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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1981)
Sports THE BATTALION THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1981 Page 7 ID e by tin d Smith :he i Saturn’! in closet >ed, "the 'erion. h dyperio; probable vas pun a a d for re iounj’of let’s •'e where : planefi round it times its ided lie / church ed with Falling ought deeper, ote from the riding i contend ts were -partol thin the perin to muchai brvioli- iws. uist did iion. He t official itration. ie vote dperins 3 court Nixon’s vil suits ope to ; in the it could g presi- eh suits lify Hal- aim of a ,d Fitz- Nixon’s instant mnceat ” Marl lawyer, v. SCgfI Snake crawls out of ‘retirement’ to sign Oiler pact| United Press International wasn t coming back, ” Stabler said. Stabler has refused tnrRtnmmnnv nn , . . _ . . , , , , , United Press International HOUSTON — The Houston Oilers believe Kenny Stabler, who ended his five-week retirement because of quarterback Gifford Nielsen’s injury, may be ready to run the offense against Los Angeles in the team’s regular sea son opener. Stabler returned to Houston Wednesday from his Gulf Shores, Ala., home and met with the Oiler officials and the media for the first time since the end of last season. The 35-year-old NFL veteran said when quarterback Gifford Nielsen tore a shoulder muscle in last Saturday’s game with Tampa Bay — an injury that will sideline him for several weeks — he de cided rejoin his teammates and end his surprise retirement. “I made up my mind a couple of days ago. I’m not sure why. I think 1 un-retired and retired several times. I think after Gifford got hurt I saw the Oilers needed me, ” Stabler said. Coach Ed Biles said it was con ceivable Stabler could be the team’s starting quarterback for the Sept. 6 regular-season opener against the Rams in Anaheim, Calif. “He can pick up the system in a few days but how he is physically is another question,” Biles said. Biles, Stabler, and Oiler Gener al Manager Ladd Herzeg met late Wednesday night to begin Stab- ler’s education on the Oiler s new offense system. But Stabler, who appeared paunchy, said his only retirement activity — “hanging around down at the beach” — left him out of shape and overweight at 210 pounds. “I did very little (conditioning) because I was retired. There was no reason to get in shape because I wasn’t coming back, ” Stabler said. Although Stabler said his retire ment had nothing to do with con tract negotiations, the Oilers used a two-year pact to lure the NFL all-time pass completion percen tage leader back to Houston for a twelfth pro season. Team officials would not release details of the contract, but said it was close to the terms Stabler played under last season. One re port put the contract at $750,000 for the two-year period. Nielsen, his arm in a sling, is expected to be sidelined about a month. He hedged when asked if he expected to return to the start ing slot. “Tve got to get myself well, the shoulder’s got to heal and I’ve got to get ready to play. I want to be the No. 1 quarterback when I come back. I’ve put in a lot of time and I’ve worked hard,” he said. I was in a situation a week ago that I’ve been working for for a long time. Then I had to step back a little bit. But I’ve got my priori ties in the proper perspective. There should be no problem,” he said. John Reaves, who replaced Neilsen after he was injured Saturday’s exhibition game with Tampa Bay, will probably be the odd man out when Neilsen re turns. However, he put on his best face for reporters earlier Wednesday. “I’m going to try to play well enough Saturday night (in the Oil ers’ final exhibition game with the Dallas Cowboys) to win the start ing job,” Reaves said. “I’m glad the situation with Stabler is over. I’ve been hearing about it for weeks. I m glad he’s coming back.” Since sending word of his re tirement to the Oilers the day be fore he was to report to camp. Stabler has refused to return many phone calls of Herzeg and Biles. The team officials publicly main tained a hard line, saying they did not want Stabler back if he was playing only for a paycheck. Reportedly, Stabler was ready to rejoin the team last week but was offended by published reports quoting Biles as saying Stabler would come back on his terms. But the Oilers softened this week when doctors told them Nielsen’s injury would keep him on the sidelines for at least four weeks. That left the team to start the regular season with only Reaves, who was out of the NFL last year and acquired by the Oil ers after Stabler retired. Herzeg maintained throughout the past month that the Oilers would not beg, but a source in Alabama told a newspaper the Oil ers were making a stronger pitch for Stabler than was being publi cized. Herzeg said Wednesday that he received a telephone call the night before from a Stabler representative asking to discuss Stabler’s situation. Wide receiver Mike Renfro said he was glad to see Stabler back and thought Stabler, a freer spirit than Neilsen, would add a new dimen sion to offensive huddles. ‘Of course, this means we’ll be smelling Jack Daniels in the hud dle instead of chocolate milk shakes,” he said. Running back Ronnie Coleman said being Stabler’s teammate for Texas Instruments advonced slide rule calculator uuith programmability NL boss fines Philly manager $1,000 for run-in with umpire TI-55. Versatile slide rule calculator and “how to” book combination for statistical and mathematical problem solving-with simple programmability. Advanced TI-55 capabilities include programming, plus a unique blend of hardware and software support features. Easily handles almost any mathematical operation, from logarithms and trigonometry to more advanced statistical problems. 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Step-by-step examples cover analyzing relationships in data, verifying quality and performance, measuring change, forecasting trends, testing research claims, and projecting investment returns. mTT^ n ‘ te ^ ^ ress International PHILADELPHIA — Philadel phia Phillies’ Manager Dallas Green says the five-day suspen sion and $1,000 fine slapped on him Wednesday for a bumping in- cident with umpire Steve Fields is ridiculous.” National League President hub Feeney told Green in a tele gram the suspension and fine was or your language and actions, in- cuding making physical contact wtn and removing the hat (and P p, , n 8„ sa nae) of umpire Steve Fields, Green and shortstop Larry »owa, whom Feeney fined $500, were ejected in the ninth inning of Monday s game with Atlanta by second base umpire Fields after e ruled Bowa missed second base doutd* ^ a P > P )aren * : i nn i n g-ending Im quite upset,” Green said. 1 would accept what’s fair. Some ,, m p shouldn t be condoned. I mk my actions were possibly a cause for suspension. (But) I think v , e da ys nnd a $1,000 fine is ridi culous. T'fsday, Feeney had sus pended Green indefinitely pend- 7 g a re 1 vi , e w of the tapes of Mon- V night s incident. The five-day US P^ ns ^ 0n included Tuesday min game ’ "leaning Green Sunday 1 ” 3114 ^ 6 team a g a i" a „^ re ®, n sa id he was “leaning ^ an a Ppeal of the suspen- unp ecaus f baseball is screwed am n ° u S h *15 ye ar , ” but added “I take ” Ceida * n °f w hat course I will parked if f lmp i ng incident was Sde r afte L B0 * a « el ^ ah ? d a PPearprl ^ . Dale Murphy, Chris Ch °m >UC k se cond to force forffe ^ 1155 ^ threw to first scored hcague ’ n the National ^ Wu? ° oked * the films humping V n Was de hberately w hatthev a 16 ds ’ 1 don t know " l di d make" cn e ? ing L Green said Vicious r 0ntact but it was not Protect mv nil? m£ ? nIy tr ying to Puie offend? r er ' 1 am no ,on 8- fespect th d e? 0fUmpir f S rights - 1 ^ ut I’m 1™ more tkan many, P e °ple in o! ng res P ec t for some f the game. ” * icld * Graves to r u* 11 P erm itted the Allies tieruf ^ 5 L ' 4 Iead ’ but the ninth and 11 m tbe bott om of the innings. eventua lly won in 13 0we ns 1 s? f nf neral « Mana g er Paul u Psetattho . 6 Was sur P r ised and s i°n and fineT” 6 ^^ °^ tbe sus pen- (Green’s^ ?° U , c ,? ns i der Dallas’ Said > “«ve eeney told B °wa he was fined $300 for “actions and language” directed toward Fields, $100 for throwing equipment and $100 for returning to the dugout after his ejection from the game. ie BOOK Store 327 University Dr. Northgate A&M BOOKSTORE Presents A Collection Of Books By DR. 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