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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1981)
mmm mmm m ocal THE BATTALION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1981 Page 3 S City Council approves back-up water well By RANDY CLEMENTS Battalion Staff Plans for a third water well to rvice College Station and an timated $67,000 in street im- rovements were approved hursday by the College Station !ity Council. antcaif andfe Mayor Gary Halter said the lird well is primarily to serve as a »ack-up. The well will provide the city nth some back-up so that it loesn’t have problems in the sum mers, he said. “We still have some reserve on tit capacity with the University well, ftie additional well will provide ersifc. Is namt studeii ‘Alva studeii ;ent, ent; Re 100 pci lercei! rcent, ormerli t intk ibid vi th tit worst,! VI •es will l5pet- undfll inavet- s ofH er u wen seven! Tat jtfron ruisii! kit Work on $67,000 in street improvements to begin in December further assurance and will also be cheaper to have it built now than sometime in the future,” Halter said. The well could also provide back-up for other governmental entities in the area that may have problems with water supply this next summer, he said. “This would be the case where RHA survey opposes Greek recognition By NANCY WEATHERLEY Battalion Staff A survey that stated opposition tollniversity recognition of frater- itiesand sororities was presented Residence Hall Association nembers in their meeting Thurs- lay night. RHA surveyed hall leaders on Re Greek recognition proposal ind will vote on sending the re- to Student Government at keir next meeting. Stacy Graf, director of RHA internal affairs, said 135 surveys rere given to the dorms on cam- ius and 115 were returned. 72 lercent of those surveyed were igainst any recognition of the ireek system, according to the re- vidual sorority/fratemity recogni tion than recognition of Inter- Fraternity-Council/Panhellic, the Greek coordinating organizations. 80 percent felt the recognition of the IFC and Panhellenic would negatively affect the atmosphere of Texas A&M University, the sur vey said. Kirt. Throughout the survey, hall eaders were more against indi- New business before RHA, such as a proposal regarding a new drinking policy and one in support of a campus-wide quiz file, is being held until the next meeting because there was no quorum, which it must have to vote on issues. According to the by-laws, there must be 43 voting members present, out of the total 65 mem bers, to debate issues. Thirty-six members attended Thursday night. Today’s almanac Today is Friday, October 23rd, lie 296th day of 1981 with 69 to illow. The moon is moving toward its few phase. The morning stars are Mer- :ury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The evening star is Venus. Those born on this date are mder the sign of Scorpio. French g ainii actress Sara Bernhardt and Amer ican talk show host Johnny Carson vere bom on October 23rd — she 1845 and he in 1925. On this date in history: In 1915, an estimated 25hun- Stol tired women marched in New i ofl Me City demanding the right to vote throughout the United States. In 1942, the British Eighth Army launched an offensive at El Alamein, Egypt, starting a cam paign that eventually swept the Axis forces out of North Africa. In 1955, Ngo Dinh Diem was chosen to take over the South Vietnamese government in the country’s first free election. He la ter was assassinated. In 1977, Panamanians approved new Panama Canal treaties with the United States in a direct vote. A thought for the day: American writer Carl Sandburg said: “Time is a sandpile we run our fingers through. ’ AFTER THE GAME! STAR SEARCH SUNDAY! N S SUNDAY 1-MIDNIGHT BRAZOS VALLEY’S TOP TALENT! TEXAS HALL OF FAME N N s V s s S Fun & Dancing 1-Midnight Ad: $2.00 Coming Tues. October 27 Johnny Dee and the Rocket SB's * s cecceooooocooeooooos'Goosoeoc* lartfl ANNIVERSARY nd SALE! (Mon v Oct. 19 to Sat., Oct. 31) 14 Kt. Gold 18" Serpentine Chain With 1-7mm Bead, 2-6mm Beads, 2-5mm Beads, 2-4mm Beads, 2-3mm Beads *tj*/ • NEW SHIPMENT OF LADIES' & MENS' DIAMOND RINGS 35% OFF! All Merchandise Under i r n/ ALL $200.00 15% Orr! ALL o:i:“o 20% OFF! Layaway for Christmas! (Bank Cards 5% less on Discounts — No Aggie Discount on Sale Items) Douglas Jewelry 1623 Texas Ave. Culpepper Plaza eoscoooeosoooooooooeoo (Culpepper Store Only) everybody would be able to help everybody else out,” Halter said. The third well, expected to be in service by May, will give the city an excess capacity of about 3 million gallons over the estimated peak in the summer, the mayor said. Under the terms of the con tract, the city assumes no risk in the making of the well and the Whalen Corporation must pro vide 1.1 billion gallons of water a year. The city will pay 17 cents for every 1,000 gallons for the next 12 years with a total cost to the city of more than $2.2 million. The council approved the esti mated $67,000 street improv- ments for parts of Poplar Street between Eisenhower and Turner streets and MacArthur Street be tween Cooner Street and East University Drive. Elrey Ash, director of capital improvements, said the owners of the property adjacent to the street improvements will pay two-thirds of the cost of the paving and curb construction. The owners are responsible to pay their portion of the cost when the improvements are completed and approved by the city. The city will pay the remaining improvement costs, he said. There is a 10 percent annual in terest on the amount owed, start ing when the work is completed. The interest is due annually. The improvements were put on an emergency status by the coun- The bids for the improvements cil so that bids for the work can be are expected to be in by Novem- advertised and construction be- her and work could start in De gun as soon as possible. cember, he said. ZACHARIAS GREENHOUSE FRENCH’S NOW OPEN! HAPPY DAY — child care center — Bring your child and visit our professional staff in our new Ultra Modem Facility!! Conveniently located in Southwood Valley off FM 2818. 1024 Balcones Drive Day Care —- Infants — Pre-School G9G-9062 After School Care — Kindergarten Music and Ballet ‘Almost better than Grandma's! GRAND COMES TO BRYAN WITH A NEW CONCEPT IN FURNITURE SALES OPEN SUNDAY 1 1 P.M. TIL 7 P.M. We proudly present Town & Country's new concept in opening our store in Bryan. We buy only national name brand furniture such as 1 Bassett, Broyhill, DeVille, Douglas, Twin Oaks and many other brands I of top quality furniture. We purchase in carload lots direct from fac- I toryies, distressed, close-outs, overstocked inventories, all at big dis counts. All savings are passed on to you the buyer. Prices are F.O.B. our store. Budget credit terms may be arranged on approved credit. No loy away or free delivery on advertised sale items. On larger purchases bring your own truck and save even more. Mastercard & Visa are welcome-so come on in to our show room today and see quality fur niture at savinqs up to 50%. | NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE SOME ADVERTISED FURNITURE 1 OF A KIND EARLY BIRD GETS BEST SELECTIONS! RECLINERS MAN SIZE - 3 POSTITIONS OAK FRAME. ERV $129.95 GRAND OPENING DAY PRICE $79 BUNK BEDS COMPLETE WITH BUNKIES GRAND OPENING DAY PRICE *129 BEDROOM CHEST 4 DRAWER, BRASS PULLS GRAND OPENING DAY PRICE *49 5 PC. 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