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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1980)
Page 10 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1980 Sports -Mt Control of Astros CRUISE THE BAHAMAS! MARCH 16-20 MSC TRAVEL 845-1515 up to courts now ★★★★★★★ * The SOLID * GOLD CADILLAC J NOV. 13,14,15,20,21,22 * 8:00 P.M. RUDDER FORUM * A&M STUDENTS OTHERS $2.50 * * $3.50 X J Tickets at the MSC Box Office or at the door ^ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ■kitiric'k'k .:'V:MSC AGGIE CINEMA WWffo. !•;; •••• • ••- #••• S::: DUSTIN HOFFMAN Kramer Kramer © COLUMBIA picunts United Press International HOUSTON— Legal action by the limited owners of the Houston Astros to dissolve a partnership that has John McMullen as its controlling officer has put control of the club in a federal judge’s court. McMullen, owner of the team since July 1979, denied through a spokesman late Thursday that the partnership had been dissolved, de spite a proxy statement he was given earlier in the day saying a required 60 percent of the limited partners approved the breakup. McMullen refused requests from the limited partners representative, Edward Randall III, to sell his 34 percent. Randall then had an attorney file a federal court lawsuit accusing McMullen of mismanagement. McMullen was the lone defen dant. Randall, an investment bank er, was the only plaintiff named. “The morale of the Houston Astros Baseball Club has been shattered by the mismanagement of the Defen dant,” the lawsuit said. A Monday hearing was scheduled before U.S. District Judge Carl O. Rue. Lawyer Joe Jamail will seek to have a court-appointed receiver take over the club’s assets. The lawsuit did not mention McMullen’s Oct. 27 firing of General Manager Tal Smith. McMullen re placed him with former New York Yankees President Al Rosen. Those involved in the takeover are known to want Smith back. A McMullen spokesman said “three or four” limited partners met with McMullen Thursday evening, and it was reported they were nego tiating for the purchase of the 34 per cent McMullen controlled. The talks lasted into the night. An employee who works in the Astrodome executive offices said McMullen was visibly shaken by the events and repeatedly said the minority partners were “mean and nasty people.” “The General Partner (McMullen) has engaged in acts of mismanage ment of the Partnership affairs that have brought great damage to the interests of the Partnership, and to the Limited Partners,” the lawsuit said. *•••• ••••# •••## *#• *••• m -fc ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★* * MANOR EAST 3 J Z MANOR EAST MALL J £ 823-8300 * •••• •••• •••• •••# •••## :::: •••#§ •••## “The best movie of the year, A movie to enrich your life.” Dennis Cunningham. CBS-TV *•••• •••• •••# •••# •••• :::: NOV. 21, FRI. 7:30 — 9:45 P.M. AUDITORIUM NOV. 22, SAT. 7:30 & 9:45 P.M. THEATER $1.25 with TAMU I.D. ••••# ••••f ••••# ••••# His hangups are Hilarious :::: -•••• ::::: •••• #••• •••* u:: ••••# «•••• «•••• •••• ••••# ••••# ••••# t 2:20 4:50 HAROLD ono MAUDE RUTH GORDON BUD OORT Wrttton by Cofin Higgins Directed by Hoi Ashby Produced by CoNn Htggint From the creator of “Silver Streak” and “Foul Play” ?•••# Songs by Cat Stevens NOV. 22 SAT. MIDNIGHT :H3 THEATER ^ $1.25 with TAMU I.D. Rr.. m 5:::: •••— • ••••* :::: Advnace Tickets Available Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. & 45 MIN. BEFORE SHOWTIME *••••« *«•••» *••••< **•••< #••••* ••• ••• • •• • •• • •• • •• § His name is Mowgl #••• #••• • ••• #••• #••• #••• • ••• • ••• • •• IE '•*••( i • ••< I • ••I l '••••I l •••••I I *»•••< I -•#•( I and he was raised by wolves. WALT THE DISNEY’S > -•#•1 i -•••I i ••••mi i •*•••( i *••••( i i ■•—( i [JUNGLE IBOOK •••#( I *••••( *••••( i TECHNICOLOR® ■••••< I ■••••I ( -•••I i ■••••< i Re reieoseo bv BUENA VJSTA DISTRIBUTION CO inc ©1978 Walt Disney Productions i '••e#i "•••I i ••••< i i ••••( -•••i i '••••( i ’••••( • ••! • ••I i • ••< • ••I • ••I I I kF FREE MOVIE! 11; NOV. 23 7:30 P.M. 11; SUN. THEATER •e« *i •{jPresented in conjunction with Student "Y" cannedjl •••goods will be collected in the box office during the||j| • movie for Thanksgiving gifts to the poor. *NO ADVANCE TICKETS* • •• • •• »••• i •••< i •••( l •••# ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 7:10 9:40 “ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL ENTERTAINMENT” -Gt*€ Shattt, WNBC-TV ••Today'’ Show l WANS.! .s.fO.* P. COP tP-L-A Jke, ^Idcly^idlliob □□[? THE BLACK STALLION" sumng KELLY RENO •TER] CARR • CLARENCE MUSE HOYT AXTON • MICHAEL HIGGINS .nd MICKEY ROONEY VCARMINE COPPOLA Ed.iorROBERT DALVA Dtavtorof Phou^phvCALEB DESCHANEL ivnpi.n hv MELISSA MATH ISON a JEANNE ROSENBERG -nd WILLIAM D. WITTLIFF H.>sodonihvnovdK WALTER FARLEY Em-UhvoI'ntdtKvrFRANCIS COPPOLA FRED ROOS .md TOM STERNBERG Directed by CARROLL BALLARD From ZOETROPE STUDIOS Technic. DOLBY STEREO [g] United Artists 2:50 5:10 7:30 9:50 Just when she thought she had everything right... in stepped Mr. Wrong. ini mis whs i mi in wt mm jki sMi .■ m ins - vns mi us in» _l Mill (Ilk It llisi■[! MB I* Su; Uiw«■ I,Mi ■ ka kMl ill *11 ■ h* if 111 1111 lit ^ [R; -iL'SaS-11'ini* Hnw 111 «IS* IIIk MM IIEII ted s, DM III* kilil 1, UN III!! MmitS Original Soundtrack available on Motown Records & Tapes -Tille song sung by DIANA ROSS ] * * * * if * * * Jf * §• * * * * 5 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ MIDNIGHT MOVIE FRIDAY & SATURDAY \ NOW. FOR TH€ FIRST TIMG, _ FILMGOGRS WILL D€ ADLG TO SHARG ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ TANK AFNAMAKA Aggies to unveil ‘Wall TCU at T Texas at l Houston a Arkansas . Oklahoma Michigan USC at U< Miss. Stat By JON HEIDTKE Battalion Staff With a new and improved “Wall”, but an inexperienced backcourt, the Texas A&M men’s basketball team opens the 1980-81 season in an ex hibition contest against the Windsor Basketball Club Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Shelby Metcalf, who will be enter ing his 18th season as head coach for the Aggies, will probably start a line up featuring Tyrone Ladson and the Smith and Wright, the club’s top two scorers from a year ago, will open up on the wings, and the 6-1 Ladson will be the point guard. “Right now it’s just a tease,” said Metcalf about the one guard line-up. “It is going just good enough not to give up on it, hut it is not good enough to say that is the way we re gonna play this season. ” But one of the problems facing the defending SWC champions this sea son is finding good back-up help for Ladson. The answer may lie in the form of Reggie Roberts from McKinney. “He is a good one and will see lots of playing time, ” said graduate assis tant coach David Goff about Roberts, “hut he is still a freshman and will make freshman mistakes.” But the big problem facing Met- TEXAS AGGIES \\)\\\IVV!1 Rudy Woods newly expanded four-man “Wall”. Senior co-captains Rynn Wright and Vernon Smith, along with Rudy Woods and Claude Riley make up the new “Wall”. Riley, the 6-9 “Crockett Rocket”, has moved up from last year’s status as a brick in the “Wall” to a full- fledged member and will start Satur day in a double low post along with the 6-11 Woods. Sun Theatres 333 University 846-! The only movie in town Double-Feature Every Week 846-9808 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Sun.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Fri.-Sat. No one under 18 BOOK STORE & 25c PEEP SHOWS All Seats $1.50 1 PUTT THEATRES CINEMA l&ll aggs shopping center/Across from A&M NATIONAL LAMPOON’S ANIMAL HOUSE FRIDAY & SATURDAY MIDNIGHT knows it is difficult to win onm and compile and outstanding loss record,” Metcalf said. "lit cult, hut we have been ablet) before.” j Two years ago the Aggies both Kentucky and Indianaatj and both teams are now in tlJ five. The UniversityofNevadaJ Vegas has had one of the wind records in the nation over tU five years, but for the pastH sons the Rebels haven’t beenrj Oilers at 1 Redskins i ! Season calf in the one-guard offense is in what he calls the Aggies lack of abil ity to play all phases of the game. “When those situations arise, we will hopefully be able to counter-attack from the bench, he said. This year’s bench is made up of Roberts, Jay McHugh, Mike Brown, Roy Jones and Bruce Sooter. Metcalf said the Aggies have the makings for a strong bench. The Aggies have been tabbed 15th in both wire services polls, but will need more then a strong bench if they are expected to remain in the top 20 during the nonconference schedule, since 11 of their first 13 games are on the road. “Anybody who follows basketball By RI< Ba Eyes from al (turned towa ekend as tw ■district pla) ie top game, tdium. "he first g; ., pits the rtBend Dul Austin LB he second j In., has bee m school foo ly both coachi ats, 10-0, top- Ite champior i, third-ranke< jTickets for I le for $4 at t hhe Temple ed p impres: the year. ] large for Tern two year star o is a leader (a three-year 'avis, who yard sea: sophomore < d who McQ '(ball mind f he coach sa ; size of Cc :ed of his ir size, he s "They are a Claude Riley beat A&M on their own hoi This season will really Aggies on the road, since onlfi the season’s 27 games will be in G. Rollie White. The Aggies first test will be against what Metcalf terms "ai ibly the best in Canada. ”0net e ed,” McQi for this high praise is becua# i a ll team w; Windsor Club is made up oil ; said Tempi and more mature players. eir quicknes The Tigers i a I 11 11 quarterback R( Ag hanabalft ^ feorge Landry team retuifcoSi ( _ ilider, has cai with secoi# S63yar,k 1 ishing with 6! BY MIKE BURRICHTE8l ler ‘ carr y aver; Battalion Staff P°0rhead S eto cause a h The Texas A&M Team H; team returned to the United tempo this week, after spending tk®” 16 Conroe ceding week in Mexico City, «wj le * ar S es t h they finished second in tbeh' s fburlin games. pounds, r The Aggies competed again® 200 and 2i Canadian teams as wellastbel pheTiger de ican junior national team. Ini U P on first game, the Ags lost to evei F es - Moorh winner, Alberta, 23-21. Next tit Temp beat the Mexican team, "I Temple ha: finished the tournament in M er y position, place, 12-8, and they roundeiPgh game i the tourney with an 18-12 vAmst Bryan over a team from British Coin! ® u bt it. Q U e The offensive star for then* Owe back.” maroon was Dennis Riordan, I scored nine goals. He was foil 1 ? I by Mark Nelson, who tallied s( r | iirs L/cwvvYi ixroc orvoohoo in Wt The team was coached in lit by the US Olympic coach, wk« there to check out the talent fit selection of an American te® compete in the world cup in Ft | in late December. Msc (3Vay! Copies Ovemifk Now Open 7 Days A Week PRI KLMiO COPIES •SOI College Main 846-8721 Getlr