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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1981)
Alumnus says coach part of scandal I By RICHARD OLIVER Sports Editor I A claim by an anonymous alumnus that Texas A&M University Head Basketball Coach Shelby ' Metcalf was part of a recruiting scandal in 1976 is a “kind of sad situation,” said an Aggie athletic cial Tuesday. he claim by the alumnus appeared in an icle in Tuesday’s Dallas Morning News. The alumnus is one of three Texas A&M alum ni who are forever banned from aiding the r Bnool’s recruiting program after being con- mpted of giving illegal inducements to former [Aggie basketball stars Karl Godine and Jarvis .aCra; Williams. i EvelJtThe duo played for Houston Kashmere, where 101.71 [they were all-Americas for two straight years. Bowever, as freshmen at Texas A&M, the Hiletes were referred to as Frank and Jesse erdaslAmes or the “Maytag twins” in reference to the 62. alleged illegalities. The article quotes the anonymous alumnus as it5-4! admitting to some illegalities in the recruiting iSheffifjBjort, but said he’s upset Metcalf got off “scot len SnjKee when he was dead in the middle of the whole ind Ming.” “They didn’t want Metcalf,” he told Morning iwassi N ews reporter Jim Poyner. “They didn’t want to take it that far.” |[Metcalf, however, disagrees. HI was cleared,” he said Tuesday night. “I even offered to take a polygraph test. The ■t-«(Southwest Conference) investigator said it wasn’t necessary.” cting Texas A&M President Charles Sam- 5, (Mh »o tinif son, who was then head of the civil engineering department at the University and also a member of the SWC hierarchy, confirmed Metcalfs claim. “He was available to testify,” he said. “There was never any question of his availability to tes tify.” Cliff Speegle, commissioner of the Southwest Conference, told the Morning News Metcalf was simply not asked to testify. “To my knowledge,” he said, “Shelby was not asked. The investigator did not see fit for him to, I guess.” The unnamed Texas A&M athletic official said Speegle “could have been a little more emphatic and simply said Metcalf was cleared.” The alumnus said Metcalf urged him and the other recruiters to secure Godine and Williams by any means because “there was a lot of press ure on him to win. I think that pressure over came him.” Metcalf said the charge is ridiculous because the Aggies had won the SWC title in 1975 before Godine and Williams had been on the team, and there was no one “asking us to repeat.” “We’d won the championship,” he said. “I never said that they should do anything like that. ” Another athletic official, who was close to the situation at the time, said he knew the circumst ances regarding the recruiting “had gotten out of hand, but I didn’t want to look at it that hard.” The official added that Texas, Baylor and Houston were also hot on the trail of Godine and Williams, and had made similar offers. He added the pair admitted this under polygraph examina tion. Metcalf did not deny he had asked the alumni to assist in the recruiting effort. “They came highly recommended as good re cruiters,” he said. “I asked them to recruit Karl and Jarvis. “That was the first time they had recruited basketball players. They’d never recruited any thing but football players before then.” One player who performed under Metcalf for four years said he knew some things were awry when he attended the University. “Lots of crazy things go on,” he said. “Any school that could lose two top assistants in two years in a row is in trouble. Things are being run so funny to me I don’t see how they get by. “Sure, kids get money. I needed money, but I didn’t ask. But some kids did. There’s no real system down there. Everything is sneaky. Lots of kids see that stuff but they’re afraid to speak up. So many kids go through hell.” The alumnus said he was an experienced re cruiter. “I had been recruiting for a couple of years before that, and it had been pretty much on the up and up,” he said. “Karl and Jarvis, though, they were the first I’d run into like that. My regret is my inability to withstand the pressure of the coach who wanted that kind of kid.” The charges were many against the two play ers and their recruiters. A loan for a 74 Camaro for Godine was co signed by one Texas A&M former student, and another alumnus provided Williams with a rent car. Cash bonuses were also mentioned. Also, the . unnamed Aggie official added, Godine had some gasoline paid for and Williams was, the conference determined, “overpaid” for labor he did for one of the alumni. The charges surfaced due to a letter written by then-Texas coach Leon Black that was distri buted throughout the conference. The ensuing investigation began in 1975 and ended the fol lowing year with the conference suspending the two players. When the season concluded, the full-scale NCAA investigation began. The investigators determined the two players had suffered enough with the one-year suspen sion and reinstated them for the 1977-78 season. Godine and Williams saw little action that year, something that upset the alumnus. “Nobody got new cars after the Jarvis and Karl thing,” said the player, “but we didn’t get some of the better recruits either. The NCAA knows everybody’s doing it. The only bad thing about it is the small schools can’t compete. How could you not know what’s going on? The mistake was made, and in order for Texas A&M to keep its head above water, you got to tell everyone to deny it.” The Morning News article states “it absolutely drives him (the alumnus) into a frenzy when he recalls the way Metcalf more or less benched Godine and Williams the rest of the time they spent at A&M.” “I must be naive, ” he said, “but I’m not accus tomed to that kind of disloyalty. After all the trouble we went through to get them, then he doesn’t play them. The year of their ineligibility, they didn’t want to practice with the team, so Metcalf got his revenge.” Metcalf scoffs at that idea. “This is something he’s recalling off the top of his head after five or six years,” he said. “It’s like when you whisper something and pass it around the room and it comes oht completely different. “I’m going to play the best player. The year they didn’t practice hurt them. They didn’t want to practice. I don’t think at that age you can lay off a year of basketball and not have it hurt them. “He’s got to realize that any coach is going to play his best players.” One Texas A&M official said the two players were still on scholarship the year they were out. He added the athletic department has not used many alumni for recruiting since the violations occurred, and said Metcalf perhaps used “poor judgment” in his selection of recruiters at that time. But, he said, if Metcalf knew of the violations, “he kept it very hidden from everyone else.” Samson said Texas A&M held a clinic last spring on recruiting. The seminar included peo ple involved in recruiting, and speakers in cluded Samson, then-University President Jar vis Miller, Athletic Director Marvin Tate, and Speegle. Also, a panel of student athletes discussed how they were recruited. “We got a very good response (from those attending),” said Samson. “We’d certainly con sider doing a second one.” he Battalion Vol. 74 No. 116 26 Pages in 2 Sections Serving the Texas A&M University community Thursday, March 12, 1981 College Station, Texas USPS 045 360 Phone 845-2611 The Weather Today Tomorrow High .... 61 High ... .65 Low 50 Low ... .53 Chance of rain .... 50% Chance of rain . . . . 20% Senate recommends $6 service fee increase aii By TERRY DURAN I Battalion Staff The student senate Wednesday recommended a $6 increase in the Fall 1981 student service fee, from a $33.50-per-student maximum to $39.50. •f; The recommendations call for a budget totaling over $2.5 million. The proposed fee increase and user fees for intramurals and health center services dominated the Wednesday special senate meeting. I||Original finance committee estimates called for only a $1 increase, but Tracy Cox, vice president for finance, said this was the result of a clerical misunderstanding with University Student Services Vice Pres ident John Koldus. I The $6 increase approved by the senate Wednesday night includes about $125,000 for the hiring of additional staff for the A. P. Beutel Health Center: two doctors, two nurses and one laboratory technician. I The finance committee had originally recommended the hiring of three new doctors, nurses and one technician, which would have meant a $7 fee increase. I “In the committee’s opinion,” Cox said, “three (new) doctors seemed rather inflationary. ” I Approved health center recommendations total $532,000, a 41 per cent increase over the 1980-81 figure of $376,000; however, health center officials had asked for $706,000. Cox said the difference, after accounting for one less doctor and nurse, would probably have to be made up from user fees from such services as prescriptions and X-rays. He emphasized that such fees would be less than the cost for comparable services elsewhere. Off-campus graduate senator Janet Golub, author of the bill proposing the health center user fees, said the most expensive X-rays would not be much over $5. Other recommendations in the packet include: — $436,000 for the intramural program, a 14.8 percent increase over the 1980-81 figure, but much less than the $574,461 requested by the department. — $712,867 for the Memorial Student Center fund, a 13.9 percent increase. — $385,000 slated for the Personal Counseling Center. — $154,679 for student activities, a 11.6 percent increase. A bill that would raise user fees for intramural sports participants was also passed. Current fees are $5 per team; Cox said several alternatives, such as a $15 across-the-board fee or a prorated fee, depending on class, were discussed, along with the possibility of a $1 fee for individual sports. The student service fee recommendations now go to Koldus, Acting President Charles Samson and the Board of Regents for approval. Although 16 bills were on the agenda under “old business,” all but three were held in committee. Ag agencies reap good budgets By LIZ NEWLIN Battalion Staff ; Texas A&M’s five agricultural services and agencies brought in a d crop Wednesday in Austin before the House Appropriations mmittee. ‘The committee was very fair and reasonable and generous, ” said Dr. Perry Adkisson, deputy chancellor for agriculture, who presented we request. “We got a very friendly reception. They didn’t ask very nany questions. In fact, they asked almost none.’ The committee reviewed the budgets for all of Texas A&M’s agricul- al services and agencies: the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, leTexas Extension Service, the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic boratory, the Texas Forest Service, and the Texas Rodent and Pest ntrol Service. The committee which must still make decisions on the budget ^mounts in what is known as a “mark-up” session, where representa tives put final touches on the appropriations bill before it is submitted on the House floor for final approval. The Senate goes through a similar procedure, and Tuesday the budgets for the whole statewide Texas |$&M System were reviewed by the Senate Finance Committee in another generally friendly session. The budget, which must be [approved in identical form by both houses, will provide money for [fiscal year 1982, which begins Sept. 1, 1981, and fiscal year 1983. Adkisson is optimistic the agriculture budgets will stay about the same through the mark-up session. “We don’t have any indication it won’t be good,” he said after he returned to College Station from Austin. “The legislators understand the crisis agriculture faces — the serious problems with energy and inflation.” That understanding, he said, comes from “good groundwork to educate the legislators” and a consensus among commodity groups about what should be requested. In some cases the committee restored money that had been cut by the governor’s Budget Board and by the Legislative Budget Board, which reviews the agencies’ original requests. Adkisson said about $800, (XX) was restored for construction of a toxicology lab at the Amaril lo branch of the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. Money was also restored to the Texas Forest Service budget for a small research group investigating pest control, wood utilization and genetics. He said the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station got almost every thing it asked for, about $36.3 million for the first year of the biennium and $39.4 million for the second year. Before this hearing the budgets were reviewed by the House Agri culture and Livestock Committee. Messy but good Staff photo by Chuck Chapman Melanie Westerfield and Greg Cizik take time out from studying to enjoy an ice cream cone from the Creamery. Even though the temperatures have only been reaching the low 70s, ice cream is still a good way to cool the heat of classes. ommittee grants 18 of 71 housing policy appeals By JANE G. BRUST Battalion Staff A committee authorized by the Department of Student flairs has upheld 18 of 71 appeals by fifth-year and graduate Students requesting on-campus housing for the fall semester. I The appeals responded to the department’s controversial Becision not to guarantee housing for fifth-year and graduate 'students, effective the fall of 1981. I The policy included a provision for appeals which were Weard by a committee of two University officials and six stu dents, including one graduate student. I Ron Sasse, associate director of Student Affairs, said most If the appeals upheld were brought by students “who demon- Itrated severe financial need.” I Committee member Bill Way said some of the students ippealing were asked to appear before the committee. He explained that students who will be allowed to remain on Pmpus because of financial need will be asked to move to the pss expensive dorms. I The committee set the condition so that someone claiming has financial hardship would not be living on campus in pton Hall, one of the most expensive dorms, Way said. I Some other cases upheld were cases were a roommate -jdc jjives with a handicapped as an attendant and they want to stay together,” Way said. Handicapped students, athletes. Residence Hall Associa tion officers, resident advisers and head residents are exempt from the policy. Way said a few cases were upheld because of health reasons. Some students need to stay on campus because of restricted diets and health needs, he said. Of the students who appealed, Way said, many said they had a financial need to stay on campus. Some students said they wanted to remain on campus for their last semester at the University. Others said it would be difficult to set up an apartment for one semester. Some students want to stay near research they are conducting on campus. Way said the majority of appeals were filed by fifth-year students, not by graduate students. Some graduate student leaders have spoken out against the new policy, saying it discriminates against graduate and fifth- year seniors. They also complain that the Department of Student Affairs did not provide adequate opportunity for input from the affected students. Aubrey Johnson, Graduate Student Council president, said graduate students are an integral part of the University but they feel they are treated like second class citizens. “Our basic concern is that this is a policy to affect all incoming single graduate students,” he said, “and we were not asked for an opinion. “We’re concerned on the long-term effect this could have on the graduate program.” Johnson said on-campus housing is an attraction for gradu ate students because of the convenience. He said the new policy may deter the graduate school’s efforts to attract new students. “The graduate programs are generally what will build a university’s reputation, ” he said. “To be more than just a state university, there has to be a quality graduate program.” Student Senator Fred Seals, also a graduate student, said there is a general concern among graduate students. “We wonder, ‘Where do we fit in?”’ he said. “My main concern is that the groups affected were not contacted for input,” Seals said. “The graduate council was not asked to provide input.” He pointed out that the sole graduate student on the appeals committee is an employee of the Department of Student Affairs. “I’m not sure where that individual’s loyalties lie,” he said. Ron Blatchley, director of Student Affairs, said the policy had been “kicked around” for over a year before the decision was made and during that time he did solicit opinions from students. He also said both Brad Smith, student body president, and Sherrie Balcar, RHA president, had opportunity to change or add to their appointments to the policy implementation com mittee in order to form the appeals committee. However, the same group comprised the appeals committee. In a previous story in The Battalion, Blatchley admitted he “goofed” when the policy decison made in July was not for mally announced until October. Blatchley did say, however, that 120 fifth-year students were notified about the policy over the summer. He said he sent out letters asking fifth-year students to give up their on-campus spaces voluntarily, to accomodate more freshmen. The policy itself is a result of complaints from students and parents who say freshmen have more difficulty adjusting to college life when they must live off-campus. “If it makes them more comfortable on campus. I’m for it, ” Blatchley said. He said he has heard complaints from fifth-year and gradu ate students who say they experience trauma also and they do not have adequate time to prepare for apartment life. “The moratorium issue was a mute issue in my opinion because the .freshmen setting up apartments are in the same boat,” Blatchley said. He added that graduates and fifth-year students should be able to adjust to apartment life.