Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1981)
Page 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1981 Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED SERVICES Part-time help need, evenings and | STUDENTS: for part-time and hill time weekends. Neighborhood convenience summer painting. Apply at Tanglewood Apts, office 411 Hwy. 30, no phone calls. 103t5 store. 693-8733, ask for Linda. 98tfn Telephone solicators needed, excellent pay, 3.35 to 7.50 per hour. Easy working conditions call 775-5975. 107t7 Typing and editing in home. Fast and de pendable. 693-3846. 99t30 ***BACKSTAGE*** Restaurant and Bar is looking for a I few good men and women. Full or part-time across from campus. k 319 University 846-1861 101t7 Full time front desk clerk, rotating shifts 7am-3pm, 3pm-llpm, llpm-7am. Full time porters, full and part-time bellman and cocktail waitresses. APPLY IN PER SON between 9am-4pm RAMADA INN. lOOtfn EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TO THE PUBLISHER Grounds maintenance company. Full or part time. 779-1837. XOltlS FISH RICHARD’S HALF CENTURY HOUSE is looking for daytime personnel. Full-time and part-time. Apply in person at 801 Wellborn Road. 10715 Typing. 775-5343. Help male handicapped student. Call Mark 845-7339. 104t5 a Requirements: 'Excellent secretarial skills 'Ability to meet people 'Handle responsibility 'Make decisions Apply at the Personnel Dept, between 10-3. THE EAGLE 1729 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan E.O.E. 10716 SECRETARY full-time, previous experience necessary, 60wpm-typing, shor thand & bookeeping preferred. Call for appointment. 822-1561. BRAZOS VALLEY NURSERY 10315 DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846- 2991.696-8032. 38t»n Alterations: ALL KINDS. 823-6878. 96tl2 ROOMMATE WANTED Full-time landscape foreman for work in Austin. Call 822- 1561 Brazos Valley Nur sery. Male roommate needed. $200/month, 693- 6666. 97tl2 Professional typing 779-2683. LOST LOST PARROT by MSC, call Mike 696- 8300, $50.00 reward. 106t5 Black/white male cat. Holleman/Anderson area. Reward. Call 693-6287. 10415 BRYAN HOSPITAL has full time Radiology Tech. (ARRT) available. Position in volves daytime hours. Sharon Robinson at 822-1347. ioiti2 Part-time help wanted. Grapevine personality 696- R41 1 . 104tfn E.O.E. Reward for purse lost at Northgate Satur day. No questions asked. Call Julie: 845- 0646. 105t3 Found TI 59, call to identify 846-6007 Michael after 6:00. 105t3 BRYAN HOSPITAL has full-time registered medi cal technologist positions open on day & evening shifts. Part-time and call positions available. Full-time benefits in clude vacation, sick & holiday pay. Contact Sharon Robin son, 822-1347. 100112 PIZZA & SUBS DELIVERY PERSONNEL 18% straight commission plus tips. Commission paid cash every night. Kitchen Help. Apply in person 301 Patricia 97t30 LOST: A brown suede shoulder-strap purse with vital medical items in side. Reward offered for im mediate return. Call 845-1303 or 696-3902. 10513 TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 209 University East 846-5794 lestln FOR RENT Sublease one bedroom furnished, all bills paid. $147.5(ymo. must share room. Call collect after 5pm Houston (713) 464-5752 talk to Ray. 104t5 2bedroom duplexes near TAMU. Side deck and fenced yard, $350/mo. Jacob Beal Realty, 822-4518 Monday-Friday. 102U0 Schlotsky’s is now taking applications for weekend shifts. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY, 100 S. Texas Ave. between 2-5pm. io2tin FULL OR PART TIME 'Day Shift 'Night shift (til 10pm.) 'Weekends 'Flexible hours to fit your schedule 'Rapid advancement 'Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.50/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 6tfn Sublease two. 1/bedroom Sausalito Im mediately, 693-8606, 696-0244. 105t5 New 2bedroom IVfe bath townhome near St. Joseph’s Hospital. $400/mo. Jacob Beal Realty, 822-4518 Monday-Friday only. 102110 TYPING WORD PROCESSING All Kinds "Let the Professionals Assist You" Business Assistance Services 707 Texas Ave. C-306 696-9550 77ti i U-LOCK-IT STORAGE 10-10 - $20 10-20 - $22 & Up 693-2339 WANTED JOB OPPORTUNITIES CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 ittn DOMESTIC SERVICES PART TIME FULL TIME Clean homes with students. 693-1954. Starting Salary $3.50/hour + mileage. POSITIONS OPEN Full-time Accounting Clerk. High School degree & 1 year experience required. Salary $741/mo. Clerk Typist/Rehabilitatlon Aide. Hearne office. High School degree & 2 years ex perience required. Texas Chauffers license & good driv ing record necessary. BRAZOS VALLEY MHMR 707 S. Texas Ave. Building D103 College Station, Texas 10315 FOR SALE Two tickets to Houston Rodeo. Featuring Charlie Daniels Band cn Monday March 2. Good seats. $15.00 for pair. Call 693- 7862. 103t5 Fisher FS-133 75 watts speakers $185 pair. Nikko 35 watts amplifier $150, call 696- 7315. 106t3 WATERSKI — O’Brien competition, 64" very good condition, beautiful ski with case. Call Jeff 846-0517. 10612 Puppies, Cocker/Setter/Border Collie, 6 weeks, $15.00, 846-1458, after 5pm. 106t3 1979 Kawasaki 100 Enduro 1700 miles very good condition. Sold to best offer. Call after 5pm, 775-0828. 10615 Kitchen table, white four yellow chairs, $40, 696-0619. 10615 ’78 Cougar $3600, 693-6226. 1980 Honda Express 50cc, only 5 months old, 693-5637. I06t5 Honda CB450 1973 model, 1976 engine low mileage, call Raymond 845-4402. 10612 Electrophonic modular stereo system AM/FM 8-track phono, good condition, 693-6491. 10215 Summer camp counselors to spe cial populations (handicapped). Dallas area. Salary, room, board, fun. Most openings for men. Camp Soroptimist, 7411 Hines Place Suite 123 Dallas 75235 (214) 634-7500. 105120 SERVICES 4-15 Mags 846-2919. 10415 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 54tfn AKC registered Cocker Spaniel puppies. After 5:30 779-6588. 104t5 Typing, symbols. Notary Public. 823- 7723. ISOtfii '79 Chevy Pick-up S.W.B. — Warranty, many extras. Call Steve 696-2407. 104t5 NOW HIRING All Positions Full-time and Part-time Premiums paid for lunch run workers Call 846-7466 or Apply in Person 203 University Dr. — College Station Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755. 178tfh 650 Yamaha Special, under 10,000 miles. Call Jim 693-1883 or 779-1938 after 6pm. 107tl0 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258, Bryan. 73tfh Escort Radar receiver like new condition. Call John 693-2559. 105t3 14 foot Hobie Cat good condition $1500, 846-0905. 10518 Earn $240 a month just by working two nights (5pm- 2am) a week, (more hours available) at Der Wein- schnitzei. Apply in Person 501 S. Texas Ave. Bryan between 9:30am-11am weekdays. UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY? Services through the 20th week. j Awake or Asleep. i Women’s Health Services of Houston and Dallas, Texas. Off Metroplex Gyn. Group Toll Free 1-800-442-407Gi«ioi Beautiful Oriental carpet for sale. Call 846- 1061. 10712 $100 DOWN $100 down, 5 acre College Station area, rolling, wooded & electricity. COUNTRY LAND COMPANY (713)468-8501 toitso A&M profs cautiously OK Reagan’s economic plans, Custom Calligraphy. Parchment. Choice of inks. 693-3846. 99t30 OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS. 693- 6386. 83135 Will do fast accurate typing in my home. Day or night. Call 846-9330. 86tfii Experienced Professional Typist. 693- 1283. 95tl3 Engine and transmission repair 846- 2919. 10415 SPRUCE UP FOR SPRINGI Free Mary Kay facial, Polly Powell 693-6981 after 5pm. 99130 TYPING LESSONS from Business Educa tion teacher ages 10 & up, 696-8747. 106t5 Chn^ier^orp ^ars WlL k L"M» ■ COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 ■ I feMIHH ■hIhBIIIUIbI By RUTH M. DALY Battalion Reporter President Reagan’s proposed economic plan is basically sound, say Texas A&M University eco nomists. But political science pro fessors warn that the president must move quickly and carefully to get them implemented. Dr. Gene Uselton, director of the Center for Education and Re search in Free Enterprise at Texas A&M, said the president’s propos al has a better chance of being accepted than other economic packages of the last 20 years. Usel ton, also a finance professor, will step down as director as soon as a replacement is found. If Uselton is correct and the president’s package works, Dr. Michael Levy, assistant professor of political science, predicted the number of Republicans in the Un ited States will grow. But if the program fails, he predicted that the Republican Party will again be viewed as the party of depression. Reagan’s overwhelming victory was an indication of the American people’s support for Reagan’s get- government-out-of-everybody’s- business ideas, Uselton said. However, he said the package’s success hinges upon congressmen listening to the public and behav ing like statesmen rather than politicians, even though proposed cuts in federal spending might hurt some of their constituents. Dr. George Edwards, a profes sor of political science, said, “The prospects for substantial cuts in federal spending are good as long as the president pushes Congress to move rapidly on them.” He said a long delay in making cuts would diminish momentum and public enthusiasm. If that happened, more exceptions might be made and Congress would want to keep benefits to keep votes. Uselton said the major argu ment for not supporting the prog ram is the fear that truly poor peo ple will lose federal aid. Dr. Charles Maurice, econo mics department head at Texas A&M, said, "Every cut in govern ment spending has a serious effect on somebody since everyone has a project he benefits from.” However, Uselton said he seemed sure the federal govern ment will not ignore those who cannot support themselves, as the president said in his nationally televised speech to a joint session of Congress Feb. 18. Levy said the people who are already poor may suffer financially because of inflation, but will not be worse off next year than they are now because of cuts in federal spending, if inflation fades. Conversely, it is those just above the poverty line who will notice the biggest difference be cause of cuts in federally-funded programs, Levy said. Those peo ple have children who receive fed eral aid to attend college or they receive some other financial assistance that they will lose. Maurice said tax cuts proposed in the president’s program will help because those individuals will be able to spend their money rather than have the government spend it for them. As for across-the-board reduc tions in personal income taxes, Edwards said that “public opinion does not support them and many policy makers and economists feel they (the taxes) will only fuel infla tion.” More money in the average American’s pocket will increase demand for goods faster than supply can expand and will pro duce large budget deficits, bothof which will add to inflation, Ed wards said. Uselton said the basis for the Reagan policies is supply-side eco nomics or, as he said, “Voluntary trading always means gains for traders.” Voluntary trading, buying and selling goods as the consumer sees fit, has been diminished by gov ernment intervention, especially over the last 20 years, he said. According to the principle, ifi large percentage of income is re- turned to the government as taxes, people will feel they arenl able to spend their money as they ) wish and won’t want to work. On the other hand, if govern ment can “assure people that they will be able to keep what they earn, they will produce anything that will sell,” Uselton said. Edwards disagreed with Usel ton somewhat. “Fiscal policy does affect incen tives, but it is sheer speculation to assert that large reductions in per sonal income taxes will induce in the short-run substantial increases in work effort, savings and invest ment on the part of the typical American,” he said. Males disagree on Playgirl pose United Press International TEMPE, Ariz. — Some male students asked to pose nude for \e*' etc: Sales, Service & Repairs Emergency Pick Up Service 846-7580 ^ 403 University • Northgate Playgirl magazine were thrilled by the publicity and the money. Others balked at becoming beef cake. Alison Morley, Playgirl’s photo editor, said Wednesday her crew will arrive in Tempe in three weeks to begin shooting most of the 13 male students who posed — clothed — for Arizona State Uni versity’s campus calendar. “It’s going to be done very tastefully,” she promised. The campus calendar’s Mr. July, Andy Howe, was indignant. “It’s just degrading as far as I’m concerned,” said Howe, a busi ness major. “I think it’s a trashy magazine.” Fellow students were more willing to bare their assets. “If the price is right, I’ll do it,” said business major Owen Scan lon. “I won’t do it for free.” Mr. December, John Stamata- kis, said he thinks the photo layout could lead to job offers. “I’m considering going into acting,” he said. “Maybe this kind of exposure will help.” AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE -ft pp COME GROW WITH US ^ ALDERSGATE m UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ^ “j "The Church With A Heart-Warming Touch" J MEETING AT Middle School Auditorium JERSEY AT HOLIK College Station "UVicir satisfaction is sta tulard rv/ u ipnien t' 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516; In/TuT HAPPY SVi quarters KARL BLAIR! I LOVE YOU!! TENDER LOVING CARE! FOR YOUR THESIS OR DISSERTATION OF A LIFETIME. We Care At 'KINKO’S COPIES 201 College Main 846-8721 Open Every Day OFFICIAL NOTICE Attention all Liberal Arts students inter ested in CO-OP and all majors interest ed in Legal CO-OP. Drop by Room 107 Harrington March 4 and March 5 from 9-12a.m. and 1-4p.m. to visit with us. Have some free punch and cookies tOO. 10616 “SPRING AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS’’ Deadline - March 2, 1981 Applications forms for the Spring ■Awards Scholarship Program may be obtained from the Student Fi nancial Aid Office, Room 310, YMCA Bldg. All applications must be filed with the Student Financial Aid Office not later than 5:00 p.m. March 2, 1981, LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 78t3i! NOTICE TO ENGINEERS May and Summer Graduates MASON & HANGER — SILAS MASON CO., INC. Engineers & Contractors since 1827 May have the career for you in Amarillo, Texas. A prime contractor for the Department of Energy in nuclear weapon manufacture and final assembly. BS/MS EE, IE, ChE, ME and Nuclear Eng. Interviewing on campus March 5,1981. Sign up at Placement Office today. An Equal Opportunity Employar M/F 103tS A Public Service of This Newspaper & The Advertising Council Red Cross is counting on you -to help. {energy efficient nome?! I >