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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1980)
Viewpoint The Battalion Texas A&M University Tuesday December 2, 1980 Slouch By Jim Earle “All of a sudden, everyone is in the mood to talk football. Carter s power ebbed quickly after election By WESLEY G. PIPPERT United Press International WASHINGTON — All 30 buttons on the White House telephone were dark. The presi dent’s schedule showed only a few items, most routine. He planned to depart yet again for Camp David. The daily senior staff meeting will be cut down to two a week next week. Press secretary Jody Powell now only occasionally has news briefings. Jimmy Carter spends much of his day tele phoning or writing thank-you letters. It will take 18 tractor-trailers to haul his papers and memorabilia to Georgia when he leaves the Oval Office in two months. The power has drained faster from the Carter White House than most of its inhabitants could have believed possible. The contrast between the frenzy of the past year — the hostages, the campaign — is awesome to observe. There is no doubt Carter’s feelings of dis appointment are close to the surface. “He still has moments of laughter and humor — but he’s very subdued, there’s no question of that,’ a senior aide said. California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. remarked that the presi dent seemed “confident, sober, energetic.” It showed in the somber way he talked to reporters in an impromptu session in the White House press room. The stridency of the campaign was gone. It showed in the way he listened when black singer Clamma Dale sang “America the Beauti ful” during a ceremony in the East Room. He blinked hard a couple of times. The White House had viewed the post election session of Congress as a time to clean up the president’s agenda — “but that’s when we expected to win,” the aide said. They also said there were “uncontrollable” factors — the seizing of the hostages, the doubl ing of oil prices by the Arab countries, and the CubanHaitian refugees — over which Carter had no control. Among Carter’s aides, as their telephones have quieted and their job searches have be gun, there also is anxiety — in part about how President-elect Ronald Reagan will lead the nation, in part about their own futures. Even after the Nov. 4 defeat, Carter said he wanted to make the final two months the best of his presidency. Congressional liaison Frank Moore put together a legislative agenda of eight or 10 items. Very quickly the White House discovered it could not expect much action. So the White House gave up hopes of pas sing, for instance, the energy mobilization board legislation, last item in Carter’s energy package; and the fair housing bill, the most significant civil rights legislation in years. “The priorities are shrinking by the hour and are beginning to be replaced by possibilities,” the aide said. ” The focus tends to go day-by day. It’s simply a fact of life. ” Jordan, who has been with Carter since 1966, will go to Emory University to write and reflect on the past four years. Powell, Carter’s spokes man for a decade, probably will stay in Washington, perhaps join a “think tank” and do some writing and speaking. Jack Watson, who succeeded Jordan as chief of staff, may return to his Atlanta law firm. Special Assistant Ray Jenkins, who edited the two largest newspapers in Alabama before com ing to the White House, is weighing future in the newspaper business, education and perhaps staying in Washington. As the power has ebbed, among the White House staff there have been few — if any — public displays of anger or bitterness. Warped Shouldn’t all students qualify for Silver Taps ceremony? “Silver Taps is that final tribute paid to an Aggie who, at the time of his death, was enrol led in undergraduate or graduate classes at Texas A&M. The notice is posted at the base of the flagpole in front of the Academic Build ing. ”— The Standard, handbook for the Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets. “On the day of Silver Taps, the Hag in front ot the Academic Building is at half-mast and notices are posted... telling of the ceremony at 10:30p.m. At 10:15 chimes play from the MSC bell tower. The Ross Volunteers Firing Squad marches in a slow cadence to the statue of Sul Ross and fires a 21 gun salute (three volleys with seven guns firing). “After the salute, ‘Silver Taps ’ is played three times. “This concludes the ceremony but not the feelings of respect and honor. “The ceremony of Silver Taps is dedicated to the deceased Aggie and is a solemn and serious event. ” — InROL, the student handbook. Whistle-stop By Becky Swanson In my 2 1 /2 years at Texas A&M, I’ve always believed Silver Taps was for any student cur rently enrolled in the University who died. I guess I was wrong. John S. Caldwell, a 60-year-old lecturer and bioengineering graduate student, died Nov. 11 in his College Station apartment, apparently from a heart attack, but is not included on the official Silver Taps notice released by the De partment of Student Affairs for tonight’s cere mony. Caldwell’s name appeared on the flagpole Nov. 25 with two other faculty members who had died. Deceased faculty and staff members are honored on the last Tuesday of each month by lowering the flag in front of the Academic Building and sending cards to their families, Assistant Director of Student Affairs William L. Kibler said. Caldwell was enrolled in four semester hours and was working toward a doctoral degree in bioengineering. He was also a lecturer for the industrial engineering department. Kibler said Caldwell was “more properly classified as a faculty-staff member” because was employed “just short of full-time” as a lec turer by the University. Two of Caldwell’s students called The Batta lion shortly after his death to make sure that The Battalion included him in its list. Unfortunately, making out the lisli our function. The Battalion only publish list released by Student Affairs. Kibler said the decision was made to Caldwell as a faculty member rather student, so his name was excluded lioi Silver Taps list, because “we havetodm line somewhere.” Many University employees enrollind while remaining full-time employees,d faculty members do post-graduate coura while at the University, he said. “Where do you draw the line between ty/staff and student?,” Kibler asked. My question is, “Why do you drawtbe What would be so wrong to honorL both a faculty member and a student?Itdo cost anything. It wouldn’t be any more trouble than typing out another hang on the flagpole. It seems arbitrary to exclude someone what should be a final tribute to a simply because he taught more hours tb took. Junior broker team. ' 24-14 s Those students who cared enough to make sure John S. Caldwell was k tonight, at least, should have the pri attending a ceremony honoring thei Aggie and teacher. f the Hi is Centc he pres ure the ersity’s for ng Cade Now, two big matters are about all that re main for Carter. One is negotiations with Iran about freeing the American hostages, an issue many people believe helped bring about his defeat. The other is the preparation of the State of the Union message and the question of whether he will deliver it to Congress in person. His predecessor, Gerald Ford, delivered his final State of the Union — but there are precedents for simply sending a written message to Capitol Hill. Whichever, the State of the Union will be Carter summing up his presidency. “The election didn’t change his fundamental beliefs in the direction the nation ought to go, the aide said. “The solutions he proposed, though far from perfect, were carefully thought out.” Former White House chief of staff Hamilton Jordan and other presidential aides have said they do not believe the defeat was a repudiation of Carter and his policies. Rather, they said, the defeat occurred in part because Carter sought to take on too many issues, did not have a clear focus, and never was able to communicate adequately with the na tion. jhe phot be Stud Veteri and wil n 3 to 51 Reagan won’t woo blacks easily Country | Dalton as plar ;C Town Whatwi nd the s l This i: By DEAN REYNOLDS United Press International WASHINGTON — President-elect Ronald Reagan got high marks on his first post-election visit to Washington for the concerted effort he made to court the power centers of the capital. There were meetings with the Supreme Court, top Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill, President Carter and the behind- the-scenes power brokers long kept at bay by the current administration. But one group which sought a session with Reagan did not get one — the Congressional Black Caucus. He has agreed to meet with the lawmakers, but no date has been set. Reagan has his work cut out for him if he hopes to woo blacks and other minorities to join in a new beginning for the nation — 82 percent of black voters supported President Carter, and Reagan is perceived by many as staunchly opposing the federal social programs that have meant new opportunities for minorities. The Reagan program — large tax cuts, a ba lanced budget, reduced federal spending, more money for the Pentagon — means something must be cut. And new funding for social prog rams will probably be limited. Already, NAACP head Benjamin Hooks has called for Reagan to address the nation to assuage the “hysterical fear ’ some black Amer icans have of him. Caspar Weinberger, a top adviser and poten tial Cabinet secretary, said of Reagan, “There is no man who is more concerned with the welfare and with the human condition of everybody than Governor Reagan. ” Yet it was Reagan who, during the campaign, failed to respond to an invitation to address the national NAACP convention. It was Reagan who had no black advisers of any consequence. It was Reagan who acknowledged that he opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, although he now sees the wisdom in the law. And it was Reagan’s landslide victory that created a Republican majority in the Senate, pushing arch-conservatives like Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., to new positions of promin ence. And Reagan, after all, is the man whose elec tion, so Carter suggested, would pit black against white, Jew against gentile, the South against the North. Health and Human Services Secretary Patricia Harris even said Reagan’s campaign evoked memories of the Ku Klux Klan. One of Reagan’s first substantive coni* f after the election did little to ease atf| blacks have about him. During his stay in Washington, dorsed an antibusing proposal now Congress, saying “busing has beena.».— That kind of talk does not go down well® P black community, despite Reagan’s repf p references to his record in California and 1 proves he is sensitive — “heart and soul says — to the issue of civil rights When Reagan and the Black Caucus * P bers sit down to their meeting, the af' 0 "'!" likely be wide-ranging. One caucus s ber said legislation and administration act will be top subjects But there will also be more subtle qutf ing to test Reagan’s sensitivity on a issues: the Miami riots, the recent Klansmen and Nazis in a shootout in a section of Greensboro, N.C., and blac Cabinet-level positions. c *■ By Scott McCullar The Battalion I SPS 0-15 360 MEMBER Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Congres Questions or comments concerning any editorials should be directed to the editor. Editor Dillard Stone Managing Editor Rhonda Watters Asst. Managing Editor Scott Haring City Editor Becky Swanson Asst. City Editor Angelique Copeland Sports Editor Richard Oliver Asst. Sports Editor Ritchie Priddy Focus Editor Scot K. Meyer Asst. Focus Editor Cathy Saathoff News Editors Lynn Blanco, Todd Woodard Staff Writers Jennifer Afflerbach, Kurt Allen, Nancy Andersen, Marcy Boyce, Jane G. Brust Mike Burrichter, Pat Davidson, Cindy Gee Jon Heidtke, Uschi Michel-Howell, Debbie Nelson Liz Newlin, Rick Stolle Cartoonist Scott McCullar Photo Editor Pat O’Malley Photographers George Dolan, Greg Gammon, Jeff Kerber EDITORIAL POLICY The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting newspaper op erated as a community service to Texas A&M University and Bryan-College Station. Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editor or the author, and do not necessarily repre sent the opinions of Texas A&M University administrators or faculty members, or of the Board of Regents. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the Editor should not exceed 300 words in Wj and are subject to being cut if they are longer. TheeditM 11 ' reserves the right to edit letters for style and length. M make every effort to maintain the author's intent. Exhf' must also be signed, show the address and phone nwnbtth' writer. Columns and guest editorials are also welcome, anJi’ subject to the same length constraints as letters. inquiries and correspondence to: Editor, The SaiHli® Reed McDonald, Texas A&M University, College M®' 77843. The Battalion is published daily during Texas ASM d®' spring semesters, except for holiday and examination p® Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester, $33,25pet* _ year and $35 per full year. Advertising rates fumisli^ ^ Our address: The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77813 United Press International is entitled exclusively toll* for reproduction of all news dispatches credited to it' reproduction of all other matter herein reserved. Second class postage paid at College Station, TX