Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1981)
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1981 Battalion State Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED THE HOUSTON POST is now filling student routes for the fall semester. Early morning hours. $250-800/month. No hand rolling. Men, women or couples. 846-0396 or 846-2911. 18118 Electric Cowboy Now hiring. Job openings for waitresses, bartenders and barbacks. come by club in person. 183tfh A&M Students interested in learning Tax idermy work. Call 846-0141 — Palermo Taxidermy. 183t9 Baker Street Bar & Restaurant Dishwasher & Kitchen Help Part-time/Full-time Flexible Hours Apply in person, ask for Gregg or Roger. 18113 Wanted student to work on Tuesdays as parking lot attendant. Call or come by Ex ercise Physiology Lab at Health and Physi cal Education Department. 18313 SERVICES WANTED: Telephone solicitor 7-10 hours weekly/evenings — no experience re quired. Times flexible 693-7506. 17915 GAYLINE 846-8022, Picnic Sunday, 5pm, Oaks Park BYOB. 18313 Dump Truck for hire trash hauled 846- 2919. 18218 3-C Bar-B-Q in Culpepper Plaza DISHWASHERS part time or full time Apply between 9-11 Mornings 2-4 Afternoons Immediate opening: Ranch Co-manager position. Registered Hereford Ranch Cen tral Texas. Top salary and benefit package. Only hard workers need apply. Call 817- 385-6487. 180110 Typing on word processing equipment. Ex perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Service;;, 693-1070. 162127 WANTED: Part-time Stocker and delivery man. Morning shift. Apply in person at J.J.’s Liquor Store 1219 N. Texas Ave., Bryan. 183tfn Person to format and record mus ic for a local club. Reel to reel cassette deck & access to albums required. Phone 846-3030 or 696-8826. 18313 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779-i 2258, Bryan. 156136 Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755. 178tfr) Typing experienced fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. 155tfh Lawn service, edging, trimming, etc. 696- 0562. 18316 PART-TIME HELP WANTED. Grapevine personality. 696- 3411. E.O.E. PART-TIME & FULL-TIME HELP. Wanted immediately. Apply in person. LOUPOT’S BOOKSTORE. Typing. 15 yrs. experience, 846-3219.164128 1 GAYLINE 846-8022. PULL Oft PART TIME 'Day Snift > ‘Night shift (til 10pm.) ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.50/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER \ Bryan College Station 1,101 Texas 105 Dominik fitlg HOME CARE SERVICES employees: paid travel time, flexible hours, $3.60 to $4.30/hr. Candidates with maturity, job refer ences, transportation, phone and a concern for cleaning excellence call 846-1905. 18019 TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 4013 Texas Ave. S. 846-5794 16 COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 itfi FOR SALE ROOMMATE WANTED Texas Brief Ho. Citizen prok United Press Internahou HAMBY — Angered t- said they will take protest! Gov. Bill Clements anddit) congressional delegation ti> stall placement of more; parolees in an area hallwayi “There’s a gun in even: room and there’s not oneolj hasn’t thought about whatm if we caught someone where shouldn’t he,” Mrs. Dp Smith, who lives nextdoort halfway house, said Sunday said citizens in the area wodt ry protests to the govern Texas congressmen. Eighlai less already are housed t Hamby halfway house, k facility has been approve! eventually handle a maxi® S3. Statewide, an estimated!! parolees have already bee leased to halfway houses tk to ease overcrowding in pis NEW ^ orchestral clothing f More r ticut that; developei the Fourt In May rized cocl and anem borate pu Washi Collins to 15 yrs. National Geographic magazines 1962-1977. Make offer. Call 1-828-3903 — also tape recorder Ambassador $50. Please call after 6pm. 183t3 Male roommate, own room, Plantation oaks Apt, $200.00/mo. includes utilities, (713) 538-1587. 183U4 Practice makes perfect Photo by Jane C. Brmt Refrigerator for sale — Gold Catalina $200 frost-free. Call 696-3041 after 4pm. 181t5 FOR RENT 1973 Chevy truck for sale. Call 260-6867. 181t5 Part time/full time Now and this fall team cleaning homes Starting salary $3.60 Travel allowance Domestic Services 693-1954 1973 12x60 2 bedroom, partially furnished, 2Vi miles from A&M, excellent condition. 779-3192. 181t5 ’74 Capri — Deluxe Sports Package — 4- speed, air, excellent condition, 25 mpg, $1895.00 Phone 846-7301 after 5pm on weekdays. 181t5 4-plex for rent $425 a month 2 bedrooms 1 Vz baths, washer & dryer. Call 693-4186 or 693- 8375. The piano in the MSC main lounge lets these two musicians from Waco entertain passersby with selections from Chopin. Chia Ying Wang, 14, has studied piano seven years, and Chia Ming Wang, 11, has studied three years. Their father. Dr. Ken Hsi Wang is visiting the Texas A&M campus to do research in physics. United Press Intenubou! DALLAS — Rep. JimOt R-Texas, has filed adedanty candidacy for the U.S. Senifc currently held by DemocnlL 1 Bentsen, but said the tfr only a technicality and shot; be regarded as an annouucs of his intentions. Collins, the first majorRf? can candidate to file for Be: seat, filed an official states Washington Wednesday j lishing his 1982 Senate w committee. The statementb makes him a Senate cana Collins said he would no!’ his decision until late hi would not make a formal j announcement until awed fore the filing deadline not! reports in wounded, ing to be On the Charles a gious fash wedding mysteriou don write All of hoaxes, t) Reporti guard ag Sources. 1 caused a demonstr; false stori When Cook’s pri drug addl was forcec New York ly’s colum tioned, he When £ hoax, he e people ou false story Ui Slayings 1972 Kawasaki 350 three cylinder. Recent top end job. Reliable college transporta tion. Asking $325. 693-6422. 177t9 1980 Honda Express moped. Excellent condition. 130 MPG. Call Wawa 693- 7546/845-6822. 180t5 1975 Honda 550 best offer 696-3361 after 5pm. 179t7 PRODUCTION SPECIALIST I WANTED: Person who enjoys working with people, capable of performing varied typing assignments and able to exercise independent judgment. Word processing experience preferred but not necessary. CONTACT: Mrs. Gertrude Perry Texas A&M Research Foundation 846-7731. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 182t! 8Vfe cabover camper, oven, stove, re frigerator, heater and jacks. $1850. Call 779-1959, good condition. 179t5 HORSE STALLS FOR RENT (20x60) large riding and roping arena and round pen. We feed mornings. Call Mike 696-1450 or Joan 693-4847. Coggins Test re quired $30 and $40. Judges accused in abuse of visitation privileges ’78 Yamaha XS500E. Great con dition with 8,500 miles. Black with gold penstripes, backrest with lug gage rack. New Battery, tuneup and rear tire $1100, call 846-5141. Preleasing For Fall in College Station New 3 bedroom 2 bath 4plexes ^ 775-5757. 174 Apartment partially furnished, $125.00 per month. Boys Only!! Call 846-2154 between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 141tfn SERVICES WANTED Call Cathy for all your typing or word processing needs. 696-9550. 131tfti TEMPORARY PART-TIME HELP NEEDED We need 8 dependable individuals to work part-time for approximately three weeks. Starting August 10 and going through August 14, we need you to work from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and from August 15 to August 31, we need you to work from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. We need individuals who are willing to work 7 days a week and who can use their own economical vehicle. We guarantee four hours pay per day at $4.00 per hour. If you’re interested in earning some extra cash, call Elna Johnston at 779-2345 between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. The Eagle illy Em| An Equal Opportunity Employer CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 ttin ~ uX United Press International DALLAS — Some state judges, taking advantage of a loophole in the “visiting judge” program, have been abusing the system to make handsome personal gains without fear of official sanction, says a spokesman for the state’s Commission on Judicial Conduct. The judges leave their cour troom and travel great distances on the pretext of helping a judge who is ill, burdened by a heavy case load, or cannot hear a case because of conflict of interest, said Maurice Pipkin, executive dire ctor of the commission. The judges charge their hotel bills and travel expenses to the counties they visit and collect an extra $25 per day for their work, Pipkin said. “They’re playing musical chairs,” he said. “Judge X will go to Judge Y’s court who will go to someone else’s court and the first thing you know there’s a chain of visiting judges. ” According to figures for last year, the judges took 1,737 trips and collected $160,425 as extra pay. The counties they visited picked up their hotel and travel bills. “There are abuses. There’s just no question,” Pipkin said. Pipkin said the program was primarily designed to enable a judge to get help when his court docket got overloaded and to get the most benefit from the state’s limited number of judges. The program requries a busy judge to invite only the nearest avilable colleague but in practice the judges have been circumventing the system to travel great dis tances to make money. “Some of them live pretty high off the hog, ” Pipkin said. “There’s no restriction on what they spend. They just present the bills and the county picks up the tab.” He said, “It is something that’s been bothering us for years be cause it is such a loose arrange ment.” Chief Justice Joe Greenhill of the State Supreme Court says he has no knowledge of any abuse but agreed with Pipkin about the lack of supervision and the need for a centralized court administration. United Press Intemationil DALLAS — A 14-yeaMl] accused in the slayings oflf rents, ARCO Oil and Gis President William Keeler# wife, will remain at theD County detention center f 1 more days while unik psychiatric examination,his! ney said. Doug Mulder said It waived a second scheduled(? tion hearing Friday so hee remain at the detention« State law requires hearing!! 10 days to determine whet juvenile accused of a crime s remain in custody or be rels to a relative or gurdian. The| has been held at the dew center since the July 12 she? deaths of his parents alt home. WASHI administra MX missil them inste retary Cas cision has Military national tl junk the v planned fc Monday nology” m ger wants MX inter place of “s western st The 71- Ur “Legislation is needed to change this to give me and the presiding judge (of each judicial district) more power,” Greenhill said. save energy a very brioh idea WASHI! Secretary I ters Union senator, sh "It is a 1 the union 1 Permanent quiry. InaletO had no autl advice of c Willian million-me charges th William: Las Vegas Nev., in r< year. PETS Professional dog training obedience and boarding K-9 Country Kennels and Cattery 846-9412 after 6 p.m., 696-2745. 173U6 SPECIAL NOTICE MSC Summer Dinner Theatre presents Neil Simon's PART TIME DELIVERY KEyboARd Center MANOR EAST MALL Bryan, Texas 77801 this position is for a mature and responsible person who will deliv er pianos and organs in their truck. Average 7.50 hourly plus mileage and the hours are flex ible. Some weeks are busier than others and we are busy closer to Christmas. Telephone 779- 7080. laite “Sealed bids will be received in the office of the State Purchasing and General Services Commission, Cen tralized Services Building, 1711 San Jacinto, Austin, Texas, covering the proposed lease of space located in the City of College Station or Bryan, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH LEASE NO. HEA-3363-E-BRYAN OR COLLEGE STATION 2,100 Square feet. OFFICE/SUPPLY SPACE. For information, please contact the Lease Office, State Purchasing and General Services Commission, P. O. Box 13047, Austin, Texas 78711. (512) 475-2153. 18 3ti Prisoner of Second Avenue Earn $240 a month just by working two nights (5pm- 2am) a week, (more hours available) at Der Wien er schnitzel. Apply in Person 501 S. Texas Ave. Bryan between 9:30am-11am weekdays. i I TWIN I CITY I GOLF I DRIVING i RANGE I I » Hrs: Mon-Sat 12-9 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m.-8 p.m. August 6 & 7 Budget Nights BBQ Dinner Dinner — 6:30-7:30 p.m. Curtain — 7:45 p.m. Students — $5.75 General Public — $6.75 Senior Citizens — $5.75 August 8 Buffet Dinner Beef Sc Seafood Dinner — 6:50-7:30 Curtain — 7:45 p.m. Students — $8.75 General — $9.75 Senior Citizens — $8.75 £96-1220 * East Bypass and Hwy. 30. | Service Road Going South - V* I miles. Performance in 201 MSC Tickets must be purchased at least 24 hours in advance of the show at the MSC Box Office (875-2916) The subi Hams from ately answ figures. Donovai The seci sure Act d internatior could be ii Ac a Cs ‘ J