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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1980)
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1980 Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Full time receptionist wanted. Apply in per son at THAT PLACE II, Culpepper Plaza. Gltfn ATTENTION ELEMENTARY EDUCATION GRADUATES Get valuable experience with preschool children. Full and part time help wanted for January. Call 693-9900. 64ti3 CRUISES CLUB MEDITERRANEAN, SAILING EXPEDITIONS! Needed: Sports Instruc tors, Office Personnel, Counselors. Europe, Carribean, Worldwide! Summer. Career. Send $5.95 plus $1.00 handling for APPLICATION, OPENINGS, GUIDE to CRUISEWORLD 127, 60129, Sac- ramento, CA 95860.65t6 WINCHELL’S Now hiring part time counter and baking staff. No experience neces sary. $3.10 to $5.00/hour. Apply Mon. - Fri. 2-6 pm. 3701 Texas Ave. 62ts DOMESTIC SERVICES Clean homes with students. 693-1954. Work now, semester break or next semester. $3.50/hour + mileage. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS AT SCHLOTZSKY’S 100 S. Texas Ave. for part time evening and weekend shifts. Apply in person only between 2-5 M-F. Applicants will not be requested to work during holidays. 59tfn FULL OR PART TIME ‘Day Shift ‘Night shift (til 10pm.) ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.50/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 6tfn Good with Children? Babysit 2Vz year old girl in Universi ty area, 12-5 pm: M, T, W, Th. Spring semester, own transporta tion, wage negotiable. Call 696-0570. DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hous. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2991. 696- 8032. 38tfn HELP WANTED Front Office Clerk Full time, rotating shifts 7 am.-3 pm. and 3 pm.-11 pm. Also part time bartender and waiters or wait resses. Apply in person between 9 am.-4 pm. at RAMADA INN 410 South Texas Ave. HELP WANTED Earn up to $500 per 1000 mailing our circulars. For information: MERCURY ENTERPRISE Dept. 66 511 Ballard Dr. Richmond, KY. 40475 64tio SALESPERSON WITH GOOD PERSONALITY Must be conscientious and depend able. Must apply in person M-F 10- 12. SHALA’S at Culpepper Plaza eitfn If you want to.... ‘Get exercise ‘Learn the community ‘Work flexible weekday hours ‘Earn up to $4.00/hour ‘Clean homes and offices Call Home Care Services 846-1905 DENTAL OFFICE Responsible person wanted for full time secretarial-assistant position in orthodontic office. 846-8802 site GREENLEAF HOSPITAL Greenleaf is an expanding psychiatric hospital now accepting applications for the following posi tions: RN’s Full time, part time, and PRN Mental Health Workers - Full and part time 422* Commerce National Bank I Please contact Betsy Sebastian or Kay Quick at 822-7326, 405 West 28th Street, Bryan 62110 is now accepting applications from experienced personnel for the following positions: ELECTRIC PARTS COUNTER SALES PERSON FOR |MID-STATE ELECTRONIC SUPPLY] CALL 822-4862 £ Note Teller Tellers Proof Operator Bookkeeper New Accounts PART-TIME HELP WANTED. GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY. 696-3411. FOR RENT Call or visit our office for a| j confidential personal in- teview COMMERCE NATIONAL BANK 2405 Texas Avenue South College Station, Texas (713) 693-6930 Equal Opportunity Employer 63t6 Nice 2-bedroom unfurnished apartment to sub-let. $275/month plus utilities. Phone 693- 8089 evenings. 62t5 MUST SUBLEASE. 2/bdrm-I/bath. Redstone Apts. Unfurnished. $280/mo. Shuttlebus. 693- 4809. 65t5 BEAUTIFUL ONE BEDROOM APT. 765 sq. ft. Washer-dryer, built-in bookcase, deck, 1 Vz miles from cam pus. Available January 1, 1981. Contact Mrs. Baker 713-273-1797 64t2 JOB OPPORTUNITIES JOB OPPORTUNITIES: GRIMES MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Navasota, Texas has immediate openings for full time Registered Staff X-Ray Technicians, Staff RN’s and LVfvl’s for floor and ICU positions with shift and ICU differentials. Excellent pay and good fringe benefits. For information contact Burna Erwin, Personnel 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 713-825-6585. BRAZOS VALLEY MH-MR CENTER Currently seeking PhD. level clinical counseling Psychologist w/exp. in al cohol and drug treatment, mental health program, and emergency services and clinical supervision. Must have proven exp. working with service agencies and delivery of clinical services. Salary DOE. Contact: Personnel Office BV MH-MR P.O. Box 4588 Bryan, TX 77801 713-696-8585 63t7 LOST LOST! 24" gold chain with James Avery but terfly. Large reward! If found call 696-2285. SERVICES Foreign Language/English tutoring; graphics; wedding music. Call Mary Anne. 822-3971. LOST! Black male Labrador Retriever. Skaggs/Campus area. REWARD! Please call 846-2667 or 845-3854 or 779- 2960. 6514 WANTED Typing, symbols, Notary Public. 823-7723. _ ISOtfn Typing. 823-4579. Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 54tfn TYPING. 775-5343. 65tl2 Typing!! Reports, dissenations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. 178tfh T (7 CASH FOR OLD GOLD I Class rings, wedding rings, worn ; out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St<, Bryan «46-4708 OFFICIAL NOTICE Typing. Professional, reasonable. Expertise — scientific papers. 846-2814. 59tl0 Experienced professional typist. 693-1283. Chrysler Corp. Cars Chrysler Corp. Body Work — Paintirtg HALSELL MOTO^ COMPANY INC.! •bodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations or theses dh'buf*' WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. B/CS 209 University East | 846-5794 testtn •m UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY? Services through the 20th week. Awake or Asleep. Women’s Health Services of Houston and Dallas, Texas. Off Metroplex Gyn. Group Toll Free 1-800-442-4076i8ttoi FOR SALE SONY Model SL-8200 Videocassette Recorder with Clock-Timer and Cover and six Cassettes. Like new $485.00. Call 775- 5047. 65tl0 SCHWINN 3 speed Bicycle NEW $65.00. Call 775-5047. 65U0 Body parts 1970 Volkswagen Squareback. Cheap. Harold. 693-4514. 61t5 Firm Riviera twin mattress (new), bookcase with flip top, L. E.D. alarm clock, window curtains. All $120. Prices negotiable. 846- 6744. 61t5 SENIOR RING ORDERING PROCEDURE The deadline for ordering the Texas A&M senior class ring this semester is Decembers, 1980. To be eligible to order, an undergraduate student must have at least ninety-two (92) semester hours, with 30 hours at A&M and be in good standing with the university. To order please note the following instructions: 1. A record check must be made for eligibility determination. Leave your name, major and I.D. number with the ring clerk, no later than November 21st. This may not be done by phone. 2. Please allow one and a half weeks for the record check to be made. 3. If mid-term grades are needed to complete any of the above require ments, please bring them along when ready to order. If you no longer have a copy, they may be obtained from your department or advisor. 4. All ring must be paid for in full when the order is placed. Senior ring loans are available through the student financial aid office, YMCA building. 5. Orders are taken between 8:00- 11:30 am and 1.00-4:00 pm, Mon day through Friday. 6. Rings ordered between October 27th and December 5th will be de livered approximately March 12, 1980. (Orders are also being taken for grad uate students receiving degrees in December ’80. In addition to a record check, the $11.00 graduation fee re ceipt must be presented to the ring clerk when ordering.) setts Used Stereo equipment, pinballs, games. 846-8122, 696-3765. video 6315 1978 Yamaha XS-400. Many extras. $975.00. 693-3905. 56tl0 1978 Honda Express, good condition. $295. Karen 693-4741. 64t3 i$100 down, 5 acres, College I {station area, rolling, wooded, { J electricity. j Country (land Company j 1-713-468-8501 I ! _ 55130 | ROOMMATE WANTED DESPERATELY NEED THIRD ROOM MATE!! $112.50/month + elec. CASA DEL SOL APTS. Maria Pico 846-9607. 62t5 ADVENTURES GALORE! Student 0 " 1 SPECIAL NOTICE Escorted Tours 17-40 Days • 6-10 Countries CO-ED FUN GROUPS OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS. 693-2481. See Your Travel Agent or WRITE For Free Folder D4>C rxx: r 3C BARBECUE #3 fi CULPEPPER PLAZA ! iiarivood ■ 2428 GUADALUPE TTYTTR Q | AUSTIN, TEXAS -L WLJ J.YO | We need people with energy and personality. Limited positions open Full or Part Time L Apply between 10-11 and 2-4 r—>4K M*r - - -MK- DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY Directory Fees are refundable in full during the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will he made on cancel led orders. Directories must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished... THE CHRONICLE is looking for self confident and aggressive applicants for routes coming open in the Spring semester. Average pay is $450-$700/month plus gas allowance. Also 1 route will come open Dec. 1, 1980 If interested please call Julian McMurray 846-0763 or 693-2323. ssttn AGGIELAND REFUND POUCY "Yearbook fees are refundable in lull during the semester in which payment is made Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. “Students who will not be on campus when the yearbooks are published, usually in Sep tember, must pay a mailing and handling fee, Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they bt mailed without the necessary fees having been paid.” AGIO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 THW 1 Oldsmobile i Cadillac I Honda SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction, is standard equipmerit 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 Local/National Reagan's neighbors: no privacy United Press International LOS ANGELES — One of Ronald Reagan’s neighbors knew things would be different when she strolled out early one morning in her robe to get her morning paper. As she looked up, a television camera was aimed at her, recording her daily routine. “There’s just no privacy left all of a sudden,” said Sabrina Schiller. “We have to brush our hair to go get the newspaper.” Schiller’s experience is one of the dozens of ways Reagan’s election has changed daily life in the affluent Pacific Palisades neighborhood where the president-elect lives. Telephone company crews have jury-rigged cables in trees and gut ters to handle the extra lines for Reagan and reporters. Secret Ser vice agents check incoming traffic. Curious tourists drive on narrow hill side streets for a glimpse of who- knows-what. The Secret Service has leased a house, which had been for sale for more than $1 million, next to Reagan’s for its agents. Not all is elegance. Last week, the plumbing succumbed in the agents’ house under the strain of the extra inhabitants. The guards used tem porary outhouses. The president-elect’s staff has leased a sprawling modern house across the street for an office. Neighbors have rented extra hous ing space and even driveways to tele vision networks. United Press Inter national and The Associated Press are renting trees to hold up their telephones and CBS rented phone space on a fence. ABC is paying $2,000 a month for a bathroom-equipped maid’s quarters above a nearby garage. Having a big shot in the neighbor hood isn’t new, however. Lawrence Welk, Bill Cosby and Sylvester Stal lone all live nearby. Schiller’s hus band, Bob, is an Emmy-winning comedy writer. He said that after the election he was tempted to put a sign on his garage reading, “Last Democrat Be fore Reagan.” Elsa Myers, wife of the senior vice president of 20th Century Fox, noted the extra security failed to de ter burglars, who in August cleaned out a neighbor’s house — “with the Secret Service standing right over there. What’s Up TUESDAY MSC TOWN HALL: Lacy J. Dalton will perform at 8 p.m. inII Auditorium. TAMU COLLEGIATE FFA: Will meet to elect officers at TJpj 105 Harrington. MSC SCONA: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 301 Rudder. A&M NOON BIBLE STUDY: Will meet at 12:30p.m. in 113 al Sciences. TAMU METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY: Charles Powell will spei “The History of Freemasonry” at 7:30 p.m. in 137 MSC, CHRISTMAS TREE SALE: Lambda Sigma will he sellingChrislj trees from 1-5 p.m. at the Commons and from 4-7 p.m. at Sit “MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET”: The feature will begin at 7% in the MSC Basement Coffeehouse. OFF-CAMPUS AGGIES: Will meet at 6 p. m. in 267 G. Rollielt ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY: Will meetat7% in 209 Harrington. MANAGEMENT OF MARINE RESEARCH LECTURE;Di ll liam J. Merrell of Science Applications, Inc. will giveata! “Tales of an Itinerant Oceanographer: Contrasts from Govertme Academia and Industry” at 4 p.m. in 204C Sterling C. En Library. WEDNESDAY CARIBBEAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Will meet at 6:30 p.i Rudder Theater. OMEGA PHI ALPHA: Registration for the Muscular Dystrop Marathon Dance is open. More information is available MSC. TEXAS STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: Will hut Christmas party at 11 a m. in 104 Harrington. “THE WOMEN”: An all-female cast interprets the play about nisi among the idle, rich and spoiled matrons of New York. Thefeati will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Rudder Theater. CHRISTMAS TREE SALE: Lambda Sigma will be selling Christa trees from 1-5 p.m. at the Commons and 4-7 p.m. at Sbisa. NURSING SOCIETY MEETING: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Physics. THURSDAY I p.m. in CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Will meet at Harrington. MSC HOSPITALITY FASHION BOARD: Will sponsor a Hoi Fashion Show” at 7 p.m. in the MSC Ballroom. Admissions cents. MARKETING SOCIETY: Will have a party at 7 p.m. inQ A&M NOON BIBLE STUDY: Will meet at 12:30p.m. in 113Biolop al Sciences. TAMU METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY LECTURE: Christmas-1 Birth of Christ in the Soul of Man” will be presented at 7:30p. the All Faiths Chapel. CLASS OF ’82: Will meet at 8 p.m. in 401 Rudder. Hie classpfe will be taken at 7 p.m. in the MSC Main Lounge. CHRISTMAS TREE SALE: Lambda Sigma will he selling Christ^ O trees from 1-5 p.m. at the Commons and from 4-7 p.m. atShil p.m. at tile Commons and from 4-Y p.m. at Stef “GODSPELL”: This is an updated passion play from the j according to St. Matthew in which the disciples and their I wander over New York. The parables and proverbs unfolc different manner. The feature will be shown at 7:30 and9:45p. Rudder Theater. ( Recyc A&M they j presei an Battalion Classified 845-2611 Retired animals live quiet Unit 0RPU: ced to 1 in-engim cess road ssing car Author: Kinds of :tec-F, w as on its jristi Inti After ton id to Intt Bed into a United Press International BC left win iys in th< DIETING? Even though we do not prescribe diets, we make it possible for many to enjoy a nutritious meal while they follow their doctors orders. You will be delighted with the wide selection of low calorie, sugar free and fat free foods in the Souper Salad Area, Sbisa Dining Center Basement. OPEN Monday through Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM QUALITY FIRST SEQUIM, Wash. — Somed lywood’s wildest stars livequief Minutes a remote 87-acre former daini injured, Bozo the grizzly bear, Silw lynx and their fellow animal|* jtlkie talk lot may 1 up. 'An Israe ?is also di Day 70 mil S*® for Aggieland ’81 Juniors Dec. 1-5 A-R Dec. 8-12 A-Z All students SPECIAL MAKEUPS Nov. 24-26 Juniors-Seniors SPECIAL MAKEUPS Dec. 15-19 At Yearbook Associates, Suite 140 Culpep per Office Plaza, off Puryear Street, open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. Phone 693-6756 mers haven’t let stardom gold heads. They live practicallyim p to at the refuge on the rainy Ol: Peninsula. In real life a 15-year-old h grizzly, Bozo played a male the “Grizzly Adams” tel series. Silver, a steely-eye uses his leaping ability to! advantage in television comm# for Mercury’s new line of Lyn< About 300 animals resideil Olympic Game Farm, incln Siberian tigers, timber wolves about three dozen other spe ; ! “Mps | Most have appeared or movies, TV shows and comma* All of the creatures are owp trained by Lloyd Beebe, 64,alt( logger and dairyman who W his love for animals and a W film-making into a unique cates For more than 25 years, £' worked as one of the premier*' photographers for Walt Disne) dios, where he made more films. Many of the films were Disney’s popular “True LifeAi ture” series, and ihostwerep graphed at least in part on Be farm. Beebe’s credits as a photogri include such films at “Vani: Prairie,” “White Wildernei “Those Calloways,” “White ft and “Nikki, Wild Dog of the N 1 The trainer keeps many of te ter friends at the farm hut tk : attraction is Bozo. Out of work for a couple since her series ended, B( lounges around her enclosure,® her hits of stage business-si sitting at a picnic table, paws and bowing her head al c time — for the visitors who W through seven days a week, While Bozo awaits another^ dice four ihot call, Silver has become face. The lynx was paid $18,' to the top of a huge gli Mercury commercials. Beebe said the lithe cat ei ! every penny by spending six ^ in Hollywood and North Dd while the three spots were fl not to mention three weeks W at the farm. He was induced to the jump by a pan of steak,