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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1980)
Local THE BATTALION Page 3 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1980 CS School Board approves bus routes, forms text panel linneratsos to them hi m. No sow en someth to the plate: ig out ofti’i nnier wheel •re lyingak se they d' ieywent»i enupfromlSi smashed th bring out I quirm.orte n the suA ,y when In as and Illi mother oee Staff photo by Jeff Kerber Don t look down University employees steam clean the windows at the Acade mic and Agency Building under construction across from Zachry. Aggie Club to hold membership drive ied nd on Sal downthatfj istence, th By TERRI COULSON Battalion Reporter The Student Aggie Club, which supports scholarships for student athletes with its membership dues, is having a meeting and membership drive Wednesday. Michelle Roland, committee chairman for the group, said one ob jective of the meeting is to combat some bad publicity the club recently received when it started selling Ag Flags. The group is concerned with the impact of the flag publicity and is trying to project a good, wholesome image, she said. The flags were advertised in The Battalion with the phrase, “many years ago members of the Corps tra ditionally waved flags at football games.” Earlier in the semester, Head Yell Leader Mark Outlaw spoke out against the Ag Flag at a midnight yell practice, saying that students would wave the flags instead of participat ing in yells and wildcats at the foot ball games. ‘ We’re not trying to tear up tradi tion,” Tracy Stephens, president of the Aggie Club, said. “We’re trying to promote school unity. ” ' We were not trying to rock Aggie tradition,” Roland said. “We were selling them mainly for people to hang on their wall, or to keep as a memento.” Roland said that if the club had conferred beforehand with the yell leaders and had done it in a more organized way, the flag would have tered bus to either the University of Texas football game or the LSU bas ketball game. The club sponsored a charter last year and it was very successful, Ro land said. The meeting will start at 7 p.m. in the Lettermen’s Lounge. By JENNIFER AFFLERBACH Battalion Staff Changes in school bus routes and selection of the 1980-81 Textbook Committee were approved by the College Station Independent School District Board of Education Monday night. Four new bus routes were established for the 1980-81 school year and modifications were made on all existing routes. The routes will be submitted to the Texas Edu cation Agency for approval and funding. The total miles the buses are operated exceeds the budget estimated mileage by about 8,500 miles per year, said Donald P. Ney, assistant superintendent. This is because the official mileage reported does not include transportation of the buses to and from the bus compound, he said. The increased mileage could cause a budget overrun of about $14,000, Ney said. The State reimburses the school district for mileage at a rate of 68 cents per mile if the routes are approved, and this will offset some of the extra cost, Ney said. The Textbook Committee, comprised of 14 teachers Fall contest photo show in gallery The Memorial Student Center Camera Committee will show an ex hibit of the fall photo contest winners in the MSC Gallery, starting at 7:30 p.m. tonight. First, second and third place win ners as well as honorable mention entries will be on display today through Sunday. Ed Martinez, committee chair man, said students and faculty mem bers entered 314 photographs in 24 categories including: architecture, landscape, nature, photojournalism, sports and still life. Bonfire photographs can be ordered this week in the MSC Main Lounge from members of the MSC Camera Committee. Pre-bonfire prices for the prints are: 8-by-10 inch print - $2.50; 11- by-14 inch print - $8, and 16-by-20 inch print - $15. The week after bonfire the prices will increase to $3.50, $10 and $20, respectively. Martinez said checks are accept able. The prints can be picked up in the MSC Main Lounge Dec. 1-5. and the school superintendent, Bruce R. Anderson, will participate in adopting textbooks submitted by the State. For the first time since 1971-72, reading texts up through the eighth grade reading level will be among the selections, said H.R. Burnett, assistant superinten dent of instructional services. Other books to be chosen this year include earth science, psychology, sociology, vocational and business textbooks. In non-action items, Ney reported the estimated en rollment for the 1980-81 school year to be 3,700, a 5.35 percent increase over last year. He estimated that slightly more than 5,000 students will be enrolled in College Station schools in 1985. A handbook of substitute teacher guidelines and eva luations that was presented to the school board will help substitutes to be “other than a so-called baby-sitter,” School Board President John C. Reagor said. School Superintendent Anderson volunteered to serve as a substitute teacher “from time to time. ” Energy discussion set for Wednesday The means of determining the price of oil, and projections for oil prices and supply will highlight a Wednesday afternoon slide show and program in Rudder Tower. “Economics and Energy,” a presentation by economic plan ning consultant James Williams of ARCO Oil and Gas Co. is being sponsored by the Student Advo cates of Free Enterprise. The free program will be held in 308 Rudder at 1 p.m. Williams is the second speaker presented by SAFE, a spokesman for the organization said. The group plans to present Michei T. Halbouty, the liaison for transition for the U. S. Depart ment of Energy, next month, the spokesman said. SAFE is a student organization which provides student volun teers to make speeches promot ing the free enterprise system. Fpir.n,D,D,n,n,{),(),(), SWENsen’S ^COOL WEATHER FAVORITES: • Hot Sandwiches & Hamburgers • French Onion Soup & Quiche Lorraine • Hot Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Tea • Hot Apple, Hot Carmel, Hot Fudge Sundaes Culpepper Plaza • College Station MAY 19-23 MSC TRAVEL 845-1515 Take home for Thanksgiving... gourmet coffees and treats. Open Thursday til 8 p.m. 3609 Place E. 29th Bryan PHIOlilTEAS S BUNDS OF OF I-6IVMG ■HMHHBH MORE AT PIZZA INN If you like more, this is where it begins. TUESDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHT BUFFETS Every Tuesday and Sunday Night 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. NOON BUFFET Monday thru Friday 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Both Buffets Feature all the Pizza and Salad you can eat for only *2.79 Children under 7... $1.19 ' Pizza inn Wbu getzMote of the^TtiingsydifLDve College Station 413 Texas Ave. South 846-6164 Wednesday Special Monterey 099 Dinner 3 REG. 4.55 Fiesta 069 Dinner 3 REG. 4.15 Enchilada ^89 Dinner £* n l Mexican ^-^restaurants 1816 Texas Avenue 823-8930 907 Highway 30 693-2484 urnians hoping they wi • / ill " v v> v “'-' ttv ' v * ax * ' ion into® received a much better reception. Other items the club is going to fcuss include a party after the TCU game, selling more Ag Flags er, first »> ( most ly to old Ags) and taking a char- m totally y time is flit ned i Ting ’ 5 ’olution is® ir: Somei 1 i Earth ex«< andidates. 'itorial mallei A&M’slallini nation period! 3.25 per setod jrnishedonie 7843. vely to the u* ! to it. Risltnt id. ,1X 77843. A&M Football * Childcare . French’s Care-a-lot 900 Unlvaratty Oaks Collage Station (Behind Woodstone) 693-1987 Reservations please HU « 9 B.flJI BAftAJA llSJUL I f :«PA tfflii FOOTBALL MUMS! FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS &T0 TWO OFF .CAMPUS D1ST. CENTERS!! lany styles and prices On Sale Monday-Friday MSC : 9-5 isa,commons:1V1,4-6 APO... e Deliver!! TEXAS GOLD RUSH 1979 PRICES OVER 500 NEW BRACELETS & CHAINS IN STOCK. NUMEROUS LENGTHS & STYLES. SERPENTINE, S-CHAINS, ROPE, CURB & OTHERS.. SOLID 14 KT. LARGE SELECTION OF ENGAGEMENT & WEDDING BANDS... ALL SOLID 14 KT. Avoid the last-minute holiday rush, when styles are limited and the “right length” just isn’t available. By December 1 last year, we had less than 15% of our bracelets and neck chains left in stock. Please... see us early this year. AGGIE RING DIAMONDS ALL SPECIAL PURCHASE T-INCH SERPENTINE BRACELETS Full-Cut 5 Point Just $ 40 00 SOLID DIAMOND-CUT 14 KT. GOLD!!! 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