NL Industries, Inc. Suite 1500 1900 West Loop South Houston, Texas 77027 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Nil iiiiiiiii NL Industries, Inc. Bullock: Alcohol was a problem God.” He said his recent treatment at the Care Manor Hospital in Orange, Calif., had been effec tive and described his doctor, Jospeh Pursch, as the world’s leading authority on alco holism. Bullock, a Democrat who has held his post since 1974, said he assumed his drinking would be come an issue in his re-election bid, but would not comment until he felt more fully reco vered. Bullock then reeled off a list of politicians and actors, rang ing from Betty Ford to the late John Wayne, that had been tre ated for the same problem by Pursch. “I went wanting his help and seeking his help, knowing I couldn’t do it myself,” he said. “I had tried and I couldn’t do it. With alcohol I was under its control. The slave had become the master and I wanted free of it.” TRYING TO MAKE ENDS MEET? See us at KlNKO f S .We offer the finest quality copies found any where. Also if you*re in need of binding or passport photos - no problem! kinktrs copies 201 College Main College Station 846-8721 United Press International AUSTIN — State Comptrol ler Bob Bullock, notorious for his wise-cracks to the press and controversial behavior, says he was an alcoholic and that the issue would be raised in his re- election campaign. But he said he has no apolo- gies. “I am glad to say they told me I am not a manic-depressant,” Bullock said in a news confer ence Sunday. “I’m just Bob Bul lock. I feel good, I feel good inside. “It’s not particulary easy for me to sit here before you and admit to you I am an alcoholic — but I am an alcoholic. I disco vered that some time ago when, frankly, my life became rather unmanageable. “I discovered it at a time when my alibis were exhausted. I found it out at a time when I knew I needed help both spir itually and physically. I re ceived my spiritual help from Computer Science & Electrical Engineering Majors ... ROLM, with locations in the San Francisco Bay Area and Austin, Texas seeks talented individuals interested in: SOFTWARE • Real-Time Distributed Computing • Operating System • Data Base Management Systems • Data Communications • Diagnostics • Electronic Mail • Software Tools: Compilers, Debuggers, etc. • Test Engineering HARDWARE • Data Communications • Digital and Analog Design • Microprocessor Applications • Telephony • Switching Power Supply Design • Production Engineering • Test Engineering ROLM Corporation develops and manufactures state-of-the-art computer software and hardware for integrated voice and data office communica tions systems. ROLM has grown 50%-100% each year since 1969 and currently has 4400 employees. Included in ROLM’s outstanding benefits package is a three-month paid sabbatical after six years (and every seven years thereafter) and Company- Paid Tuition for graduate study at local univer sities. On Campus Interviews Tuesday, November 3 Meet with working Software and Hardware Engineers from ROLM in the Placement Center. See our Company Literature in the Placement Center. If unable to attend an interview, send resume to: Gibson Anderson, Manager, Recruiting & Training ROLM Corporation, 4900 Old Ironsides Drive, M/S 560, Santa Clara, CA 95050. We are an equal opportunity/