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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1981)
Page 4 THE BATTALION MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1981 Battalion Classifieds American s habits studied L to determine cancer risks HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED SERVICES Male students for yard work, weekends, $3.50/hour, 846-6211, evenings. 118t2 Female student to study and answer phone, M T W TH, 1-5 through August on Campus, $2.00/hour, 846-6211, eve nings. 118t2 Full-time landscape foreman for work in Austin. Call 822- 1561 Brazos Valley Nur sery. SWEnsen-S Interviewing now for WAITRESSES, WAITERS, FOUNTAINEERS, CASHIERS, COOKS, AND DISH WASHERS. Pick up an application at Culpepper Plaza College Station. 886fn DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846- 2991.696-8032. 38tfn ■ Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR ■ COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922« 1 I I HOUSTON CHRONICLE Open 3/23. Northside dorms on campus. 235 papers, $1.90 a pa per per month & gas mileage. Call Julian McMurrey. 846-0763 or 693-2323. nstfn Summer camp counselors to spe cial populations (handicapped). Dallas area. Salary, room, board, fun. Most openings for men. Camp Soroptimist, 7411 Hines Place Suite 123 Dallas 75235 (214) 634-7500. iost20 SERVICES Typing, 7723. symbols Notary Public. 823- 112t35 3-C BAR-B-Q in BRYAN Positions open. We are now hir ing. Apply in person 1810 S. Main Bryan. mtfn KEN MARTIN’S STEAKHOUSE Positions wanted: COOK, COUNTER HELP & BUSBOY. Apply in Person 3-6pm. Monday-Saturday 1803 S. Texas Ave.nstin ' ATTENTION AGGIES! You now have Ag gie friends, Class ’60, in the diamond and jewelry business. Send for brochure and price list. Diamonds for class rings, PO Box 931 Bedford, Texas 76021. 110t7 Typing!! Reports, THE DOUBLE. 3755. dissertations, etc. ON 331 University. 846- 178tfn UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY? Services through the 20th week. Awake or Asleep. Women’s Health Services of Houston and Dallas, Texas. Off Metroplex Gyn. Group Toll Free 1-800-442-4076i8tioi United Press International DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Noting it now seems clear many people “live their way into cancer,” the American Cancer Society Sunday announced plans to start a major new study to get a better idea of how habits affect our risks of getting the disease. The society, using volunteer workers, plans to interview a million Americans around the nation to see what they eat, drink, smoke and how they live, work and play. The health of these people then will be watched for at least six years. “By then we may have a solid basis for eliminating some cancer hazards and be able to reduce the risks of other diseases as well,” said Dr. Edward F. Scan lon, president of the cancer society and chief of surgery at the Evanston, Ill. hospital. Scanlon told the opening session of a cancer socie ty seminar that numerous studies have demonstrated that life style affects cancer development. Teaching (individual or group), translation: ESL; Medical or conservational Spanish; French; Portguese. Graphics. Wedding music. Call Mary Anne, 822-3971. lOltll FOR SALE Professional typing 779-2683. 106t42 Typing. 775-5343. TRS-80 pocket computer Cassette inter face, business program, "NEW’’ $195. Call 775-5047. U6t5 FISH RICHARD’S HALF CENTURY HOUSE i§ looking for daytime personnel. Full-time and part-time. Apply in person at 801 Wellborn Road. 114ttn Part-time help wanted. Grapevine personality 696- 3411. 104tfn 1 E.O.E. DELIVERY PERSONNEL 18% straight commission plus tips, Commission paid cash every night. Kitchen Help. Apply in person 301 Patricia 97t3b □ (0 b z < B £n ON Now hiring Delivery Personnel Must have own car and insurance. $3.50/hour plus commission and tips. AddIv Domino's Pizza 4407 Texas Ave. after 4:30 p.m. 1504 Holleman after 4:30 p.m. nstio Schlotzsky’s is now taking applications for weekend shifts. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY, 100 S. Texas Ave. between 2-5pm. 102tfn FULL OR PART TIM“ 'Day Shift ‘Night shift-(til 10pm.) 1 ’ '* ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.50/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 6«n. GREENLEAF HOSPITAL Greenleaf is a growing innovation psychiatric hospital looking for that special person who qualifies as a FIN, LVN, or Mental Health Worker/Orderly to join our staff. Currently there are both full-time and part-time positions available. If interested, please stop by the hospital at 405 West 28th in Bryan, or call 822-7326 and let us tell you about our facili ties. 111115 Earn $240 a month just by working two nights (5pm- 2am) a week, (more hours available) at Der Wein- schnitzel. Apply in Person 501 S. Texas Ave. Bryan between 9:30am-11am weekdays. TEXAS McCAN is seeking a PROGRAMMER ANALYST for a small shop environment who will benefit us by maintaining and improving our current ac counting and management reporting systems, and who can grow with our company, developing more sophisticated systems in the future. The qualified candidate must be degreed with accounting experience and at least 2 years pro gramming experience in COBOL and FORTRAN. Texas McCan offers competitive salary, excellent benefits and outstanding opportunities for career growth. Send us your resume: EOE TEXAS McCAN CORP. (713) 627-8910 No Agencies P.O. Box 1885 Please Houston, TX. 77001 Attn: Personnel 1 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 54tfn 1978 Honda CX500. 846-1340.’ Excellent condition, 116t2 “It seems clear that many of us live our way into cancer, just as people can live their way into heart disease,” he said. “We encounter or even invite risks that may initiate the process or processes which turn normal cells into cancerous cells.” Cigarette smoking, for example, is responsible for more than 100,000 cancer deaths among American men and womevery year, he said. But Scanlon said new questions have been raised in recent years and people are changing their I styles. He said scientists wonder, for example, aboiiltj effect of caffeine in coffee and cola drinks, about^ consumer products and drugs and what elements; our food may be hazardous. “Are the new low-tar, low-nicotine cigarettesr| ly less hazardous, and if so, by how much?” Scanf asked. “Has the birth control pill had eitherharn or possible protective effects on cancer risk women? “What is air pollution doing, or what long-tJ effects may there be from low levels of radiatij Which industrial chemicals, including consists products and chemicals from occupational expos? are truly dangerous?” Scanlon said only large-scale, long-term stni can answer such questions. He said onlyavoluiifc organization like the cancer society can undeit(; such a task because thousands of people doing| interviewing will be volunteers. The plan is to begin with small pilot projects tor if a new questionnaire is effective in producing* desired information. The first test is scheduled to begin within a»ij in Tampa. Other cities where the pilot studies*! run are Syracuse and Melville, N.Y., Oalda Calif, Minneapolis, Chicago, Newton, Mass.,ft las. Little Rock, Ark., and Salt Lake City. SPRUCE UP FOR SPRING! Free Mary Kay facial, Polly Powell 693-6981 after 5pm. 99t30 1979 Chev. Silverado ‘/a ton S.W. B. Perfect condition. Loaded. Wade Hayden 845- 7081. 108tl0 3-C BAR-B-Q in Culpepper Plaza Now has openings for DAY COOKS & NIGHT COOKS. Other positions also open. Ap ply 10-11am or 2-4pm week days. 1727 Texas Ave. College Station hsis Class papers, reports, theses, dissertations, resumes, etc. typed on our word process- . ing systems. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 846- 1731. lilts Catahoula Leopard puppies registered only females left. Will take best offer. Inquires welcome, 589-2983. 11415 Jail is ‘home sweet home .Custom Calligraphy. Parchment. Choice of inks. 693-3846. 99t30 1965 Mustang Fastback, good condition, $2500, 693-2471. 11020 OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS. 7133. . v 696- 83t35 1978 Corvette, white, clean condition, T- top, loaded, day-779-8773, night-779- 8718. 115t8 'Typing anti editing in home. Fast and de pendable. 693-3846. 99t30 650 Yamaha Special, under 10,000 miles. Call Jim 693-1883 or 779-1938 after 6pm. 107tfn Will do fast accurate typing in my home. Day or night. Call 846-9330. 86tfn PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258, Bryan. 73tfn $100 DOWN $100 down, 5 acre College Station area, rolling, wooded & electricity. COUNTRY LAND COMPANY (713) 468-8501 icitso LOST Found ladies watch near Academic build ing. Call 845-3697. I18t2 Part Cocker Spaniel tan and white dog. Lost near Finfeather Road, call Carol, 775- 0846, 845-2554. 115t5 Lost Parrot, by MSC $50 reward. Mike 696-8300. Call 116t5 WANTED TYPING. Ail kinds. Let us type your propos als;'dissertations, reportsiriefesays Sn bur WORD PROCESSOR. Fast sefVice. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 209 University East 846-5794 i65tfn CASH FOR OLD GOLD glass rings, wpdding rings, worn out gold jewelry, Coins, etc. The Diamond room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 ittn OFFICIAL NOTICE I OFFICIAL NOTICE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE English Proficiency Examination ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS in curricula of the College of Science must take the English Proficiency Examination on AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1981, at 7:30 p.m. BIOLOGY Department Curricula... Room 113 BSBE^ CHEMISTRY Department Curricula Room 231 CHEM^ MATH Department Curricula .... Room 101 Milner £ PHYSICS Department Curricula... Room 301 RHYS j In order to quality as a candidate for a degree in the College of Science, each student must demonstrate an ability to express himself (or herself) in accept able English. This requirement may be satisfied by (1) passing an examina tion in English composition (ERE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing English 301 with a minimum grade of “C". ANY STUDENT WHO FAILS THE WRITTEN EXAMINA TION (EPE) MUST SATISFY THE ENGLISH PROFICIEN CY Requirement by taking English 301 and EARNING A MINIMUM GRADE OF “C”. For information and guidelines on the nature of the examination, check with the departmental secretary. 11219 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 FOR RENT J U-LOCK-IT STORAGE 10-10 - $20 10-20 - $22 & Up 693-2339 107117 JOB OPPORTUNITIES JOB OPPORTUNITIES YOUNG ENGINEERS DO YOU WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN ALL PHASES OF POWER PLANT DESIGN? ELECTRICALS MECHANICALS CIVILS TIPPETT & GEE, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR THE POWER INDUSTRY INTERVIEWING MAY/SUMMER GRADUATES TUESDAY, MARCH 24, PLACEMENT OFFICE Design Engineers for power plants throughout the United States and Alaska, including the nearby Gibbons Creek Plant. Our offices are located in the West Texas city of Abilene Formed in 1954 67% Average annual growth rate for the past 4 years. GROW IN A PROFESSIONAL ATMOSPHERE TIPPETT & GEE, INC. 502 N. WILLIS STREET ABILENE, TEXAS 79603 915-673-8291 United Press International DANVILLE, Pa. — Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home — even if it’s a jail. Fred Shepperson, the sheriff of Montour County in central Penn sylvania, runs the state’s only re maining “Mom and Pop” jail, as he calls it. Shepperson and his family live in the front portion of a mas sive Victorian structure in Danvil le, and 29 prisoners live in the back. “We house everyone from mur derers down to non-support,” Shepperson said. The inmates get their lunch from Shepperson s wife, Gloria. They eat what the Sheppersons eat — “chickien pot pie, soups and chili,” Shepperson said. The county, which provides the house, food and all utilities for the sheriff and his family, recently hired a part-time professional cook to fix the prisoners’ dinner. In 1892, when Montour Coun ty built a combined jail and sher iff s house, most of Pennsylvania’s small counties put law enforce ment officers and criminals together. The only concession Montour has made to prison prog ress is the hiring of guards in 1973, Shepperson said. Since Shepperson, 41, became sheriff in 1977, there have been no escapes from the jail. And he said he had no worries that would-be escapees might wind up in his home. "It’s pretty secure,” he said; the prisoners are going to I out, they’re going to go theolt way.” Stx AGGIE CLEANERS 111 College Main 846-4116 GET READY FOR SPRING NOW! ov "THE Cleaners At North gate” Ask about our Discount Cards Savings up to 20% Petroleum Industry Opportunities Responsibility & Challenge We Offer It to You Now! CORE LAB, a leading oil field service company, has provided specialized services to the worldwide petroleum industry for over 40 years, and we are experiencing phenomenal growth. Along with this growth, we have challenging career opportunities for Entry Level Well Logging Personnel in both international and domestic locations In addition to being thoroughly trained to gather and interpret complex well logging data, there are many advantages to joining Core Laboratories as a Well Logger: opportunity for travel with international assignments, generous vacation, living allowance, paid training and transportation to assigned job sites. We offer an excellent starting salary and competitive benefits package, and at Core Lab, promotions are made from within. Our diversification allows you to choose a career path with a secure future. If you have a bachelor level degree in geology or a science-related field and are seeking challenge, send a resume including salary history, or call Don King COLLECT at (214) 631-8270. 7501 Stemmons Frwy 'LAB (Near Mockingbird) Dallas. Texas 75247 Texa more B led Mar Crosby. The nistratu dent in was dri Bow volunte He was Texas ^ A g chool, ootball tate q as nai all-zom orable team. Sen the Ci i churcl cemete Silv held Ai Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Bring us your COLOR PRINT Films... FOR QUALITY COLOR PROCESSING BY DENCO We offer DENCO quality processing for all your COLOR PRINT Films. 110 & 126 — 12 Exp $ 1" ' We use Kodak paper. For good looking enlargements. 110 & 126 — 24 Exp $ 2 oenco PHOTOFINISHING LABORATORY 119 Walton • 696-0371 • College Station